It's fine if a daughter is cheated!How come another daughter was also cheated!

Is Xiao Chen born to restrain our Kaslana family?

However, Siegfried thought of another question, and said, "My daughter should be in Destiny now, right? If there is a Valkyrie like Cecilia in Destiny, it's impossible for me not to know! Could it be that Otto put Did she hide it?"

"It's normal for you to think so. If you dye your hair white, your daughter will look exactly like Cecilia." The spatial consciousness nodded and said.

"Dye it white? Isn't her hair white?" Siegfried asked with some doubts.

"No, that's just a wig." Spatial Consciousness shook his head and said.

"Wigs???" Siegfried asked in confusion after hearing the words, "Why does she wear a wig?"

"Huh? You should ask her this question yourself." Spatial Consciousness waved his hand and said.

"Tsk, Riddler." Siegfried said in a daze.

"Just to remind you, even if I'm about to disappear, it's more than enough to hang you up and beat you up before I disappear."

In fact, strictly speaking, spatial consciousness does not disappear, but is saved in the stigmata space as a piece of data, and no one will trigger it if no one comes.

His current translucent state is due to other reasons, which caused part of the stigmata space to be confirmed.

"Cough, cough, let's talk about the previous things, how is my daughter?" Siegfried coughed a few times and said.

"Speaking of hair, your daughter's hair is not silver, but blonde."


Why would Cecilia and I have two silver haired... daughters be blond? ? ?Even if it is atavistic, it wouldn't be so outrageous, right?Even if you have blue hair, I can understand that you are returning to your ancestors.

What the hell is blonde hair?

No, Kiyana obviously had silver hair when she was a child!

"Qiana obviously had silver hair when she was a child, how did she become blonde when she grew up?" Siegfried asked a little puzzled.

"Didn't I say it before? Otto implanted soul steel in Qiyana's body. As a price, not only did Qiyana lose all her memories, but her hair also turned golden."

Spatial Awareness explains.

Siegfried breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and said.

"So it is."

Spatial awareness glanced at Siegfried and fell silent for a moment, then said, "Do you remember what happened before?"

"What's the matter?" Siegfried asked with some doubts when he saw the solemn look of the spatial consciousness.

"It was the time you thought I played Cecilia to lie to you." Spatial Consciousness opened his mouth to help Siegfried think about it, and said.

"Oh, don't worry about that matter, I'm not angry anymore, just don't make such jokes next time." Siegfried waved his hand and said.

"You understand what a fart." Spatial consciousness rolled his eyes and said.

"Although what you saw that time was not Cecilia herself, it was Cecilia's stigmata, with Cecilia's memory and personality. However, she is indeed not the Cecilia you know. Just an other...other consciousness with Cecilia's memory and personality."

"It doesn't matter if you don't think of her as Cecilia, she doesn't care about it now, I just let you know about it. What you think and how to deal with it is your own business. Then congratulations on passing the card The trials of the Slanna family, goodbye by fate, Siegfried."

As he spoke, Siegfried left the stigmata space as soon as his eyes went dark.

It was already a familiar prison cell when he opened his eyes.

After seeing the real world, Siegfried felt like tears streaming down his face for a while.

finally come back!

I have suffered in the stigmata space for several months!Finally home!It's not easy!

However, this trip was not in vain!

At least I know that my daughter is still alive!

He will never let his daughter get hurt this time!First of all, let her stay away from that bastard Xiao Chen!

just wait!Daughter, I am here to save you!

How can a mere cell trap me!I'm the man who beat Kevin!

Thinking this way, Siegfried just wanted to use the strength of the Kaslana family to break free from the shackles of the chain, but found that he could not use any of his strength. It was the automatic judgment of Xiao Chen's divine favor barrier that took effect. After checking that Siegfried His malice later sealed his power.

"Huh, emotional training, I'm familiar with it, wait until I control my emotions!"

Siegfried thought so and the screen in front of him lit up again...

a few minutes...

"Stigmata space, take me away! Please!"


307 Kevin fell ill!

After Siegfried released the strongest blow to Kevin, the stigmata space showed signs of collapse for a moment.

Originally, this crash would recover soon, but in the miracle of this crash, part of the data inside the stigmata was transferred to Kevin's body.

This also led to some incomplete spatial awareness seen by Siegfried, mainly because part of the data was lost.

This part of the data records the genetic data of Kevin and Dr. Mei. It is not so much lost as Mei instigated a part of the data to enter Kevin's body. The spatial awareness has long been aware of this, but it did not stop it.

For the stigmata space, it is more comfortable without the part of Dr. Mei, and it is impossible for Mei, who recognizes the status quo, to let Kevin die.

As for how Mei will direct Kevin's actions, it is not clear.


On the other side, after Siegfried released the Dawn of Calamity on Kevin, the mental heat directly caused Kevin to temporarily lose control of the ice pig's ability.

Although it was only the heat from the mental space, this high temperature still made Kevin break free from the ice.

I saw the ice cube shatter with a bang, a part of steam was ejected from it, and then the ice cube slowly cracked.

Kevin slid right out of it.

"Kevin! Are you alright!" Su caught Kevin with some concern, and was burned by the temperature of Kevin's body.

and many more?temperature?hot?

He actually felt the temperature on Kevin?

Could it be that Kevin's genes have been optimized?

However, the current temperature is still too high compared to normal people!If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

That's why Kevin is a fusion fighter.

This situation is too abnormal, Su and Kevin have known each other for so long and have never encountered such a situation.

If this temperature was placed in the past, it would not have any effect on Kevin, but this time this temperature came from Kevin's body.

The kind of high temperature that would directly burn ordinary people to death, Su, even Yingjie, could feel the extraordinary heat.

At that moment, he turned his head to look at Yae Kamiko and asked, "Didn't you say that this enchantment of divine grace won't affect fusion fighters? Why did Kevin become like this?"

"Of course there is no problem with Xiao Chen's enchantment, otherwise you wouldn't be standing in such a place." Yae Shenzi looked at Kevin with a look of thought in his eyes, and said: "His state should be different. other reasons."

After hesitating for a while, Yae Shenzi sighed and said.

"Oh, it's really troublesome. Let me speed up a bit. I should be able to reach Tianming at night. Let's receive Tianming's treatment first."

Su heard the words and quickly thanked: "I thank you on behalf of Kevin."

"You don't need to thank me, thank Xiao Chen if you want, after all, he is the actor Xiao Chen is looking for now, I will find a way to restore him to the state where he can film."

On the other side, Xiao Chen also received news of their early arrival and the fact that the new actor suddenly 'caught a cold' on the way here.

After knowing this, he got out of bed in the middle of the night and drove to the Babita laboratory.

In this case, it is not good for Kevin to go to the headquarters of Destiny, so he has to be treated in the medical room of the Babita laboratory first.

Fortunately, this side is built according to the original Barbita laboratory.

Some of the basic medical equipment can be used as long as they are installed. Before adding these, Xiao Chen was given here as a physical examination, and now there is no problem in using them on Kevin.

Although Xiao Chen couldn't understand anything, as a director, he had to come over to take a look at the new members to show his importance.

In addition, I would also like to express my condolences to other members who went on business trips.

"Thanks for your hard work……"

Xiao Chen didn't say anything when he saw Yae Shenzi, but the other party immediately hugged him and threw himself on him.

"I miss you so much!"


Xiao Chen didn't expect that the other party would come suddenly like this. Although Yae Shenzi often teased him verbally, this kind of cuddling and hugging was also a common thing, but those actions had too many suggestive effects, and Xiao Chen immediately hid when he noticed it. opened.

It's just that this time is different, Yae Shenzi rushed over and hugged Xiao Chen without thinking anything, because it was an instinctive reaction, Xiao Chen realized that he was hugged by Yae Shenzi without realizing it at all.

He could feel that Yae Miko's hug this time was different from the obvious teasing and temptation before.

Previously, she did those actions on purpose just to make Xiao Chen happy, but this time, Yae Shenzi opened up her feelings and hugged Xiao Chen... Xiao Chen didn't know how to react for a while.

When the Yae Shenzi was not around, he felt as if the Yae Shenzi had been killed, which made him feel a little palpitation... But now that he saw the intact Yae Shenzi, it should be just his illusion, right?

However, why did I think of Yae Shenzi?Is it simply because she is on a business trip?

This moment of hesitation and thinking prevented Xiao Chen from pushing Yae Shenzi away immediately, but allowed her to hold her for a while before slowly opening his mouth and saying: "Ahem, cough, you can almost get off me, right?"

"Okay~" Although he was a bit reluctant, Yae Shenzi obediently let go of Xiao Chen's hands and feet, and said, "Sorry, there were some accidents in this transportation."

"It's okay. I heard that the new member's health is not good. I didn't expect it to be this level. I didn't think about it." Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "How is his condition now?"

For him, the Herrscher of Constraint, the fusion warrior is indeed broken at the first touch.

Originally, his current enchantment would not have any effect on fusion fighters, but Siegfried's sword disrupted Kevin's genes.

Adding the effect of the enchantment of divine grace, it becomes what it is now.

"Now at the Babita laboratory...although I have a high fever, but the condition is still stable." Yae Kamito said.

"Babbita Laboratory... so there is such a function over there?" Xiao Chen asked with some doubts.

"Ah, in fact, the investors felt that simply building such a high tower was too wasteful, so they really built the high tower into a research facility in one go. After we left, it will be officially used after filming. Now it is considered a trial operation. " Yae Shenzi quickly explained.

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