"Oh." Xiao Chen nodded without thinking too much, and said.


On the other side, because Kevin can feel the temperature, he just feels extremely uncomfortable now. It's like feeding a very greasy dish to a person who has been hungry for a long time, and his body will not be able to bear it.

When he was feeling uncomfortable, Kevin vaguely seemed to hear Mei's voice...

308 This Kevin is Xun!


Kevin sat up from his bed in the Babita lab from some kind of startle, while reaching forward with one hand as if trying to grab something, but when he reached out to grab anything, it only caught a ball Air.

He seemed to be a little unwilling to open his palm and closed it again.

"you're awake?"

Surgery is normal, you are already a girl.

Although I really wanted to say the second part of the lines, but I have the position of being a director after all, and I can't scare the new members, so Xiao Chen just asked a simple question.

Kevin was startled when he heard the voice in his ears, and subconsciously turned his head to the side.

I saw a young man with black golden eyes sitting on a chair next to him, holding what looked like a book (script) in his hand.

The young man looks about 30 or [-] years old. Alicia might like a beautiful figure, but there is also a soldier-like perseverance in the beautiful form.

The body is thin, but there is a force in every gesture.

Although he is not very old, it seems that he has experienced years farther than him, but there is still a kind of vitality in his eyes.It's different from his mentality that has experienced countless things and is like dead ashes.

The cross pupils in his eyes revealed a sense of solemnity, but his eyes shone with the concern of ordinary people.

Just one glance at Kevin knew that the person in front of him was the Herrscher of Restraint in this era.

Seeing that Kevin didn't respond, Xiao Chen asked again in English, but Kevin was still in a daze, so he asked again in neon language.

"Stupid tape?"

"Can you understand?"

"Moshi moshi?"

Xiao Chen tried a few more languages ​​until Kevin came to his senses, and said, "Sorry, I understood it at the beginning, but I was a little dazed."

"Oh, it's good that you're fine. I thought it was what I said, but you didn't understand." Xiao Chen took a breath and said, "Because that's what your companion said at the beginning, so I followed You’re used to saying that, as long as you can understand.”

"Companion? Are you talking about su?" Kevin asked.

"Su? Well, yes." Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Although I don't know his name, he is the only outsider who came with you."

"Where is he now?" Kevin asked.

"He went to get the medicine for you, and I will take care of it by the side." Xiao Chen said.

"Take medicine?" Kevin asked a little puzzled.

"Well, your fever is just right. Although your body has stabilized, you still need to take medicine. Your companion helped you get the medicine." Xiao Chen explained.

"Fever?" Kevin said, clutching his forehead.

He will have a fever?What kind of joke is this?

It must not be funny either.

Do you have a low fever?

"Want to drink water?" Xiao Chen took the water glass from the table, Kevin subconsciously caught it and stared at the water glass in a daze.

If it is normal, the water glass will freeze directly when it is close to him.

(At a low temperature of tens of degrees below zero, water will usually freeze when it touches it. So how does Kevin usually drink water? Fusion fighters can’t stop drinking water, right? Besides, doesn’t Kevin eat noodles? Noodle soup doesn’t Is it frozen? Cold noodles will be frozen into a lump, right?)

Seeing Kevin holding the water glass in a daze, Xiao Chen didn't doubt that Kevin was Kevin, but continued to ask, "Is the water too cold? Then I'll pour you a glass of hot water."

With that said, Xiao Chen took out a kettle from the side and poured a cup of hot water to Kevin.

Kevin reached out and touched the cup, and a strange temperature spread to his palm. This feeling was very familiar, just like before he became a fusion fighter, but it was also very strange. He hadn't felt this feeling in 5 years.

Feeling the temperature of the water, he raised the glass and took a sip, then stuck out his tongue from the hot water.

At the same time, there was a sense of disbelief in his eyes.

He who could withstand the high temperature of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Tribunal before would be scalded by hot water now?

What happened to your body?

"What's your temperature now?"

Kevin turned to look at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Before you woke up, su measured it for you."

Xiao Chen took a look at the thermometer and said, "36.6, a very normal body temperature."

Kevin was slightly silent.

He actually returned to normal human body temperature.

Is it because of the sword in the space of consciousness?Or because this is inside the barrier of the Herrscher of Restraint.

He subconsciously used the power of the ice pig to freeze the water glass in his hand according to the previous method, but nothing happened.

He squeezed the cup again and found that his strength had returned to the level of an ordinary person. It seemed to be a little weaker now?

However, this power... kills enough.

Although I don't know what happened, but the Herrscher of Restraint is right in front of me, and there is only one thing I have to do!

Kevin picked up the scalpel next to him calmly. Although the knife itself was not big, it was enough to pierce Xiao Chen's throat!

It's really great that you don't have to sacrifice so many people this time...

Kevin thought a little sadly, hid the scalpel behind his back, and then pointed in one direction with the other hand: "What is that?"

"Huh?" Xiao Chen followed Kevin's finger down and looked, Kevin took out the scalpel and wanted to make a surprise attack.

Unfortunately, under the enchantment of divine favor, no one can hurt Xiao Chen.

Kevin in a perfect state is not good, and Kevin is not good now.

When Kevin picked up the scalpel and wanted to attack Xiao Chen, he only felt that his heart and nerves were paralyzed, his body lost control and the scalpel fell on the bed, and he lay down on the hospital bed again.

The heart stopped beating as if pinched by something, the consciousness began to blur, the spirit began to dissipate, and the bioelectricity in the body began to stop working.

This is the power of the Herrscher of Restraint.

Just a few seconds of effort almost caused Kevin to go into shock.

When Kevin was about to die, a pink force on Kevin's body merged with the force of restraint, making Kevin's heart beat again, and his consciousness gradually changed from darkness to light.

At the same time, a familiar voice came to Kevin's mind.


Kevin made a soft sound, the moment just now reminded him of what that voice like mei had said to him during his coma.

"The Herrscher of Restraint hides the secret against Houkai."

"Kevin... Live well."

At this time, Xiao Chen was still staring at the instrument on Kevin's fingers in a daze. Although he claimed to be knowledgeable, he really didn't know what the instrument in front of him was!

But I said I don't know if this instrument looks very low?

Damage the dignity of my director?

But it's normal for me, a director, to not know about medical equipment, right?

309 Kevin: Aren't you talking about me? ?

"Sorry, it's my eyesight."

Kevin put the scalpel in its original position and gently covered his head, saying.

"Ah? Oh." Hearing this, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head away, saying, "Are you okay? Does your head hurt?"

"It's okay, I just got up in a hurry and felt a little dizzy." Kevin shook his head quickly and said, "My name is Kevin Kaslana. I don't know your name yet?"

"My name is Xiao Chen, and I'm the director of this crew." Xiao Chen briefly introduced himself and said.

"The crew?" Kevin tilted his head in confusion.

Because he shot too fast, the others didn't have time to explain, and they didn't know what they came to talk to him about.

"Oh?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise when he saw Kevin's reaction: "Did they not tell you anything beforehand?"

"Sorry, I got sick when I came here, and I don't know anything yet..." Kevin turned his face away and said.

He has now begun to accept his own weak personality.

"Then let me, the director, speak in person."

"As I said before, I am a director, and now there is a very suitable role for you in the film I am making. I wonder if you have this idea?" Xiao Chen explained.


The Herrscher of Constraint acting?

Lawyers can act?

I think you seem to be playing me.

If he hadn't heard mei's voice before, it would definitely be like this, but since mei said that he has the secret to fight against houkai, then he should listen to it!

Of course, besides this, he has no other way!

That's right!I'm just flirting!

I'm right no matter what you say!

"How are you interested?"

"But I don't know what role I'm going to play yet."

"I'm not sleepy after you say this!" Xiao Chen simply stood next to Kevin, and said, "The person you want to act in is also named Kevin, ah, it's just a coincidence. Don't think too much about it. Isn't there that slogan in movies? Any similarity is purely coincidental. This Kevin is just similar to your name, and it is completely different from your personality!"

Kevin: "?"

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