Xiao Chen looked at Kevin's puzzled eyes and cleared his throat, and said, "Ahem, Kevin Kaslana was originally just a student of Thousand Feather Academy. Although he has countless suitors, he is known as the prince of Thousand Feather Academy. My lord. But I only love Mei, the nerdy girl in the academy. See if this is completely different from your character design!"

Kevin: Isn't this just me? ? ?

"Tell me, how can there be such a person in reality? He has good grades, good sports, and is popular with women, but he only likes one person. Ah, yes, there are people who gave him the nickname of Secondary School , is the prince okay? I would just find a hole and bury myself with such a shameful name."

Kevin: "???"

This is somewhat of a personal attack.

Yae Seed, who had been observing the indoor situation outside the ward, complained in his heart.

All-round sports, excellent academic performance, very popular, don't you too?

Kevin is just a prince of the academy, you are a more important person!

"Cough, cough, let's not talk about this first, I will continue to tell you the plot. As the daughter of a famous electromagnetist, Mei has dreamed of becoming a scientist since she was a child, and she is obsessed with studying all day long. However, Kevin's aggressive attack gradually dispelled Mei's heart. line of defense."

So does my attack work?

I do not know how?

After listening to Xiao Chen's explanation, Kevin felt more and more strange.

"It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the "Honkai" that swept the world broke out. Mei, as an important think tank, was accepted by the organization "Flame Chasing Moths" that resisted the Honkai, and Kevin also became "Honkai" for Mei. "Soldiers of the Fire Moth."

"A few years later, I was reunited with an old acquaintance who was a doctor in a Houkai outbreak. At this time, Kevin had not obtained the God Key, but was fighting with a specialized anti-Honkai weapon. And That old acquaintance later became one of the pioneers."

This old acquaintance should be called su, right?

Kevin analyzed the meaning of Xiao Chen's words.

"In the confrontation between human beings and Houkai, human beings survived with the power of the "God's Key", a weapon made by Mei using the core of the Herrscher, but they still suffered heavy losses. When facing the overwhelming strength of the Seventh Herrscher , Mei proposed to try to integrate the gene of the powerful Houkai beast into the body of soldiers in order to produce super soldiers who can fight against Houkai."

"Kevin voluntarily participated in this experiment. After enduring unspeakable pain, Kevin integrated into the power of Pavanti, possessed a powerful freezing ability, and defeated the Seventh Herrscher. But because of this, the temperature of his body remained below zero all year round. Dozens of degrees, he can no longer have normal contact with humans. Of course, he can no longer hug his favorite Mei.”

You poke my scar, right?

Alas, no, my body is fine now!I can hold Mei now!

It didn't take long for Kevin to be happy when he suddenly thought of Mei's death, and then reacted, thinking to himself.

You still poke my scars, right?

However, there is still a doubt in his heart, that is, if Mei is really dead, then who is that voice in his heart?

Is it the guidance that Mei left for herself?

"Because of Kevin's special physique, he has become one of the very few human beings who can use the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment. But no matter how powerful this power is, it cannot undo the devastating blow that the "Final Herrscher" dealt to the civilization of the previous era. During the years of research, the body has been eroded by Houkai energy, and life has been burned."

Keep uncovering my scars and stabbing me, right?

This meant that Kevin lost his strength, so that he wouldn't be afraid that he would kill him in the morning.

"When Kevin retreated from the final Herrscher battlefield and returned to Mei, he found that she had completed the research on the Herrscher's stigmata and passed away safely. Kevin, who wanted to follow Mei, was stopped by the baby's cry , there is a letter from Mei next to the baby, which tells Kevin that the baby is a fusion of his and her DNA, and the improved test-tube baby not only retains the gene of Parvanti's ability to freeze, but when he grows up, his body temperature will be No different from normal people."

"Write at the end of the letter—Keep going, Kevin. This baby is the hope of you, it is also the hope of world. (Keep going, Kevin. This baby is your hope, and it is also the hope of the world.)"

mei, woo woo woo!my mei!How can I live without you!


310 Kevin severely damages the Herrscher of Restraint!

Xiao Chen was immersed in the narration of the script and didn't notice Kevin's expression, he was still telling Kevin about himself...

"The character design of Kevin Kaslana is almost the same, but, of course, what I said before is only the basic setting, and there are many parts about the plot. Although Kevin does not run through the entire Honkai history like Fu Hua, But it is estimated that it can be regarded as an important figure in the later period.”

I'm not as good as Fu Hua?

Then I go?

Kevin raised his eyebrows and said secretly in his heart.

However, he cared more about what Xiao Chen said before, about the last era and his affairs, Xiao Chen knew very detailed.

Could it be that Mebius told him?

No, even Mebius couldn't possibly know that much detail.

He even knew the contents of the letter Mei sent to him.

It felt like he knew everything.

To Kevin, it was as if a pair of invisible eyes were watching him, which made him feel a chill.

Could it be that he will read the memories of other people?

When Kevin was puzzled, Xiao Chen continued to speak: "Because of Mei's renewed hope of surviving, Kevin ignored the hope, and made a promise—no matter how much the price is paid, human beings will definitely eliminate Honkai. "

Ignoring... hope?

Kevin was a little concerned about the meaning of Xiao Chen's words, but he didn't ask out immediately. He just kept it in his heart and waited for a while to ask again. Now he listened to Xiao Chen's next narration, as if he had guessed correctly, what he wanted to say The most important thing is my next experience.

"So Kevin took the child into the frozen cabin of the refuge, God's Key, where everything is dormant, and 5 years have passed in the deep sleep..."

The Fifth God's Key, all things dormant, is made of the core of the Herrscher of Ice, which is some information revealed by the paradise after it was made public.

It is said that it is possible to pause the time of the people inside.

After all, even such a thing as a genetic warrior living for 5 years is an exaggeration.

After Xiao Chen obtained the core of the Herrscher of Ice, he also showed the ability to pause time, but it was just to pause the time of the whole world, which was much more difficult than pausing the time of a certain person alone.

How long this lasts remains to be tested.

"When the newborn human civilization was once again threatened by collapse, a person who called herself Kaslana appeared in front of people, holding a huge flaming sword in her left hand and a baby in her right hand, bringing a new era to that era. hope."

Mmmmmmm!If you can talk, talk more!

Kevin nodded with satisfaction in his heart, and said.

Just as he was thinking this way, Xiao Chen suddenly changed the subject and said, "Of course, people don't know that this guardian who used to protect them from the Honkai Beast will one day become a more terrifying existence than the Honkai... ..."

? ? ? ?

Kevin was slightly taken aback. Although he wanted to say something, he drowned out what he wanted to say. For him who wanted to implement the stigmata plan.

For those who died, he was indeed a more terrifying existence than Honkai.

He's sorry about that, but it's the only way to stop Honkai.

However, does this guy even know about the Stigmata Project?

On the other side, Xiao Chen looked at Kevin expectantly, and Mitu saw a hint of curiosity on his face, after all he said that on purpose.

Let's talk about Kevin's achievements first, and then make a reversal, in order to see the surprised or puzzled expression of the other party.

For the director or screenwriter, he was looking forward to Kevin showing such an expression, but what surprised him was that Kevin's face was indifferent and he didn't show any expression.

Xiao Chen received a little blow.

Kevin didn't expect that he would hit his enemy hard in this kind of thing.

"1500 years before the mainline time point, Kevin was trapped in the Quantum Sea by his former friend Su because he insisted on launching the "Stigmata Project" in an attempt to exchange large-scale sacrifices and the future of mankind in exchange for victory over the Houkai. The Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment also remained in reality."

Xiao Chen continued to speak with a slightly disappointed voice.

Kevin nodded upon hearing this. This is his previous experience.

However, Xiao Chen still looks like he still has something to say, could it be that he still wants to say something?However, his business has been finished, right?

"After 500 years, Kevin determined the coordinates of returning to reality through the energy emitted by the eye of the abyss when Einstein and Walter Yang were conducting experiments, but was blocked by Yang on the way. The two sides met for the first time at this moment , Kevin saw that Yang was the first Herrscher (the apostle of the collapse), and fought with Yang, but Yang used the barrier created by the core of the Herrscher to block the way back to reality. Later, after experiencing the maze created by Yang, he understood Going to his past, I realized that he is not the apostle of Houkai, but is fighting for mankind sincerely. So I helped Xier Fleur, hoping that she could bring Yang to Kevin."


These things obviously didn't happen... Didn't the Houkai Beast find him?

Why does it become the First Herrscher in the story?

Even if you want to whitewash the Herrscher, it won't be like this, right?

However, the things in the story did seem like things he would do.

After all, this time when he saw Yae Shenzi, he shot directly without hesitation, and showed no mercy to Honkai.

What Xiao Chen said was familiar to him, but it was very strange, and he had a strong sense of disobedience.

Or... the sense of sight.

Both visual sense and physiological phenomenon, also known as phantom memory, "deja vu" means that things or scenes that have not been experienced seem to be experienced at a certain time and place, also known as the hippocampus effect.

Since the sense of sight is real and has scientific explanation, it is not a supernatural event, but a similar scene has appeared in the imagination of the brain.In other words, the sense of sight comes from the association of the brain, which associates this picture.

However, there is no way to fully describe the situation in front of you with instant vision.

It's like... something that's going to happen in the future.

This ridiculous idea popped into Kevin's mind and couldn't get it out.

"After meeting Walter, Kevin offered an olive branch to Walter, affirming the abilities of Yang, Bronya, and Seele, and hoped that they would join the snake, but Yang sternly refused. Then Kevin expressed his respect for this generation. I respect the great heroes, but I think they are too naive, and may even be killed by this naivety. I will lead and lead mankind to complete the mission of eradicating Houkai. At this time, Bronya wakes up from a coma, Einstein After activating the Eye of the Abyss, Schrödinger also found their location and rescued the three of them. But they failed to prevent the snake from leaving the Quantum Sea..."

311 Kevin: I won't be under the Herrscher's hand—it's really fragrant

In fact, Xiao Chen still has a lot of details to say.

He omitted the matter of Seele and Bronya, and only talked about Walter's matter.

Firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, Xiao Chen hadn't completely trusted Kevin, so he didn't talk about the two of them out of the protection of the two children.

What if Kevin looks weak but is actually a pervert?What should I do if I hear that there are children in the crew?

Xiao Chen thought it was possible, so he was a little wary of Kevin.

After all, knowing people, knowing face, not knowing heart... As for Walter?He is so old, he should be able to protect himself.

Kevin felt that Xiao Chen was guarding against him, but he didn't know that Xiao Chen was letting himself go in this regard.

He first appeared in Chapter 12 of the main story in the game. He appeared after Xier experienced a mysterious world bubble. In front of her, Kevin created the world bubble based on his personal experience, and at the same time traveled through countless world bubbles. Bronya came here, and there was a big battle among everyone.

Because of the previous battle, he knew that Walter Yang was not the apostle of Houkai, and he showed that Houkai was their common enemy, and he did not want to be an enemy of Yang.But Bronya decisively denied Kevin's words, and wanted to prevent the World Snake from leaving the Quantum Sea.Bronya planned to strike first, but she collapsed because her body could not withstand the erosion of the core of the Herrscher of Reason.Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang used the Herrscher's core to reconstruct his body and wanted to snatch the Desire Gem from Kevin and protect Bronya, but the ability to reconstruct the physical body with core power was limited after all, and Yang did not succeed.

Kevin just escaped.

Xiao Chen just omitted this part, and then continued: "Behind Kevin, there is an organization called World Snake. It is an organization established by the remnants of the last era and recruiting people from this era."

"The World Snake organization lurks very deep. After Kevin returned, the members of the World Snake in the Sahara Desert used the quantum sea channel to transfer the body of the giant beast Chi You. Because the huge energy signal is fleeting, there is no trace of destiny. The investigation could not be pursued further."

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