Kevin: Got it, go and absorb Chi You immediately.

It's a pity that Kevin didn't know that the sacrifice he used to restore his combat power had already been sucked dry by Xiao Chen.

"In a parts processing plant in New Mexico, the owner of the processing plant stopped working for 23 years and turned the cobra statue on the table. The door of the darkroom gradually opened. Slowly said - Es hora de cambiar el mundo. (It's time changed the world)."

"Swiss Bank, the president of the bank transferred 500 billion euros. After reporting to the jackal, the moving truck is different from the world. On his hat, there is a golden snake with a head and a tail."

"At the anti-entropy base in New Mexico, the boss of the processing factory killed the guard and reported to the jackal that "the battle can begin." At this time, the jackal took off the mask of Anubis and smiled."

Kevin: I will not forget the sacrifice of these people!

Everything is to eliminate the collapse!

Otto, who was eavesdropping on the other side, looked at Amber beside him, and said: "Write down these people Xiao Chen said, if you want to fight the World Snake in the future, get rid of these people as soon as possible!"

"Power, money, the World Snake has collected all the materials he wants, and there is only one thing missing! Guess what it is?" Xiao Chen asked Kevin after a trick.

Kevin heard the words and said without hesitation: "Weapons!"

Lao Tzu's Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment!

At this time, Kevin hadn't noticed the wrist guard on Xiao Chen's arm, of course he had seen it, but he didn't associate it with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge.

Now Kevin is no different from ordinary people, because of the existence of Xiao Chen, he can't even feel the existence of Honkai Neng.

The ability of Xiao Chen with the core of the three Herrschers to absorb Honkai is even more outrageous.

It is fundamentally impossible for Kevin to recover his original strength by absorbing Honkai in the normal way.

Hearing Kevin's answer, Xiao Chen nodded emphatically, and said with great satisfaction: "That's right! It's weapons! When money and power are in hand, the World Snake still needs weapons, mainly Kevin's weapons. In anti-entropy In the secret base, Raiden Ryoma and Siegfried were talking, the base suddenly started to vibrate—they were attacked by an unknown force (World Snake). The purpose was to get back the weapon they used to have—the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment!”

Kevin nodded after listening to Xiao Chen's introduction.

Now he no longer doubts that what Xiao Chen is talking about is about the future, and even wonders if what Mei said about him having the secret to fight against Honkai is what he was talking about.

Anti-entropy base?Remember, I will go to that descendant to ask everything clearly, and then take the weapon that will belong to me.

In my absence for so long, the old man must miss me very much, right?

Kevin had a nostalgic look on his face.

The wristband on Xiao Chen's arm flashed a light, which seemed to give Kevin a supercilious look.

"The flaming sword that guards the Garden of Eden, the skyfire that burns Sodom... Humans who have witnessed this holy object have used countless myths to describe its majesty. Now, the thousand years have passed, and the myth will become a reality again. This order not only rings penetrating the hall, more like a silent thunder, passing through the hearts of all the followers in the distance, announcing to them that the storm is coming!"

Kevin's blood was a little excited by Xiao Chen's words, and he almost went to fight the Honkai God desperately.

He is now impatient to know what happened!

At that moment, Kevin asked eagerly: "And then! What happened then?"

Seeing that Kevin was finally interested, Xiao Chen coughed a few times and said, "The next thing I want to talk about is the official plot... You probably haven't signed a contract with me, right? If you want the next script, you can You have to officially sign with me."

"I sign!" Kevin said without hesitation.

Xiao Chen took out the contract and pen that he had prepared long ago and put them in front of Kevin. Kevin felt that he had been tricked for a moment, but if he wanted to know the next plot.

Isn't it just a contract?

I sign it!

Kevin signed his name on the contract.

Xiao Chen looked at the contract and nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You should have a good rest."

After finishing speaking, I will leave.

Kevin hurriedly said excitedly: "Director, what about the script?"

"Ah? You're just fine, don't you want to rest for a while? I can push back your plot." Xiao Chen said with a worried expression.

"It's okay! My body is fine! Filming is more important!" Kevin patted his chest and said.

Xiao Chen was slightly touched and said: "Okay, you should read this script first."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen handed over the script of the second collapse...

312 Kevin: I really can't do anything

"Take a good rest. Although work is also very important, don't damage your body because of work, so that the loss outweighs the gain." Xiao Chen said, patted Kevin on the shoulder and left.

With this move, Su who was next to him saw that his impression of Xiao Chen had improved a lot.

As a rare normal person in Yingjie, his first impression of Xiao Chen was that he was a good-looking ordinary person.

If they didn't say it, no one would have thought that such a person would be a Herrscher.

However, everyone was just an ordinary human being before becoming a Herrscher, but after becoming a Herrscher...

For example, Mebius' former assistant, Su always felt that it was his responsibility.

However, there is also Ling's case. It was fine if she didn't do anything at first, but once she did something, it might be a big disaster...

And Xiao Chen himself is also the Herrscher of Corrosion.

By the way, Kevin doesn't know about this yet...

I don't know what expression he will show when he finds out about this matter?

Hope you don't get hit.

Su sighed inwardly.

Kevin, who got the script at this time, was extremely excited.

With this script, he can spy on what will happen in the future, and he can complete the agreement with Mei!

What mei said about him hiding the secret to fight against the Houkai should also be talking about this matter!

Although he has not figured out the present situation, he has grasped the future now!

As long as he knows the above content, he can predict what will happen next!

Finally eliminate the Honkai!

Kevin opened Xiao Chen's script with anticipation.

"Second Crash"


From the second crash?

Speaking of which, he did appear during the second collapse.

I had a few chats with Siegfried at the time, but none of that mattered!The most important future thing!We're going to start the future!

Kevin thought so and continued to open the next page of the script.

It's still the scene of the dialogue between himself and Siegfried, with only a few lines.

Then when he opened the script, there was only a blue board...


That's it?

Is this gone?

Are you kidding me? ?

What about my big plot?Why is it gone?

Wait... that lawyer?

Kevin thought for a while and then came to a conclusion——

Could it be that he is threatening me?

You have no future!

This is your final connection with reality!

From now on, you just lie on this hospital bed, and then slowly watch me destroy the world!

Feel free to sigh your own powerlessness!waste!

Honkai will destroy the world again!And you can't do anything!

He must not mean that! ?

If so, what can he do?Take up arms and fight him?

However, he couldn't even hold the scalpel steadily just now, let alone fight Xiao Chen...

Woohoo, I really can't do anything!

(Raiden Mei: Here to grab my account again, right?)

However, from Xiao Chen's conversation, he couldn't feel that Xiao Chen had that kind of thought.


Otto looked at Hammerhead's Kevin and shook his head, thinking to himself.

I don't have anything that is so easy to get, how can you get it so easily?

Obediently line up at the back!

Your plot may be after mine!

Otto said gloatingly.

However, he was not curious about Kevin's plot at that time.

After knowing the story of him and Karen, he will start to create a world line with Xiao Chen.

However, before that, he looked at the script Xiao Chen gave him.

As Xiao Chen said before, after entering the main story line, his plot has been reduced a lot.

Because there were too few, Xiao Chen simply wrote the plot about him overnight.

Otto was very grateful for that.

First of all, when Kiyana fell into a dream in the data center, Otto observed her dream from a distance, and Jing sent Fu Hua and Ulandal to watch closely, looking for opportunities to capture Kiyana.

After capturing Kiana to the headquarters of Destiny, Otto injected a large amount of Houkai energy into her body to awaken the consciousness of Herrscher of the Sky.The recovery of the consciousness of the Herrscher of the Sky awakened Benares, and Otto ordered all the Valkyries to enter a state of combat readiness.

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