Although he couldn't observe other parallel times, he was sure of one thing, that Xiao Chen didn't exist in other parallel worlds.

After reading the script, Otto also discovered one thing, that is, there is no Xiao Chen in the plot.

In Xiao Chen's script, there is a world without him...

I believe many people have discovered this.

As for other worlds without Xiao Chen, he is the only one who knows this.

It was also because Otto discovered this that he wanted to create a world line with Xiao Chen.

He had discovered Xiao Chen's specialness a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to be so special.

In saving Kallen, he had already decided to use everything available.

It's just that Xiao Chen has gathered all the elements that can save Karen.

The ability of time can suppress the ability of Houkai, and can even inherit the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire, and understand Karen, and even understand herself.

So Otto came to a conclusion.

The best way to save Karen is Xiao Chen!

His next goal is to create a world with Ruchen 500 years ago!

Just to separate that world from this world.

Although saving Kallen is also very important, he doesn't want his friend to lose his current life and bond...

Otto took a deep breath while holding the script and watched his final ending in another world.

In the end, Father Otto killed the Honkai Beast with the Holy Judgment of Skyfire, and he fainted again.

On the other side, after being scolded by Bronya, Joachim finally stopped struggling.In the end, Joachim, who chose to muster up the courage to face himself, decided to inherit Otto's mantle and continue to manage the Freya Orphanage on his behalf.

After seeing Joachim's determination, Father Otto was finally relieved.Reading a sentence from the Bible.

"I have fought the good fight... I have finished the race... your word... I have kept..."

"A person's life will experience three growths: the first time is to understand the right and wrong of things; the second time is to understand that some things are not only right and wrong; the third time is to understand that some things have no right or wrong , still firmly do what you believe in and take responsibility for it.”

Otto is now in the third stage.

He knew that his actions were wrong, starting from the moment he released the Honkai Beast from the underground of the Church of Destiny to make a scene in the execution ground in order to take advantage of the chaos to rescue Kallen.

He did all kinds of wrong things one by one to create a clone of Kallen: Teresa Apocalypse, and made the cloned human bodies kill each other.

The Valkyrie who seized the soul of the steel directly led to and participated in the 1955 Thanksgiving event as the only combat power of the Destiny side, prompting the North American branch and the Destiny headquarters to break up and become anti-entropy.

When Walter Yang was about to defeat the Second Herrscher, he made a sneak attack, causing the Second Herrscher to escape to the moon.

Ordered the launch of 12 tactical nuclear missiles, resulting in the death of Cecilia Shaniat, the mother of the S-rank Valkyrie, Kiana. Although without these missiles, Cecilia would have died of excessive blood loss, but the The reason is that he chose to let Sirin go many times.

After the war, he also used Yu Duchen to rewrite Teresa's memory.

Study Sirin's corpse, start the Sirin Project, and develop the Valkyrie time-space fracture system.

Create the Kiana clone K-423 who is the body of the second Herrscher.

Otto is sorry for many people, but I have to say that the world might be worse without him.

Otto created an antidote to the Black Death/Honkai in the Middle Ages.

And traded with Void Wanzang to create a potion that initially strengthened the combat power of the Valkyrie. From then on, becoming a Valkyrie no longer relied solely on talent. Although many people were sacrificed along the way, they also successfully contained the collapse.

The rectification of the Mandate of Heaven made it retreat from a corrupt religious organization to a hidden anti-Honkai organization.

The Shenzhou Folding Sword helped Fu Hua, who had just been resurrected, and made a deal with him to only guard Shenzhou and not dominate it.

Brought the Mandate of Heaven and established a global anti-Honkai front. Before the anti-entropy rebellion and the snake hidden in the world, it was the largest and strongest anti-Honkai organization to fight against Honkai for 500 years.

Of course, it goes without saying that this 500-year-old organization was wiped out by someone in the end...

The study of artificial stigmata has greatly increased the number of Valkyries, which is also accompanied by sacrifices.

Research Valkyrie armor, which greatly improves the combat effectiveness and production capacity of Valkyrie per capita.

Leading the development of Houkai energy weapons has greatly improved the ability of human beings to resist Houkai.

Suppress the superficial human technology to prevent Honkai from evolving too fast and destroying human beings.

Analyze the technology brought by Void and Ten Thousand Zang, and guide the development of anti-Honkai technology.

Shaniat's genetic mutation was discovered and promoted.

Created "Herrscher Killer" Cecilia Shaniat.

Mix Herrscher Killer with Houkai energy serum to create holy blood with powerful anti Houkai effect.

The treatment of the Valkyries has been greatly improved, and of course the Valkyries are worth doing.

Pass the faith to Ragnar, and Ragnar passes it on to Jizi and Youlandelle.

Objectively created humans who can fully use the abilities of the Herrscher and awakened stigmata.

A plan to completely expel Honkai is left in Void Manzang.

However, Otto never needs others to judge his merits and demerits, because his wish has always been to resurrect Kallen.

Whether it's good or bad, he doesn't care.

As long as Kallen can be saved, what if he bears the eternal infamy?


On the other side, Kevin was still staring at his script in a daze.

Originally, Xiao Chen was considering Kevin's physical condition, so he simply talked to him about some character designs, and then threw the character designs and the script of the second collapse to Kevin.

In order not to increase Kevin's burden.

It's just that from Kevin's point of view, he almost became Xiao Chen's threat.

You have no future!

Guaranteed to drown your ideals!Kevin!

You can't do anything!

In such a shrunken state.

Kevin stayed in the hospital bed until the next morning...

315 Kevin: I can't lie down anymore!

no!I can't lie flat like this!

After struggling all night, Kevin finally realized that he couldn't lie down anymore.

He believes that there must be fighters against the collapse in this world!

You must not be fighting alone!

He wants to find those fighters!Reorganize the defense against Honkai!

Rush, rush——! ! !

But to find those fighters, he must first get one thing!

That's the whole script of the second collapse!

Now that he is filming the second Honkai plot, other characters should also gather in this crew!

He wants to find fighters to fight with him in this crew!

For this reason, he needs to obtain all the scripts to confirm who is in this place.

At the moment, he asked Su, who can move freely, to help him collect scripts.

Su naturally has no script as an auxiliary person this time, but compared to Kevin, he can move freely.

It's just that the first person he met was not very nice, Otto.

Otto is very curious about the Second God's Key, and Su happens to be the person who understands the Second God's Key best.

One of the two of you wants information, and the other also wants information, and then they hit it off and started the bargaining session.

Although su has seen Otto countless times in the parallel world, he only knew how difficult Otto was after he actually got in touch with Otto.

"I want the script for the second Honkai..." Su said.

After su made this condition, Otto showed a surprised expression, and said: "What? Since you want the script for the second collapse? Don't you know that the script cannot be shown to outsiders without the director's consent? You are making me betray the director!"

Su raised his eyebrows and said, "My lord bishop still cares about this?"

"Soldier Su, you have misunderstood. Xiao Chen is my brother, my dear relative and friend! I have to pay more!" Otto said seriously.


In the end, Su got the second Honkai script (Otto's version) from Otto under various conditions.

Of course, Otto also tried Xiao Chen before this, but Su himself didn't know.

In fact, as long as Kevin wants it, Xiao Chen can directly give a copy of the script.

But who made Kevin not trust Xiao Chen, or make things a little more complicated.

Su is also one of the people who happened to meet the most troublesome people in the whole crew, and the second trouble should be Yae Shenzi.

However, both of them are men, and they don't have any extra value in the eyes of Yae Shenzi, and they are not interested at all.

Regardless of the process, Kevin was also very happy to get the script.

He only learned about the second Honkai through Siegfried, but that was not the whole picture of the second Honkai.

Otto was the mastermind behind the scenes, and no one knew more about this incident than him.

Except for the second Honkai outbreak in the Tower of Babylon and the birth of the second Herrscher Sirin, Otto was a little slow to react at first.

Kevin flipped through the script.

Otto successively sent Theresa, Siegfried and others to investigate.Then the First Herrscher arrived, and Otto, who had been waiting for Walter's arrival, felt relieved when he realized that Joyce was dead.And after adjusting the body, disguised as a clown, attacked Walter before Walter's black hole swallowed Sirin, and let Sirin go.

After seeing this paragraph, Kevin's eyes lit up. Since Varta will appear in the subsequent plot, it means that he is not dead yet.

And still in this crew, as a rebellious Herrscher, he must understand me, and he must not have given up fighting against Honkai!

It's just that Kevin doesn't know that Walter's Herrscher core has been returned to Joyce, and as for Joyce's very pretentious.

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