It belongs to the delivery of express delivery under Big Ben, placed on the top, and sent from the bottom.

It is true that Joyce is a hero, but that was when the world and mankind were facing a crisis. Now the world is in good shape, and mankind and the collapse are at peace.

He will also jump to the highest level. If it weren't for Einstein, he would force him to do some work, and he couldn't do it anymore.

After confirming the No.1 member, Kevin continued to watch.

Otto wanted to kill Walter, but was stopped by Siegfried and left calmly.After escaping, Sirin awakened on the moon and asked Walter to go to the moon to meet her. After "killing" Walter, Sirin released three Pseudo-Hersersrschers, Feng, Death, and Yan, to destroy it.Otto, who coveted the power of the Herrscher of Death, personally dealt with the Herrscher of Death.After discovering that it was just a puppet, he united with Fu Hua to deal with Xilin.

It is well known that there are gods on the moon to destroy them. After all, it was Mei who sealed a part of gods on the moon.

However, it was also good news for him that Fu Hua was here.

As a former comrade-in-arms, such an upright person as Fu Hua will definitely help him fight against Honkai!

Kevin suddenly felt that his heart was full of hope!

On the other side, Fu Hua massaged Xiao Chen's back with pinches, sat on Xiao Chen's lap, and asked, "Director, is this strength okay?"

"Hmm~" Xiao Chen stretched out a thumb behind him.

In Fu Hua's conscious state of suppressing Honkai, he also slowly fell into a deep sleep.

After Xiao Chen fell asleep, Fu Hua and Zhi Bao began to work alternately.

Zhibao: "It's my turn! Old Antique, go and rest!"

Fu Hua: "Don't take this opportunity to do strange things with my body!"

It's just that Kevin doesn't know about it...

Maybe after a while, he will go to drink an old friend's wedding wine.

After Fu Hua subdued Sirin, Otto hypnotized Sirin, trying to find a way to resurrect the dead from her consciousness, but found that Sirin was powerless.Ao Tuo, who was born with evil and courage, urged Xilin to seek help from God (Honkai).

Because of the huge amount of knowledge pouring into the brain in a short time, it was backlashed.Facing Sirin after waking up.Fu Hua burns his memory and uses Taixu Sword God to stop Xilin, but is blocked by the god. Under the cover of Cheng Lixue, Ao Tuo and Fu Hua leave successfully.Cheng Lixue died because of this.

Kevin expressed regret for what happened to his old friend, and he almost knew the next thing.

In order to stop Sirin, Siegfried awakened the power of blood, used the power of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order at will in a short period of time, and completely suppressed Sirin.In the end, under the cover of Cecilia and the help of Walter, he defeated Sirin in the form of the Heavenly Fire Saint.

Afraid of that power, Otto fired a Honkai fission bomb at Siegfried's location, trying to kill Siegfried and Sirin to score twice.The exhausted Cecilia used her last bit of strength to let Heiyuan Baihua protect Siegfried.But I hugged Sirin tightly, and after giving Sirin the last warmth, I died together with Sirin under the bomb of the Houkai fission...


316 Kevin: Why don't I know my blood is so np?

Fu Hua, Siegfried, and Walter...

Kevin found the three most suitable candidates in Otto's script.

Needless to say, Fu Hua is his former comrade-in-arms and a descendant of Siegfried's own blood. As for Walter, although he is someone he will know in the future, Kevin still has a high degree of credibility in Xiao Chen's ability to predict the future. .

However, you need to see it with your own eyes to know whether it is really that kind of person.

Kevin came to the second day with this thought in mind.

Because of the damage caused to him by Siegfried's mental attack, he is much better now, at least his body has returned to the normal range.

This is like the difference between Fu Hua and Immortal Chiyuan.

Kevin's current state is like Fu Hua whose strength has declined, and his strength will be a little weaker under the suppression of Xiao Chen's divine grace barrier.

The most intuitive thing is body temperature. After the body temperature fluctuated a bit at the beginning, Kevin's body temperature was about a few degrees lower than ordinary people.

Even Mebius' body temperature was lower than his.

However, this also made Kevin a little more at ease. He used to hate the temperature of his body, but without this power, he couldn't protect Mei, and he couldn't fulfill his wish to eliminate Honkai.

For him now, the power of this curse is necessary...

"I'm going to start acting today, Kevin, are you okay?"

Su looked at Kevin beside him and said worriedly.

"It's okay, I also want to see what the Herrscher of Constraint wants to do." Kevin shook his head, and then asked: "By the way, have you seen Hua and Walter?"


How can I explain to Kevin that Hua became a Herrscher?

Is it possible to let Kevin experience that kind of memory again? Su hesitated for a moment, but chose to hide it temporarily: "I saw Hua, but she forgot about us."

"Really..." Kevin sighed, and said, "It's really hard for her. I guess she lost most of her memory in the second Honkai when she used Yu Duchen's rated power."

Now that Kevin has lost his sense of the Houkai energy, it is difficult to tell whether Fu Hua is a Herrscher based on his mortal body alone, so Su chose to conceal it.

He didn't want Kevin to go through that kind of thing...

"What do you think of Fu Hua now?"

Kevin continued to ask.

"... like an ordinary girl."

su replied.

"Really? Then don't call her." Kevin sighed and said.

"Yeah." Su nodded. Although Kevin couldn't intuitively feel the Houkai energy on Fu Hua, but in case of too much contact, there would still be flaws, so he lied and said that Fu Hua no longer knew them.

Although he and Fu Hua only met once, and the other party just nodded at him, he still knew that Fu Hua recognized them.

However, he didn't lie when he said that Fu Hua looked like an ordinary girl.

Especially when meeting Xiao Chen, Fu Hua's appearance was like an ordinary girl.

Alicia will be surprised if she sees it, right?

No, it should be that everyone will be surprised when they see it, right?

The most serious Fu Hua in the team would actually show such an expression.

However, is the current Fu Hua Fu Hua...or the Lawr of Knowledge?

His body exudes the aura of a Herrscher, but his consciousness is still Fuhua... As a spiritually strengthened fusion warrior, this can be confirmed.

Fuhua is still Fuhua.

This point has not changed, but the Fu Hua who appeared this morning didn't feel the same as yesterday, and he was also indifferent when he saw him, as if he was a different person.

He had no idea why this happened, and wanted to confirm with Mebius today.

After confirming, it is better not to let Kevin contact Fu Hua.

"What about the other two?"

Kevin continued to ask.

"The Mr. Walter you mentioned... I did find out, but he has been with anti-entropy people and it is difficult to get close." Su thought for a while and said.

"As for Siegfried... Sorry, I haven't seen a similar character in this crew."

"Is Siegfried not here?"

Kevin frowned upon hearing this.

The script Otto gave him clearly included Siegfried's existence.

Why is such a key figure not on the set?

Could it be that he was afraid of his revenge and left?

You obviously dare to do something to me, but you don't dare to appear in front of me?

It's not impossible.

Kevin doesn't know much about his junior.

It was only during the second collapse that Siegfried was separated from Teresa because of Sirin's tricks, and fell into a one-on-one situation with the Herrscher. After a hard fight, he released the giant sword form of the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire, Unleashing its full strength severely injured Sirin.

But he was also dying due to the side effects of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment. Fortunately, Cecilia, who rushed to the battlefield in time, used the power of the God Key "Heiyuan White Flower" to save him, and was then evacuated from the front line of the battlefield.

During this process, he mentally linked with Siegfried for a period of time.

Originally, he thought Siegfried would die on that battlefield, but he didn't expect to be saved by Cecilia...

Still comprehending such a powerful move in the stigmata space...

Even he couldn't do that move. Although the conditions are very harsh, if it succeeds, it should be able to severely damage the end.

He even had some doubts, is this really a skill learned in the stigmata space?

My bloodline is so np, why don't I know?

How did you descendants secretly evolve behind my back?

It doesn't matter if one directly transforms into a horse.

The other one still comprehended such a powerful skill in the stigmata space?

However, although he didn't get great power, he also got the most precious thing to him in the stigmata space.

That's Mei's voice.

Now think about it, whether it is the junior of the collapsed horse, or Siegfried must have been guided by Mei to become what he is now!

Someone as smart as Mei must have left something in the Kaslana family's stigmata!After all, the Kaslana family... also has Mei's bloodline.

In fact, Kevin is right to think so, it's just eroding the power of Herrscher, coupled with Kevin's longing for Mei, and part of the information about Mei left by the Kaslana family in the stigmata, this is what we have Kevin heard the voice.

If I have to say it, the current mei is a bit similar to Cecilia, but after so many years of transmigration, there is not much genetic information left by mei...

317 God's Enchantment Expands

When Kevin was thinking about this question, the person in charge ran over and confirmed with Xiao Chen: "Director, what part shall we shoot next?"

"The next thing is to shoot the scene where Theresa and Sirin fight." Xiao Chen held the script in his hand and said, "The action scenes are not difficult, but the special effects are more difficult. You need to act in the studio, and add special effects later? "

"Well, sister Yae said that a projector can be used to simulate the scene of special effects, and the background modeling of the enchantment of divine grace has been handled." The person in charge said.

"Really? So fast?" Xiao Chen asked slightly surprised.

"Although I want to see it, I have other plots on my side, so I leave the matter here to you."


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