
There is no projection or modeling.

Yae Shenzi's method is to reveal Xiao Chen's hidden enchantment of divine grace.

Only part of it appears.

Kevin watched Xiao Chen walk into a room first, and then Teresa came to the rooftop carrying Judas' oath.

Theresa...is that girl really Theresa?

Although I read it in Otto's script, I felt something was wrong when I actually saw Theresa Kevin.

In that script Riotto obviously concealed some information about Theresa.

Kevin can feel that Theresa has the genes of the Kaslana family in her body, but he can't link Theresa like Siegfried.

What genes in her body interfered with the inheritance of the Kaslana family.

This gene seems to be... Vishnu.

Kevin felt right.

In order to control the power against the Houkai in his own hands, Otto secretly conducted an experiment in an attempt to create a clone of the strongest fighter against the Houkai, the S-rank Valkyrie Karen Kaslana.Otto conducted three batches of experiments. The A1 and A2 clones only used Kallen's DNA, and the clones died 5 minutes after leaving the culture tank.

Only the A3 type clone that incorporated the cells of the high-level Houkai Beast "Vishnu" in addition to Kallen's DNA survived after leaving the culture tank, but due to unknown reasons, the physical age grew to 12 years old It will no longer be successful.

Among the clones of the A3 model, the individual numbered A-310 showed many distinctive characteristics, such as being able to conduct semantic analysis of conversations after birth, not being afraid of Otto who made herself, gentle and strong Wait, Otto even felt that Karen's soul possessed her. After A-310 passed Otto's many trials, Otto decided to adopt A-310 as his granddaughter and named her "Theresa".

It's just that Teresa can only display the genes of the Kaslana family now, and the other part of Vishnu has not yet been displayed.

Except for a little more strength and resistance to Houkai, there is no other strength.

Kevin slightly felt a little regretful, whether it was the power of the Kaslana family or the power of Vishnu, Teresa could be comparable to fusion warriors as long as she played a little bit, but now...

Kevin shook his head, and then saw Teresa standing on the rooftop holding Judas' oath, looking worriedly at Sirin opposite, and said, "Is it really all right?"

Sirin waved her hand and said, "I'm not a child anymore, don't worry about throwing the gun over here, I will use blur to avoid it, as long as the gun stabs the blood pack."

"Yeah." Teresa nodded.

Then nail the cross into the ground. With a weight of 152 kilograms, combined with the iron bracket at the bottom of the cross, once it is nailed into the ground, it will become an immovable torture rack.When the bracket is pulled, the ends of the cross open to reveal 12 spears.The head of each spear is made of high-purity soul steel, and the tail of each spear is connected to the cross with a thick iron chain.

"Judas' oath! The zeroth rated power·Divine Enchantment one by one!"

Judas' oath is one of the few god keys that can be activated under Xiao Chen's enchantment. Although it has long been out of Teresa's control, Xiao Chen has to give it face.

After Teresa opened her mouth, there was still a development in a pretentious manner. Speaking of which, after Teresa was born, she went out as a B-rank Valkyrie to fight against the Houkai Beast "Pavanti".To put it bluntly, it is an ice pig.

The scene at that time was a bit similar to the second Honkai, and it was also a senior who took care of Theresa very much. A-rank Valkyrie Commander Kali, regards Teresa as a child,

But Kali still guided her gently.

However, Pavanti's strength exceeded everyone's expectations. Otto asked Teresa to retreat immediately, preparing to launch nuclear missiles together with the Kali team.Teresa couldn't bear to see her companion die in front of her, so she violated Otto's order and forcibly broke into the battle to face Pavanti.

In the end, although Teresa was injured, she still defeated it.Although Teresa was rated as an S-rank Valkyrie in some people's eyes because of Otto's selfishness, she was able to single-handedly defeat the Emperor-rank on the battlefield for the first time, and the S-rank is not just for nothing.After this battle, Deli

Sha proved her strength and became the main force of the Destiny Organization.

Compared with a certain S-rank Valkyrie who still needs to be called to fight the emperor-level Honkai Beast, Teresa's S-level is worthy of the name.

After Teresa pretended to open the enchantment.

The person in charge also pressed the props Yae Miko gave him, and then a huge gear combination appeared in midair.

Xiao Chen's enchantment of divine grace, compared with the enchantment of divine grace of Judas' oath, has a more solemn and sacred atmosphere.

A pendulum-like device on the outer side of the Earth swings on the Knot of Grace.

The sound of 'da, da, da...' seems to be heard in the space capsule of Destiny.

There is obviously no air in space, and there is no medium for sound transmission at all, but the sound still reaches the ears of everyone in the space capsule...

I am afraid that only God can do this kind of thing.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen's enchantment of divine grace was only displayed for less than a few tens of seconds, and the destiny was very good to cover it up, and was not discovered by others.

Kevin looked at the enchantment of divine grace in the sky, as if his heart had been caught. Although this enchantment did not do any harm to fusion fighters, it was more of a mental pressure, as if it made Kevin answer the law of restraint. that day.

The day of the tragedy of restraint...

Just when Kevin was in a daze, the person in charge patted him on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Kevin, it's time for you to act. Please come with me."

acting?Ah, is it the plot between me and Siegfried?

Is it possible to see Siegfried?

318 Now is Kiana time!

Kevin also read the plot that Xiao Chen gave him carefully. Although it was only a few pages, Kevin still confirmed the plot of his second collapse.

Communicate with Siegfried through the bloodline of the Kaslana family in Quantum Sea.

This means that he will definitely see Siegfried while acting!

As long as you see Siegfried, you can know the whereabouts of the Skyfire Holy Order!

By the way, you can also know where and how Siegfried learned that move, which kills two birds with one stone!

With this in mind, Kevin walked in with the person in charge.

When he saw the back of 'Siegfried' that day, he was slightly stunned. He always felt that this Siegfried was a little familiar, but it was not the Siegfried he knew.

Just as he was thinking this way, the person in charge suddenly said.

"Director, I brought Mr. Kevin over here."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen turned his head and nodded, saying: "Thank you for your hard work."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen turned his head to look at Kevin and asked: "Did you rest well yesterday? Although I asked someone before if you can shoot today, but if you feel unwell now, I can also temporarily stop Shoot the plot here."

If he didn't know his identity, Kevin would definitely think that Xiao Chen is just a good boss who takes care of his subordinates.

Although it is different from Alicia, it also has a different kind of affinity.

But... what the hell is he playing Siegfried?Is there a centimeter similarity between him and Siegfried?

Although he dressed up to look like Siegfried, Xiao Chen didn't perform any impersonation or disguise, so he didn't look like Siegfried at all.

"Director, so you're here too?" Kevin forced a smile on his face, and continued, "Is the character named Siegfried I saw in the script played by you?"

"Well, it's not uncommon to write, direct, and act in the film and television industry, not to mention that I was originally an actor."

Xiao Chen nodded and said.

The advantage of doing this is that you basically have absolute right to speak.

But the disadvantage is that you will not receive other people's opinions, you can only rely on your own groping.

"Well, it's a little bit far-fetched, I think your complexion is not very good, don't you really need to take a rest?" Xiao Chen looked at the strange expression on the other party's face, and said.

The reason for my bad complexion is not because of you!

Kevin complained in his heart, and then said: "Don't worry, director, it's not too late, let's start shooting quickly! But, after the shooting, can I take up a little bit of your time?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I have other things to do after the filming of this episode. It's about the new episode. Someone else is looking for me to discuss it, so I can't get away for the time being. If you have other questions, you can ask the person in charge." Xiao Chen pointed to the person in charge beside him.

"It's about the next plot." Kevin said directly.

"Ah, the plots I mentioned before, I will quickly make them for you,

You don't have to worry too much, it will be about three or four months after your plot is filmed. "

"I see..." Kevin nodded seeing Xiao Chen's appearance and didn't say much. He also needed time to recover his original strength.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to continue fighting like this.

After the conversation we met.

Xiao Chen acted as Siegfried and entered the state, walked in the projection space and said eagerly: "Damn it, after searching for so long, where is the exit! I wasted so much time here Cecilia and Theresa It will be dangerous!"

After seeing Xiao Chen's acting skills, even Kevin had to admit that he played a man worried about his wife and friends to the fullest.

"That's all! Since you can't find a gap! Then make one yourself!"

Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, said in an eager voice, while holding up the two guns in his hands, Peng Peng only heard two gunshots and remembered at the same time.

Two bullets grazed his shoulders from behind.

"It's true that the ground was pierced, and this burning trace is also the attack of the Heavenly Fire Holy Tribunal. What the hell is going on?"

"I can't help it, let me tell you."

Kevin came out from behind.



After nearly 10 minutes of filming, the plot of Siegfried trapped in the endless corridor is over.

Although Kevin has no acting talent, what he has to do now is just to retell the previous events. There is no difficulty, so the filming is still very smooth overall.

After finishing the shooting, Xiao Chen ran to the front and rest area without even taking off his clothes, and had a round with Qiyana.

Speaking of Honkai, Qiyana is considered the main character. When I was filming the second Honkai in the past few days, I basically exposed Qiyana once.

Xiao Chen naturally didn't know that Qiyana, as Xilin, also participated in the filming.

As the story of the second Honkai was about to end and the story of the game was about to start, he felt that it was necessary to have a chat with Qiyana.

When he was thinking this way, it surprised him that Qiyana approached him first.

Now the time agreed between him and Qiyana is approaching.

Although he also said that he might arrive later, but if possible, he still wants to keep the agreement.

So he rushed over without changing his clothes.

Of course, what he didn't notice was that a small drone was also chasing after him.

Behind the drone is of course Otto behind the screen...

At this time, there was still a smile on his face. After seeing that Xiao Chen didn't even change his clothes, the smile on his face became a little heavier. Although there was malice in the smile, this malice was not aimed at Xiao Chen.

So neither the power of erosion nor the power of restraint will sanction Otto.

Xiao Chen quickly ran to the place agreed with Qiyana.

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