Huh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

go → my → ↗ road ↑ ↑

False ↓ face ↑ knight ↑ knight ↓~~~

Zhen → Zhen → Zhen → Zhen↗De↘↗

Now there is only one possibility for Qiyana's law to collapse, and that is Xiao Chen dying in front of her.

But this may be near impossible.

If there is something that can kill Xiao Chen, it is hard to imagine what kind of damage the earth has suffered.

Just when Qiyana was thinking this way, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah! So you are in this kind of place!"

I saw Bronya appearing next to the two of them, staring at Qiyana and said quietly.

"It's wrong for Kiyana to sneak away."

"I'm just asking the director about the next plot! I don't have any other ideas!" Qiyana said with a guilty conscience.

"I was talking about this sneaking away? Otherwise, what do you think?" Bronya glanced at her and said, "Is it a person sneaking inside?"

"Huh?" Bronya, the natural way of Qiyana, didn't mean that, but she can only admit it now.

"Bronya also wants to know what's going to happen next." Bronya looked at Xiao Chen expectantly when she saw Qiyana's excuse and directly opened her mouth.

It doesn't matter if the plot is not plot, she just wants to talk to Xiao Chen.

"Okay." Xiao Chen touched Bronya's head and said, "How much have you heard about the previous plot?"

"I heard everything, but I only heard the part of Kiyana." Bronya looked at Xiao Chen: "Where is Bronya?"

"In order to help Kiyana stop the Moonlight Throne that suddenly appeared in Canghai City, Bronya cracked the battleship's system, but in the process of cracking the mecha, she was accidentally infected with the leaked Houkai energy. After obtaining the highest authority of the battleship , Bronya's Valkyrie System suddenly activated, attacking Mei and Kiana."

Kiana:?She finally stopped pretending, and planned to kill her rival, right?

I understand!

Bronya: Good chance...!

"After Bronya woke up, the captain and teacher Wuliang Tajiko asked her about her physical condition, and Bronya asked to undergo a physical examination after returning to the academy. After returning to St. Freya Academy, the academy asked her An inspection was carried out, and it was determined that the energy of the Moonlight Throne engine had interfered with the biochip, so repairs were carried out."

"In order not to delay the Valkyrie exam, I logged into the system file after consciously recovering, modified the information and went through the discharge procedures. Later, I met Kiyana who came to visit me in the library, but she was actually lazy, because Kiyana brought "Hom Adventures" played a game with her."

Bronya looked at Qiyana with contempt, and Kiyana returned the same look to Bronya, Xiao Chen didn't notice the meeting of eyes between the two and continued to speak.

"In the Valkyrie exam, I was in a group with Qiyana, but I lost because my body didn't fully recover. Afterwards, the virtual program went berserk, and Ganesha appeared to help break it together. When New Zealand recovered the gem of desire, because of the same paralysis as the The sick Wendy felt the same, so she cared about her very much, but when Wendy became a lawmaker, defeated by Qiyana and was about to be persuaded by the mouth, Cocolia activated the valkyrie system control and attacked Wendy, causing Wendy to go berserk Afterwards, under the order of Cocolia, they attacked Mei and took her away."

"The valkyrie system is the biochip implanted by Cocolia in Bronya's body, which can control Bronya. I have said this before." Xiao Chen explained on the way.

"When I was in the ME agency, I helped Kiana who sneaked in, gave me a map, and finally chose to protect Mei, burned the biochip, and completely got rid of Cocolia's control. But the biochip was in her brain, and the ending was burned. It was Bronya's coma... However, with the help of Fu Hua, she accepted herself and made the choice to deny the past with her own life."

Bronya grabbed Xiao Chen's wrist when she heard the words, expressing that Xiao Chen is the life she chose, Xiao Chen smiled slightly when she heard the words, thinking that Bronya was a little uneasy, and immediately touched Bronya's head.

Bronya looked back at Qiyana provocatively.

321 World Snake is a crazy organization!

Qiyana raised her brows, and said not to be outdone, "Director, you and Bronya have such a good relationship, they are like father and daughter!"

"Although I don't know if you have misunderstood something, Qiyana." Bronya glanced at Qiyana and said: "Although the person who adopted me is Xiao Chen, in fact my guardian is the person in charge."


Qiyana was taken aback by this sudden news, she turned her head to look at Xiao Chen and confirmed, "Is that so?"

"Ah, after all, I'm not from this country. How can a foreigner adopt a child from his own country?" Xiao Chen nodded when he heard the words, and said in a rather helpless tone: "At the beginning, I held The idea of ​​taking Bronya out even if it is a smuggling, it is really great to be able to go through the formal procedures to bring Bronya out."

Bronya looked at Qiyana provocatively again.

Kiyana suppressed the emotions in her heart and said: "But in fact, the person in charge doesn't ignore you at all? Isn't your guardian actually the director?"

"It doesn't matter. (Pointing at the other party who has been obeying her own advice)" Bronya said seriously: "I have always respected the person in charge."

The person in charge's willingness to obey Bronya's words is also very simple, because Bronya's identity is that after the second collapse, the army trained a young soldier-the Ural Silver Wolf.Legend has it that she once dressed up as a prostitute and sneaked into the homes of assassination targets, strangled their throats with silk stockings, and 13 high-ranking officers died by her hand, and the guards didn't even know what happened.

The legendary killer is right next to you, are you afraid?

"Director, let's not talk about Qiyana, let's continue talking about me!"

Bronya spoke.

"It's not good to quarrel." Xiao Chen also saw that the atmosphere between the two was not right, so he reached out and touched their heads at the same time, and said.

It's just that his actions were met with blank stares from the two, it's not that they hate touching their heads, but Xiao Chen's attitude is like a child, which made them very upset.

"Let's continue talking about the plot." Bronya said a little weakly.

"Hmm..." Qiyana also temporarily lost interest in competing with Bronya. Before, she could comfort herself that at least she had an advantage over Bronya, and she would not be treated like a child by Xiao Chen. Looking at it now The clown turned out to be herself jpg

Xiao Chen's attitude towards her is similar to that towards Bronya...

Obviously, he is also an adult!

no!Xiao Chen must be made aware of this!

Kiyana picked herself up again.

Bronya didn't intend to capture Xiao Chen in the short term, she thought she was taking the long-term route.

Ten years later is my turn to make a move!

Ten years of sharpening a sword, Frostblade has never tried!

I think they can withstand this sword for ten years!

If Qiyana knew what Bronya was thinking, she would definitely complain.

After waiting for you for ten years, our children will be almost five or six years old.

Under Bronya's urging, Xiao Chen continued to speak: "After Teresa was subdued by Youlandelle, she secretly notified Aijiang to secretly transfer Bronya to the Huberian for surgery. Bronya Ya also found herself with Fu Hua's help, and she will definitely face difficulties with her friends!"

"With the help of Einstein, Brony, who replaced Yamabuki's armor, got the Star of Eden and went to support Mei and Teresa, but the combination of the three was still defeated by the Herrscher of the Sky, and they retreated after Fu Hua arrived. .Since Mei and Teresa were seriously injured, Bronya stopped the Honkai beast on the Hyperion by herself until Himeko arrived."

Next is Ji Zi's plot.

However, because of Xiao Chen's appearance, the relationship between everyone and Ji Zi is not deep, at most they just met each other.

Not that deep a bond.

Xiao Chen and Ji Zi didn't know each other for much time, but at that time Xiao Chen was still in a state of autism.

There is no need to talk about the plot of Jizi Wuliangta here, Xiao Chen skipped talking about Bronya right now.

"After being rescued, Bronya followed Teresa and others to find the whereabouts of Kiana, and came to Tianqiong City in Shenzhou to connect with Gray Snake. Of course, everyone at that time didn't know that Gray Snake was a World Snake. I don’t know what kind of existence the world snake is.”

However, now they are all clear, and this is all thanks to Xiao Chen's previous vigorous publicity.

Let everyone know that World Snake is a crazy organization!

Although it is essentially the elimination of Houkai, it is too extreme. It is too extreme to destroy most of human beings to offset the final birth.

If that plan is followed, human beings may only have one-thousandth of the current population left, or even less.

Kevin has experienced a lot of pain and suffering that ordinary people can't imagine, but everyone will not accept the cruel plan because of this.

After Xiao Chen has been exposed to the World Snake, Kevin's persuasion experience will be very difficult.

"In order to expel the Black Snake who hacked into the Hyperion system through the humanoid machine, Bronya went to Hyperion's virtual data space, but was almost used by the Black Snake. rescued and defeated Gray Snake. Later, they discovered the experimental records of Einstein and Walter Yang on Haiyuan City."

"Lonia, Teresa, and Einstein took the Huberian to support Cocolia. They met sister Arlene when they were destroying the Houkai Beast on the way. During the guarding of Haiyuan City, Bronya from Abyss I learned about their recent situation from Sister Lin, saw the tombstones of the children in the orphanage, and met Cocolia face to face."

After hearing Xiao Chen mention the vodka girl, Bronya realized that she still had two younger sisters.

That being said, they probably will join the film crew in the future... I hope they won't add two more enemies.

Even if Xiao Chen really likes sisters, it's me and Xi'er!

Raiden Mei: And me and Lei Movie!

Kiyana: What kind of sisters are those of you who are not related by blood!Let me and Sister Youlandell come!

"After that, I received the comet-driven armor made by Tesla from Einstein. On the day of going to the Quantum Sea, because Einstein disappeared, Bronya went to the Quantum Sea alone regardless of Cocolia's block."

"Bronya met Joachim in the Quantum Sea. After passing the test, she went to the depths of the Quantum Sea, and found Xier and the core of the Herrscher of Reason in the Quantum Sea. Kevin found Xier in the memory world, and they were attacked by tentacles when they left the Quantum Sea from the passage, and Bronya threw Xier out of the Quantum Sea first in a critical moment..."


322 Xiao Chen: I May Be the Herrscher of the Void

"Is Bronya trapped in the Quantum Sea afterwards?"

Bronya asked curiously in line with Xiao Chen's narration.

"No Bronya was rescued by Xier's awakened twins from the other side." Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "However, it sounds like you are really talking about Bronya. Obviously there is no such thing as collapse in this world, am I a little too sensitive?"

The two were stunned at the same time.

Cold sweat dripped out of Qiyana's body, and she thought to herself.

Not sensitive!Not sensitive at all!

It's not good for the world if you're too sensitive!Please continue to be like this!

She and Sirin complained in their hearts at the same time.

Instead, Bronya said: "Xiao Chen, do you still remember the first time we met?"

"Well, that foggy weather?" Xiao Chen nodded and said.

"That time when Xi'er and I got lost and couldn't find our way home, it was as if we were trapped in another world. In the end, thanks to Xiao Chen, you found us and we were saved. If it wasn't for you Yes, I always have a feeling that I will be taken far away." Bronya said.

"Well, actually, after the fog cleared, we were only tens of meters away from the orphanage, so it's not that exaggerated." Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"No, at that time, I always had the feeling of being pulled into another world...Of course it may be my illusion, but after that. I believed in the existence of different worlds or parallel worlds, or other dimensions. "Bronya looked at Xiao Chen's expression and said.

Hey Hey hey!What do you think you did when you brought up his idea?Qiyana said nervously from the side: "Is it your illusion? Bronya?"

Bronya gave Qiyana a white look, and said, "I was asking Xiao Chen, not your opinion, idiot Qiyana."

"It has nothing to do with IQ!" Kiyana retorted.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Xiao Chen also recovered from his contemplation and said: "Perhaps other worlds really exist."

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