After seeing Shi Yu Qiluo, he has confirmed the existence of the parallel world without any doubts about it.

Only on this basis, he felt that Honkai was far away from his daily life.

But after contacting the parallel space, he felt that the collapse of this world might be slower...

The collapse of the last era came very suddenly.

Although he has confirmed that the world has not collapsed, it does not mean that collapse will never come to this world.

Maybe Honkai was just late!

Honkai: You're late!

Xiao Chen suddenly thought of another thing and said: "If Bronya and the others were about to be dragged to the parallel world, why didn't I have anything to do when I came?"

Space, parallel world...

Could it be that I have the qualifications to become the Herrscher of the Sky? ?

Otherwise, how could ordinary people easily influence the space!

Xiao Chen said immediately: "Do you think I can do this if I am the Herrscher of Space?"

Sirin: "???"

Start stealing identity, right?

"Isn't it too ridiculous how to say it?" Kiyana said first.

"Well, it's true that I was thinking too much. The First Herrscher hasn't even appeared, so how could I jump to the Second Herrscher? Besides, if this world collapses, the First Herrscher may have awakened long ago, I said Maybe it has become the Herrscher of the Void." Xiao Chen nodded in agreement.

Sirin: That's not the question!I am the Herrscher of the Void!

"Well, Xiao Chen, you must have thought about this issue too much recently about the script. You'd better relax." Bronya nodded and said.

"En." Although Xiao Chen thought so, he still planned to make sure when the two of them were away.

If he is really the Herrscher of the Void, or if he just has the possibility of such an awakening, then he should have some special abilities...

However, the world did not collapse.

Maybe when I came into contact with the parallel world, I was exposed to the Honkai energy before I showed signs of awakening.

Under normal circumstances, it might not be possible without any ability.

Either way, this is something that needs to be confirmed.

However, before that, I still have one more thing to do!That is to make Bronya's script clear!

"Ahem, it's a bit off topic, let's not talk about those strange assumptions, let's talk about the second half of the movie first."

"After waking up from the medical room, Bronya learned about the coma situation from Einstein, and went to visit Cocolia who was imprisoned. Cocolia entrusted the orphanage to Bronya. Afterwards, Bronya Lonia reunited with Seele, Rosalia, and Lilia and played happily on the beach..."

After Xiao Chen left.

Qiyana glanced at Bronya with some reproach, and said, "What's wrong with you? Why did you tell Xiao Chen that kind of thing? What if he really notices his identity?"

"I'm giving Xiao Chen some psychological preparation." Bronya sighed, and said: "However, the effect this time seems to be beyond my belief, I hope Xiao Chen didn't think too much."

"Psychological preparation?" Kiyana glanced at Bronya and said, "What psychological preparation?"

"It's a psychological preparation to find out that I'm the Herrscher of Restraint." Bronya said, "It's impossible to hide from Xiao Chen for a lifetime, right?"

"Indeed..." Qiyana agreed after thinking for a while.

"However, at first I just wanted him to realize his own speciality. I didn't expect Xiao Chen to think so much." Bronya said: "However, at this stage, Xiao Chen's thinking direction is very good..."

"Why do you say that?" Kiyana asked curiously.

"Compared to the collapse of the cognitive world in an instant, it is easier for people to accept a little change in the world I know." Bronya explained: "Xiao Chen is in this state now. For him, It’s not that this world has collapsed, but that this world may collapse. In this way, it will be easier to accept it after he really discovers the collapse.”

"I don't think Xiao Chen will become another person if he becomes a real Herrscher. I don't want to hide it from Xiao Chen... Or, I don't think it's possible to keep it a secret forever, so I want him to accept it slowly, which will have the least impact. in the case of."

After finishing speaking, Bronya looked at Qiyana and asked, "What about you? Since you want to eliminate Houkai, what action do you plan to take next? Kiyana? Or, the Herrscher of the Sky?"

323 So I'm a Substitute Messenger!

After talking with Qiyana and Bronya, Xiao Chen came to an empty room while taking a break.

After confirming that there was no one in the room next door, Xiao Chen started his own experiment.

"Open Sesame!"



"Dragon Ball's teleportation! I forgot what the name is!"

"The queen is coming! Can't stop listening!"

"Different dimension space!"

"Dragon Emperor Different Dimension!"



"Flying Thunder God!"

"Steel chain fingers! Ah Li Ah Li one by one!!!"

"The Spear of the Subspace!"

"King of the Herring!"

It can be seen that Xiao Chen's composition is very complicated.

After talking about all these skills related to space or with the word space, there was no single success.

In fact, the composition of what he called is indeed a bit mixed.

The main reason is that he really doesn't have any space ability, even if he is against the sky, the power of the Herrscher of Restraint cannot allow him to travel through space.

The most basic settings still need to be followed.

His current body only has constraints, erosion, and ice, and he can't use abilities other than these.

Unless he completely absorbed the power of all Herrschers.

However, although he cannot use the power of space, he can use his existing power.

He just doesn't know that he has this power, it's not that he can't use it, he just uses it like breathing.

For example, the Super Divine Enchantment, such as using the Corrosion Herrscher to master all Houkai Beasts.

For example, before, he froze the cup.

As long as he consciously activates the corresponding ability, there is no reason for his failure.

At the moment, Xiao Chen put on a very strange posture, and said: "Small it, one more one!!!"

After Xiao Chen yelled these words, the time of the world paused again, it's just that Xiao Chen couldn't feel it relatively in a closed room.

But he's no fool either, and after running out of time to pause, he tosses a coin.

There was no hope at first, but who knew that the coin actually stopped in the air.

Success? ? ?

Xiao Chen looked at the suspended coins in the air and said in disbelief.

So I'm a stand-in messenger?

How can I awaken a stand-in?

Could it be that this is the benefit of the traversers?

But why am I awakening my ability at such an advanced age?

Is it too late?

As far as he knows, there are many ways to awaken a substitute.

For example, being influenced by relatives who have the ability to substitute, because the relatives have the ability to substitute, indirectly stimulate one's own ability to substitute.People who are born with double abilities are born with double abilities, which may come from genetics or self-awakening.

But I can't call my parents now and ask, are you substitute messengers?

For example, being shot through or damaged by "arrows".

Cultivation techniques to the extreme.

It is an extremely rare method to obtain a substitute, through long-term practice of a skill to the extreme, to obtain a substitute.The substitutes obtained in this way are often related to the skills they practice.For example, the knife maker Chalabang Saray in the third part, the chef Tora Sadi in the fourth part, the feng shui assassin KENZO in the sixth part, and the iron ball master Jieluo Qibelin in the seventh part.

Could it be that he has cultivated his acting skills to the extreme?

However, then why did I awaken to time suspension?

In, for example, a double "DISC" was implanted.

The new method that appeared in the sixth part.The double "White Snake" owned by Father Pucci took away the double of the person with double ability and made it into a "DISC" shaped like a CD.

However, let's not say that there is no priest in this world...

Hiss—no, isn't Otto the priest?

Could it be that he is a copy of the priest?The real identity is a substitute messenger?I awakened the world, so he pays attention to me?

No wonder I think his eyes are weird...

Bah bah, how is it possible.

Otto has someone he likes.

Another way to awaken the substitute is to have been to the "Devil's Palm" area.

The new method that appeared in the seventh part.In the Arizona desert in the United States, there is a quicksand area called "Devil's Palm" by the local Indians. Anyone who has been close to or passed by this place may gain the ability to stand in.

Xiao Chen thought that he had traveled to many places, but he couldn't confirm it.

Devil's Zone (referring to the Honkai infected area)

As for installing the "body" at the end, and being bitten near the "Eye of the Wall", Xiao Chen can also clearly confirm this.

I don't have any weird things on my body, and I have never been bitten by anything.

Since I was a child, I seldom break defenses or bleed. The most serious injury is broken skin. I have basically never seen my own blood, only seen other people's blood, and other people's blood used in acting.

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