Even after obtaining the third Herrscher core, it is only acceleration.

This time it was like teleporting.

No time for a reaction at all.

It was as if she had fallen asleep, but the clock next to her told her that she was only in a daze for a second.

what's going on?Although he didn't know what was going on, Yae Shenzi understood that something must have happened around Xiao Chen, and immediately sent Shikigami to check the situation...

Yae Kamito is not the only one who has the feeling.

Other people with Herrscher's core in their bodies also felt that the Honkai energy in their bodies had been pumped out.

Previously, Xiao Chen's absorption of Honkai Energy was considered normal suppression, but this time, a part of Honkai Energy was suddenly lost in his body, and they would feel it more or less.

"What are you going to do, Kiyana?"

Kiyana's consciousness was still at the time when Bronya said this, and a large part of the collapse energy in her body suddenly disappeared. Although it would not affect the core of the Herrscher, she is a Herrscher, even if she has two The core of the Herrscher, it's not easy to lose so much Honkai power for no reason.

Of course, what is more important is her identity as the Herrscher of the Sky.

A little more sensitive to time pauses.

When the time suspension was lifted, she collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

Although she couldn't retain her consciousness while time was suspended, Qiyana vaguely felt Xiao Chen's huge power.

I now have three Herrscher cores, which should have been about the same performance as Xiao Chen's Benghuai, but I didn't expect the gap to be so terrifying.

This gap is not just the restraining Herrscher, but the absolute suppression of other Herrschers.

There is also a gap as a lawyer himself.

No, it should be said... Is Xiao Chen really a Herrscher?

Should he really be called a Herrscher like himself?

Even if he was in the six-core pseudo-god form at the beginning, he had no possibility of winning against Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's power, Qiyana or Sirin, has only been experienced by one person, and that is Shen Yiyi.

"Hey hey-"

"What did I ask you just now? Why are you suddenly stunned? What are you going to do next? Isn't your goal to defeat Honkai? Although I think that if you let it go like this, Honkai will be wiped out by Xiao Chen sooner or later , then you want to hand over everything to Xiao Chen?"

Leave everything to Xiao Chen, this sentence has a different kind of magic power to Qiyana now.

My goal is to avenge Honkai, not necessarily to avenge myself.

As long as the collapse is eliminated.

No matter who it is... as long as the Honkai is eliminated.

Xiao Chen is so powerful that he can even rival God, his words will definitely defeat Honkai.

Fulfill the last wish of mankind all the time.

And her vengeance... her vengeance against Honkai.

Besides, I didn't do nothing, I entrusted my strength to Xiao Chen, and I plan to dedicate myself to Xiao Chen in the future, as long as I entrust my dream to Xiao Chen and be the woman behind him...

I did nothing wrong, just as a woman, as a teenage girl in love, supporting the one I love...

That's right, that's it...

Entrust everything to Xiao Chen and live happily.

As long as there is Xiao Chen, the world will not usher in a perfect ending at the expense of one person.

A Valkyrie can't be hurt, and can laugh like a normal girl.

Honkai Beast will not hurt people, it will only disappear slowly with time.

Honkai [God] will be defeated.

Xiao Chen will become a real [God].



How could she accept this!

That world is indeed perfect!Nobody will get hurt!The world will become completely unbroken, and Xiao Chen will come as a god.

If you don't do anything, I'm afraid it will really become like this next time, right?


There is no Xiao Chen's consciousness in this.

Xiao Chen is very kind, yes, if according to his character, the world will passively become like that.

He will reign as the Uncrowned King.

Maybe he will become a god and disappear in this dimension...

At this moment, Kiyana understood the purpose of Yae Miko so far.

It turned out that the reason why she talked to herself that day and deceived herself with clumsy lies... was to make herself the anchor for Xiao Chen to position herself, and let herself and others be the chains that bound Xiao Chen.

But is it really okay to do this...

Kiyana pondered.

For the sake of the world, let Xiao Chen bear everything as the nameless god, is it really okay?

Of course, Qiyana also understands that Yae Shenzi is not for any world, but for Xiao Chen himself, for the world Xiao Chen expects.

She understood Xiao Chen's character.

Under Shi Yuqiluo's invitation, Xiao Chen chose to stay in this world, which shows that he is very satisfied with this world.

Under his protection, under the cover of everyone, there is no collapsed world, a relatively happy world.

Although there will still be diseases and death, at least the collapse has been completely eradicated from this world one by one.

The most ordinary world that Xiao Chen thought of.

But there is a gap between ideal and reality after all.

Qiyana has been watching Xiao Chen by her side, knowing that Xiao Chen is just an ordinary person whose mind is full of filming.

Is it really good to let him unconsciously bear the fate of the world?

If Xiao Chen chose to bear the fate of this world out of his own choice, then Qi Ya has no reason to stop it.

Qiyana didn't deny Xiao Chen's magnanimity, but just wanted Xiao Chen to make his own choice.

Most importantly, he wanted Xiao Chen to make a choice and help Xiao Chen!

She doesn't want to be a girl who just hides behind Xiao Chen and enjoys life, she wants to be someone who faces difficulties with Xiao Chen instead of hiding behind Xiao Chen!

"Bronya, I think..."

At the moment, she told Bronya what she thought in her heart.

Bronya was silent for a while, and said in a serious voice: "You chose the most difficult path, in case the city is torn apart because of you, friends are no longer friends, and homes are no longer homes... ..."

"Let the world go to perish, and Honkai laughs behind his back..."

"Can you handle this responsibility?"

"Do you have the resolution to sacrifice everything to be with Xiao Chen?"

ps: There was a power outage today, and I heard it all night, these photos were all made by staying up late

326 Raiden Mei Steals Her Home!

"Xiao Chen and I will not let this happen!" Qiyana said seriously.

"I knew you would say that..." Bronya sighed, and said, "Only children want all of them. Adults know that it is very difficult to do one."

"Then work harder and keep everything in your hands." Qiyana said seriously.

"Stupid Qiyana, don't think of everything so simply." Bronya frowned and said.

"It's because Bronya's way of thinking about things is too negative." Kiyana retorted mercilessly with her hands on her hips.

"I just prepared for the worst and want to be with Xiao Chen." Bronya said.

"I am preparing to welcome a new future with Xiao Chen!"



The two just stared at each other for a while...

When the two looked at each other passionately.

Changes are also happening in places unknown to the two of them.

Now Qiyana is not the only Herrscher.

Although the other Herrschers didn't feel as deeply as Qiyana.

But without a part of the Houkai energy, this kind of thing can still be cleared.

Especially Joyce with Einstein.

Einstein originally used the instrument made by Joyce to analyze Xiao Chen's enchantment.

Summarizing Xiao Chen's enchantment for others.

"Previously we always thought that Xiao Chen's enchantment was just a weakened version of the divine grace enchantment of the last era."

Tesla did not participate in this analysis because he had to deal with other matters, and asked curiously, "Isn't it?"

"But in fact, this is a wrong perception, because the information of the last era made us commit preconceived notions." Einstein shook his head and said.

"But Joyce really can't exert his original strength in this enchantment."

Tesla said with some doubts.

"But the reason for being weakened is not because Honkai can be suppressed."

Einstein stared at Tesla and sold a pass.

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