"Why is that? You don't want to go down with the Riddler!" Tesla said anxiously, "Here are all our own people! There's no need to talk to yourself like a Riddler, right?"

"I'm not a riddler, I just couldn't believe the answers I got."

Einstein sighed, and said: "According to the data displayed by the instrument, Xiao Chen's enchantment of divine favor is not to suppress the Houkai energy, but to restrict the flow of the Houkai energy to one place. This feeling is like Same rules."

"Not God's commandment to man, but God's commandment to God."

"Can you say it more simply?" Joyce asked.

"To put it simply, Xiao Chen's barrier does not exist to suppress the Houkai energy, but to absorb the Houkai energy."

Einstein spoke.

That is, when she spoke, the Kung Fu Time Pause started.

After talking about this sentence.

Joyce suddenly lost a lot of Honkai energy, and Joyce knelt down on the ground, clutching his chest in pain.

"Joyce? What's the matter with you? Are you okay?" Seeing this, Tesla hurried over and said.

"how come?"

Could it be because I told the secret that Joyce...

Are you warning me that the happiness I gave you can be taken back at any time?

Einstein clenched his fists, is it for the one he loves, or for the world... Is it for me to choose?

Joyce had already sacrificed once for mankind, and Einstein did not want to see his lover sacrifice once.

Besides, this time it is not something that can be solved by sacrificing.

Xiao Chen's power is too strong, so strong that even the power of the whole world cannot shake it in the slightest.

Einstein held Joyce's arm tightly with both hands for fear that he would leave.

Even without this point, Joyce was able to live because of Xiao Chen, they... had no way to defy Xiao Chen.


On the other side, Raiden Mei also sensed the Honkai energy of being pulled away from the body.

However, this is secondary, if there is as little Honkai as possible, she doesn't care.

The most important thing is that Lei Dian Mei found that the boxed lunch she had planned for Xiao Chen had disappeared for some reason...

Could it be that it was stolen by Qiyana?

After she awakened the power of the Herrscher of the Space, she really liked to use the ability of the Herrscher of the Space to find something to steal in the kitchen.

However, now is the meal time, so she doesn't need to pick this time to steal food, does she?If you want to eat, you can pick it up by yourself, and the crew did not limit the number of boxed lunches.

Could it be that he simply wanted to steal the bento I made for Xiao Chen?

Has our friendship finally grown to the point of using each other's abilities for dirty tricks?

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Just when Leiden Mei was thinking this way, she suddenly saw the note left on the table.

One box of lunch, I took 【Xiao Chen】 first.


"This is indeed Xiao Chen's handwriting."

Leiden Mei muttered to herself.

"However, if you want to take a box lunch, just tell me, why do you need to leave a note?"

Could it be that Xiao Chen doesn't want to talk to me?

shouldn't be...

Is that because I'm too focused on cooking?Xiao Chen can't bear to disturb me?

But when Xiao Chen came, I should know.

Leiden Mei tilted her head while holding the note...

never mind!Anyway!I'll go directly to Xiao Chen and ask about it!

In this way, I also have an excuse to get close to Xiao Chen!

Lei Dian Mei didn't know that her two good friends had already used various excuses to get close to Xiao Chen...

Which one is the latest.

Maybe a little earlier than Ulandle and Rita?

However, Ulandell has plots every day, and basically meets Xiao Chen every day, and Rita also uses the excuse of taking care of Ulandell to get close to Xiao Chen.

Fu Hua can use the excuse of massage to get close to Xiao Chen every day (old guy, you are the best at sneaking away!).

Lei Dian Mei put aside the work in hand for a while, and closed her eyes to perceive Xiao Chen's position.

For other Herrschers, Xiao Chen's existence is as obvious as a bright light in the dark night and a fire in the ice field.

Although Leiden Mei is not in the form of Herrscher now, at least he can find Xiao Chen's position with a little perception.

Carefully avoid the positions of Qiyana and the others along the way, lest they know that he is sneaking away.

Lei Dian Mei quietly came to the room where Xiao Chen used to rest.

After seeing Xiao Chen lying on the sofa and falling asleep, she was stunned for a moment, then with a smile on her face, she walked up to Xiao Chen and gently stroked his face.

Then he looked around with a guilty conscience, and squatted down after making sure that no one was there...

327 Who Sneaked Away!



Lei Dian Yayi looked at the sleeping Xiao Chen like a prank, put his face close to Xiao Chen's ear and blew lightly.

Xiao Chen frowned lightly, but he didn't show any sign of waking up. He first acted as Siegfried for a long time, and tossed about in the time-stopping world for a long time. Now he is really tired, and he won't be able to wake up for a while.

"Sleeping really well..." Lei Dian Yayi looked at Xiao Chen's sleeping profile and said, "He must be exhausted, right?"

Said, Lei Dian Mei stood up again, and gently lifted Xiao Chen's body lying on the sofa.

Then he sat on the sofa and let Xiao Chen's head rest on his lap, and then gently stroked Xiao Chen's hair.

Now her memory is almost fused with Herrscher's personality.

What happened with Xiao Chen when I was a child is vivid in my memory.

"You seemed to do similar things when I was a child."

At that time, she was tired from crying and Xiao Chen comforted her by letting her pillow on his lap until the Herrscher personality took over her body.

It's just that this time I gave Xiao Chen a knee pillow for her.

Just when Leiden Mei thought so, Xiao Chen suddenly said as if he was having a nightmare.

"Sorry... Bud..."

After hearing this address, Leiden Mei's body trembled slightly.

Ya is the name the Herrscher personality said when he dismissed Xiao Chen.

Because it is very similar to Ya, Xiao Chen has always been Thunder Ya, a very boyish name, isn't it?

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Chen thought that the Lei Dian Mei he met back then was a boy.

After Lei Dian Yayi knew that Xiao Chen was calling her name, she held Xiao Chen's hand with a helpless smile on her face, and whispered softly beside his ear: "I'm here, brother Xiao Chen..."

After she finished saying this, Xiao Chen suddenly felt something in his dream, and suddenly opened his eyes.

They looked at each other with the bowed Raiden Mei.

The figure from when he was a child overlapped with Leiden Meiyi for a moment, making Xiao Chen feel a little dazed, but Xiao Chen quickly realized his current state, turned his face away and said: "Sorry, I seem to have fallen asleep."

"Director, you don't have to apologize to me." Mei Lei said with a smile.


Xiao Chen was slightly taken aback when he heard this title, and thought to himself.

Sure enough, did I hear wrong?

It's been a long time since I dreamed about my childhood...

Xiao Chen shook his head and saw that he was lying on Yai's skirt and was about to get up immediately, and said: "Sorry, I'm sorry to trouble you, I'll get up right away."

"I said director that you don't need to apologize. I did this voluntarily. I'm not an actor. It's okay to be a little closer to you, right?"

Leiden Mei opened the mouth and said.

It seems to be oh...

Ah, no, something seems wrong?

Xiao Chen frowned for a moment and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

Then he turned his head and said, "The matter of your father... I will find a way."


who?Not familiar...ah, my father?

That's fine.

Lei Dian Mei was slightly surprised, she remembered that she had told Xiao Chen about her father, but Xiao Chen had said that she would not help.

However, how did you change your mind now?

Leiden Mei was not worried about her father at all, she had heard about her father from Einstein a long time ago.

He was arrested for being involved in the "ME Social Fraud Case".Afterwards, he was put under house arrest by Cocolia, and went to Anti-Entropy North America Branch to implement Walter's plan.

In Honkai 3, before being imprisoned, he would pretend to be the Juggernaut Homu and compete with his daughter Raiden Mei in the way of the Hokushin One-Sword Style.In fact, it didn't last long, and then secretly operated at the anti-entropy base on Einstein's side.

Even Raiden Mei, the daughter, doesn't know.

"Director, why did you suddenly change your mind?" Lei Dian Mei asked curiously.

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