
"Start hidden opener—"


"What happened! What happened!"


"Go my way!"

"Saint of Destiny! Kallen Fantasy!"

'This unknown loading program was definitely designed by Xiao Chen. '

Everyone present complained.

Because Kallen's mother tongue is used with the music, the voice does not appear awkward.

Qiyana looked at the screen and said, "What is this?"

"Kiana, what happened?"

'I can't! '

Kiyana shook her head and said: "I don't know what happened, I inserted the key card in and the screen became like this."

"Let me see." Cecilia came over and said in surprise, "This is...Karen's fantasy? I didn't expect to see this game here. I haven't played it for a long time after being banned." Woolen cloth."

351 Xiao Chen: I will be responsible for all of you!

"Karen Fantasy? What's that?"

Qiyana asked with some doubts.

"This is a character that operates Kallen, the Holy Maiden of Light, and her lover Otto and pet Homu Sanming to travel and adventure in various places, and finally defeats the demon fox from the Eastern Dark Continent. In the end, Kallen and Otto achieve a positive result. play game."

Yae Sakura: ...

Yae Sakura in Yae Kamito's heart was a little speechless.

That's it?Otto, how many years have you been here?

"It's the third work of Karen's fantasy."

Yae Sakura: Can there be three parts to this game? ? ?

Son of God, do we have a game company under our command?I want to develop a role-playing story in which the holy priestess saves the saint from the west and defeats the bishop Otto who is entrenched in the evil church in the west.

Yae Miko: Do ​​you think I will agree to your request?Don't waste energy for no reason in this situation!

Yae Sakura: I will attack Xiao Chen with you!

Yae Miko: I think about it...

"On the basis of retaining the advantages of the first two games, a lot of beautiful textures have been enhanced, and there are as many as 23 occupations in total! And it also supports online battles! There is a ranking system! It is my favorite game! I see, through this Can you open the elevator door!"

Cecilia said with a suddenly realized expression.

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" Qiyana said in surprise.

"Haha, are you scared? In fact, this is not surprising. This game itself was developed by Bishop Otto himself, but it has never been announced to the public."

Yae Sakura: Did you hear that!They haven't announced it yet!Now is the best time to kill that bishop!

Yae Miko: You are annoying!It just occurred to me that even if you don't agree to your conditions, you still have to help me, don't you?Anyway, we all use the same body.

"However, the bishop actually uses this game as the security system here. Shouldn't it be him? It's really his style."

"So that's the case, and this kind of thing, so the bishop of destiny still plays games?"

Qiyana suddenly thought that if this game is mixed with many of Otto's personal preferences, does that mean that every time someone plays it, Otto will die once?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that nothing is wrong with me.

"Although there are many personal preferences of the bishop, this game itself is a program for training the Valkyrie's reaction ability and concentration, so the score ranking system is added. By the way, I am the number one on the leaderboard. The first one! The original first one was originally Bishop Otto, but after I played for a short time, the bishop was overtaken by me."

Cecilia, played by Youlandal, said in a naughty voice: "It didn't take long before my account was banned..."

"Ah? Is the Bishop of Destiny so stingy? Isn't he too narrow-minded?" Kiyana was a little surprised when she heard this.

"Okay, okay, Qiyana, let me teach you a few key points, as long as you learn these customs, it will be easy!" Youlandal said.

"it is good!"

Xiao Chen intends to design this plot so that the two people's adventures in the game world will be shown in a movie to show the affection between mother and daughter.

Then prepare for the knife in the back...

Xiao Chen actually doesn't like tragedies very much, but there's no way the plot of the original work is like this. If he modifies the plot of the original work, it won't be Honkai III, but just a fan movie.

At most, he just modified some lines and details. The general context still has to follow the main plot, after all, this is just a movie.

Just to convey affection.

There is another thing, that is, Xiao Chen saved all the movies he made in a USB flash drive, although there are still dozens of movies.

One day, if Shi Yu Qiluo is going to leave, he will hand over the USB flash drive and the script to Shi Yu Qiluo.

Although there is no way to avoid the plot of what happened in the movie, Xiao Chen still hopes that his filming can turn this unpleasant story into what they want.

After all, it's not a movie, it's reality...

Nobody wants reality to be a bad story.

However, that's their business, I'm just a filmmaker, I don't have any special power.

If I really have the power to destroy the world... Well, although Shi Ting is very strong, it is not considered to be the power to destroy the world, right?

Xiao Chen looked at the picture on the stage and thought silently.

My initial policy was to give the story to Shiyu Qiluo and let her choose to change, that was because I had no strength.

Now Xiao Chen has the strength...

He hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and continued to look at the rest of the crew.

I'm also responsible for these guys.

They got together because of me and wasted their precious youth with him.

After these few movies, I don't plan to let them shoot any movies, before they touch the darkness here...

Although it was just his wishful thinking, he didn't want girls to see the dark side of this world. He was very disciplined, but others might not be so disciplined.

If after filming these few films, they have the idea of ​​sincerely wanting to develop into the film and television industry, Xiao Chen will definitely stop them.

But this is equivalent to negating their previous efforts, after all, Xiao Chen himself understands.

If you are in the limelight and have made several blockbuster movies, and when you are about to move to another place to make a big splash, someone suddenly comes out to stop you, you probably won't feel well...

However, Xiao Chen himself quit voluntarily.

But he doesn't know if other people have this awareness.

Ordinary people would probably not agree to quit a certain industry when it was in the limelight, right?

Although they are not ordinary people.

But even if he understood, Xiao Chen still planned to do so.

Even if they will be resented because of this... Xiao Chen has made up his mind!

Xiao Chen also planned to use the huge funds remaining after all the filming was done to help them.

If someone really wants to continue, let's use the money to make some movies.

(Everyone: ??? Enough!)

If other people know Xiao Chen's decision, they will be very happy. After all, it means that Xiao Chen really cares about them, although Xiao Chen may care about a lot of people...

And Xiao Chen also proposed to be responsible for their future lives... What great news?

Yae Shenzi seemed to see through Xiao Chen's mind, and began to meditate.

Find an opportunity to ask everyone, if they really have the idea of ​​developing into the film and television industry, then don't need Xiao Chen to stop them, let me be the villain!

352 Cecilia is the real saint!

While Xiao Chen was meditating, the plot in the footage captured by the drone also moved.

"The elevator started! Well done! Kiana! This way we can move on!" Cecilia, played by Ulandal, said.

"Hmph! It's a trifle!" Kiyana's face was filled with a happy and satisfied smile.

I don't know what is going on in her mind right now.

However, although she didn't know what was going on in her mind, it was indeed her turn to play the plot she was thinking about.

'God, am I dreaming?My wish has come true!Did that spell actually work?Really good!I still want to continue to be with my mother!Do many, many things! '

Originally, this kind of plot didn't need to be put in the feature film, it was added by post-editing, but in order for the actors to better grasp the character's psychological state at that time, Xiao Chen still decided to play it.

At least the actors themselves should know.

However, it actually helped Kiyana.

At least it helped her ease the real embarrassment in her heart...

"This should be the control room, Kiyana, wait a minute! I'm going to open the way to the upper floor."


Kiyana said happily, while secretly thinking in her heart.

'It doesn't matter how long you wait with mom. '

"However, I didn't expect that spell to really work! It's incredible."

"At least what happened to that child in the end? There may be clues here, let's take a look."

Kiyana picked up the things on the table and flipped through them casually.

"Cilein sometimes has terrible dreams. The dreams are dark, cold, and lonely...Cileen likes to eat cakes and ice cream, but her mother said that eating them will cause tooth decay, so she will bear it well. Live. Every birthday, my mother will dress up Xilin beautifully and go to the park to play together. Xilin likes to be hugged by her mother, and her arms are always warm and reassuring. Xilin ……very happy."

"I really want to see my mother soon..."

Kiyana looked at the contents of the diary and murmured, "Is that all?"

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