Then Qiyana saw the screen on the computer and said: "We were surprised to find that the No. 52 test body from Belarus showed a very high resistance to Houkai energy, and was able to absorb and neutralize energy. .The reason for this phenomenon is not clear, but this is probably what we are looking for. In addition, the laboratory urgently needs more experimental subjects, please provide relevant support."

"In addition, we forged information about the death on the 52nd to the patient's family members. The family members did not suspect it, but we still need to observe..."

"Damn! Those researchers actually did such a thing!" Qiyana said with some righteous indignation.

This anger came from the bottom of her heart. After all, she also had the memory of Sirin, so it was impossible not to hate those researchers.

But people are all dead, and she has nothing to say. If there is anything, it is that she has not yet completed her revenge on Honkai.

In the previous work of Honkai 3, in the plot of Honkai Academy, Xilin was even worse. Although there are no researchers, her life is not considered happy.

In a small town in Siberia, a blind girl Sirin lives with her mother.Although life is hard, her mother still paints a beautiful picture of the world for Sirin.Sirin dreamed of being able to see this beautiful world, and her own mother.Until the day when the collapse comes...

Under the influence of Houkai, Sirin became the Second Herrscher. She opened her eyes to see the world for the first time, but what she saw was a burning sky and a chaotic world. In a panic, she accidentally used her ability to destroy the entire town for the first time. To use the ability is to tear up the dead mother.Under the legal desire of "finding her mother", Sirin began to search for her mother's traces everywhere, but found that the world was not as beautiful as her mother said, and decided to destroy the whole world in disappointment, thinking that she could find her mother in this way.

Apart from the same name and place of birth, Sirin from Honkai 3 can be said to be two completely different people.

However, Cecilia in that world line is no different from now.

During the battle, Cecilia's maternal love aroused Sirin's humanity. Regardless of being severely injured by Cecilia's saintly power, Sirin resolutely used the Honkai energy to swallow the flying nuclear bombs, and was eventually killed by her own Honkai. Bad can backfire and kill.

The same is true for Cecilia in this world. When everyone wants to kill Sirin, as long as she wants to save Sirin... it is very different from a certain saint.

In the Houkai Academy, because Jiuxiao captured the core of the Second Herrscher, the story of the fire-chasing moth was opened, and the consciousness of Sirin retained in the core was awakened.Xilin was influenced by Jiuxiao.

Later Otto revived Sirin in order to open the imaginary space to find Cecilia.Wendy, the Herrscher of the Wind who came suddenly cheered to meet her companions again, but was denied by Sirin, thinking that she was human.

In this world, Cecilia's efforts also bear fruit, and Sirin is no longer a Herrscher who destroys the world...

At this time, Cecilia, played by Ulandal, also came over and said, "Qiana, what did you find again?"

"Master Cecilia! Look at this!" Kiyana said as she handed her the collected information.

"Using the name of treatment to conduct human experiments... Is this the darkness that Destiny hides behind the scenes?"

While Cecilia was chatting with Kiyana, a familiar voice rang through the communicator.

"Cecilia, haven't you defeated the Second Herrscher yet?"

"My lord bishop? I'm sorry, I was a little late. Now the Second Herrscher has entered the interior of Babita's laboratory and is currently searching..."

"I think you should also know the current situation. The Second Herrscher hasn't fully awakened yet, so she has to go to the Babita laboratory to absorb the Houkai energy in the Houkai furnace. The longer she stays, the better your chances of winning." The less, she might have fully awakened while you were chatting..."

"I never lose a battle. If you can't kill the Second Herrscher, I will drop a lot of Honkai fission bombs on Siberia... Siegfried probably hasn't evacuated from Siberia yet..."


"Oh, you should understand the seriousness of the matter."

"This is not just about your family, it's about the whole world, so some sacrifices are necessary."

"Does this also include the children who died tragically in this laboratory?" Cecilia asked, suppressing the anger on her body.

353 The Loser Eats the Dust! ! !

"As I said, focus on the Second Herrscher, and don't worry about other things."

"Since you care so much about the child, don't forget that your daughter is still in Tianming... Ah, don't get me wrong, I'm not threatening you, but if the parents die, the child will be raised by Tianming."

"Now, are you really at ease to hand over the child to me to raise?"

Otto's voice spoke.

If you hadn't watched the Second Honkai and Saint Kallen, everyone would think that Otto is a simple bad guy.

Although I have seen it, I just know that Otto is a complicated villain.

Otto of the Houkai Academy, as the bishop of the Apocalypse Church, advocated the theory of evolution of the Houkai and founded the church.The cult theory that promotes Houkai to save the world from suffering has been besieged by Renhelian, but Otto has a detailed connection with Chaodensha, and thus has secretly supported Chaodensha.

Of course, Toto's theory is not without basis. He has found the key to his theory, which is the pawn named "Saint".Otto watched the development of the situation silently behind the scenes, and later used Teresa as a chess piece as the bishop of Destiny, while he hid behind the scenes and manipulated Destiny.

In the end, the Archbishop of Destiny used the imitation terminal Ayla to find information about the Stigmata Project.Later, Ayla was recovered and used as the high-frequency processor of the Nexus system to produce the flagship Brilliant Covenant, which seems to have some kind of agreement with the colorless glow fire.He discovered the plan of Walter and Cecilia, ordered the Covenant of Glory to destroy St. Freya Academy, and put Theresa, who came to reason, under house arrest.

When the Shaniat family was in chaos, it provided Angelia with the experimental support of the Herrscher, which caused Angelia to go berserk in the saint ceremony, which further damaged the information that the Shaniat family Otto pursued the stigmata plan, He found the gate in the depths of Xianlan, but returned because he could not open the gate and Janna's obstruction failed. After that, he began to put the eradication of anti-entropy at the top of his action—he established many artificial Herrscher experimental fields in Tianming, and Because of the recovery of the core of the metal Herrscher, the artificial Herrscher experiment has made a huge breakthrough, and there have been several successful cases.

After deflecting Janna's energy cannon with the Splendid Covenant, head to the moon with Flora and the others.

In "Fantasy Sea and Airspace", he announced his plan to the world.

Regardless of the world, Otto is a complex character with colors, such as green...

"I see, my lord bishop, I will defeat the Second Herrscher."

Cecilia, played by Youlandelle, said helplessly.

"Very well, I am waiting for your good news Cecilia."

Otto nodded and hung up the communication.

"Why is he like this!"

After he hung up the phone, Kiyana spoke.

"Okay, Kiyana, as long as you defeat the Second Herrscher, that kind of thing won't happen!" Cecilia smiled in front of Kiyana, and said, "By the way, Kiyana can do me a favor ?"

"Of course, Master Cecilia!" Kiyana said happily: "What am I going to do?"

"Can I go to the control room on the last floor and turn on all the switches? Only in this way can I get to the top floor." Ulandal said with the same smile on his face.

"Okay!" Kiyana bounced and took the elevator to the last floor.

Look for the nonexistent switch in the safe house.

It was just a lie Cecilia made up for her safety.

"Switch, switch, switch..."

"Where is the master switch?"

"I can't find it anywhere!"

Qiyana stomped her feet and said, then looked at the diary fragments on the table and said, "I hope there are clues in the diary."

"Those experimenters transferred me to the safe house, saying that as long as I cooperate well with the treatment, they will let me see my mother... Liars! They are a bunch of liars! If this continues, I will never see my mother again! No! No! I want to Find a way to escape!"

"This child is so pitiful..." Qiyana was halfway through her words before realizing it belatedly, and said: "Wait, what did she just say? Safe house? Isn't this the control room? Could it be that Mommy lied to her?" I!"

With that said, under the drone's shooting, he quickly ran to the elevator and frantically pressed the button of the elevator.

Although drone shooting is convenient and can shoot from multiple angles at one time, it actually has a disadvantage.

That is, it is easy to shoot other drones in the process of shooting.

For example, a drone with a bird's-eye view is likely to capture a drone with a close-up view.

In this regard, Destiny directly uses the treasured invisible drone to take close-up shots, without having to shoot a scene repeatedly.

Of course, it is not completely without loopholes. At this time, a little bit of post-processing is required to remove the uncoordinated light and shadow, and to delete the pictures of the drones that were photographed together.

Under the drone shooting in the distant scene, Qiyana put down her diary and quickly ran to the elevators, and then quickly switched to the drone dedicated to shooting people.

The picture of Kiyana pressing the elevator button eagerly was captured.

"What's going on? Why isn't the elevator moving again! Hurry up! Lady Cecilia is still waiting for me!" Kiyana said, hammering on the door frame of the elevator.

At this time, Cecilia's voice sounded from the communicator, saying, "Please forgive me for lying to you, Kiyana."

"Master Cecilia! Open the elevator!"

"Kiana stay in the safe house obediently, so that even if the missiles come down, they won't hurt you."

"I want to fight with you too, Master Cecilia!"

"Are you worried about me? Don't worry, I will quickly get rid of the Second Herrscher and join you! Don't forget that I am the strongest Valkyrie!"

Saying that, Cecilia cut off the communication.

"Mom one by one!!!"

Kiyana yelled, then punched the elevator heavily and said, "There must be other keys here! Mom! Wait for me! I'll be right here!"

With that said, Qiyana frantically searched here.

It's just that this plot needs to be accelerated in the view of the audience, it's just that it seems that Qiyana is looking for it very seriously.

Finally, Qiyana in the screen found the key and reopened the elevator door.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Kiyana waited anxiously for the elevator to descend.

In the end, she took the elevator and came to the top floor where Cecilia was.

It's just that what was waiting for her was not Cecilia, but the Second Herrscher... and Cecilia's corpse.


I saw Qiyana let out a mournful cry, and then the screen returned to the original appearance...

354 Erosion Herrscher Network

"What happened just now? I saw Cecilia... Mom died? She fell in front of me, and then the Second Herrscher wanted to kill me too... Then everything started again? How did this happen? thing?"

"Could it be that I had better read that magic spell?"

"Go back in time?"

"Great! Mom is not dead at this time! Nothing has happened yet!"

Kiyana glanced at the time, then looked at the elevator door in front of her and said, "No way! I have to hurry to see mom!"

After speaking, Kiana found a spare key and went to the upper floor.

Then saw Cecilia who was defeated by the threat of the Second Herrscher.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the Second Herrscher to become so strong!"

"Hmph! Are you really good at it? It's completely different from those Valkyries before, but I haven't had enough fun yet!"

"Stop! Don't even think about hurting Lady Cecilia!"

With that said, Qiyana rushed towards her phantom and said, "The bastard Second Herrscher, get away from Cecilia!"

I saw Qiyana kicking towards her phantom, because it was a phantom made by a projector and there was no entity.

The illusion quickly drifted to the other side under the control of the instrument, and Qiyana said upon seeing this, "Master Cecilia!"

Cecilia seized this opportunity to throw the black abyss and white flowers at the phantom, and the phantom was 'injured' and ran to the upper floor after saying a harsh word.

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