"Damn it! Wait for me the hateful Valkyrie!"

"Great! We have won Master Cecilia!" Kiyana hugged Cecilia and said.

"Thanks to you, Kiyana, but why are you here? I have already closed the elevator." Cecilia said with some doubts.

"I found a spare key below!" Kiyana said, hugging Cecilia tightly.

"A spare key? So it's like this... Maybe it was left by the researchers who went to the safe house to take refuge." Cecilia murmured.

"Master Cecilia! Please let me help! You have seen what happened just now! I have the ability to fight! I will definitely help you defeat the Second Herrscher!"

"This... okay." Cecilia hesitated a little, and said, "It was indeed you who saved me this time, sorry, you are a qualified fighter, please fight with me, let's defeat the second Lawyers!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Chen was slightly relieved to see the smooth development of the plot.

Then he received a message from the anti-entropy group.

It is said that it arrived in Canghai City safely and is conducting a field investigation...

"Come on, remember to copy the entire Moonlight Throne, not only the main cannon of the Moonlight Throne, but also the Moonlight Throne device itself." Einstein patted Joyce on the shoulder and said.

"It's easy for you to say!" Joyce complained, and said, "Why don't you use the real thing this time?"

"Because the finished product of Moonlight Throne has not yet been produced, the script of this movie is also written two years later. In fact, the production time of Moonlight Throne in my mind is about the same time. It really deserves to be a script that predicts the future." Einstein said with emotion One sentence.

"Then I'll deal with other things first. First, let the shooting pass. It's not a problem to have the help of the destiny. The problem is whether you can build the Moonlight Throne."

"There is a talisman given by the elder sister Yae Kamito, so I think it should be fine." Joyce said.

"Is that talisman that can freely use the Houkai energy under the enchantment of divine grace? I really want to study it a little bit, but Yae Kamito will definitely not be happy if we do that? Besides, the power of erosion will prevent us from investigating..."

"Ein, don't think about these things anymore." Joyce interrupted Einstein's meditation and said, "If something really happens, I will find a way."

Einstein looked at Joyce and shook his head, and said, "Then you can practice slowly here, and I will let someone stay with you. If you don't understand anything, just ask her."

"Who? Tesla is still staying in Siberia to observe the situation there?"

"Your acquaintance."

After Einstein finished speaking, Joyce's cell phone rang, said.

"Good morning, lord."

"This voice... are you Aitan?"

Ada is a large-scale supercomputer developed and manufactured by the former civilization, which officially appeared in Chapter 8 of "Anti-Entropy".

Powerful performance, its 1% computing power is equivalent to Sunway? TaihuLight, but the core is the size that can fit into WS No.88 wireless transceiver.But in fact, it has never been activated until the demise of the former civilization.

The name, image, and behavior are all derived from Elias Nuoji Anweitanen as his "tutor".

The real name is translated as Jhona Shiba Zhulaka ZhaJhyurhipoka Shuvi Jhaha, abbreviated as JSZZJSJ, which means "large, main and fast collapse energy computing system".

The usual work includes weather forecast, weapon performance estimation, analysis of soul steel data, etc.

Her real name "??????????????????????????" is first mentioned in Schrödinger's letter in the visual novel Chapter 2.

Appeared in Chapter 8, analyzed the data stored in the soul steel, and then continuously operated at full capacity for 4 weeks for the violent solution.

For the half-antiquated Joyce, he was indeed an old acquaintance.

After all, other people I know...Lao Yang's father died.

Others who are anti-entropy do not have a limited lifespan like Einstein and Tesla.

"Yes, long time no see, leader, I'm glad you still remember me." Aite said.

"For me, talking to you seems like yesterday." Joyce said.

"Are you accosting me? Dr. Einstein will be jealous."

"No, I'm just expressing my feelings!" Joyce said in a panic.

"By the way, do you know about me and Ain?"

"Well, I know, I learned a lot from surfing the Internet recently."

"Huh? How is the Internet developed now?"

"Is the Internet so developed now?" Joyce asked a little puzzled.

"It's the Honkai Network that erodes the Herrscher. After all, I'm also connected to the Internet, so I can't escape the erosion of the Herrscher." Ain said very flatly.

"Ah? Are you alright then?"

"It's okay, the power of eroding the Herrscher has no other influence on me, but please note that I am also on the side of the eroding Herrscher now. If you really want to harm it, please do it in a place I don't know. circumstances."


355 Because you are the real Qiyana!

With the support of Destiny, anti-entropy people escorted a large number of Houkai beasts to Canghai City for filming.

Because under Xiao Chen's control, these Honkai beasts appear to be very honest.

Einstein and the others probably didn't expect that one day they would move Houkaimon to this place.

It's really like some villain organization.

On the other side, the Valkyrie assessment of St. Freya's Academy is also ready.

There is basically no need to prepare for the final decisive battle on the floating island.

On the other side, Kiana and Cecilia also came to the top of the tower.

After some fighting, the two successfully defeated the injured Second Herrscher.

This aspect of fighting does not require Xiao Chen to command too much. Originally, everyone is also a Valkyrie who has experienced many battles. Although they played fake matches, they fought just like real ones. Ordinary people couldn't tell the difference.

Then there is the question of how to edit.

Xiao Chen is only in charge of the final review, occasionally offering ideas.


"We succeeded! We successfully defeated the Second Herrscher."

After defeating the Second Herrscher, Kiana hugged Cecilia excitedly, said.

"Can you just let me hug you for a while? Just for a while?"

"Of course, Kiyana."

"It's really hard for you this time."

When you go back, use the name of discussing the plot to ask me about my life experience...

"Hey hey~"

Kiyana said with a happy face.

I will be able to eat the meal made by Xiao Chen in a while, so happy!

When Kiyana was hugging Cecilia happily on the set, Teresa walked over and said, "Qiana? Why are you here?"

"Theresa? You just came? But, you're already late! Cecilia and I have already dealt with the Second Herrscher!" Kiyana said triumphantly.

"Second Herrscher? Cecilia? What are you talking about? I only see you giggling here."

"How is it possible, Master Cecilia is clearly by my side!" Qiyana turned her head and saw that the place where she could see was no longer the endless snow field, but the cold wall.

"How did you slip into the data space? Things here are dangerous, come back with me!"

Teresa was just about to take Qiyana back when a voice suddenly sounded.

"I'm sorry, Master Dean, in order to prevent you from blocking our work, I can only control you first."

After finishing speaking, Teresa fell directly to the ground, and a feather fell slowly.

"Qiana, your mother is not here..."

Fu Hua appeared behind Kiyana and said.

"This voice is... the monitor? Why are you here? Where is my mother?"

"This device has no virtual space from the beginning, and there is no virtual AI that can simulate people. What I saw before was just the Second Herrscher, an illusion created by you to control you."

"Impossible! I still hugged my mother! How could she just disappear like this! You must be lying to me, right!"


"Sorry, I know it's hard for you to accept, but it's time to wake up from the dream."

"Impossible! This is not true! I will definitely find my mother! By the way, there is that magic spell! Just say that spell and everything will end! Mom will come back to me!"


'I'm sorry, Kiyana, please sleep first. "

"inch strength..."


Xiao Chen clapped his hands together and said: "It's over! It's over! The plot of Siberia is officially over! Everyone rests for a few days and prepares to go to Canghai City! Disband now! After packing up, you can move around freely!"


"Thank you Director!"


After the filming ended, Youlandel found Xiao Chen and asked.

"Director, do you have time later?"

Xiao Chen froze for a moment, and said: "Are you in a hurry? Next, I want Qiyana and the others to treat them a bit by cooking. If you don't mind me talking to you while cooking. I can do it anytime."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Youlandell nodded heavily.

The two came to the kitchen, Xiao Chen was preparing the ingredients for dinner with a kitchen knife in his hand and asked, "What do you want to tell me?"

"Actually, I want to talk to you about my next plot."

"Ah, your plot is still very late, you can take a break first, or even take a trip."

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