"That's not necessary! I want to enter a new role as soon as possible, can you tell me what kind of person I need to play?" Youlandal swallowed after speaking, obviously very concerned about Xiao Chen's treatment of her Evaluation.

"Okay, then I'll talk a little bit about it."

"You want to play the captain of the Destiny Valkyrie team "Immortal Blade", Ulandal, an S-rank Valkyrie.The adjutant is Rita Rossweisse.Equipped with a knight gun-type God's Key - Heiyuan Baihua.Destiny? The Valkyrie belonging to the European Headquarters is the strongest among the three S-rank Valkyries in active service.Uses a huge lance as a weapon.Teresa, who once served as its instructor, commented that "the other two (becoming S-rank Valkyrie) relied on extreme talent, and only she relied on extreme hard work (opening)". "

"As the captain of the most powerful Valkyrie squad "Immortal Blade", he is active in eradicating Houkai all over the world.He once received a secret order from Otto Apocalypse to monitor Kiana with Fu Hua.Although he obeys Otto's orders, he also has his own persistence. "

"Yurandale was originally named Bianca? Atagena. The "Yurandale" in the current name was originally a supercomputer made by the fire-chasing moth. After its soul steel shell was destroyed, Bianca Use your own body instead of soul steel to carry the basic control unit of Ulandal, and use its computing power to invert a world that you have explored into your body, and therefore add the name of Ulandal to it. own name."

"I see." Youlandelle nodded pretendingly, and then complained in his heart.

I know all these things...

Sure enough, my identity has nothing to do with Cecilia?

Am I thinking too much...

"The main plot currently filmed is mainly used as a background board. After Wendy became legalized, the Far East branch had to report the situation. Urandale was urgently dispatched by Otto to New Zealand to capture Wendy."

"Back, the background board..." Youlandelle was shocked when he heard it, and at the same time asked casually, "Then is it just a coincidence that she and Cecilia look like each other?"

"No, as I said before, the current Qiyana is just a clone, right? Then where do you think the real Kiyana is?"

356 I can't be Cecilia, can I?

"Is the real Qiyana still alive?"

Youlandelle asked a little excitedly.

"Of course not. At the end of the second Honkai, out of fear of the unknown power in Siegfried's blood, Otto ordered the launch of the Honkai fission bomb, burying the Siegfried couple and the Second Herrscher together."

"After learning the truth, Siegfried decided to talk to Otto about the matter, and Otto also admitted frankly that he once wanted to kill Siegfried, but explained the matter as he did not want Siegfried to kill Siegfried by accident. kill your own daughter."

"And appreciated Siegfried's control of that power, and also said that the future strongest Valkyrie would not lose her father since she was a child, but it was you who made her lose her mother, as long as Siegfried can make Kiana healthy If we grow up, the cooperation can continue. Siegfried is very annoyed by Otto's attitude, but he has to give up in order to fight against the collapse of the cause."

Although Ulandelle knew some of Otto's actions, she didn't hate Otto because of Otto's kindness.

After hearing this, Youlandal still couldn't help but want to give Otto two punches.

"However, Siegfried didn't imagine that what he got in exchange for a temporary retreat was not a brighter future, but a more crazy plan. Destiny recovered the body of the second Herrscher Sirin, and through its research, developed a space-time fracture system. The Valkyrie has been greatly improved, but at the same time, Otto also started a crazy plan, which is to resurrect the Second Herrscher."

Upon hearing this, Youlandal was not too surprised, because he has now resurrected the Second Herrscher.

It even revealed Qiyana's original identity.

"Otto has conducted many experiments, and he finally confirmed that the core of the Herrscher of the Sky needs to be implanted into a special body to complete the resurrection of Sirin. The first condition that this special body must meet is collapse Adaptable enough."

"After experiencing the failure of Shaniat's clone and Kaslana's clone, Otto set his sights on Kiana Kaslana's clone. But even so, after many After the experiment, only vegetative people could be bred until K423 had brain waves."

Did Bishop Otto also copy Cecilia...

and many more?Me and Cecilia look the same?I'm not a copy of Cecilia, am I?

Bishop Otto dyed my hair blond to avoid suspicion? ? ?

I can't really be Kiyana's mother, can I? ? ?

do not scare me……

Youlandell is a little worried, if he is really a copy of Cecilia, then the relationship with Kiana will be complicated.

In addition, the relationship between myself and Xiao Chen is also... If this is really the case, I don't know if Xiao Chen will care...

"At the same time, Siegfried and Anti-Entropy also investigated that Otto was conducting a resurrection experiment. The Anti-Entropy side was unable to stop this at the time. They found Siegfried and hoped that he could come forward to stop Otto, but Qi Ge Fei also knows that if he fails, his daughter Qiyana will definitely be implicated."

Xiao Chen naturally didn't know what Youlandal was thinking, and he was still doing homework with Youlandell on character design.

If you let him know what Youlandell thinks, he will definitely complain.

If you were a copy of Cecilia, why would I say so much.

"The worst possible thing is: Otto will directly use Kiana as the carrier for the resurrection of the Herrscher of the Sky. Therefore, even if he knows what Otto is doing, in order to be worthy of the dead Cecilia, in order to let Kia Na had a peaceful childhood, and was able to grow up healthy and happy, the only choice Siegfried had was Ren."

"It's just that Otto's plan is still progressing steadily, and Siegfried is getting more and more worried every day, until one day, when the young Qiyana found that her father was absent-minded about everything, she went to clean up her father's room , and finally came into contact with this truth by accident, she knew very well that she could not turn a blind eye to this matter after all, so she volunteered to help Dad complete this laboratory raid plan!"

"What a brave child..." Youlandal said something, and suddenly thought of something, secretly thought in his heart.

Siegfried actually asked his young daughter to clean the room?

"Siegfried categorically rejected this idea at the time, but in the end he couldn't stand Kiyana's insistence, and agreed to go with Kiyana to steal the experimental body. Kiyana didn't know at the time that this matter would It will completely change the trajectory of her life and many others."

On this day, Siegfried and Kiyana drove away from their home, which they would never come back to, and arrived at the development center on the outskirts of Kolosten. exclusive training room."

Listening to Xiao Chen's narration, Youlandale made a movement of twisting the Rubik's cube, as if thinking of something...

"This is very common between the father and daughter. It seems that Qiyana wants dad to teach two-stroke gun fighting skills, but after arriving in the training room, Kiyana went through the window to the unused dressing room next door. Zig Fei changed into a chemical protective suit and pretended to be a maintenance worker waiting for a long time, and Qiyana hid in the waste bin."

"Father and daughter went to the scrap yard together. Kiyana climbed into the core area of ​​the experimental floor through the scrap opening, and began to saw the windows. Siegfried got a stealth fighter to stop outside, and then the father and daughter Together they broke into the laboratory where K423 was located. After arriving at the laboratory, Kiyana was very excited to see K423 in the experimental cabin, and asked her father if she could call her "sister."

Youlandelle closed his eyes, and Xiao Chen didn't notice her expression while cutting vegetables.

"The two snatched K423 and triggered the alarm without any suspense, but it doesn't matter. The guards here can't stop the father and daughter at all. They just need to catch up with the fighters and leave here, meet the anti-entropy people, and put their bodies to death. If K423, which carries the core of Herrscher of the Sky, is handed over to anti-entropy, the nightmare that has not yet come should end immediately."

"The father and daughter will also have a new home, a new life, and Kiyana's happy childhood can still continue...if they respond in time."

"However, Anti-Entropy's response was not as timely as imagined. Destiny has sent the Valkyrie troops to pursue it. The stealth fighter suffered heavy damage and was about to crash. In desperation, the father and daughter decided to parachute to escape."

After hearing this, Ulandal seemed to think of something, it was a conversation sealed deep in the genes.

"You take her skydiving, I can do it myself!"

"Don't be rash, Kiyana!"

Then there was a deafening explosion.

357 I'm Really Kiyana!I am not Kiyana!

Ulandal really couldn't remember what happened after the explosion.

However, Xiao Chen's narration let her know what happened afterwards.

"At this time, Qiyana also prepared the parachute bag and pulled down her forced jump lever, but almost at this time, the plane was hit by a shell from the Chasing Force of Heaven and exploded, and Qiyana, who was too late to open the parachute, was killed The fragments from the explosion hit the head and lost consciousness, and fell into the snow mountain together with the burning fragments."

"One year later, a girl who lost her memory woke up in a hospital bed, and in front of her was a blond man who was treating her. It is said that the girl was seriously injured, and everyone thought she would die, but the blond man used A still experimental technique managed to bring her back to life with the only side effect being that her hair turned blond."

"Under the guidance of this blond man, the girl with amnesia finally chose a brand new name for herself—Bianca Atagina." "Bianka" is Italian, meaning: " Blank" can also be written as B Kiana, that is, Kiana who took the B route."

I really am Kiyana! ! !

Although I have already guessed the answer to this matter!But for Youlandal, the impact is still not small.

The person I have been playing is really my mother...I never thought I would see my mother in this form...

And my sister... No wonder I feel kind to Qiyana, it turns out that she is really my sister.

"What's the matter, are you surprised by this answer?"

When Xiao Chen was cooking, he took time to glance at the surprised Youlandelle, and said.

"I thought about this possibility before, but I was really surprised to hear the answer." Ulandal said in a calm voice, suppressing his voice.

"I wouldn't have guessed that if I hadn't played Cecilia."

"After all, Youlandal himself hasn't appeared on stage yet." Xiao Chen shrugged and said: "I also said before that Youlandell in the previous films is the same character as the background board."

"After Wendy became legalized, the Far East branch had to report the situation, and Urandale was urgently dispatched by Otto to New Zealand to capture Wendy. In order to buy time for Wendy and the Valkyries of the Far East branch, Germany Lisa public frequency broadcasted the coordinates of Ulandal, causing Ulandal to exchange fire with the anti-entropy battleship group on the way."

"After questioning Teresa, the reply I got was "Anti-entropy's fleet is only here for tourism, and it happened to collide with their troops. "I didn't expect Ulandal to really believe it. Maybe this is the fine tradition of the family. In fact, it's very simple to play Ulandell, just grasp these two points of honesty and justice."

"However, there was no plot in Ulandal in the early mainline. After Kiyana fell into a dream in the data space, Otto was able to observe her dream for some reason. After lamenting the strange situation, Otto ordered Fu Hua and Ulanda to The two of them captured, and the response of Urandale here is the first time she has spoken in the main line."

"After Kiyana escaped from the dream, Fu Hua captured her. When Teresa wanted to stop her, she was brought down by Youlandelle using the black abyss. Afterwards, the two brought Kiyana back to the headquarters of Destiny. Both times Didn't show up."

"The first official appearance was in the memory of Ragnar, the captain of the Valkyrie Stormtrooper who died in 2010, and laid flowers at the tomb. At that time, there was only one back view, until the CG of Ulandal's first appearance in Honkai 3."

"When Fu Hua and Rita were fighting, they dissuaded them, and flatly rejected Fu Hua's request for the Valkyrie troops to support the crusade against the Second Herrscher. The true face of Ulandal is in this chapter in the Beng 3 series It just showed up for the first time."


Youlandal always felt like a passerby.

"Then there is no highlight moment for me... this role?"

"Gao Guang?"

Speaking of which, Ulandell doesn't have its own PV, does it?

"Xiao Chen pondered for a while and said: "You Landal learned about Otto's plan (not the whole picture).Unable to accept the "now" as the price, Ulandal entrusted Rita with the inner world bubble, and accepted Gnius, who was gifted by Rita as a talisman, and went to St. 537 Church alone to confront Otto. "

"Jurlandelle, who saw Otto in the church, questioned Otto, and denied his plan to sacrifice the present in exchange for time regression. At the same time, she faintly felt that Otto still had doubts about his plan at this time. She concealed that what she knew so far was not the whole picture, and tried to inquire further, but was forced to fight by Otto on the grounds that 'I will definitely murder almost everyone in the world'."

"After winning the victory, Ulandal held the black abyss and white flowers and pointed at Otto who was kneeling on the ground. The victorious Ulandelle did not choose to kill Otto, but continued to ask him about his concealed plan. But at this time Otto Having secretly completed his 'sublimation' in the battle just now, he got the gift of the tree of imaginary numbers and used the Gnius device (not a gift from Rita) to exile Ulandal, and the black abyss and white flowers fell into the abyss. Hold it in your hands."


Can this be considered a highlight?

Have all the weapons fallen into the hands of others?

What a highlight!

The bishop is not a powerful character in the first place!Even if she defeated Otto, she wasn't very happy. She actually cared more about Otto's real plan than this... If she could, she didn't want to fight Otto.

Ulandelle's face darkened, and he asked directly: "Then what is Otto's real plan?"

"Turn back time and create a timeline where Kallen can't die."

Xiao Chen replied casually.

Although now Otto's plan has changed from creating a world line in which Karen will not die to creating a time line with Xiao Chen.

Otto didn't expect that the questions and answers he had been thinking about would be asked by Ulandal so easily.

Of course, in fact, it is not enough to just know the answer, you also have to know the method to achieve this answer.

Such as turning back the key points of time.

Youlandal was still digesting what Xiao Chen said just now, neither of them noticed that outside the kitchen door, a white figure was leaning against the door.

From the very beginning when the two of them talked about who is the real Qiyana, Qiyana has been listening by the door. She was looking forward to Xiao Chen's dinner and then ran over to see Xiao Chen's cooking.

But I didn't expect Ulandal to hide it with the power of the Herrscher of the Sky...


358 Siegfried... Isn't it miserable?

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