During the protection period, Kevin absorbed Chi You's energy and recovered some of his strength. Mei talked with Kevin's memory in the Paradise of the Past and confirmed that Kevin had not fully recovered, and then picked up the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge sent by Gray Snake... …

Kiyana should be talking about that plot, right?

She thought I kidnapped Siegfried?

Has she checked the time properly?

Could this lawyer be an idiot?

But... Maybe this point can be used!

Kevin nodded and said, "Siegfried is indeed in my hands!"

Ah yes yes yes!

"Sure enough, where is he now?" Sirin continued to ask.

"Do you think I'll tell you so easily? Herrscher." Kevin snorted coldly, and tentatively asked.

"Don't want to know your father's whereabouts so much, why not ask Xiao Chen, he should tell you Siegfried's location."

"I'm asking you now." Sirin said coldly.

"I guess he doesn't know either? That's why you came to ask me." Kevin observed Kiyana's expression and continued: "Let me tell you where Siegfried is, but you have to put me Bring back the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment."


361 Siegfried How Did You Educate Your Daughter!

"Did you make a mistake? What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?"

Sirin looked at the twisted body and threatened, "If I think about it, I can tear you into pieces in an instant."

"You can try, I'm dead, Siegfried can't even think about living!"

Kevin was like a pangolin possessed for a moment, said.

"Really?" After hearing this sentence, Sirin suddenly threw Kevin aside and said

:"let it go.

"That guy Siegfried, do you think I really care about him? I'm a Herrscher,

Human life and death don't matter to me at all, do they? "

"I mentioned him just to find an excuse to beat you up. If you don't let him go, then I have a reason to beat you up."

Kevin:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Ah this.

Am I thinking too much?

"wait wait wait!"

Kevin quickly stopped.

"I said stop! Little girl, you don't talk about martial arts! Sneak attack on a 5-year-old comrade of mine! Is this okay? This is not good!"

"Peace should be the most important thing in the collapsed world."


It always feels weird to say this from your mouth, Kevin.

"How dare you say that?"

Sirin was a little surprised: "Aren't you planning to implement your stigmata plan in Tianqiong City?"

"Sky City?"

"It's useless even if you pretend to be stupid. I've heard Xiao Chen say about your plan."

After the plot of the Queen's Advent ended, Kiyana received the following script.

During my investigation in Tianqiong City, I discovered the existence of the "World Snake" organization and the secrets of Fu Hua, as well as the terrifying experiment planned by Shencheng Medicine in Tianqiong City in order to complete the "Stigmata Project".

After learning about the stigmata plan, Qiyana chose to chase after the Raven's convoy to get information from the Raven.However, Raven possessed the antidote to the poison mist, which put Qiyana at an absolute disadvantage in the battle with Raven, and was finally caught in Shencheng Medical Laboratory.

In the laboratory, Qiyana tried to extract information from the jackal, and escaped forcefully after feeling that she could not get more information. However, due to the erosion of the three Herrscher cores in her body, she lost her sense of pain and was about to smash the experiment of the world snake.

On the way, he had a touching farewell with Raiden Mei.He was thwarted by the raven again. Although he defeated the raven, there was not much time left before the experiment began.With Fu Hua's help, Kiyana decided to completely liberate the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to save the city.

Kevin was only told about the previous things and naturally didn't know what Kiyana was talking about.

Just because of a gloomy moment, he said: "I didn't expect you to know all of this."

"If it wasn't for Xiao Chen, an obstructive guy, my plan might have been successful long ago."

"However, although there is no way to launch the Stigmata Project on the entire world, it is more than enough for that bomb to affect the entire Tiandome city."

"What does this have to do with me." Sirin still had an indifferent attitude, and said, "You humans want to kill each other, what does it have to do with me?"

"Then your father doesn't care? If you really just want to beat me up, there's no need to make excuses, right?" Kevin continued to ask.

"Indeed." Kiyana or Sirin nodded, and said, "If I just beat you up, I really don't need to ask you so much.

"I guarantee that my companions will repay Siegfried with double the pain I received here," Kevin said.

Kiyana's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she suddenly punched Kevin in the stomach, and said, "That's really great, I just wanted to teach Siegfried a lesson, since you said that, just hit you right?"

Kevin:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Siegfried How do you educate your daughter?

"Although I can't punch Siegfried directly, I feel relieved after hearing what you say."

"Remember how many times I punched next."

It is not without reason that Qiyana hates Kevin.

After Sky City's plan fails, Kevin and the Jackal head to North Africa's Mandate Base.Kevin used his ability to find K-423 with Kaslana's blood in the ruins, and took out Jie Mie to "stab the family" on K-423 without saying a word, but was caught by Fu Hua who suddenly appeared. stop.

In the end, Fu Hua's energy was exhausted, and Kevin won.Kevin promised that Fu Hua would be reawakened after everything was over. After K-423 escaped, Kevin met Ulandal who came to challenge him and planned to carry out a family pass on him but failed.

It doesn't matter if you hit yourself, but you still have to hit her sister. You really can't let Kevin go so easily.

Kiyana and Sirin thought so at the same time.


On the other side, Youlandal asked Xiao Chen about some details of Otto's plan.

After hearing that he lost to Otto and became part of Otto's plan, Ulandal was very curious about it.

Although he learned that Otto wanted to create a world line in which Kallen would not die, Yolandell still didn't understand what Otto was going to do!

There are still some processes that she cares about.

Such as anti-entropy and the action of the world snake.

At that moment Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said.

"Destiny? Although Otto didn't directly harass people, he did some things..."

"For example, the Herrscher of Consciousness went to the World Snake and asked Kevin to recover the feathers. After the two fought, there was no winner. Kevin gave the feathers with Fuhua's body consciousness to Xiaoshi."

Youlandelle was a little speechless when he heard the words, but felt that it was indeed something Otto could do...

"Shortly after, Otto met with Kevin again. Kevin handed back the Void Manzo and made a final deal with Otto. No matter what Otto did this time, the World Snake would not come forward to stop him. According to Chang Guang et al. Human research has shown that if Otto really reverses the world back to 500 years ago, all stigmata awakened will not be affected during this reversal process, which is why the world snake will not intervene in this matter."

"Finally reached an agreement with the will of the Houkai, and obtained the power of restraint. Escaped into the imaginary number space in the church and left an imaginary number crack, Otto himself is an imaginary number, so Otto's power in the imaginary number space is almost infinite.

"Ultimately crucified on the cross in the field by Ulandal, Kiana used the authority of the Herrscher of the Sky to forcibly involve Otto in the renormalization of imaginary numbers, so that the concepts of "infinite" and "limited" were reversed.

"After breaking free from the shackles of the intrinsic world through a decisive battle, against the backlash of imaginary numbers, I successfully built a branch of another world on the tree of imaginary numbers - the branch of "Karen is not dead", and then returned to 500 years ago Lian will confess everything."

"I see……"

Youlandelle nodded, then clapped his hands in his heart, and said.

Um!totally do not understand!

362 Otto: Another me!please!

What is limited and what is infinite is completely incomprehensible!

In short, I beat the bishop violently, and the bishop fulfilled his wish, right?

it feels weird...

"That's right, that's right, in the personal plot of Ulandell that I told you before, there is also a parallel world Otto in the plot of the inheritance chapter, and there is a different ending."

"That Otto appeared in the world bubble created by Otto to test Ulandal. It corresponds to the Minister of the Fifth Science Department of the Fire Moth of the previous generation. His wife and daughter died of contracting the Houkai disease. When they died, Otto was not Willing to let go of his wife's hand and contract the Houkai disease, Dr. Mei finally cut off Otto's left hand."

"In the process of fighting against the Eighth Herrscher, let the fusion fighters use the shackles of consciousness and the observation center to sneak into the dream created by the Eighth Herrscher. Otto, who was in charge of monitoring the situation, was shot by Bolong who had already been controlled by the Eighth Herrscher."

"However, Otto did not die, and tried to stop Bolong, who was about to destroy the observation hub, but was forcibly pulled into the dream by the Eighth Herrscher. In the dream, Otto's wife Karen and daughter Teresa were not infected with collapse Bad illness, the family is happy. But Otto soon saw through the dream and killed his wife and daughter in the dream.”

Although fantasy?But Otto actually killed Kallen?

Youlandelle has seen the Saintess Kallen photographed by Xiao Chen, and she also asked Otto, and Otto also admitted that what happened to the Saintess Kallen was true...except that the women's clothing part was a little false.

Even she could sense Otto's feelings for Kallen.

"Why doesn't Otto accept this dream?" Ulandal asked with some doubts.

"The Eighth Herrscher also asked this question. Its incarnation, Kallen, asked Otto why he was unwilling to accept this dream. Otto said that if he accepted this dream, it would be a betrayal of his dead wife and daughter. Now Otto is alive. The only reason is to take revenge on Honkai."

"In the end, Otto woke up from the dream and restarted the observation hub. After Bianca woke up from the dream, the Firemoth also located the coordinates of the Eighth Herrscher. But Otto had already died due to excessive blood loss , There is no chance to fulfill the promise to buy Bianca a drink."

Does the current bishop want to do the same?

Youlandal thought silently in his heart.

Otto, who was editing the video at the same time, let out a boo.

It may seem that editing videos is not doing business properly, but in fact Otto started cutting videos to relax after forgetting about everything.

He already has some ideas about how to create a world line with Xiao Chen.

He had been very puzzled about one thing before, that is, in the story Xiao Chen told, there was no existence of Xiao Chen himself.

Although Su can no longer observe the parallel world through the Second God's Key, Otto can still observe it with the help of Yae Shenzi.

Yae Miko was also very curious about this answer, but after knowing the answer, she was not too surprised.

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