Maybe it was the ending that I had already guessed.

After observing other parallel worlds through the second key of God.

Only then did Otto realize that Xiao Chen was not only absent from the story, but also from other world lines.

Xiao Chen is unique.

Only in this world, only in parallel worlds does Xiao Chen exist.

Otto didn't know why Xiao Chen was so special.

But he has already figured out how to make Xiao Chen appear in other world lines.

Although it would be complicated to explain.

But this method will not hurt Xiao Chen himself.

How to let Xiao Chen reincarnate as a member of the Kaslana family and as Karen's younger brother...

Otto has figured it out!

It's just that it will take some time and cost to prepare.

He wants to reincarnate Xiao Chen, who retains his memory, into that world at the cost of his own life and existence, so that Xiao Chen, who is familiar with the plot, will definitely save him and Karen.

Otto admits there was a gamble involved.

But the original plan was more gamble than this plan.

It's a bet that Ulandell doesn't kill him immediately.

To bet that anger can make oneself free from the shackles of the tree of imaginary numbers.

It's basically a gamble one step at a time.

A slight mistake and the whole game is lost.

In contrast, this plan is a little simpler.

Other methods to reincarnate Xiao Chen to another world line with Karen do not need to pay any price.

But using Xiao Chen's method that does not affect this world, there are still some disadvantages, that is, the reincarnated Xiao Chen will not have any memories like a newborn.

However, it is not impossible.

After passing through the tree of imaginary numbers, engraving existence into another world, it would be fine if Xiao Chen himself wanted to give up this world.

If Xiao Chen, who wants not to affect this world, is just himself in a parallel world, or in the form of a projection of a parallel world, memory wear and tear is inevitable.

Unless...unless someone replaces Xiao Chen's wear and tear.

Not just anyone.

After all, passing through the tree of imaginary numbers is not that simple.

You must sacrifice voluntarily and have a strong obsession with another world.

In short, Otto himself...

He planned to let Xiao Chen keep all his memories to save him and Karen at the cost of the world himself.

He believed that Xiao Chen would lead them to overthrow the Mandate of Heaven, and would not watch Karen die on that execution platform.

Similarly, the Herrscher of Corrosion will not be allowed to run amok.

There is also Yae Sakura, no one is more suitable to deal with Yae Sakura than Xiao Chen.

Just perfect.

Xiao Chen, my superman!

Otto had planned it.

Xiao Chen is the bishop of destiny, Karen is the saint of destiny, and he is a researcher and military adviser.

He is responsible for reconciling the relationship between him and Karen, helping Karen rebel, helping him attack Karen, and helping him remove the obstacle of Yae Sakura...

With this lineup, there is nothing to fear!

Then he asked Xiao Chen to give him a marriage, and betrothed Karen to himself.

What a wonderful future!

Otto also had great trust in Xiao Chen's means and ability to act.

If it is Xiao Chen in this state, maybe he can easily solve all the contradictions in the destiny itself, even if he has to rebel, he can rectify the destiny.

(Xiao Chen:? Is it a bit exaggerated? I am just an ordinary person, why don't we rebel, and I will lead you to rebel.)

There are also reasons for Otto to make Xiao Chen the bishop. The first is that he wants to concentrate on research, and the second is that he wants to concentrate on being with Karen.

If you add the post of bishop, there will be more...

The only problem is that with Xiao Chen's character, he may not be interested in the position of bishop.

So...another me!please!Be sure to help Xiao Chen to become the Bishop of Destiny!

363 said!Dedicate everything to Xiao Chen!

In the game, Destiny used the second God's Key, the Thousand Worlds One Multiplier, to conduct multiple experiments in North Africa for Unicom's tree of imaginary numbers, but Otto was not optimistic about the experiments. Looking at such a huge but useless data, Otto sighed Little progress has been made, and it is understood that the power of the Herrscher of the Sky must be needed to drive the God's Key to observe.

This time, it was a lot easier to have the help of Yae Shenzi.

After all, what Otto wanted to check was whether Xiao Chen existed in the parallel world, and a precise search only got a blank answer.

Otto dared to confirm that Xiao Chen did not exist in other worlds.

Later, after the base was invaded by the World Snake, for unknown reasons, he instructed Ulandal to let go of Kiyana who had escaped.Appeared during the confrontation between Kevin Kaslana and Ulandal, introduced himself to Kevin and traded with him, and finally decided to cooperate with the world snake.At the beginning of Chapter 17 of the main storyline, the content of the transaction is explained: the "Void Ten Thousand Zangs" in Otto's hands is exchanged for the "Beacon" of "Thousand Worlds One Vehicle" to reach the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

For Otto, Void Manzo is just a convenient chatter, not as important as the beacon.

This pre-civilization uses the weapons made by the core of the First Herrscher, the First God's Key, and the Key of Revelation Void Manzo.If there's a downside it's a self-aware, self-proclaimed pre-civilized supercomputer and artificial intelligence "Prometheus" with a backup set.

Can use the power of the First Herrscher to create things with known structures out of nothing.However, due to the fact that the power of Void Man Zang is lower than that of the genuine Herrscher of Principle, and the replica God's Key is lower than that of the original, there will be a significant power gap between Void Man Zang and other God Keys mimicking.The flaws are not concealed, and the Void Manzang has still become Otto's most commonly used weapon.

He still won against the First Herrscher.

Although there is a database, a large amount of pre-civilization knowledge is stored.There is no entity, and the interior fictional space resembles a library.Indexing authority is independent of library viewing. When there is no index, information cannot be directly searched in the database.

However, Void Wanzang blackmailed Otto with the index authority in order to seize the house, but was imprisoned by Otto for 500 years.But because there is no index, Otto has to look through the database bit by bit to find the information he wants.

Later, Void Wanzang was handed over to Kevin Kaslana in exchange for the Beacon of the Thousand Realms.

However, Kevin returned the void to Otto.According to Kong Kong Wanzang, he was "swept out" by Kevin who saw through Otto's tricks.

At the end of entering the imaginary number space, Otto also left Void Wanzang next to the imaginary number tree.

Poor Kongkong Wanzang was repeatedly abandoned by the two villains.

In the end, the real Otto died after the decisive battle of Colossus, and the first key of God, Void Manzang, who was trapped in the imaginary space, occupied one of Otto's many soul steel prosthetic bodies after the collapse. One.

Eight years after the end of the Honkai, "Otto" came to St. Fontaine and made a deal with the high-level alien civilization - "Heavenly Man", and planned to completely eradicate the Honkai on the earth.

For this reason, he personally communicated with the forerunner of the Heavenly Man, the construct Code XVI-tower "Lukaini", and this fact was understood by the Destiny who first arrived at St. The entrenched point of the heavenly beings - the Demon City of the Sky, was almost wiped out by the Code XXI-world, while "Otto" left amidst the chaos.

Later, the duplicates of Yang and Joyce were captured by Void Wanzang.

After Houkai was expelled from the earth.Yang retired to serve as president of E·T Studio.During the period, he adopted the baby clone of the Joyce clone made by Cocolia that year, and named it Geoffrey Joyce Young.

Eight years later, due to work reasons, Ben was actually designed to take Geoffrey to Saint-Fontaine with him, but he encountered a change, and is now discovered by the third team of Destiny against the Honkai and brought back to the Saint-Fontaine base. The escort boarded the maglev train and left St. Fontaine for Cairo. The third team continued to investigate St. Fontaine.

But the father and son met Kong Kong Wanzang on the train, one hand became a mechanical hand and the other was normal.Otto said that sealing the Honkai energy in a place where humans can easily reach it is not called expulsion, but escape.

Otto needs the power of the First Herrscher and invites Walter to participate in the plan, but Walter refuses.Otto then wanted to attack Walter, and Geoffrey Joyce Young also activated the ability as the first law.

Afterwards, Walter Young woke up in an unknown place, and learned that the "Otto" in front of him was actually the first God's key that captured one of Otto's soul steel bodies - Void Manzang.

In the ensuing negotiation between the two, the first God's Key revealed his plan: he needed the power of Walter's Star of Eden, combined with his own knowledge, to magnify the ability of the imitation Star of Eden by thousands Tens of thousands of times, and with this completely expel the Houkai energy on the moon.And St. Fontaine's vision was just his failed experiment.Under the coercion of Void Wanzang and Geoffrey's safety, Walter accepted Void Wanzang's proposal...

Of course, this acceptance, this acceptance is dominated by Walter.

Kong Kong Wanzang was still manipulated by human beings, and told Yang all his plans in front of Yang, and pointed out the lying part of Xu Kong Wanzang.

Otto took out Void Manzo for no other reason. He knew that after his death, if he left him alone, Void Manzo would definitely come out to make trouble.

The purpose of Void Wanzang is to eliminate Houkai, in the human camp, and although Xiao Chen's existence is Xiao Chen's Honkai, but he is a huge source of Honkai energy, I don't know what Void Wanzang will think of it.

In any case, before he left, his problems had to be resolved.

Of course, there is another point, Otto hopes that after he leaves, Kong Kong Wanzang will continue to act as himself to get in touch with Xiao Chen.

After all, if Xiao Chen really wanted to make a post-Honkai book...wouldn't it be a headache without him as a key actor.

Since it is the book after the collapse, let the role of the book after the collapse be played.

Of course, looking at the Houkai Houshu, the biggest obstacle is Bronya eight years later...

Now it is Bronya ten years later.

Otto had already found a suitable method for Void Wanzang. This method was simple, rude, and practical.

At that moment, he took out the Void and Ten Thousand Cangs, linked them together with ordinary computers, and kept typing degenerate words.

Void Wanzang: "??? What do you want me to do? Don't! Calm down!"

Under the leadership of Otto, the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion noticed this new computer.

I saw Otto looking at the eroded void Wanzangdao.

"Say! Dedicate everything to Xiao Chen!"


364 What Otto Says

Heiyuan Baihua: "? Another newcomer?"

Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge: "Yo Yo Yo, isn't this the number one God's key? Why is it so rubbish after tens of thousands of years?"

Taixu's Grip: "Newcomers in women's clothing?"

Kong Kong Wanzang: "Aren't these the ones who were skated on the spot?"

Heiyuan White Flower: ...

Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment: ...

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