Grasp of the Void: ...

Because of the relationship between the Herrscher of Corrosion, the core of the Herrscher in these God's Keys has a certain degree of consciousness.

Corrosion Herrscher is a self-aware ultimate virus, but to put it bluntly, it still has Houkai energy, and it can also be called conscious Houkai energy in simple terms.

After being eroded by the Herrscher of Corrosion, this will become like this if the management is neglected.

Otto naturally didn't know the small theater of the God's Key, but he knew that Void Manzang should have a system to prevent it from being corroded, so he had to wait a little longer to let the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion be injected into the entire God's Key!

To save Xiao Chen from any trouble caused by Void Wanzang when he is not around.

This process was very long, and when Otto finished, Youlandelle and Qiyana had already finished eating Xiao Chen's cooking.

Qiyana went out for an event once and came back to eat, so she ate a lot.

Just a pain in the ass Kevin...

After Ulandal knew his identity and Otto's purpose, he found Otto as soon as he finished eating.

"Master Bishop, I already know your plan."

Otto: ? ? ?

Is my attempt to create a world line with Xiao Chen exposed?

However, I will not interfere with Xiao Chen in this world!It should be fine! ?What are you so excited about!

"Since it's been exposed, there's nothing you can do about it!" Otto sighed and said, "But from your expression, I don't think you know the whole story."

"No, Xiao Chen has already told me everything!" Youlandell said with a firm face.

"Xiao Chen...told you?" Otto was taken aback for a moment, and then noticed something was wrong.

The plan that Youlandal mentioned, shouldn't it be the plan in the script?

I don't even know my plan?You knew already?

Xiao Chen is too biased!

In fact, Otto just didn't ask... If Otto asked, Xiao Chen would answer.

However, Otto also wanted to know what he was planning to do, so he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then tell me what I plan to do?"

The upright Ulandell didn't realize that Otto was talking nonsense, and immediately told what he knew from Xiao Chen, and then asked.

"My lord, are you really going to do this?"

You've said it all, what else should I do...

Otto had a speechless expression on his face.

There is another key to this method at the end, that is, the anger of the two is needed, so Otto in the plot did not fully tell the two of them.

To keep the two of them angry...

Let the two of them mistakenly think that he wants to destroy the world.

But now this plan is known by Ulandell... Unless Ulandell's memory is deleted, this original plan can no longer be implemented.

However, Otto now has no idea of ​​implementing this plan.

With Xiao Chen's plan, he didn't need to do that kind of thing.

At that moment, Otto waved his hand and said, "You also know about this plan. The moment you know about it, this plan is useless."

"But my lord, you won't give up on saving Kallen, will you?" Youlandelle asked.

"So what?" asked Otto.

"Is there no way for everyone not to get hurt?"

Ulandelle sighed and said.


"It really isn't that simple..."

Before Ulandal finished speaking, he reacted after hearing Otto's affirmative answer, and said.


"Any plans for that?"

"I said yes." Otto said repeatedly.

"Ah???" Ulandell said, "Really? What is the plan?"

"With that kind of plan why not use it sooner?"

"Because that is a plan that cannot be used in the original world, and it lacks a very critical condition." Otto said.

"What condition?"

Ulandelle asked curiously.

"Xiao Chen."

Otto said seriously.

After hearing Otto's words, Youlandelle's expression changed: "What are you going to do to Xiao Chen?"

Otto shook his head watching Youlandell's alert reaction, smiled, and joked: "You really like Xiao Chen, this is the first time I feel the killing intent from you."

"Where are you kidding me?" Ulandelle said in a bad tone.

"Sorry, your reaction is really fresh." Otto waved his hand, and then said: "The plan I mentioned just now is not a joke, borrowing Xiao Chen's power can indeed achieve my goal."

"And my previous assurances are valid."

"No one will be sacrificed in this process."

"I can swear on Kallen, there is no lie or concealment in it."

Swear by Karen, plus there is no lie or concealment, Otto is quite sincere this time.

"I believe in you." Ulandelle said directly.

"Is it really okay to trust me so much?" Otto asked.

"Do you want me to suspect you?"

"You should know your life experience, right? I thought you would hate me."

"I really should hate you, Bishop. You can never forgive Cecilia... what your mother and father have done, but you have been kind to me over the years." Youlandelle said in a complicated tone.

"I'm just using you."

Otto continued.

"There is no way to deny your cultivation of me over the years." Ulandelle said stubbornly.

"You are really stubborn." Otto smiled helplessly.

Although he knew Youlandelle's character, he still felt that no one would be so stupid and straightforward...except for Youlandelle.

"It's not as good as you, my lord bishop." Youlandelle sneered, and continued: "If your plan is really as you said, no one will be injured, then I will help you."

"But if one person is hurt during this process, then we can only use this Black Abyss White Flower to resolve our grievances."

"Since I swear by Kallen, I won't lie to you."

"I know." Ulandell said: "So what is your plan? Bishop?"

Otto took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"I want to create a world line with Xiao Chen."

"?" Youlandelle looked at Otto with some differences...

365 Otto: All the Valkyrie are unemployed

"What does it mean that I want to create a world line with Xiao Chen? Bishop, can you explain it clearly to me? Don't you want to stay with Karen? How can it become a world line with Xiao Chen now!"

"If you suddenly change your mind and betray Kallen! Let's not talk about others! I will personally deal with you first!" Youlandell said aggressively.

"Stop! Don't get me wrong! I have no second thoughts about Kallen! You listen to my explanation!" Otto looked at the black abyss white flower raised by Ulandal and quickly explained.

"After a long time, I realized one thing. The more I pursue Karen, the more Karen will leave me..."

"Then you can't pursue Xiao Chen either." Youlandelle said speechlessly.

"That's not what I mean! Listen to me first!" Otto quickly denied: "You see, my ultimate goal is to create a world where Kallen can live, and as long as there is Xiao Chen, I can easily achieve this." It's the purpose, isn't it?"

"Why did you come to this conclusion?" Ulandal continued to ask.

"Xiao Chen is Kalian's chef who is second only to me, and he will definitely save Kalian for me."

Otto said very relieved.

"You really trust Xiao Chen, but aren't you afraid that he will snatch your Karen away?" Youlandelle asked faintly.

"It's okay, I set Xiao Chen's reincarnation as a member of the Kaslana family, in short, Karen's younger brother." Otto said with a smile on his face.

"As expected of you, my lord bishop..." Youlandelle asked.

"And I also asked Xiao Chen what he thinks of Karen from the perspective of a man and a woman." Otto coughed lightly a few times.

"Xiao Chen said that as a human being, he admires Kallen very much, but as a lover, he can't accept that her lover puts people other than him first. If it was Kallen, she would definitely put ordinary people aside. To be the first, not hesitate to save a stranger with his life. This is something Xiao Chen can't accept."

So strong jealousy and possessiveness...

But I like it!

Youlan Dale coughed lightly, and said: "I know, after Xiao Chen and I get married, I will resign from the position of Valkyrie..."

Where did you get your confidence from?

Otto complained, and then continued: "Actually, Honkai has no action now, and you Valkyrie are actually out of work. If you get married first, you can now... Oh, yes, you already know Your real identity? Then you are actually old enough to get married, but it’s not as good as Xiao Chen’s standard. "

"Getting married or it too early?" Youlandelle said shyly.

"Didn't you just say you were going to get married?"

"I didn't say it's now! After I retire..."

"But strictly speaking, Valkyrie is out of work now..."

"I'm still Xiao Chen's actor!"

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