When Youlan Dell was thinking, he had unconsciously handed out his mobile phone, and let Xiao Chen play with his mobile phone, and the two successfully logged in as friends.

"Then it's a deal! I'll contact you later! I have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

Youlandale looked at the back of Xiao Chen leaving, and then looked at the number registered on his mobile phone, the red color had not yet faded from his face.

Is this progress a little too fast?

However, since you promised to come down, you should at least go there, right?

If the other party really made such an excessive request!

She is refusing at that time!

Um!Will definitely refuse!

Hmm...should I refuse?

Siegfried, who was hiding in the dark, looked at Xiao Chen who was separated from Youlandelle, and complained in secret.

"No matter how you look at this, he looks like a playboy playing with girls. What did he say to Qiyana? No, I have to follow him!"

Poor Siegfried is unaware of his next fate.

Maybe it would be easier if he gave up tracking...

On the other side, at Changkong Women's University.

In the dormitory where there was only one person, Rita was lying on the bed, fiddling with the sunglasses that Xiao Chen took from Xiao Chen's face with one hand.

She fell asleep after taking the sunglasses off his face, and forgot about it when she got off the plane.

By the time she realized it, she and Xiao Chen had separated.

However, this separation is only temporary, she is very excited now, when Xiao Chen gives him his student ID, will she use such an excuse to tease him?What excuse should I use to repay him?Promise with your body?too fast?

How about the nearby Homo Paradise?

Rita kicked her legs back and forth on the bed and suddenly thought of a question, she and Xiao Chen left, what about Lord Youlandell?Are you still in Europe?Or back to the destiny headquarters?

Forget it, since it's Lord Youlandell, maybe he's still training and didn't notice this side.

036-36 "Please order me again, Master! 》Written by Yae Shenzi

36 "Please order me again, Master! 》Written by Yae Shenzi

Number two, morning.

Xiao Chen received a call from Yae Shenzi and said.

"What, you said a friend from your family is here? Can't come to the hotel? Is that friend of yours a man or a woman?"

Yae Miko on the other end of the phone smiled and asked, "What? Are you jealous?"

"No! I'm just curious that someone like you actually has friends!"

"Don't worry, a female friend I haven't seen for many years."

"Oh, so can you come today?"

"No problem! I already have enough cakes and light novels at home!"


Is your friend Xiao Bu?

Xiao Chen complained mentally, and said.

"I'll send you the coordinates."


After Xiao Chen hung up the phone, Yae Miko seemed very happy.

"Huh heh heh~"

He even started humming in the living room, and Lei Yingying, who had been lying on the sofa all night, was a little surprised to see Yae Kamito so happy and said, "You seem to be very happy."

"Well! Of course! This is the only thing he asked me to do over the years!"

Yae Kamito said in a somewhat excited tone.


"Is it worth being so happy just to be entrusted? Have you ever worked under my hands like this?"

Lei Movie looked at this former friend and said.

"I don't want to be told by someone who has lived in your house for 500 years! In these 500 years, you have never taken the initiative to meet me, have you?" Yae Miko complained, "Besides, have I told you about me?"

"Hmm." Lei Movie nodded, and said, "You mean that after you turned back into a fox, you were picked up by that person and treated as a puppy, and then willingly trained by humans, and finally turned into an m?"

"That's not true! Where did you learn so many nouns! It's such a touching story! Why did it become like this in your mouth?" Yae Shenzi said a little unhappy.

"The light novel you showed me yesterday——"Please order me again, master!" I saw that it was very similar to what you said yesterday, so I took a few glances."

Lei Movie pointed at the computer in front of him.

"As for why this book did not perform well from the beginning of serialization, and why it was able to avoid the fate of being cut in half and continue to be serialized for the time being, let's not talk about the inside story. I see this is what the online complaints about this novel say."

Yae Shenzi looked at the extra computer in front of Lei Movie, and complained, "When did you learn to use a computer?"

"Is this thing...difficult?" Lei Movie asked back.

It was only then that Yae Miko realized that this person can independently write intelligent AI, and the current computer is nothing to her.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want, I'm looking for Chen! Bye!" Yae Shenzi glanced at the time, waved his hand at Lei Movie, and said.

"Well, be careful on the road." Lei Movie nodded and watched his friend leave.

After Yae Kamiko left, she took out another light novel from the bookshelf and read it with relish.


Otto is very happy today!

Why are you so happy?Of course it was because he was liberated from Xiao Chen!

Finally, there is no need to listen to Xiao Chen's command to perform!I am liberated!My job is done!Wuhu!Great!

Not only that!He can still see Yae Sakura's unwillingness in the seal!

Ah, although I can't see it!But he can feel it!

That unwilling look!That jealous look!

Everything he has ever experienced!He wants Yae Sakura to experience it too!

Hum hum!Huh ha ha ha!

Amber looked at the resentment that was about to condense on Otto and complained.

The process of Kallen and Yae Sakura showing their love...

Do you enjoy watching it?

Just as Amber was thinking this, a car stopped near their convoy, and Yae Miko got out of the car.

The eyes swept over all the employees, looking like a strong woman, and finally fell on Xiao Chen, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.That strong woman's appearance quickly disappeared, and rushed towards Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen—~!"

Yae Shenzi pulled Chang Yin and threw himself on Xiao Chen who was reading the script, hugged his neck with both hands, buried his head in his shoulder and sniffed his body carefully.

"I miss you so much!"

"Hey! There are so many people watching! Come down quickly!" Xiao Chen patted the back of Yae Shenzi and said.

Yae Shenzi got off Xiao Chen with a little disappointment, but that wasn't what she was disappointed about.

It was that she originally called her master, but under the watchful eyes of so many people, calling it like that would only disturb Xiao Chen!

Good pets don't bother their owners!Unless you can't help it!She almost couldn't help licking his face just like how she greeted Xiao Chen before!Fortunately hold back!It can only be said that getting used to it is a terrible thing!

Yae Shenzi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and silently followed behind Xiao Chen.

On the other side, Lei Xingchang opened a light novel he read yesterday - "Please order me again, master!" ".

It is not difficult to see from the title that it is a self-indulgent novel written by Yae Miko himself based on his own experience.

After all, she is the boss of this company, who dares to cut this novel in half?

To sum it up, it is Yae Shenzi's diary and a million-word love letter to Xiao Chen.

The story is about the heroine who is a fox fairy, but because of the failure of crossing the catastrophe, she turned into a fox again and was adopted by the hero in the story.

It's just that the male protagonist in the story didn't seem to recognize the female protagonist as a fox, but the female protagonist who turned back into a fox took it as a puppy.

He even trains little foxes by throwing Frisbees and picking up shoes.

Originally, the little fox refused at first!But it is assumed that the male protagonist’s family runs a pet shop, and his mother is a zoo breeder. Not to mention a fox, even a Siberian tiger can train you to be a cat!

Under the hero's superb skills, the little fox began to fall day by day...

Finally one day she realized that she is a fox!

Although the tribulation failed, as a proud fox fairy!How can it be domesticated by humans!Fox people will never be slaves!

After realizing this, the little fox ran away from home and started wandering the streets.

It's a pity that it didn't take long for the little fox to discover that the outside world is even crueler than the wild. Wild cats and dogs occupy every corner of the city, and every time they look for food, they are taken by tigers.

Finally, the little fox who figured it out saw it when he wanted to go home. He was looking for his protagonist, because he saw Mao Mao who had fallen next to the trash can and thought he was eaten, so he went to fight the wild dog desperately.. ....

When the wild dog was about to hurt the hero, the little fox shot angrily, and finally defeated the wild dog with the hero!

Afterwards, the two went to fight rabies together...

The first volume of the novel is about such a story.

It's just that Lei Mou is not sure how much of this story is true and how much is false. She always feels that what Yae Miko said yesterday is not all.

For example, she didn't mention how she changed back to human form.

Of course, compared to this kind of thing, she is still very pleased that her friend she hasn't seen for a long time has found her home.

Although, this destination may be a little bit strange...

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