Lei Movie looked at the photo of the little boy and Yae Kamito in the form of a fox, with a smile on his face, and then she saw the purple-haired boy next to the boy?

No, this should be a girl, but she is dressed as a teenager, and she looks somewhat similar to herself.

And she still has the heart of God that she placed here with the Yae Shenzi hanging on her body. The heart of God in the photo emits a faint light, obviously in a semi-activated state!

Seeing such a scene, Ying suddenly thought of a possibility.

Since I came to this world.

Is it possible that the sister's soul has traveled to this world?

Otherwise, how could other people in this world activate the heart of God?

No, I have to ask Yae Kamito who is the person who once held the heart of God!

037-37 Yae Village Grave Dance Team

37 Yae Village Grave Dance Team

"Attention all units!"

"The first scene of Yae Village!"



On the grave of the ordinary Yae Village, an ordinary pink question mark emerged from the soil.

This place was originally the grave mound of Yae Village, but the mound has been smoothed over the years.

Although Yae Sakura did not die, she was also sealed near here.

The main reason here is that it is very close to Rin's grave. As a sister, she wants to make her sister feel lonely. Even after being sealed by Karen, she chose a place close to Rin.

As an old antique that has been sealed for 500 years.

Yae Sakura naturally couldn't understand what these people were doing.

Strange machines, people in strange clothes.

It's just that according to Higokumaru, their behavior in the last era was generally known as grave head dancing, selling movies in mourning halls.

Although these behaviors sound very angry.

But Yae Sakura understands that this is just a method used by Higokumaru to irritate her and make her more inclined to the Honkai side.

The world is still a good place.

Besides, they didn't know that this was a tomb.

Those who don't know are innocent, and this is something that can't be helped.

Although the blond man sitting on the grave and eating popcorn is annoying, but those who don't know are innocent, and those who don't know are innocent...

I, Yae Sakura, am a good person!So don't kill innocent people!

Just as Yae Sakura was comforting herself, an unexpected figure appeared in her vision.

Pink hair, a white witch costume.

That... is that me? ? ?

But am I not in the seal?

Why is there a person who looks exactly like me out there? ? ?

Just when Yae Sakura didn't react, another thing that shocked her even more happened.

That was a person who looked exactly like Kallen, who floated down the river above and was rescued by the person who looked exactly like her by the river.


what's going on?I have been sealed for too long, has a revolving door appeared?

Why did the meeting between me and Kallen appear in front of me?


The keen Yae Sakura still noticed a slight problem.

Although Kallen couldn't see any problems, she always felt that there was something wrong with the person who looked exactly like her.

The opponent's gestures are all interpreting the feeling of a pure girl, but the temperament hidden in the bones cannot be concealed.

The other party is like a vixen wearing rabbit fur!Bacheng is not a good person!

The one with the white hair!Regardless of whether you are Karen or not, don't be fooled by her!

Feiyuwan heard the words in his heart and complained, and said.

The woman you like is dead long ago, this person may be the offspring of the woman you like and someone else's man.

You die of this heart!

Or as long as the woman of Kaslana's blood is fine?

Yae Sakura: Shut up!

My relationship with Kallen!What do you know!

Even if Karen did have offspring with someone else in the end!Then I will also help to watch a little bit to prevent her from being cheated by the bad woman!

Oh, human beings are so hypocritical.

Yae Sakura: Shut up!

On the other side, Otto sat on the ground and observed the direction of the seal with a smile on his face. Of course, it was only this time that he could maintain his smile.

At this time, Xiao Chen was sitting under the big tree, looking at the photographer who was idle fanning himself, and asked a little strangely: "Tell me, why did the sponsor insist on using drones for the whole process of shooting this time?"

"Maybe it's not easy to set up a track in this place?" the photographer said with some uncertainty.

After all, this is the wilderness of the former site of Yae Village. There are many stones and weeds. If you want to shoot a moving process, it is not easy to set up a track.

"However, is this drone effective?" Xiao Chen asked with some concern.

If he didn't have to check on the scene, he would have gone to post-processing to see the effect of the shooting.

"Very good. I took a peek at the back. Although the drone is small, the pictures it takes are clear and stable. This technology is really unrivaled!" The photographer said excitedly.

Xiao Chen looked at the cameraman with some differences, and said, "It's the first time I'm so happy to see someone about to be fired."


The photography brother was numb when he heard Xiao Chen say that.

"Forget it, just kidding."

"Director, don't scare me."

"Seriously, are you buying such high-end equipment now? Why have I never heard of it?" Xiao Chen asked Yae Shenzi and the drone beside Hu Po.

"I haven't heard of it either. Maybe it was developed by the company itself. It has never appeared in the market. However, this technology alone is almost a century ahead. Where did you meet this benefactor? "

"A century ahead? Is it so mysterious?"

There must be another era in this world, right?


Otto still doesn't know the high-tech equipment he used to mislead Yae Sakura, which arouses Xiao Chen's suspicion.

At this time, the plot of the movie is unfolding to the scene where Yae Sakura wipes the body of the feverish Kallen. Although Otto knows that Yae Shenzi is not Yae Sakura, and Amber is not Kallen, but when he thinks that these are the plots set by Xiao Chen.

That is to say, these are things that have happened in the past...

Thinking of this, Otto suddenly felt a headache.

He looked at the way Yae Miko wiped Kohaku and thought of how Yae Sakura wiped Kallen's body 500 years ago...

I haven't even touched Kallen's body! ! !

Otto felt tears welling up in his eyes for a moment.

Kallen!My Kallen! 1551!

The popcorn that Otto was holding in his hand suddenly didn't smell good.

On the other side, Yae Sakura also saw that the fake self squeezed out a super-large rice ball and fed it to Karen, and she was also furious.

Obviously I thought of it!

Why is this guy!

My Kallen!That's my Kallen!

In an instant, the two broke through at the same time.

Yae Sakura: Woohoo!

Otto: Woohoo!

It's just that compared to Otto, who asks for trouble and suffers on his own, this is a bit too exciting for Yae Sakura who doesn't know the truth.

no!I can't see that kid who has the same name and look as Kallen gets scammed by that bad girl with pink hair!

Higokumaru: Don't you also have pink hair?

Then Kallen can't be fooled by that vixen!

Feiyuwan: Aren't you also a vixen?

I do not care!No matter what method is used this time, we must prevent all this from happening!

This time Karen is free to choose whoever she likes!But only that bad woman can't!

Yae Sakura secretly made up her mind.

It's just that she is now in a sealed state.

can't do anything...

Is it possible to really hand over the little fox entrusted by the Herrscher Center?It's not that she cares about the Herrscher core in her body, it's just that she simply can't trust the little fox.

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