This yearning still exists even when I grow up. Who can refuse a well-equipped secret base that only belongs to themselves?

It's just that this base is too high-tech, Xiao Chen felt a little headache instead.

He doesn't see the use of most of the equipment at all...

Ah, it seems to be no problem to turn on the light, connect to the Internet, and play a game, but what and what are these?

In fact, Otto prepared an artificial intelligence assistant for Xiao Chen, but because of time suspension, he can't do anything now.

Xiao Chen could only think about it by himself, but he saw the coordinates of the floating island left by Otto...

(Otto: If you don’t wait for Teresa to succeed to the throne, everything will be defeated by you!)

"There is also a floating island..."

Now even Xiao Chen can only be speechless.

Although it was only a small floating island of destiny, Otto also considered that Xiao Chen couldn't manage it alone, so he didn't give Xiao Chen a big island.

Currently the small island is parked on a certain sea surface, Xiao Chen can freeze the sea surface to go to the floating island to activate the floating island at any time.

This feeling is like picking up a car...

However, Xiao Chen was most concerned about the motivation of the person who set up this ruin.

Why should you give yourself all these things?

In the end Xiao Chen found a locked box and a letter in this ruin.

That box seemed to have considered Xiao Chen's ability, he couldn't open the box with the ability of Herrscher of Ice.

The letter contained something else.

In fact, it was a casually written story by Otto to fool Xiao Chen.

Probably because he used to be a superpower, and this relic is set as a device that will automatically turn on as long as it senses that there is a similar ability.

As long as someone passes the test he set, he can get everything about him...

It's a very royal plot.

Although Xiao Chen was very skeptical, he didn't have any other explanations, so he could only accept it temporarily.

As he spoke, he checked the time.

Because of the time suspension, he prepared two watches, one on his body and the other at the time suspension position.

Throw a watch out whenever the start time pauses.

Use a watch to confirm the time on your body, and a watch to confirm the current time.

It is not surprising that a person like him who often travels between two places carries two watches.

However, as long as people in the know basically know the meaning of Xiao Chen wearing two watches.

"It's almost time to go back."

Xiao Chen glanced at the time on his watch and said.

After speaking, he lifted the time suspension and closed the door of the base.

Then he went on his way in a state where time was suspended.

After eliminating the traces of his hurrying, Xiao Chen took over the watch he threw out and released the time suspension.


"The plot here is almost ready, next is Qiyana's personal plot..."

"Phew! Don't think about anything else! Work!"


On the other side, Amber found Theresa according to Otto's request, and said: "Master Teresa, the bishop has left, and he hopes that you can inherit the position of Bishop of Destiny."

"Really...has Grandpa gone?" Theresa asked with complicated eyes, "Did he leave anything behind?"

Amber handed over the movie ticket prepared by Otto, and said, "My lord bishop said that everything he wanted to say is in this movie. If you don't mind, go and watch it after Xiao Chen finishes filming."

Teresa took the movie ticket and was silent for a moment, then asked, "Did Grandpa's wish come true?"

"My lord bishop and lord Xiao Chen join forces, there is no failure—" Amber said with affirmation.

At the same time, in another world, little Otto made a toy and was thrown by his brother in the yard of Kaslana's house next door...


406 Xiao Chen "Xiao Chen Kaslana"

In 1465, the Mandate of Heaven...

Otto is 13 years old this year, Karen is 12 years old this year, Xiao Chen or Chen Kaslana is 10 years old this year.

What Xiao Chen lost was not only the memory of the original world, but also the memory of his previous life.

In other words, everything about the collapse and the fact that he lived once are all forgotten.

Reincarnated into this world as a complete newborn.

Although he has lost all the memories before and after time travel, being a member of the Lawrence Thousands is different from being a mere child.

His mind is more mature than ordinary children, and because it has been processed, Kaslana's blood is very thick on him.

It can even make the effect of removing frozen objects like Kevin, but because he is still young, he can freeze a few Houkai beasts at most.

With this strength, it is faster to hit directly with fists.

The strange power of the Kaslana family has been revealed since childhood.

Without this strength, Karen's father would probably break a few ribs when he was holding the child...

(Arnia: I am familiar with this.)

Although the blood of Kaslana in Xiao Chen's body is mellow, it is because of the holy blood given by Otto and the power of the Dominant Herrscher.

He did not exhibit the side effects of hypothermia.

Of course, if the ability is used excessively, the body temperature will still drop uncontrollably.

Not all is good after reincarnation, though.

These overly powerful forces also made Xiao Chen respectful and far away from the children of the same age around him.

The children of the three major families of Kaslana, Shaniat, and Apocalypse, as long as there is no physical problem.

Training starts around ten years old.

Because of the strange power of the Kaslana family, children of this age are naturally not opponents, but Xiao Chen is also a special case among the special cases in the Kaslana family.

Because so far no one in the Kaslana family can pass the test of the stigmata and liberate the power of the Kaslana family.

It makes others think that the Kaslana family is just a little bit stronger and has a high resistance to Honkai.

These are barely the domain of humans.

But Xiao Chen's ability to manipulate ice or lower the temperature instantly elevates the category of human beings to the category of magic.

If he was not born in the Kaslana family, it would not be surprising that he was burned as a witch or a child of a devil in this Middle Ages.

Kallen's father didn't feel much about it.

I just think this kid will be great when he grows up a bit.

This carefree character is the same as Siegfried.

The people around him are not so easy to talk to. Although Xiao Chen's reborn family is very warm, the outside world has always kept him at arm's length.

Due to Xiao Chen's identity, he couldn't say anything in person, but he gradually demonized Xiao Chen behind his back...

This made Xiao Chen a squat at home, even the training was done at home.

Ah, that might not be quite right.

After all, if there is no filming job, Xiao Chen himself is indeed squatting at home and has nothing to do with the outside world. He still likes to stay at home when he is alone, and occasionally goes out for a walk.

Chen Kaslana just went back to basics.

He actually doesn't care about those remarks from the outside world. Compared with the whispers of the collapse, those children's evaluations of him are cute...the cuteness wants him to punch him a few times.

The reason why Xiao Chen wanted to pretend to be a victim was simply because he didn't want to go out, just to find an excuse.

He even intentionally showed the power of freezing in front of others, so that the rumors would spread more ruthlessly.

In this way, he can stay at home in a reasonable manner!

Plan pass jpg

Although Xiao Chen is still Xiao Chen, it is an indisputable fact that he is a child now, so his behavior will appear willful and childish.

Ah... why does it feel the same as now?

However, there was a flaw in this perfect plan.

That is Xiao Chen's current sister, Karen Kaslana.

When faced with everyone's cold eyes, only Karen would smile at him... training with Xiao Chen.

After all, they are a family... Kallen inherited her father's carefree character, and has always treated Xiao Chen as a younger brother who needs protection. Those guys who have spoken rudely to Xiao Chen, if they hear Kallen face to face, they will also take action to teach them a lesson.

After returning home, he will comfort Xiao Chen and praise Xiao Chen's ability.

Say—Chen will definitely become a great knight in the future!However, now you are still a younger brother!Let my sister protect you!

Although Xiao Chen didn't think it was necessary, he was still very grateful to Karen for doing this for him...

This is also true, although Xiao Chen is still stronger in terms of strength (than a fingertip universe), but every time Xiao Chen fights Kallen, he will deliberately fight Kallen inextricably.

However, Karen's concern for him happened to be his headache...

Karen has been working hard to let Xiao Chen get out of the non-existent 'psychological shadow'.

“Chen! The weather is nice today! Let’s hang out together!”

"But the people outside..."

I don't want to go out today...I want to stay at home.

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