"It's okay, if anyone dares to gossip about you, I'll teach him a lesson!"

Ahhh, my sister!As a woman!Can't your heart be slimmer? !You never thought about it!Just in case I'm taken out by force!What if my non-existent symptoms get worse!

"Morning! It's too hot today! Let's go play by the river! Use your abilities to make some ice! Let's all cool down!"

You are the one who is too hot! ! !my stupid sister!

Do you think I'm a refrigerator!

Ugh...what's a refrigerator?

No, am I an air conditioner!

But... what is an air conditioner?

However, this plan is good enough for Karen who does not use her brain.

In order for his younger brother's ability to be accepted, Kalian came up with a way to ask Xiao Chen to make ice cubes to solve the problem of being too hot in summer.

However, because Xiao Chen was forcibly pulled out, he was in a bad mood, and on the contrary, those who said bad things about him turned into a cold...aggravated the bad rumors about Xiao Chen.

Karen felt a little guilty about that.

Xiao Chen was also a little guilty, mainly because Karen did this for him, but he couldn't respond.

He is very hostile to Tianming and others...

However, because of that incident, Karen also had a rare few days of quiet training at home.

Xiao Chen was also liberated because of this, and when he was leaning against the wall to rest, a paper airplane hit his head...

who? !Who dares to break ground on my head!

407 Otto: Are you really here to help me?

Which blind thing dares to hit me with something!

You don't even go out to inquire about it!Who dares to provoke you, Grandpa Xiao Chen, within hundreds of miles!

Although Xiao Chen maintains his image of a traumatized autistic handsome boy at home, from the outside he looks like a complete bully.


I, Xiao Chen Kaslana, have been labeled as a so-called bad student since I was a child.

When fighting, I will strike very hard, and there are still people lying in the hospital who have not come out;

Teachers who are not up to standard and like to put on airs are afraid to go back to school after being taught by me.

It is not uncommon for me not to pay for food in a restaurant that is not worth the price set!

but!Even me like this can distinguish those disgusting evils!

The so-called evil is a guy like you who takes advantage of the weak and tramples on them for your own sake!

Guys like you... let me punish you!

what!I've always wanted to say a line like this!

Alas... why do you say it is a line?People around me shouldn't have said such a thing?

wrong!Now the most important thing!Who dares to throw something at me!

I'm sorry for the group training of our Kaslana family if I don't call it back!

(Kevin: When did I order these things?)

(Xiao Chen: No problem, the strongest and most self-willed person is the ancestor.)

(Kevin: ? This ancestor?)

But before Xiao Chen got angry, Karen picked up the plane first, and said.

"This plane is so exquisite...it's a pity that it was knocked down by this small stone."

Xiao Chen muttered to himself.

"So this little rock is the culprit who caused me to be smashed?"

Karen turned her head to look at Xiao Chen with some doubts, and said, "Xiao, what did you say?"

Xiao Chen smiled in front of Karen, and said.

"It's nothing. I saw that the person who made this plane must have put a lot of effort into it. Now that the plane has been lost and landed in our house, the other party must be very anxious. Let's return this plane as soon as possible."

"Anyone who wants to destroy this plane should also give a proper warning."

Kallen said with a look of emotion.

"Well! Xiao is really a kind child! I just think this thing is so delicate and I didn't think so much at all! But Xiao has thought so much about this thing! He also wants to help the other party out! Sister, I am really touched! Alas, it’s a pity why everyone doesn’t understand Xiao!”

Getting started is getting started...

But it's to warn him that the most annoying person in this town is me!

Just as Xiao Chen was thinking this way, a man's voice came from the next wall.

"Otto, you're doing something boring again."

"Have you taken your medicine? You are in such poor health, but you spend all day in that workshop that is dirtier than the basement... Hey, don't pretend you can't hear me? Have you forgotten what the doctor told you? Glue, Sawdust, dust, all of these will aggravate your condition, don't do useless work, okay. Your health is so poor, it is already good to be able to live well one by one"

"Hey! What are you doing! Can you climb that wall? Be careful! Don't fall!"



Xiao Chen felt a slight vibration from the ground next door, it should be that the person who was climbing the wall fell down.

From the conversation just now, it is not difficult to hear that this is a brother who doesn't care much about his younger brother, and deliberately said these words in order to prevent his younger brother from touching these things.

It's just that the way of caring is not good.

If it wasn't for no one to play with Otto, he wouldn't lock himself up in that kind of place as an airplane.

What does this have to do with me!

What you threw hit me!Just say you can't resist beating!

Xiao Chen looked at the wall in front of him with an eager look.

Although the height of the wall is not high for adults, it is indeed a bit difficult for a frail child like Otto.

There are many gaps between the walls that can be used for climbing.

However, at this height, Kallen can grab the edge of the wall with a single jump.

It's just that it's not convenient for Karen to hold the plane in her hand now.

"Xiao! Help me get this plane!"

Karen threw the damaged plane to Xiao Chen, grabbed the wall with a strong jump, and climbed up very easily.

Facing his sister's unladylike appearance, Xiao Chen directly shook his head helplessly, put his feet on the wall, and a step with ice cubes appeared between his feet and the wall in an instant.

Although he can also climb this wall, his clothes will definitely get dirty.

After time-traveling, Xiao Chen, who can be regarded as a nobleman, developed a little obsession with cleanliness.

Of course, you won't pay so much attention in battle, but you still have to maintain elegance in normal times.

Be classy!

The family members also said that Xiao Chen should be more like his mother... Although the current Xiao Chen looks the same as before.

But because of Kaslana's blood, his hair turned white and his eyes were pure blue.

She is even cuter now as a child.

Xiao Chen also likes his silver hair very much. It may be that he was a white hair control in his previous life, but now he has silver hair and he cherishes it very much.

I saw Xiao Chen slowly walking up the wall as if he was strolling in the garden, his every move revealed elegance.

"Oh, how could I have such a useless brother like you."

"Plane...my plane..."

The conversation continues outside the walls.

But the appearance of Kallen soon disrupted the rhythm of the two.

"Ah! It flew so high just now!"

Kallen poked her head out from one side of the wall, raised her feet and stepped over the courtyard wall, sat on the courtyard wall, turned around and said to Xiao Chen: "Xiao! Give me that plane!"

Xiao Chen handed over the plane and at the same time walked slowly up the courtyard wall, exposing half of his body to look at the situation here.

The blue eyes stared coldly at the tall blond man behind Otto.

"Is this yours?"

This sentence was said by Karen to Otto, but the elder brother who was behind Otto felt tremendous pressure under Xiao Chen's eyes.

"...I did it."

Xiao Chen's pressure was only aimed at Otto's brother, while Otto's attention was all attracted by Kallen, and he just replied blankly.

"Wow...you are so amazing! You will definitely become a great inventor in the future!" Karen said in an innocent voice, "It's a pity that he is broken."

"If you need it, I can... make one for you!" Otto said timidly.

"Really? Thank you!"

Xiao Chen shook his head listening to Kalian's lines, and said: "Sister, you can't be so willful, you've heard it too, she's not feeling well, so glue and sawdust are not allowed."

Then, Xiao Chen felt Otto's resentful eyes...

It seems to ask, are you really here to help me?

408 Otto: Good brother!lifetime!

Alas... why do I think he will help me?Obviously no one has ever helped me say...

Ao Tuo looked at Xiao Chen on the other side of the wall and thought to himself.

On the other side, Xiao Chen felt that there was some difference in Otto's sight.

Why are you looking at me like that?

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