Although Yae Shenzi used to have the body of a fairy fox, but now he is just an ordinary little fox with consciousness.

The lifespan of a fox is only about 10 years.

Counting from the time she met Xiao Chen, from a seven or eight-year-old child to a teenager, the time she spent with Xiao Chen has reached the limit of the lifespan of an ordinary fox.

She began to be unable to move, and her body was getting worse day by day, and she should have enjoyed youth at a young age, but because of her body, she was depressed all day long, and the first thing she did when she came home every day was to accompany the fox-shaped Yae Miko.

Yae Miko blamed herself very much for this. She would rather see the boy find a girlfriend and kiss me all day than see the boy being sad because of his appearance.

During the period when her body refused to listen to aging, she vowed that if she had the chance, she must make up for the rose-colored youth surrounded by beautiful girls.

One day during the teenager's winter vacation, her lifespan finally reached its limit, Xiao Chen, who was still a teenager, decided to bury her at the place where the two met.

A man wearing a down jacket with a fox in his arms came to the place where the two met for the first time...

When the novel was written here, it was very depressing, and Lei Yingying, who knew that the last Yae Shenzi survived, was also heartbroken.

At first, she was just curious about why Yae Miko could return to human form, but now she just cares about the two people in the story.

In terms of setting, since there are fairy foxes in this world, there are naturally other supernatural powers. In the novel, Yae Shenzi only has a ghostly aura.

As a teenager, it seems that he was born with a high degree of fit with the evil spirit. When he was young, he once played with a girl in men's clothing with a big monster sealed on her body, but her body was not corroded by the evil spirit at all, but suppressed the evil spirit in the girl's body.

The young man has been fighting against the evil spirit without knowing it, but as the young man digs out the pain of losing his friend, the crack in his heart grows bigger and bigger. The evil spirit sneaks in through this gap and promises the young man that as long as he accepts him, he will be fine. Save the little fox.

The teenager accepted.

The little fox was revived, became the boy's companion pet, and regained its human form.

The concept of a teenager's awakening is a constraint, because the concept is too strong, and even his own evil spirit has been restrained, only half awakened.

Yae Kamiko, who used to be a fairy fox, couldn't bear to see the boy sacrifice for himself, so he chose this evil power to modify his memory a little, making him think that he was just a dream and the little fox was dead.

In the end, the boy returned home in despair...

This ending directly tricked Ying into tears. She took out a few sanitary napkins from the paper drawer on the table and wiped her tears as she said, "I never thought that the Son of God would have such an experience after he came to this world."

Just as she was about to open the third volume of the novel, the sound of the door opening rang, Lei Movie hastily took back the light novel and replaced it with an ordinary love novel, and it took less than a fraction of a second to restore the cold "You're back, how are you today?"

"Well, I'm very happy." Yae Miko showed a bright smile, and Lei Movie felt healed instantly.

Ah, is this the continuation in the novel?

There is always a feeling that I am also participating in the novel!


Lei Movie moved himself for a while, and suddenly thought of an important question.

Ugh?No, didn't I want to ask about that little girl?

Why did you forget such an important thing?

Although the happiness of friends is also very important thing!

But that little girl!That little girl who can activate the heart of God!Where did the little girl who sealed the big monster inside her body go in the novel?

hateful!Reading novels is so fascinating!Actually forgot the business!

Since that little girl can activate the heart of God, then she must have some connection with me!

Lei Xingying was thinking about how to ask this question, and Yae Miko was also thinking about how to trick Ying into filming.

The two made up their minds to speak almost at the same time, and the openings collided.


"Why don't you say it first?"

When the two of them were thinking about each other.

Xiao Chen also came to the gate of Changkong Women's University by car at this time, and asked the disguised guard of Destiny: "Is Rita Rossweisse a student here?"

040-40 Shadow, it's so easy to lie!

40 shadows, what a lie!

"Excuse me, is Rita Rossweisse a student here?"

The doorman disguised as Tianming glanced at Xiao Chen and said, "There are so many students in this school, how do I know who you are talking about?"

This is a lie, Rita is the only student here, there is no second person, not even a second student ID card.

The rest of her students are just Valkyries in disguise.

If I have to say it, Rita is also pretending, but all the procedures are true.

"Ah, here." Xiao Chen scratched his head and said, "Actually, I picked up a student ID card with the name of your school written on it. If it's convenient, can you hand over this student ID card to me?"

"It's not convenient, I don't have the time."


What kind of broken school is this!What a doorman!Is it so unreasonable?

Although Xiao Chen was mmp in his heart, he still had a confused look on his face.

"Well, let me check for you which dormitory she lives in, and you can send her there yourself."


Girls' school just to get in?

Hey, are the guards so reasonable now?

Although Xiao Chen was puzzled, he didn't think too much about it. He just wanted to return the student ID card to Rita as soon as possible. It would be even better if he could ask for a contact information by the way.

Of course, he just wanted to find Rita to make a movie, and he had no other intentions.

At the moment, after the guard let him through, he followed the guard's guidance and quickly went to Rita's apartment along the way under the gaze of the female student disguised as Tianming.

This dazzling feeling of being stared at by students in a girls' school is not as good as he put on women's clothes and make a disguise.

Compared with those dazzling eyes, he felt that women's clothing was a little less difficult.


When he had a big adventure at the girls' school.

Yae Shenzi also chose not to be a human being.

Ah, no, she wasn't human in the first place.

It is not a lie that I want to give Xiao Chen a rosy youth in the novel.

After Xiao Chen entered high school, she specially controlled a few girls to get close to Xiao Chen, but the latter seemed to have no such intention.

Yae Shenzi always thought that the quality was not enough and Xiao Chen didn't like it, but Xiao Chen simply didn't have much interest in these jk because of his two lives.

Yae also began to focus on his career, intending to save Xiao Chen from financial troubles.

Based on the titles of several light novels written by Xiao Chen, she opened a light novel company by herself.And secretly approached Xiao Chen as a classmate. At that time, Xiao Chen had already started thinking about filming.

Yae Shenzi didn't dare to recognize him either.

After all, he was already a dead fox in his heart.

Unless Xiao Chen is fully awakened, he has no way of explaining his transformation into a human form.

The later vtb and idol idols were all looking for targets that Xiao Chen could take a look at, but before that, Xiao Chen went abroad to shoot movies.

Yae Shenzi prepared for Xiao Chen a relationship that was not yet ready in the harem, and chose to stay here. She has not given up until today, and wants to return Xiao Chen's rose-colored youth surrounded by beautiful girls!

"Should you tell me first?"

Yae Miko looked at his best friend with a smile, and began to think about how to make this serious shadow obediently climb up... Ah, no, did he fall in love with his current master?

As the saying goes, a loyal fox does not serve two masters.

If the two of them can talk, then wouldn't she be the most loyal fox!

Besides, Ying is still a harem school——

When I was reading a harem novel, I also said why not add a setting so that the hero can like everyone at the same time.

This belly!As expected of Lord Thor!as your friend!I will definitely leave the position of the master of the harem to you!

Ying still doesn't know that her best friend has already prepared a position for herself that she thinks is the best, and is waiting for her to jump into the pit.

"What I want to ask is..."

Lei Movie picked up the photo of Xiao Chen and the little girl in men's clothing, and asked.

"Who is this child with the heart of God? Although she looks like a boy, she should be a girl, right? Why can she activate the heart of God? And why is the heart of God I let you keep Casually carry it on a stranger?"

"Ah, here." A trace of sweat appeared on Yae Shenzi's face, and he said, "Didn't you say that you should let me buy it at a good price? Besides, isn't this God's Heart still there?"

"I asked you to buy it at a good price, not to give it away casually!" Ying said angrily.

"Hey, I know I'm wrong, don't be angry~ come, eat something." Yae Miko pushed a cake and said.

"Do you think you can buy me with a piece of cake?" Although Ying said so, he still took Yae Shenzi's cake and said, "And you haven't answered my question, where is the child in that photo now? "

that kid?

Yae Kamiko recalled the past, and said: "It was a summer vacation between her and Xiao Chen, and I met that child near a suspicious laboratory. Since there was no one else nearby, the two became friends naturally. I I don't have many memories of that child, I just think that there should be a consciousness in that child..."

The Yae Kamiko did not lie about this point. At that time, Raiden Mei, who was implanted in the core of the Herrscher of Thunder, did have two consciousnesses.

"There is still a consciousness!"

Is it possible that it will be my sister?

Lei Movie noticed the meaning of Yae Shenzi's words, and asked eagerly: "Is it possible to be true?"

Yae Shenzi shook his head and said: "I don't know, you also know that I didn't have a deep impression of the truth when I was in human form. I really don't know whether her other consciousness is real, whether she is really reincarnated, but It will be true when she can resonate with the heart of God."

"Then where is she now?" Lei Movie continued to ask.

"I don't know about this, maybe Xiao Chen will know."

With Yae Miko's intelligence, how could she not have imagined that the person she saw on the street that day was the grown-up child.

She said that now, of course, to fool Ying out to meet Xiao Chen!

"Then when can you take me to see him!"

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