"He's a pretty busy guy, working all day, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you also come to assist him in his work! Then you can ask him questions when he is free!"

"No problem!" Ying patted his chest and said, "I can do everything except cooking!"

"Then please, my Lord Thor."

Humph, what a lie!My Lord Thor.

On the other side, Xiao Chen finally came to the door of Rita's dormitory and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I don't know why he feels that the girls (Valkyrie) in the whole school have a kind of hostility towards him, maybe it's because he is a man.

Without thinking too much, Xiao Chen gently knocked on the door in front of him.

"Please come in."

He was relieved to hear Rita's voice from inside the house, he pushed the door open and saw Rita wearing a bath towel......

041-41 Kiyana, how much did you sacrifice behind your smile!

41 Kiyana, how much sacrifice is behind your smile!

The two looked at each other in the air for a while, Xiao Chen reacted first and threw the student ID card on the bed, then closed the door forcefully, leaning against the door at the same time, said: "Sorry, I didn't know you just finished taking a shower! Am I here to pay you back?" Student card! Goodbye!"


You are too pure!

How do you make me invite you to Homo Paradise? !

Rita looked at the student ID card on the bed and couldn't help but marvel at Xiao Chen's reaction speed.

At that moment, she asked Otto: "Master Otto, the bath towel heart attack failed! The target was scared away! What should I do?"

Otto sat in the air battleship and said calmly: "Don't be afraid, I have guessed this possibility a long time ago, I have plan b."

At that moment, Otto took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Attention all units! The target is in the corridor! The bathroom team, please quickly block the target's moving route!"


Xiao Chen who had just walked out of the room saw a lot of girls wearing bath towels at the corner, and quickly retreated back to the door again.

It is not easy to be found at this angle, but several people have already walked towards this position.

If this is seen, will the good reputation I have accumulated all this time mean that my career as a director will come to an end?

Just when Xiao Chen thought so, the door behind him suddenly opened.

He was pulled in before he was about to be discovered, and just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Rita reappeared in his field of vision wearing only a towel.

Just when he was about to say something, Rita suddenly covered his mouth and pressed against him and the door with all her strength.

Xiao Chen was taken aback by such a sudden knock on the door, and then he felt the doorknob suddenly moved a few times, and then there were several kicks on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

Then there were a few conversations outside the door, and finally kicked the door heavily, making Xiao Chen and Rita get closer.

Originally, Rita was pushing against the door through Xiao Chen's body, but the kick just now directly shook Xiao Chen's body into a wooden horse, almost fell in the opposite direction and threw Rita to the ground.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen stood firm and hugged Rita, who almost fell, in his arms.

Although Wen Xiang is in his arms, Xiao Chen is more concerned about the person who kicked the door before, after all, Nihong is famous for campus bullying.

Taking care of the little fox by himself every day when he goes home early and does not participate in any social activities, he was almost bullied by his classmates. Fortunately, he beat up all the classmates who wanted to bully him, and he was almost bullied by the campus. It was really scary .

15 years old, the law of restraint, afraid of school bullying.

After that last kick, the sound outside also stopped.

Xiao Chen looked at Rita with his head bowed in his arms, and just wanted to let go, but Rita took the initiative to grab his hand, and said, "Can I just hug him like this for a while?"

There was a bit of tremor in her voice, really like a girl who was being bullied.

"En." Xiao Chen looked at Rita's trembling look and nodded, and gently hugged her in his arms.

Rita in Xiao Chen's arms couldn't help but show a well-planned expression.

She confirmed this with Bronya. Although Xiao Chen seemed cold-blooded and ruthless, he was very kind to his own people or those who had helped him.

She helped Xiao Chen out of the siege just now to meet this condition, and now she made a request to hug him for a while, and he really didn't refuse!


It's really shameful to wear a bath towel and hug others like this!

Now Rita is hugging Xiao Chen with her head down, not letting him see her blushing face from embarrassment, her trembling body is not because of fear, but because she is too excited now.

Damn, calm down!I!Should I not continue to seduce him!Don't stop here!Take the initiative!

for example!Drop, drop the towel or something!

I say drop it!

I really fell!

When Rita was struggling with this question, Xiao Chen suddenly dragged down his clothes, which startled Rita.

Is this going too fast?

I'm not ready yet!

At least wait until the relationship is confirmed, right?

Just when Rita was thinking this way, Xiao Chen put the clothes he had taken off on her body, and said: "It's cold, be careful of catching cold."

This is just a temporary residence, and the conditions are not good in all aspects. It is true that you will feel cold if you only wear a bath towel for a long time.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Although Xiao Chen didn't say much, and even didn't have any sweet words, but every word was genuine concern.

This makes Rita, who originally wanted to use lies to win Xiao Chen's sympathy, pass for a while. Is it really okay to use false things to win his sympathy?

In the end, Rita just said: "Can you accompany me to Homo Paradise this week? You gave me my student ID, and I haven't repaid you yet."

"Yes, but can I add one more person? I also made an appointment with other friends this week to go to Humu Paradise." Xiao Chen said a little embarrassed.

"Of course, the more people there are, the better."

Although Rita said so on the surface, in her heart she knew the person who crossed her leg very much.

hateful!Who disturbed our world of two!

On that day, I will definitely not have your good fruit to eat!

at the same time.

Ulandelle in the hotel suddenly sneezed.

"Ah ow-"

"Who is missing me?"

"Could it be Xiao Chen?"

She held the clothes Xiao Chen gave her and a wig in her hand, and said with some confusion: "Do I really want to wear this to see him?"

"I always feel so shy..."

On the other side...

Raiden Mei felt that Qiyana was a little weird after she came back, as if she had hidden something from her.

Even if she asked Kiyana about that day.

Qiyana also just said that she beat the man madly, and then left.

Yes, if that's the case, how did it take so long?

Why did Kiyana come back in the middle of the night?

When he came back, he still looked tired.

Kiyana also said some strange sleep talk that night.

"Mei, it's okay now, I will protect you! I will never let that hurt you!"

All these behaviors made Raiden Mei feel uneasy.

Could it be that Kiyana reached an agreement with that person?

At what price in exchange for their own safety?

No, I want to find out what I really want!

Leiden Mei secretly made up her mind in her heart.

Of course, the heartless Qiyana didn't notice this.

I saw her holding the brochure of Humu Paradise.

"Don't worry about it! Mei! Let's go to Homu Paradise together during the holidays! There will be an event this week! As long as you enter in cosplay clothes, you will get a [-]% discount!"

Leiden Mei agreed with a smile, while thinking with pain in her heart.

Kiyana, how many sacrifices are hidden behind your smile!

042-42 Good dreams tonight

42 Good Dream Tonight

"Is there really nothing you need me to do for you now?"

Before leaving, Xiao Chen glanced at Rita worriedly, and asked.

"It's really all right, don't look at it like this, the door lock of the room is actually quite tight."

Rita responded to Xiao Chen with a dry smile, and said.

She understood what Xiao Chen meant, but those who acted as campus bullies were all her subordinates, so they couldn't really let Xiao Chen take action, could they?

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