(Kevin: Don't, I don't have a descendant like you, it's too short-lived.)

"Is the other party a real immortal?" Yae Sakura asked.

"It should be considered..." This Xiao Chen also knows the existence of the last era, but, but only knows.

He doesn't know exactly what happened in the last era, he only knows that it was almost destroyed.

"Okay, it's almost time to rest now, let's go up the mountain."


Xiao Chen picked up the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order and put it on his waist, leading Yae Sakura and Yae Rin to Taixu Mountain.

There is an enchantment outside Taixu Mountain, which prevents the attack of the Houkai Beast, and at the same time prevents such inexplicable invaders.

It's just that this is nothing to Xiao Chen who can operate Honkai.

Xiao Chen arrived at the door unimpeded all the way, took out the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in his hand, and fired a gun into the sky, saying.

"After Immortal Chiyuan's old friend Kevin, Xiao? Chen? Kaslana! Come to worship the mountain!"

"Is that all right?" Yae Sakura asked.

"It shouldn't be a big problem, I have brought out Kevin's name, as well as the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge." Xiao Chen scratched his head and said uncertainly.

While the two were chatting, the gate of Mount Taixu slowly opened and a woman with black amber pupils came out and said, "Master, please go in."

The person in front of him is Fu Hua's eldest disciple, Lin Chaoyu, who sometimes accompanied Fu Hua when he was accepting apprentices, and sometimes stayed in Taixu Mountain to take care of the young junior sisters.Although she is called senior sister, she is actually half mother and half teacher.From the second junior sister Su Mei to the seventh junior sister Qin Suyi, the six children were raised by Lin Zhaoyu.No one has followed Chi Yuan longer than Lin Zhaoyu.

"Thank you." Xiao Chen cupped his hands at the other party and said.

The three entered Taixu Mountain together.

After Xiao Chen expressed his intention to come, Fu Hua also generously gave Xiao Chen a room for Xiao Chen to try to awaken the stigmata, and gave Xiao Chen pointers from time to time.

However, he didn't teach Xiao Chen's divine voice or Taixu's sword intent, and in Fu Hua's words, he couldn't use it——

After all, Shenyin is a product used to suppress Honkai energy. Fu Hua has checked Xiao Chen's body. As long as he does not become a Herrscher, he will basically not be eroded by Honkai, and there is no need to learn Shenyin.

However, combat experience can still be improved.

Could Fu Huahui be Xiao Chen's training partner? She felt the shadow of Kevin on Xiao Chen's body.

The current Fu Hua, under the influence of Shenyin, is just a ruthless machine that destroys the Honkai and helps Xiao Chen because Xiao Chen grows up and can deal with the Honkai.

In addition, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin have very good qualifications, and their eldest disciple Lin Chaoyu taught them Taixu Sword Intent.

"'Taixu Sword Heart' - the "heart" of Taixu's five aggregates, there are four realms: Zhishui, Wuchen, Mingjing, and Taixu. The heart is not only an introductory skill, but also the most difficult and complicated. Refining the sword heart must Starting from a young age, the younger you are, the more effective it is to practice the sword heart; even if the sword heart is perfect, it must be tempered for a lifetime, and if it is slightly shaken, the sword heart will be broken."

"'Taixu Sword Shape', the "shape" aggregate of the five aggregates of Taixu, has four shapes of keeping, transforming, opening, and opening, with a total of 21 forms. "Living Dictionary" Wu Jinglun sighed: "One martial arts is complete."


In the main world, when condensing the core of the second Herrscher, Xiao Chen would still get up from time to time to shoot movies.

Then when he was preparing to shoot the Queen's Advent, the core of the Herrscher of the Sky also appeared in Xiao Chen's body...


424 Learning Art in Taixu Mountain!

Xiao Chen benefited a lot from the time spent practicing on Taixu, first of all, he awakened the stigmata.

The 29th generation of the Kaslana family... in his No. 30th generation, someone finally awakened the Kaslana stigmata.

Few people noticed the stigmata of the Kaslana family during thirty generations.

Possibly also something to do with some irresponsible ancestor who left behind any group training.

Because Xiao Chen is not a complete member of the Kaslana family after all, after awakening the stigmata, he can only use the artificial collapse freely, which is different from the collapsed horse of Youlandelle.

After awakening Kaslana's stigmata, Xiao Chen, who was completely unable to defeat Fu Hua, was able to fight back and forth with Fu Hua who did not use the God's Key.

Fu Hua doesn't need Taixu's Grip or Xuanyuan Sword can't beat Xiao Chen anymore.

The strength of Xiao Chen in this world has already approached the level of Thirteen Yingjie.

In particular, Xiao Chen still has the holy blood of Shaniat in his body, which can control the ability of Honkai to attack and even affect the opponent.

Although he still can't beat Fu Hua with full fighting power, both sides have cards left. Xiao Chen doesn't have the maximum output of Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge, and Fu Hua doesn't have the maximum output of Yu Duchen.

Now Xiao Chen can also stay in the form of a great sword, and he can wield the great sword casually without being afraid of the high temperature of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

Although he still can't beat Fu Hua now, Xiao Chen is only a boy of twelve or thirteen.

It's incredible to be able to play a [-]-[-] match with Fu Hua.

Even if artificial collapse is not used, Xiao Chen can still win a duel with any of Fu Hua's disciples.

Why can I be so sure...Because Xiao Chen and Fu Hua's disciples have competed.

After awakening the stigmata, there is not only a special status bonus.

Xiao Chen's physical strength, resistance to fire and Houkai, and ability to create frost have all been improved.

Even Fu Hua's disciples have a headache when facing Xiao Chen's magic damage.

The existence of Xiao Chen is like a magic swordsman appearing in this world of martial arts.

In addition, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin have a good relationship with these disciples.

Among the several disciples, the second disciple, Sumei, was the most popular. He was born in the Northern Wilderness and had foreign blood.She was precocious and intelligent at a young age. She joined the teacher's school at the age of three, and at the age of nine, her sword heart attainments had surpassed that of master Ji Lin Zhaoyu.When real Chiyuan travels, she is responsible for teaching martial arts to her juniors and younger sisters.

Su Mei likes to make friends, is easy to talk and laugh, and is the most popular in the sect.The sixth and seventh junior sisters regard her as their best relative; the third and fourth junior sisters regard her as a trustworthy older sister; the fifth junior sister is indifferent and only talks to Su Mei occasionally; Lin Chaoyu and her are brothers and sisters.

Ling Shuang is the most powerful. He started at the age of two and practiced sword heart very early. At the age of 13, he reached the realm of "Taixu", which was unmatched by his peers. Sixteen months later, he realized the "God" Yun and achieved the only one in thousands of years. The supreme sword god, this talent can be said to be the best in the past and present.

It's just that recently because of Xiao Chen's appearance, he has received a lot of blows...

Although Xiao Chen didn't practice Taixu Sword, it was a big blow to her to be able to suppress all the seniors and sisters who cultivated Taixu Sword Qi with only brute force.

Ling Shuang is innocent by nature, simple in thinking, and ignores the constraints of secular laws.The perfect Taixu sword heart made her invincible, but also made her weak and emotional.No matter in terms of martial arts or state of mind, Ling Shuang is very similar to her master Chi Yuan, real person, and people in the martial arts even call her "Little Shangxian" in private.

Xiao Chen has no interest in Fu Hua's disciples, but Kong Kong Wanzang mentioned it.

The cause of the Taixu incident was a certain disciple's infatuation, so Xiao Chen paid a little attention, and if anyone showed signs of being corroded by the Honkai, he would be treated with the holy blood of the Shaniat family.

Think of it as repaying Fu Hua's kindness.

There was another thing that made Xiao Chen a little concerned.

That is, he could feel that he resonated with Xuanyuanjian or... the key of domination.

As long as he wanted, he could operate the Xuanyuan Sword in other people's hands at any time.

He never dared to tell Fu Hua about this matter... His instinct told him that if he told Fu Hua about this matter, there would be very serious consequences.

It is necessary for Xiao Chen to worry.

The core of the Herrscher in his body has exhausted its strength, not disappeared. When he was a child, he was afraid that it would affect this body, and the core of the Herrscher was still in a dormant state.

Now that the stigmata has been awakened and the Honkai energy can be absorbed by devouring the Honkai Beast, the Herrscher core in Xiao Chen's body is also gradually awakening.

In order to slow down the awakening of Herrscher's core, Xiao Chen stored the excess Honkai energy in the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

This is also the method he comprehended from the core of the Herrscher, compressing and storing the Honkai energy into the core of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment.

He always felt that the power he stored would be used sooner or later...

The days of staying in Shenzhou were a bit longer, Xiao Chen originally planned to return to Tianming in two years, but after thinking about it carefully, there would be nothing wrong with going back earlier, so he continued to practice here for a while.

Just go back before Tianming attacks Shenzhou, otherwise it will be embarrassing to meet when Tianming marches.

You said that he is not helping Tianming, nor is it helping Fu Hua.

He needs to find a suitable reason to pretend to be dead... or wait for the fate to beat him and go back?

No, the turning point in Karen's heart was this attack on Shenzhou.

If he didn't participate, it would be difficult for Otto to attack Karen.

Although he can solve the follow-up problems, Otto still can't solve Karen's knot.

If this is placed among the gals, it will definitely not end well!

and many more?

Gal is a game?

Xiao Chen fell into confusion again.

I have to rush back before Tianming prepares for the battle in Shenzhou, and I can't expose my full strength, so I can almost fight Karen in a [-]-[-] split.

It's best not to run into Fu Hua head-on, just find a reason to pretend to be dead when challenging Fu Hua...

However, he can't grasp the situation on Fu Hua's side at any time.

Therefore, a few internal responses are needed... such as the two sisters Yae Sakura.

It's not good to let Yae Sakura get close to Kallen now. For the sake of Otto's happiness, let Kallen see Yae Sakura after the matter between Otto and Kallen is settled.

It would be bad if Kaslana's lily blood really burned...

Xiao Chen was worried about Otto's affairs.


It is naturally impossible for the Fu Hua on the other side to know the Fu Hua of the other world.

Originally, after injecting thirteen engravings, the Herrscher core in Xiao Chen's body was obviously absorbed by the body, but after the appearance of the second Herrscher core, the situation changed...

425 Otto: He is really, I cried to death!

Even Xiao Chen didn't dare to say that he had mastered all the powers of the Herrscher he possessed. Each of them could be activated individually, but it would become a bit difficult to activate them together.

The time of the ice appointment is suspended.

The divine paradise of eclipse.

The power of the Herrscher of Reason that can hardly be activated.

Now Xiao Chen can only use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to copy the God's Key he has come into contact with, or strengthen the existing ability.

In addition, the power of the Herrscher of Dominion and the Herrscher of the Sky can be well grasped.

It can even observe parallel worlds like the second key of God... After contacting the tree of imaginary numbers, this power has also undergone some changes.

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