That is, Xiao Chen can simulate parallel worlds.

It's just about simulating other possibilities with yourself as the center and your own changes as the center.

For example, Fu Hua's vision of the super fusion fighter plan.

For example, he himself merged all Herrscher cores to become a world line of false gods.

And becoming the real body and turning into power is engraved on the world line of the tree of imaginary numbers.

Xiao Chen simulated these world lines separately to find the one that suits him best.

It's just that it causes him to sleep for a longer period of time...

Every time he wakes up, the herrscher of restraint in his body will seal the memory observed in the parallel world.

However, there is always a limit to such concealment, and Xiao Chen is almost aware of the truth of the matter.

On the other side...

Xiao Chen finally traveled across the ocean and returned to Europe.

The station where Destiny is located, this time because he found a suitable Honkai Beast in the sea, and his strength is stronger than before, the whole person sat directly on the back of the Honkai Beast and returned to Destiny.

When Xiao Chen came back, Kallen was already 16 years old, and successfully passed the test to become the captain of the Destiny's anti-Honkai unit, the Valkyrie Troop, and became the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny now.

In contrast, Xiao Chen's reputation is not very good.

Originally, Xiao Chen's reputation among the younger generation was not very good, and the adults also wanted to use Xiao Chen, but who would have thought that Xiao Chen would suddenly disappear?

He also took away the ancestral weapons of the Kaslana family.

Now that he came back suddenly, no one would give him a good face.

Those people who had been taught by Kalian ran over to seek revenge from Xiao Chen when Kalian was not around.

It seemed that he had regained some confidence after the battle with the Honkai Beast, but Xiao Chen directly suppressed all those who came to provoke him violently.

In the end, Otto came forward to solve Xiao Chen's problem.

With the help of Void Ten Thousand Zang's power, Otto also gained some status within the Destiny, and was also very happy that Xiao Chen could come back.

In particular, Xiao Chen took away the Holy Order of Skyfire, making Kallen lose the possibility of inheriting the Holy Order of Skyfire.

He didn't want to see Kallen take up that weapon.

After becoming childhood sweethearts with Karen, the two fathers who often peeked at Karen, the current head of the Kaslana family, fought against the Houkai Beast.That time the Patriarch and Xiao protected the two who were hiding in the corner but were discovered by the Honkai Beast.

In Otto's eyes, that distant figure was like a kind of light, making Otto think that he could protect him and Karen forever.

However, gods also die.In a battle, Karen's father liberated the great sword form of the Heavenly Fire Sect, and died together with the emperor-level Honkai Beast.At the funeral, Otto listened to Kong Wanzang's words, and planned to use the zero-rated power of Mimic Heiyuan Baihua to revive Kallen's father at the cost of handing over his body to Kong Wanzang, but was woken up by Kallen's slap , and was reprimanded: "Dad protected you, not for you to do such a thing!!" The two embraced and cried in the church, and Kallen also prayed to Otto to help her become stronger until she could protect everyone.

Xiao Chen was watching outside the church at that time, and it was also because of this scene that he believed in the power of Void and Ten Thousand Zang to predict the future.

And run away from home, try to make the imperfect part perfect, try to save some of the tragedies he knows.

This is something that I will not be able to do 500 years later...

Otto was very grateful to Xiao Chen for taking away the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

Xiao Chen must have secretly taken the weapon to prevent Kallen from inheriting the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, and wandered around with the weapon that killed his father because of his sister.

He is just a child!

You must have suffered a lot over the years!

He is really... I cried to death!

Otto was even slightly moved...

On the contrary, Xiao Chen didn't care, he even thought that if the fight continued like this, it would be a good idea to simply kill the destiny and let Otto become the bishop...

Finally being stopped by Otto, Xiao Chen could only continue to think long-term.

After seeing Otto who looked like a handsome young man, Xiao Chen was also very emotional. When he first saw Otto, he was still a slug who could only cry, but now he turned out to be like a real nobleman.

However, Xiao Chen also knew that Ao Tuo's social rhetoric of the handsome young man was mostly a disguise.

Only his affection for his childhood sweetheart, Kallen Kaslana, is genuine.

Kallen and Shaw were the few friends in Otto's lonely childhood. After learning about Otto's research, the kind-hearted Kallen did not show any prejudice or fear; on the contrary, she expressed her understanding and respect for Otto's genius. Compliments of the average mind.

For Otto, this kind of recognition is something he has never received from others, and it is also a proof that Kallen is different.So this friendship escalated into Otto's one-way admiration for Kallen.

Xiao Chen is different from Karen, Karen just recognizes and affirms.

Occasionally, Xiao Chen would help Otto's experiment, and participate in it with Otto. He was an understander of Otto, a friend in the true sense.

It would be dangerous if it wasn't for a certain sense...

"Xiao, long time no see. Although I really want to say welcome back, it's not the right time for you to come back." Ao Tuo and Xiao Chen sat face to face, said.

"Is it the Black Death? I saw it when I came back."

This time, the Black Death was before the Mandate of Heaven attacked China.

Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said.


In 1470, the Black Death caused by Houkai broke out in Europe.Otto tried his best to develop antidote, but most of them not only did not alleviate the patient's condition, but also accelerated the speed of patient's death.

Now is the beginning of the Black Death, and the antidote developed by Otto has no direction. He asked Void and Wanzang this time, but he didn't get a suitable answer.

(Because Xiao Chen ordered it to be sealed)

In addition, it is also because of Xiao Chen that Otto can watch the specified content in Void Ten Thousand Zang instead of randomly looking for a book, which saves a lot of time.

Xiao Chen had already prepared for this day to come and said.

"What do you think of the current destiny?"

426 Otto!I did not lie!

In the Honkai world, the Black Death occurred in 1470.

Five years after the Black Death raged, the Catholic Church, who was no longer satisfied with the land of Europe, launched a large-scale expedition plan.

In 1475, Tianming and the Ming Empire launched a decisive battle on the Qincha grassland.

In the beginning, it was still a [-]-[-] split.

Destiny used the Honkai weapon at the risk of the knight being eroded by the Honkai energy.

After using the Honkai equipment, Destiny defeated Lord Shenzhou in a landslide victory.

But just when the balance of victory was tilted towards the Mandate of Heaven, the immortals of Shenzhou joined the battle.The situation that was originally beneficial to the destiny was reversed by the immortal with his own power.

However, the next thing is the content of the beginning of the comic-

The panicked destiny dispatched Kallen to fight against the immortal.Knowing this, Otto looked for Kallen in the battlefield, and finally found Kallen who was defeated by the fairy, and protected Kallen with his body.The immortal did not embarrass the two of them, but left a question to Karen.

"Users of the key (Void Manzo), think about it carefully. What exactly do you want to protect?"

The sequence in the manga begins with the defeat of Destiny.

Then slowly recall the memories of Otto and Kallen.

As well as the Black Death, Eleanor got rid of the erosion of Houkai, and also possessed the ability to control a part of the Sixth God's Key, the Long Spear Black Abyss.In order to repay Otto, Eleanor joined the Mandate of Heaven and became a Valkyrie.

So it looks like Mandate of Heaven was defeated first and then attacked by the Black Death, but in fact the Black Death was before the War of Mandate of Heaven.

"How about destiny?"

Otto didn't understand Xiao Chen's question yet, so he just frowned, and began to talk about Destiny seriously: "Because of the recent Black Death, the current situation of Destiny is not very good, and people die every day. "

"I'm talking about the fate, not about the Black Death." Xiao Chen waved his hand and said.

"Destiny? Destiny was fine in the few years you were away. Although Uncle died, the Honkai activities were not so frequent. If there was no Black Death this time, Destiny would still be developing upwards in general."

"Is that so..." Xiao Chen touched his chin.

He did some research when he first came, and now the people are not so dissatisfied with the Mandate of Heaven.

Think about it carefully...

Destiny's complete loss of popular support was due to the First World War in the Qincha Grasslands, which caused a heavy loss to Destiny. After returning to Europe, Destiny issued indulgences and intensified its excessive expropriation of civilians.

This is what caused the Destiny to destroy the hearts of the people... It is still difficult to dismantle the Destiny now.

His plan to use the antidote to disrupt the destiny may be about to fail...

In fact, it is not a complete failure, as long as he is cruel enough to keep Otto from developing an antidote.

Then when the people collapse, design another organization and start distributing the antidote so that it can also defeat the destiny.

But too many people would die that way...

This is not the ending Xiao Chen wants to see.

However, the antidote can't be handed over to the destiny in vain, it still needs to be used a little bit.

Xiao Chen thought for a while, cleared his throat and said, "Otto, actually, I have one more thing to do when I go out this time."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Otto asked curiously.

"You are not unfamiliar with that void Wanzang now, are you?" Xiao Chen said.

"Well, what happened to Xukong Wanzang?"

"This time, you are also looking for the antidote formula in Void Wanzang, right?"

"Well, but I don't know why Kongkong Wanzang has not shown me this matter." Otto nodded and said.

"Actually, it's not that he doesn't show you, but that he has nothing to show you." Xiao Chen said.

"No?" Otto asked a little puzzled.

"Yes, in fact, the current void Wanzang is not a complete body, and some of his data has been put on another person."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

Void Wanzang: "..."

In a sense, the backup body in Xiao Chen's body is indeed a part of him.

So, Otto one by one Xiao Chen!No!Have!Say!lie!

"My trip this time is also to retrieve another part of his data."

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