"What if you suddenly fell ill and couldn't wake up?" Yazhong Shenzi said while grabbing Xiao Chen's clothes.

"It's not that exaggerated." Xiao Chen said: "If I really fell into a coma, as long as the key plot is filmed, I will still get up and supervise."


"You have too much obsession with this movie..." Yae Kamito couldn't help but complain.

"Because this movie is no longer my thing."

Xiao Chen looked at Qiyana above and said.

"Is it because there are more girls?" Yae Shenzi followed Xiao Chen's gaze.

"And for those who watch my movies, girls from other worlds."

Xiao Chen suddenly spoke.


Yae Shenzi glanced at Xiao Chen in surprise.

Xiao Chen and Yae Shenzi looked at each other, then looked away and said: "If you are also from another world, then there is nothing to hide. The movie I am shooting now may be what is happening in other worlds, and Kira Shigure is Where did it come from?"

"However, I'm just an ordinary person and I can't help much... Ah, maybe it's not right to say that. If I didn't know you, I should go to that world with her to see, at least I can help them. .”

"But now as a director, I am responsible for my actors, and I will not leave until all of you are happy. So I want to use my filming instead of me to help people in that world."

Xiao Chen said that the people who watch my movie are not only the audience, but also everyone present.

This is what he thought before.

Only now there are some changes...

The reason why he keeps observing parallel worlds is because he wants to find an ending that everyone is satisfied with.

As for the coma... Actually, it's not without reason, the main reason is that they are too young! ! !

It was not within Xiao Chen's consideration at all.

So super-ego Xiao Chen thought of the method of going into a coma, anyway, he wants to observe the parallel world, so let himself go into a coma for a while.

Get up from time to time to reassure everyone.

The rest will wait until you are adults!

Otherwise, when the filming is over, everyone is just left and right.

Xiao Chen fell into a coma, and let everyone have a little more contact with Xiao Chen, which is also very good.

The superego judged that it was difficult to achieve a perfect ending under the current situation, so it fell into a deep sleep.

Of course, other people worry or worry.

In particular, Yae Shenzi tried to wake Xiao Chen up, but they all failed. After knowing that Xiao Chen fell into a deep sleep of his own will, Yae Shenzi also had a reason to wake Xiao Chen up, but he was still worried.

Looking at Xiao Chen's back, Yae Shenzi couldn't help hugging him.


Xiao Chen turned his head and glanced at Yae Shenzi, only to see that she buried her head on Xiao Chen's back and said, "Can you let me hug you like this for a while?"


Xiao Chen didn't refuse either.

The two stayed in silence for a while.

Yae Sakura in Yae Miko's body can also feel the feelings of the two.

This kind of relationship is... the relationship between the owner and the pet?

Just when she was thinking this way, a trace of pink energy flashed from Xiao Chen's body, conveying the experience of Yae Sakura from another world...


"It's really good of you to be alive."

Although it is not very good to use Otto's world to save Yae Sakura, but Xiao Chen can be regarded as helping Otto solve his love rival.

Otto shouldn't care...

The happiness of the rival in love is better than being green.


On the other side, after Xiao Chen came back, Karen rushed back immediately after learning about this incident. First, she hugged Xiao Chen happily, and then took hold of her sister's majesty, teaching him about running away from home and chasing him all over the street. Run... 429 Otto: Great assist!

Karen still didn't run past Xiao Chen in the end.

Although Xiao Chen also knew that it was a bit bad for him to leave after only leaving a letter, but he was not a person who would be beaten honestly.

Karen chased him and ran out of the city, and finally ran back. She didn't stop until both Karen and Xiao Chen were hungry.

Although Kalian and Xiao Chen have opposite personalities, they have something in common. The common point is that they are very edible.

This time, when they were tired from running, they ate extravagantly in the restaurant prepared by Otto, of course, they meant to wash Xiao Chen off.

During the meal, Karen complained: "Really... where have you been all these years? Do you know that my mother and I are very worried about you? You ran away from home just after your father passed away. ,Ugh……"

"Didn't I leave a letter?" Xiao Chen said while eating the food on the table.

"At least discuss it with the two of us!" Karen said.

"Will you agree if I tell you?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"Of course it depends on your reason and whether it's suitable or not..." Karen said with an older sister's attitude.

"The world is so big, I want to see it."

"Just because of this?"

"En." Xiao Chen nodded.

"Of course it won't work!" Kallen complained, "Although I can't understand it."

Otto looked at Karen in surprise, and thought to himself.

Did you actually understand?

As expected of a member of the Kaslana family.

"It's good to go out and have a look. However, with your character, sister, you will be deceived by bad guys before you go out, right? I suggest you go out with Otto."

Xiao Chen glanced at Otto and said.

Otto: Great assist!brother!Don't worry about what you entrust to me!

"I'm not that stupid!" Karen said a little unconvinced.

"What if someone tempts you with food?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"Of course it's a refusal! Even I wouldn't just eat food given by others... unless I'm hungry." Karen said with some uncertainty.

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes and continued to ask: "Then what if you meet someone who needs help on the road?"

"Of course it is to help the other party as much as possible!" Karen said as a matter of course.

"Oh, you've already been out of the game since you had this idea." Xiao Chen said with some melancholy: "It's not that I haven't met good people during this trip, but the main reason is that there are too many bad people. Most of them are trying to deceive me The one who came to sell money, but the trick is to deal with children, and they actually want to use candied haws to deceive me..."

"Then you refused?" Caroline asked.

"No, I prostituted their candied haws for nothing, and beat them until they couldn't do anything evil." Xiao Chen said as a matter of course: "They really thought I was just a child, and they didn't even put medicine in the candied haws..."

"Aren't you also deceived!"

"I knew the other party was a liar! I went there on purpose!"

"Then what if they really drug the candied haws?"

"I tried it before, and that dose of medicine didn't work for me."

The siblings quarreled for a while, but they quickly cleaned up the food on the table during the quarrel.

It's been a long time since the two of them quarreled, and they were much more aggressive than when they were young.

This made Otto, who was watching from the side, very envious.

It's not that he doesn't have a sister, but the relationship between him and his sister was not good...

Recently, because of the management of the destiny, the relationship with my father has improved a lot, but it is because of the Black Death.Otto's father became more and more busy, negotiating more and more with other countries...the relationship between the two gradually became cold again.

"Aside from being kidnapped, didn't you encounter any interesting things when you were traveling?" Karen asked.

"While traveling, I was fighting with the Honkai Beast. The people I had the most contact with were robbers and human traffickers... No way, I was still a child when someone let me go." Xiao Chen said helplessly.

"That's why I don't worry about you leaving!" Karen complained and said.

"Since you know you are still a child, why did you run away from home so early?"

Because it's too late, it's too late...

"Why did you come back to this question again?" Xiao Chen sighed, and said: "Okay, I was wrong! I surrender! I won't do this next time!"

"It's more or less like this..." Kallen nodded in satisfaction, and said.

Seeing that Karen finally stopped asking him about this matter, Xiao Chen took the initiative to speak up, and told about his affairs in Shenzhou: "Actually, I also went to Shenzhou during this trip..."

In the process of telling the story, Xiao Chen deliberately avoided the matter of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

After all, it can't be said that he went to someone else's village and abducted two girls back, right?

Although he is doing a good job, it is too much trouble to explain.

Besides, Kallen and Yae Sakura cannot be allowed to meet for the time being, this is for the good of Otto, but also for her own sake!

Xiao Chen can say about Fu Hua, but he has said it, and about the stigmata of Kaslana's family.

According to the memories of the Kaslana family's stigmata space, Karen also challenged the Kaslana family's stigmata.

But in the end it also ended in failure.

Xiao Chen told Karen about his experience of clearing the stigmata of the Kaslana family, if he could unlock the stigmata of the Kaslana family.

At least Karen will not die from the attack of ordinary Houkai beasts.

There is another commission about Kevin.

Although Xiao Chen didn't know that Kevin was still alive, but in the space of stigmata, Kevin also told him if he had time.

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