Let him come and go to one place with Void Ten Thousand Zang and Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment.

That place is the space where su is located.

With Xiao Chen's power, he can completely burn through the space with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge and bring him out.

It's just that Xiao Chen didn't know that Kevin was still alive, he just thought that Kevin wanted him to take something...

"What will happen after the stigmata is awakened?" Kallen asked curiously.

"Everyone's situation is different. My words are that the whole body is wrapped in an exoskeleton, and the defense and combat will be greatly increased."

"Exoskeleton?" Karen asked, listening to the unfamiliar words.

Xiao Chen explained to him in detail the man-made collapse, and said that he would be fine if he activated the Heavenly Fire Sacred Sword mode now.

Rather, the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment is actually a big sword...

Kallen was also surprised by this.

Time passed quickly during the chat between the two, and Xiao Chen also lived a stable life for a period of time, until the order of the heavens to march east...


430 The Doomed War

After Xiao Chen pretended to hand over the data to Void Wanzang.

Without the threat of Xiao Chen, Kongkong Wanzang finally handed over the special medicine for the Black Death.

Otto once studied it once, and Void Wanzang has been with Otto all the time, witnessing everything from the sidelines. Both materials and props are things that are most suitable for this era, and there will be no situation where they cannot be produced.

He even helped Otto optimize it...

Of course, Otto and Xiao Chen worked together on this development.

Xiao Chen wasn't stupid in the first place, he had been fooling around with Otto all the time, so he still had some skills.

It can also play an active role in the process of developing specific medicines, which is better than Otto alone.

The organization [Rhode Island] jointly established by the two finally conquered the Black Death.

He has some reputation among the people, which is the effect Xiao Chen wants, and it will lay a good foundation for his next rebellion.

As Mandate of Heaven frequently contacts European countries, the countries of Mandate of Heaven, which originally focused on fighting against Honkai, have gradually undergone some changes.

It can be heard from Otto's in-game voice.

The cause was the Black Death.

In order to save those who suffered from the Black Death, the Mandate of Heaven began to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and then it got out of hand.

After the Black Death was cured, Tianming couldn't become the organization dedicated to fighting Houkai.

Once the corruption of a large organization breeds, it is difficult to restore it to its original state.

Although the black death was solved nominally by Rhodes Island's potion, everyone knew that Rhodes Island was now a subsidiary organization of Destiny.

Xiao Chen had already prepared mentally, so he wasn't too surprised.

He had also met Otto's father before, who had been a good bishop who cared for the people.

Now busy with the Mandate of Heaven and the relationship between the countries is already exhausted.

This is also something that can't be helped. If an organization is to be maintained, what he is doing now is a necessary thing.

Xiao Chen did not deny his achievements.

If he is in power, he can't think of a better way.

However, even in this kind of position where he can speak without pain in his back, Xiao Chen still has to say that the destiny in this state is not right one by one

In this awkward state.

After a few years, Tianming finally launched the Tianming Eastern Expedition Plan.

Because of Xiao Chen's traffic outside these years, no one knows how Xiao Chen's fighting power is... Those who were beaten also didn't tell Xiao Chen's fighting power because they were afraid of losing face.

So Xiao Chen went out to fight as the accompanying military doctor with peace of mind.

In addition, when Xiao Chen returned to Tianming, he was also in contact with Yae Sakura to know the situation in Shenzhou.

And secretly told Fu Hua about the Destiny Society's attack on Shenzhou.

It also explained that Destiny may use Honkai equipment, so Fu Hua might make an early move.

Fu Hua's reply was also very simple, just asking a question——

"Will you make a move?"

Xiao Chen shook his head frantically.

Although he has grown up now, after awakening the divine core, his strength has not improved much. At most, his physical strength is a little higher than before.

Unless he wants to die with Fu Hua, otherwise he is not sure of defeating Fu Hua.

Besides, he has no reason to fight Fu Hua at all... unless the core of the Herrscher in his body is exposed.

Xiao Chen's death together is a true death together, he will not let anyone have a chance of survival by using the high temperature of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment.

However, Xiao Chen went to this battlefield to fish for fish.

Fish with all your might!

If he didn't really care about the relationship between Kallen and Otto, he would even want to sneak into the rear to fish.

It's a pity that you can't sneak in.

Over the years, Xiao Chen and the relationship between Otto and Kallen, who have been assisting Otto and Kallen, have repeatedly jumped between the two, making Otto realize that Kallen is also a person and needs someone to support him... Although under his unremitting efforts, Otto finally realized this.

Kallen is not worshiped as a faith, but the progress is not optimistic.

Otto's EQ made it a bit embarrassing for him to attack Kallen.

So Xiao Chen started talking to Karen about Otto again.

Let Kallen take the initiative to attack Otto.

I don't know why he thinks this is more conducive to world peace.

Of course, his efforts over the years were not in vain.

The day before Destiny's Eastern Expedition, Karen found Otto and Xiao Chen, and the three-person team held a meeting.

"Do you want to participate in this Eastern Expedition? Xiao." Karen looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"I will not participate in the battle as a Valkyrie, but just accompany the army as a military doctor." Xiao Chen shrugged.

"Well, this is the best way. I don't want your hands to be stained with the blood of innocent people." Karen nodded and said.

"Hey, my sister, don't you think your brother is too naive? Anyway, I have been wandering outside for so long, and I have seen blood a few times. On the contrary, sister, you should have never killed anyone, right? "Xiao Chen waved his hand and said.

"I'm sure you don't kill innocent people, do you?" Karen asked rhetorically.

"You say that means, do you think the soldiers of Shenzhou are innocent?" Xiao Chen continued to ask.

"Yeah, after all, it was the war initiated by the Mandate of Heaven." Karen sighed, and said, "Even now, I feel that saving the world at the cost of launching a war is not a good way. Otto, what do you think?" ?”

"I don't think it's right, but now we have no way to stop the destiny."

With Xiao Chen's efforts, Otto expressed his opinion, but what he said was like saying nothing.

"Xiao, what about you? Don't you usually have the most ghost ideas?" Karen said.

"Ghost idea... The reason why ghost ideas are effective is because we are still children, and we encounter easy things." Xiao Chen said: "But we are no longer children, and we are no longer able to solve problems by relying on ghost ideas. time."

"As far as I am concerned, I also don't want the blood of innocent people to be on your hands. I don't want you to do things you don't like because of the corruption of destiny. Save the world as the destiny said? It's just A joke, can such a high-sounding reason cover up the fact of the war?"

"To be honest, if you didn't want to participate in this Eastern Expedition, I wouldn't have followed at all."

"I said before that there is a red kite immortal in Shenzhou."

"Although under normal circumstances, he doesn't care about things other than Honkai, but her mission is to protect Shenzhou."

"If Shenzhou is really going to be defeated, she will definitely make a move. At that time, Destiny will definitely fail. Even sister, you will not be Fu Hua's opponent..."

Unless Kallen can activate the divine enchantment of the Herrscher of Restraint, there is still an interesting chance of winning against Fu Hua.

"This battle is doomed to failure."

431 Yae Sakura, you too will be green one day!

Mandate of Heaven is one of the organizations fighting against "Honkai" in the world. It was established for the purpose of eradicating "Honkai" in the world. It has existed in the 5th century AD and has a long history.Originated in Europe and headquartered in Vienna, Austria, the world line that became bishop in Otto has branches all over the world, and now controls most of Europe and Asia.

In the early days of its establishment, the establishment of the organization was based on a religious framework, and its leader was called the "archbishop", who implemented centralized management.After hundreds of years of development, the religious color of the organization has been greatly weakened, but the leader of the Mandate of Heaven is still called "the Archbishop".

"Then let's tell Destiny about this!"

Karen said a little excitedly when she heard Xiao Chen's words.

"It's useless, Kallen, now Destiny can't listen to anything, even if Xiao said it, no one will believe it. If you say it, it will make Xiao's situation more awkward." Otto shook his head ,road.

"No one will believe what the prodigal son of the Kaslana family said, although I won't know about it if I don't go out." Xiao Chen shrugged.

"But... are we going to watch the tragedy happen?" Karen asked a little disappointed.

"When the Mandate decided to launch the Eastern Expedition, the tragedy was inevitable from the very beginning."

Xiao Chen shrugged.

"Actually, there are ways to win. If I try my best, I will have a chance to die with Immortal Chiyuan..."

"That's enough, don't continue talking, I don't want to see anyone sacrificed!" Karen stopped Xiao Chen from continuing, and said.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to sacrifice at first, but I cherish my life. It's not worth it for the current destiny."

Xiao Chen waved his hand and said: "Besides, Immortal Chiyuan and I are also friends. If possible, I don't want to be her enemy."

"I'm sorry, Xiao, for making you do such an annoying thing." Karen apologized a little.

"It doesn't matter, she won't care about the accompanying military doctor. If there is any situation, I will jump out and she should give me face." After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen turned his head to look at Otto and said: "This time the Eastern Expedition you also have to come?"

"Of course, I can't let you two stay in such a dangerous place." Otto said: "I have already told my father that I will go out with you as an accompanying trainee military doctor."

"But Otto, you haven't been on the battlefield at all, have you?" Karen said a little worried.

"It doesn't matter." Otto shook his head and said, "It's the same wherever you go together. "

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