"No...thank you, Eden."

Restoring the Golden Garden to its original state now made Mebius feel a little emotional.

Eden is one of the few heroes among the thirteen heroes who has a good relationship with Mebius.Mebius called Eden's singing "a noise that can be tolerated" which is considered a very high evaluation. The unbearable ones are "Alicia's ideas and suggestions" and "the sound of a thousand catastrophes smashing my laboratory" .


Thinking about it carefully, Eden has a very good relationship with her among the thirteen heroes.

Mebius thinks Eden is very nostalgic, and Eden thinks Mebius is beautiful.

It is relatively rare in Mebius's somewhat bad relationship list, and he can be regarded as one of the few friends of Mebius.

As for Alicia, although Mebius often revealed Mebius' dissatisfaction with Alicia in his daily conversations, he often fell into a disadvantage in verbal confrontations with Alicia.Instead of betting on whether Raiden Mei can escape, it is a pity that the bet lost and the bet was to wear a pink skirt.

Alicia's skin 'Miss Pink Sweetheart~' was allegedly found in Mobius' wardrobe, however, it was Alicia who stuffed the maid outfit into Mobius' wardrobe.

Of course, Mebius's way of speaking imitates Alicia's style. According to her words, it is easier to lure people who don't know the truth to lie on her operating table.

In the official Yingjie relationship map, the connection between the two is blue, which shows that Mebius's actual view of Alicia is not as bad as he said.

Mebius has shown her uniqueness since she was a child. She did not cry when she was born, but murmured "Mebius...is this...my name?", causing everyone to panic.

Nine-year-old Mebius, his mother died, and his father also contracted Houkai disease.On her birthday, she watched jokingly at her father, who was suffering from illness and drugs, and didn't care about his beating and scolding. She said, "I...will make human beings evolve." After that, she left the family.

The mother's death had a great impact on Mebius.

Suffered from severe secondary illness at a young age.

Maybe this is the fate of Mebius.

Girls seem to be accompanied by death from birth.

Mother, father, people around me.They left deep and deep marks in her life, and then passed away suddenly for various reasons.

But Mebius was not without sadness, it was just that the sour emotions were replaced by stronger emotions in an instant.

Death left a haze in her heart, and also brought her a different kind of temptation.

What a mysterious and ancient law that is, how exciting it will be to fight against such a law, how... trembling!

Like a child skipping class for the first time, the thrill of breaking taboos... Under the natural laws of biology, Mebius felt like a child.

The experience in her youth planted a seed in her heart.In the days to come, she was promoted all the way and wrote legends, but she never extinguished the desire hidden in her heart.

She must find the law of death.

Then, a disaster appeared and took away the order of the world. She knew that this was the opportunity she had been waiting for.

Afterwards, she obtained the most precious "sample" - herself.

Shackled in her young body is a deep and ambitious soul. In countless reincarnations, she waited quietly, getting closer and closer to the endless life she pursued with all her heart.

One day, she will master the law of life and death and control the birth and death of all things.She will rewrite the laws of nature and hold the truth of this world in her hands.For this purpose, she is willing to pay any price.

Now she wants to get the eternal answer from Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's body is the eternal answer!

In addition, she is very curious about what decisions Xiao Chen will make in the end after he obtains the power of a god, what will be the ending, and what changes will happen to the world...


449 Fu Hua: Don't talk about this, we are still friends

At this time, Eden was chatting with Hua.

Although Hua can often be seen in Paradise, Eden still wants to meet Hua in person.

After all, she was the one who handed over the Tinder plan to Hua in the first place.She wanted to see how she had made the decision.

At the beginning, she hugged me as a remnant of the old era, and there is no ship to carry me in the new era!This idea handed over the Tinder plan to Fu Hua.

There are many reasons why she handed over the Tinder plan to Fuhua.

For example, she has already been brilliant, and as a representative of the entire art in the last era, she has no regrets.

But Fu Hua... at least from the very beginning of her life, she had something to do with Honkai.

She should have a brighter and more exciting life.

Fu Hua is still very young and has great potential. Her future should be even more exciting.

"It's really been a long time, Hua." Eden looked at Fu Hua's current appearance and said with emotion: "You have really changed a lot."

"I have indeed experienced many things in these years." Fu Hua also said with some emotion: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask you a question. Have I performed the task you entrusted to me?"

"Are you still struggling with this matter?" Eden shook the wine glass in his hand and said, "Then my answer is the same as before."

"Before..." Fu Hua said: "Sorry, I don't remember very clearly about the previous things."

"I can't blame you for this. After all, this happened 5 years ago." Eden shook his head and said, "Then let me tell you again."

"Well, I also understand... Even in the grave, history still plays a role in our fate. What people call "experience" is actually a kind of "prophecy" at the same time.It is for this reason that Dr. May thinks that I am the most suitable person to carry out the "Tinder Project".But I know that's not the case. "

In Eden's gently shaking wine glass, there was a sprig of white and green bison grass.

This was the first time she tried this unique spirit, but after taking a sip, she already knew that this wine was not suitable for her.

And the reason why she is sitting here today is also the same.

"Hua, the "Tinder Project"... seems to pass on the past...to pass on the knowledge of our era to people, but in essence, it is still opening up a brand new era.And I... belong to my time, and it's here.My stage, it's here.No matter how bright the future is, that is not the place I should go, there... there will be no place for me. "

Fu Hua frowned, and said: "I seem to remember a little bit, I said one by one"

"But, Eden...why me?"

"If you give it to other people...they will definitely be able to do it better than me."

"No, Hua...you don't have to always look down on yourself like this."

You are one of the few normal people in Paradise!

"You are the most dazzling morning star among Yingjie. In terms of potential, none of us can compare with you. You are just too young and need more training... But the time we have, And always too little. And... "Project Tinder", in my opinion, is not so much a task, a mission, but rather... It's more like a "gift" that I want to give you ". "

Eden smiled, raised his glass again, and said, "That's what I said at the time, now I see that you like this gift, it's really great."

"Hua, you are different from me. Your own life is far from beginning. And the "Tinder Project"... If there must be someone among us who wants to enter a new era...then, I will Hope this person is you.You should be "yourself" there, to spend your own life in "Hua", not "Yingjie".I hope...in the new era, you can have a life that truly belongs to you. "

Fu Hua closed his eyes and thought about it for a while, and said: "I seem to think of something else, that was the first time I met Cangxuan and the others. I remember that after you finished speaking, Danzhu and Cangxuan walked into the room .”

"They... are the assistants arranged by Dr. Mei to assist in the implementation of the "Fire Seed Project", and they will work with you to sow the fire of the new era.Did they help you? "

"I'm honored to be able to carry out missions with them all the time." Fu Hua said.

"Ha, do you still remember? What did Danzhu say to you back then?" Eden said as if thinking of something.

Fu Hua frowned, turned his head away, and said, "I don't remember."

"Forget it." Eden shook his head seeing Fu Hua's obviously concealed expression, and said.

In fact, it was nothing at first, when Cang Xuan was still silent, Dan Zhu couldn't help but speak first.

"Ahem...Since Dr. Mei said that you can freely decide all the arrangements for the plan, then of course we will respect your opinion. It's just... Eden, the difference between the two of you is too big Right?!"

"...Huh? Difference? Where?"

Eden tilted her head, and for a moment she couldn't understand what the difference meant by the other party, but looked at Danzhu with a suspicious expression, who was gesturing something in the air.

For example, the difference in the chest.

"Uh... that... is... oh... forget it, it's not a very important thing anyway!"

In the end, the girl named Danzhu brushed off the question, walked up to Hua, and extended her hand to her.

"Then, from now on, let us work together, Hua."

Fu Hua still has the impression of that picture...

It would be even better if that faux pas could be ruled out.

At that time, Eden didn't quite understand what the other party meant, but now she understood... Then she looked at Fu Hua's chest.

Although 5 years have passed, Fu Hua's breasts still haven't grown. Eden mourned for Fu Hua for a while before changing the topic to other places.

On the other side, Su is conscientiously implementing this only parallel world.

Of course, the main thing is to observe Kevin who is working hard in the stigmata space... Su doesn't care much about what happens outside.

Unless something big happens, su doesn't look outside.

Even the war between Heaven's Mandate and Shenzhou is the same...

The normal use method of 450 God's key

The duel between Saint Kallen and Immortal Red Kite took place in the middle of the army of Destiny and Shenzhou.

Because after being touched by Xiao Chen, even though Judas didn't activate the disrespect mode this time.

However, it has also risen a little bit. With Xiao Chen's mark, it is a bit unrealistic for Karen to open the enchantment of divine grace.

Even Kallen can use the enchantment of divine grace.

There is no chance of winning against Fu Hua.

After all, Fu Hua has undergone surgery against the Herrscher of Constraint, and can act within the barrier. Even if the barrier is opened and the power is weakened, it is much stronger than Karen.

In the enchantment, you can easily fight more than a dozen Karen.

At the beginning of the battle, the outcome was already doomed.

Fu Hua and Kalian confronted each other for a moment in front of the formation of the two armies.

Seeing that Fu Hua was motionless, Kalian took the initiative to use Judas' oath to try to restrain Fu Hua, but was easily dodged by Fu Hua.

After getting out of the way, Fu Hua took the initiative to grab Judas' chains.

'It's careless! '

Although Kallen didn't want to fight, her fighting instinct for a long time didn't let her past this opportunity. Pulling Judas' oath now is like controlling the energy in the opponent's body and making the opponent powerless.

But Judas' oath did not seal the Houkai energy in her body as she thought...

No, Judah's oath has taken effect, Kallen can feel it.

It's just that the total amount of Houkai energy in the other party's body exceeds any Houkai beast she knows, and this restraint is nothing to her.

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