Fu Hua stepped on the ground, as if it had taken root on the ground, no matter how hard Karen tried, he couldn't pull Fu Hua.

"Is this all your strength?" Fu Hua glanced at Karen lightly, and said provocatively.

Otto, who was at the back of the army, watched the battle nervously, patted Xiao Chen and asked without listening: "Didn't you say that nothing will happen?"

Xiao Chen pretended to hold the binoculars to look at the situation over there and said, "There shouldn't be anything wrong, right? Also, this is the army, keep your voice down."

The two were military doctors who accompanied him. To be precise, Xiao Chen was an official military doctor and even worked for several years. Otto was an intern to help Xiao Chen. He was at the back of the team, but there were still some soldiers of destiny around him.

Xiao Chen didn't want to hear the news that he had contact with Immortal Chi Yuan to reach the ears of the upper echelons of Destiny.

Although sooner or later we will break up with them, but it is not now.

"But..." Otto said eagerly.

"What's the rush, Immortal Chiyuan may just want to test Kalian's strength." Xiao Chen specifically called Immortal Chiyuan instead of Fu Hua when he was speaking.

"Then I don't think the current situation is a little bit bad? Immortal Chiyuan seems to be provoking Kallen." Otto said hesitantly.

"Hmm...should be all right?" Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Maybe it's because of me that Fu Hua expected too much from Kalian."

"So it's you kid!" Otto said while strangling Xiao Chen's neck.

Xiao Chen didn't feel at all being strangled by Otto's neck, he just continued to watch the battle ahead, and said: "Stop making trouble, keep watching, if anything happens, I will take action."

"How do you make a move?"

"Have you ever heard of a sword technique that descends from the sky?"


"That's right, I haven't heard of it either."


Kevin sometimes seems to use the Holy Order of Skyfire as a throwing weapon.

When he was trapped in the quantum space by su, Kevin even summoned the Holy Inquisitor of Skyfire to directly break the space.

Xiao Chen also really wanted to come and try out what it felt like to use a sword.

If the battle is really unbearable, he will go to the battlefield to attack Fu Hua, and then use a sword to summon the Heavenly Fire Sage!


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Xiao Chen interrupted his delusions as he looked at the Skyfire Holy Inquisitor ready to move in his hand.

'I just thought about why you are still excited. '

The people of Tianming don't know his strength at all, if the Heavenly Fire Sage becomes a sword at this time, others think Xiao Chen is going to commit suicide.

While the two were chatting, the battle on the field was constantly changing.

Kallen felt that it was a chain that restricted Judas' oath, so she wrapped more chains around Fu Hua's wrist.

Then Xiao Chen looked at it and felt a pity for a while.

If it was him, the chain would not only be wrapped around the wrist.

What waist, chest, armpits, wrists... Cough cough! ! !There is no other meaning, just want to limit the movement of her body.

Fu Hua looked at the densely packed chains on his wrist, and tugged vigorously, and Kallen, who was holding Judas, moved forward a step.

Karen felt Fu Hua's strange power and clenched her teeth, smashing Judas' oath into the ground.

Fu Hua silently waited for Kalian to finish these, and in the chain that was wound into a ball, he rolled it vigorously to straighten the chain.

Then he pulled hard, and Judah, who had been inserted into the ground, was abruptly pulled out a distance of one meter.

Kallen tugged on Judas' oath, but it was useless. As the chain shortened a little bit, Judas and she were slowly being pulled in front of Fu Hua.

Karen also felt that she couldn't continue, so she lifted up Judas' oath, and at the same time controlled Judas' oath to unfold countless iron anchors, like a peacock spreading its tail.

Toss the whole Judas oath upside down in the ground.

"...Do you think this is enough?" Fu Hua snorted coldly, then stretched out his second hand to grab the iron chain, and pulled hard with both hands at the same time, throwing the oath between Kallen and Judas directly into the sky.

Karen stabilized her body in front of the air so that she would not fall directly to the ground.

Of course, this is also because Fu Hua held back, and did not pursue after throwing Kallen up.

The current Kallen has not yet awakened the power of the Kaslana family, and the use of Judas' oath is not very good.

In Chapter 9 of the main line, Teresa unlocked the version restricted by the gene, because unlocking the genetic restriction released the key of stronger restraint.The super magic soldier left by the civilization of the previous era has the strongest sealing power. After unfolding, the enemies near the cross will be imprisoned, their ability to move will be taken away, and the Houkai energy in their body will be completely invalidated.

After Kallen, it seems to be used by Teresa Apocalypse. It has been used many times in the training of Kiana, Mei and Bronya. It is Teresa's exclusive weapon.

Kallen was finally judged by destiny and died in the execution ground.The distraught Otto chose to seal Judas.

After 1972, in memory of Kallen, Otto took out the dusty Judas and handed it over to Teresa Apocalypse for use

But because of the personal experience and painful lessons in the battle that symbolized the break between the North American Branch and the Destiny in 1955, and also because of the fear that Teresa's half-human, half-collapsed beast body could not control the power of Judas and might backlash against him, O Thor didn't tell Teresa all the uses of No.11 God's Key.

However, in Chapter 20 of the main storyline, Teresa tried to use Judas' oath to bind the Herrscher-formed Kiyana, but due to the disparity in power, Teresa was defeated and Judas' oath was destroyed.

In the story of Chasing the Fire Moth, Teresa still carries the severely damaged Judah's oath after the Last Battle. Although most of it is destroyed, the internal storage mechanism can still be used and there are still intact spears. For combat.After Jizi of Wuliangta left Changkong City to cover everyone and died of exhaustion fighting the Third Herrscher, the broken Judah's oath and the broken Riyan Great Sword were placed on Jizi's graveyard as Jizi's tombstone.

A God's Key finally came to an end.

The God's Key is not indestructible. For example, the second God's Key was almost destroyed by Kevin.

By the way, the sponsor of the Second God's Key is Eden.

"...it's amazing."

At the beginning, Eden expressed his sincere appreciation to the huge "train".

"If I remember correctly, this should be the first God's Key that has nothing to do with the idea of ​​"Flame Chasing Moth", right? "

"Aha, that's true! It's not stipulated that the God's Key must be a gun, sword, or cannon, right?"

"I have a hunch...the "Second God's Key" you created will definitely one day in the future...a suitable person will create a value that we have never imagined..."

Otto: That's right, it's me!

"Then why not take this opportunity and let me show you some other surprises, Ms. Eden."

Eden nodded slightly, signaling the other party to continue.

"First of all, let me reiterate Velvet's principle—give customers what they want, but in a way they can't think of."

"Like...you see, this is the wine corkscrew I mentioned in the last chat, and I've already finished it. But I don't want it to be just a boring corkscrew, so I made one for you Powerful "vacuum cleaner"! "

"That way you can easily suck the cork out."

Eden was still listening—or maybe she was completely drunk.

"Secondly, I have always believed that an invention with only one function is not good design."

"Oh? This sentence...how should I understand..."

"Ah, in this case..."

Weiwei walked up to Eden and held out her hand.

"Please also let me use the Ninth God's Key to do a live demonstration."

Eden curiously returned the Ninth God's Key to its maker.

"Please keep your eyes open, dear audience! Today, you will have the honor to see the unknown side of the "Ninth God's Key". This is its most original and authentic appearance beyond the "weapon"! "

The God's Key flipped and changed between her fingers, and was finally lifted above her head by Wei Wei one by one.

"Now! Just flip this switch and it will one by one"

"Bang one by one!"

A soft sound.

"A beautiful little flower blooms one by one!"


451 The ultimate sword intent is...fist!

"Karen one by one"

After seeing Karen being thrown up by Fu Hua, Otto couldn't help crying out.

"Calm down, shouting here won't change anything." Xiao Chen patted Otto on the back and said.

"How do you tell me to calm down?" Otto said with clenched fists.

"If you don't believe in Fu Hua, you should also believe in me?" Xiao Chen patted him on the shoulder again and said, "I won't let you and Karen have trouble..."

"Fu Hua seems to be fighting fiercely, but in fact it just looks a little exaggerated. As long as she wants to, she can end this battle in minutes. The reason why she did such exaggeration is probably for others to see." Xiao Chen Zombie explained simply.

"Showing her exaggerated strength like this, so that Karen won't be too blamed if she loses. It makes people feel that there is nothing to do if she loses like this... After all, the opponent is so strong. She just put Karen in the air just now. She didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but let Kallen free fall and didn't mean to hurt Kallen. Sister Kalian should also know... But, it seems that she is competing with Fu Hua."

While Xiao Chen was speaking, Fu Hua loosened all the chains on Judas' oath.

It spun around in the air and finally landed smoothly, and continued to confront Fu Hua.

This time, Fu Hua did not choose to passively attack, but took the initiative to attack. With his feet stepped on, the figure disappeared, and once again appeared in front of Karen.

Kallen quickly set up Judas' oath defense, Fu Hua didn't dodge, and punched Judas' oath.

Even following Judah's oath, Kallen could feel Fuhua's attack like a violent storm.

"The oath of Judah unfolds!"

Kallen can only continue to carry out the Judas oath to attack and defend...

The Judas setting of Honkai 3 is divided into two parts: Honkai Academy and God's Key.Due to the conflict with the game, the setting of the Honkai Academy chapter as an old setting has been discarded, and the current setting of Judas in Honkai 3 is "No.11 God's Key·Key of Constraint".

No.11 God's Key, a weapon made from the core of the No.11 Herrscher of the previous generation, the Herrscher of Binding.It has the ability to limit energy intensity and cut off energy flow and transformation, and can be combined with the power of stigmata.

Judah's oath is the most significant handed down weapon in the Destiny organization. In the early settings, it was rumored that the weapon was first made by the Destiny young master (Otto) to protect the beloved girl (Karen), and was endowed with protection and loyalty. meaning.

Books are also eaten now.

Even in Honkai 2, Judah was in the long and long-term epic battle between Destiny and Honkai, and Judah's oath has been tested on the battlefield, and he gradually developed self-awareness.

Kallen used Judas' oath to defend with all her strength, while Fu Hua just attacked with ordinary fists and feet.

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