Not even the God's Key Taixu Grip is useless.

It is worth mentioning that Shi Taixu's Grip, or the Herrscher of Domination, can use the power of other Herrschers.

But the tenth Herrscher's ability is to use part of the power of the first nine Herrschers. Therefore, different individuals of the key to control also have the ability to manipulate the power of the first few Herrschers (thunder, flame, ice, etc.), which is the so-called manipulation element. Power.By absorbing Houkai energy, Dominion Key can transform Houkai energy into natural forces such as thunder, fire, and frost.

However, the power of the Herrscher of Restraint and the Herrscher of Corrosion cannot be used.

If certain conditions are met, it can even continue to absorb other herrscher abilities.

The core of the Tenth Herrscher has the distributed characteristics of infinite division.On this basis, human beings made the tenth God's Key into nearly a thousand mass-produced God's Keys.The key to domination has not been weakened by mass production.Similar to the characteristics of "cloud computing" in reality, each key of control has different capabilities, but they are integrated with each other.

The untransformed Key of Dominion is a two-foot-one-inch golden sword with sharp edges on both sides.But the inactive keys of domination are no different from decorations, and do not have the power of God's keys.If it is inspired by the fusion fighter, or when it resonates with the user, it will change its shape.In order to facilitate the understanding of this process, Fu Hua attributed it to Taixu martial arts in the form of "Sword Intent".

However, the key of control activated by Fu Hua is a glove.

Is this the ultimate sword intent? ? ?

In the pre-civilization era 5 years ago, after the devastation of the Tenth Herrscher, civilization was already crumbling.The Honkai offensive is intensifying day by day, but the number of fusion fighters is very scarce.Therefore, Dr. MEI led the super-change plan for the mass production of fusion fighters: the survival will of fighters injected with "Meta-Mo"ph" potion will resonate with the key of domination in desperate situations, thus giving birth to new fusion fighters.

On a certain day of the month, a temporary team convened by members from different teams was sent to Australia by Flamemoth to participate in the battle to recapture the rare earth mining area on the outskirts of the city.The difficulty of this "everything is ordinary" task is rated as B level, that is, there is no possibility of emperor-level Honkai beasts appearing.What surprised the soldiers was that the organization uniformly distributed the most advanced mass-produced anti-Honkai god-slaying armor-the Tenth God's Key to this team composed of remnants and defeated generals.Surprised, the soldiers happily accepted the God's Key, intending to show their talents on the battlefield.It is everyone's understanding that this is a combat mission to test the actual combat performance of the Tenth God's Key.

As a result, no one had the slightest idea of ​​the purpose of the "Meta-Mo" ph" medicine injected into them before departure.

When the soldiers were air-dropped into a city full of Houkai beasts, their nightmare had just begun.The Honkai beast that suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone, the emperor-level Honkai beast Ganesha, made everyone panic, because the combat information provided by the headquarters did not mention the existence of the emperor-level Honkai beast at all.The God Keys in the hands of the soldiers are almost no different from ordinary weapons in the hands of these people who have no Houkai resistance.In an instant, only Ganesha's one-sided massacre remained on the battlefield.

When Ganesha slaughtered the others, the moment when the God of Death roared towards Hua, the strong fighting spirit and unwillingness in Hua's heart suddenly turned into the "primordial wings" that spread out behind him-due to the super-transformation The masterpiece of synthetic preparation "Meta-Mo"ph".Survival inspired the potential within her, and Hua successfully evolved into a fusion fighter.At the same time, the Xuanyuan Sword in Hua's hand sensed the activation of the super-changing factor, and accepted the master's call and began to gradually disintegrate. Countless nano-robots reorganized into the golden wrist armor covering Hua's fists - the Tenth God's Key The second form of the key to control is the grip of Taixu.

452 Seven Swords Combine! ! !

After a big confrontation with Kalian, Fu Hua punched Kalian several meters away.

Karen staggered and barely stopped, looked at Fu Hua in front of her, and said.

"You haven't done your best yet, have you?"

Fu Hua made a move and said, "You don't need to use all your strength to deal with you."

"I know! But I want to see the gap with you!" Kallen said while carrying Judas' oath.

"The "key" is used for protection, you don't want to pursue such a powerful power as me. " Fu Hua said.

"It is precisely because I have something to protect that I need stronger power." Karen continued.

"Then, user of the key, what exactly is it that you want to protect?"

Fu Hua continued to ask.

"Forget it, since you're a bit confused, let me show you, this trick was originally prepared for him..."

"If you can't bear it, leave this sword to him."

Fu Hua opened his mouth and made a starting gesture, said.

"The first sword is Qingchenliu."

After she finished speaking, a soft sword soared into the sky in the army of Shenzhou.

The owner of Qingchenliu is Taixu's first student "Qingchen Sword" Lin Zhaoyu. It is a soft sword with a length of two feet and four inches. The blade is indestructible and extremely flexible.Lin Zhaoyu hid it in his sleeve and wore it next to his body.It can be bent to incredible angles to achieve unexpected effects.

"The second sword is Wushuang."

The holder is the two apprentices of Taixu, "Wu Shuang Sword" Su Mei, which is a pair of yin and yang swords.

"The third sword one by one wind clear"

The owner of Feng Qingyang is Jiang Wanxi, the third apprentice of Taixu.

"The fourth sword has nothing to fall."

The owner is Jiang Wanru, the fourth apprentice of Taixu.

"The fifth sword, Xuanyuan Sword."

The holder is Cheng Lingshuang, the five apprentices of Taixu "Freedom Sword".Ling Shuang did not practice sword intent, and the key of domination she held back then should be in an unawakened state.

So Fu Hua replaced it with the original Xuanyuan Sword.

"The sixth sword is Chijueying."

The owner is Ma Feima (Ma Yanqing), the Six Disciples of Taixu, "Horse Chasing Sword".

A five-foot-nine-inch crimson giant sword seemed to have just been tempered.The sword is huge but light as a feather.With the ability to manipulate light, it is usually invisible to practice sword intent at all times.

"The seventh sword one by one ink dyes incense."

The owner of the seventh sword is Taixu's last apprentice, "Dyeing Fragrance Sword" Qin Suyi, who was inherited by his daughter Li Sushang.

Xiao Chen looked at the seven long swords soaring into the sky, and said: "Fu Hua has really researched this move."

At the beginning, Xiao Chen was just joking that he wanted to see the scene where the seven swords merged and the ten thousand swords returned to the sect, but he didn't expect that Fu Hua would actually make it.

The unique art of Chiyuan Immortal of Taixu Mountain shares the five aggregates of heart, shape, mind, soul, and spirit. It is a highly refined kung fu that can specialize the collapse of "true qi", and it is inseparable from the key of control. connect.

Kenshin.That is, the "Shenyin" technology of the pre-civilization era is a hypnotherapy that can subtly transform the human body in a direction that is more suitable for the Houkai energy. The younger the age of refining the sword heart, the more obvious the effect.

The shape of the sword can only be used by holding the key of dominance. There are four shapes of keeping, turning, opening and opening, with a total of 21 styles.

Sword intent, when the user resonates with the key of domination, the key of domination will change into the most suitable form for the user, it is not actually a martial art.

Sword Soul, the user does not need a weapon, and can use the "sword shape" state with bare hands. This is why Fu Hua can make moves in the game. In fact, the names of the moves are all sword shapes.

The God of Sword, constructs and extends the Honkai energy, and by deifying the sword, the sword energy is self-contained.That is to say, it can directly use Honkai to perform magic attacks.

It is worth mentioning that Yu Duchen's first rated power is not Taixu Sword God.Taixu Sword God essentially constructs and extends the Houkai energy, that is, uses the Houkai energy to perform magical attacks in reality.

But in the second collapse, since Fu Hua's Taixu Sword Heart was broken 500 years ago, the Taixu Sword God she activated this time has nothing to do with the fifth aggregate of Taixu Sword Qi "Shen Yun". any association.

According to Fu Hua, "Taixu Sword God" is invisible and boundless, it does not depend on any material or space, and directly attacks the part of the victim's consciousness that cannot be perceived or recognized, because this part of consciousness cannot be recognized Therefore, it is impossible to resist, and this is obviously completely different from the normal sword god.

Therefore, the real ability of Yu Duchen's first rated power is to cause an undefendable mental attack on the enemy in the illusion at the cost of sacrificing a large amount of memory.

In Fu Hua's Feather Dust Illusion, Xilin tried to use an imaginary barrier to defend against the "Taixu Sword God" but was easily disintegrated by it.However, because it can only attack a single target, the blow was borne by the will to collapse in Sirin's mind, and Sirin herself was safe and sound.It can be speculated that if it hadn't been for the Honkai Will to take the attack on Sirin's behalf, Sirin would have been brain-dead on the spot.Although he missed Sirin, Fu Hua's blow still set a new record for the highest combat power in the history of Honkai: the first rated power successfully cut off the connection between Honkai consciousness and Herrscher and rescued Walter Yang, which had a negative impact on God. direct interference.

In order to launch the first rated power this time, Fu Hua burned the memories of Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu, Ji Lin 5000 years ago, the five disciples of Taixu 500 years ago, and even Cheng Lixue and others today.After activating Taixu Sword God, the weak Fu Hua forcibly escaped from Yu Duchen. At this moment, she couldn't even remember the name of her beloved apprentice Cheng Lixue, but she still struggled and said that she had failed, and asked her to run away immediately and live a good life .However, after only one word, Cheng Lixue died in battle, and then Fu Hua fell into a coma again and was rescued from the battlefield by Otto.

The trick that Fu Hua is using now is obviously closer to Taixu Sword God.

It has little to do with Yu Duchen.

Yu Duchen is similar to Void Wanzang, and belongs to the non-weapon God's Key.The feather dust used by Fu Hua is red, and the tip gradually turns white, while the feather dust that Otto uses to imitate Void Wanzang is completely golden.These two different Yuduchens will not interfere with each other when they function on the same user, and they can create independent illusions and even achieve different memory depths.

Yu Duchen can not only read the memory fragments of the user, but also modify the original memory, and then put the user's consciousness back into the memory scene to observe its reaction.The world of Feathering Dust Illusion basically obeys the physical laws of reality. Although the user's consciousness can move freely to a certain extent, the user's control over this virtual world is higher than the user's.However, it is worth mentioning that Yu Duchen has not shown the ability to modify memory directly.All current operating records that directly interact with the user's consciousness place the user's consciousness in a new virtual environment.

Combined with the description of Chapter 10 of the main plot, Yu Duchen's "feather" may be the basic unit of Yu Duchen.Each piece of feather is shaped like a processing terminal with a certain computing power, and can work independently for a long time even after being separated from the user and the body, and can even be implanted in a special way by the user to function for a long time.In Chapter 9 of the main storyline, the plume form Fu Hua seen by Jizi can talk to Jizi, and even unlock the door lock of the containment cabin in some way.After arriving at the lower level of the Helheim laboratory, Fu Hua not only could make new decisions based on the situation in the laboratory, but when giving Jizi the real red knight lunar eclipse, the system also verified through the "spiritual wavelength" to unlock the use of the armor .

When treating Bronya, Fu Hua activated Yu Duchen to enter her consciousness. About half a year later, when the Gray Snake invaded Huberian, Yu Duchen was still able to work and resisted the Gray Snake's attack for Bronya. Hacking.In addition, according to Sirin hacking the feathers left on the battlefield and using them to sneak attack Siegfried and Cecilia, it is enough to prove that the feathers are terminals with the ability to work independently.

Fu Hua also used the Taixu Seven Swords this time, and each sword also has a terminal of Yu Duchen, which is used to maintain the properties of the seven swords.

"Xiao! Xiao! Doesn't that trick look very good!" Otto said while shaking Xiao Chen's body.

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge on Xiao Chen's waist had disappeared at some point, he held it with one hand to block it, Otto said: "No hurry."

I saw a flash of fire in the sky, and Xiao Chen was already in place in the air. Although he was worthy of Fu Hua, it was impossible to kill him, but he had to do something to appease Otto.

Besides, this is the work of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge himself, and it has nothing to do with Xiao Chen, he will not reveal his strength, and the people of destiny will not say anything.

At most, they thought it was the ancestor of the Kaslana family who appeared to protect Kallen.

I saw Fu Hua's seven swords flashing different lights and piercing towards Karen.

Kallen faced the Seven God Keys and held up Judas' Oath.

Among all the God's Keys, the Domination Key has the largest number and is also the easiest to break, because the Domination Key cannot exert its strength in the hands of ordinary people, and at most it is a relatively hard iron.

But in the right hands it will take on the right look.

Xiao Chen has also touched the key of domination, but the sword of domination is still the same, but the core of the Herrscher in Xiao Chen's body moved a little.

Xiao Chen kept this matter in his heart, and lied that he couldn't activate the key of Taixu, because he already had the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

No matter how the Key of Dominion changes, it is impossible to surpass the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment.

Everyone has no doubts.

The reason why the key of domination in Xiao Chen's hand has not changed may be because his nature is more suitable for the key of can control all attributes.

Xiao Chen has also come into contact with the seven swords that Fu Hua is currently using. Although they have changed, from the Xuanyuan Sword to these swords... Whether it has become stronger or weaker depends on who owns the sword. inside.

For example, these seven swords in Fu Hua's hands are divine weapons not inferior to Xuanyuan Sword...


453 What are you young couples doing with our weapons?

The sword light composed of seven dominance keys merged into a long rainbow, and the seven-color Hongguang went straight to the sky, forming a white Hongguang in the air and falling heavily.

"Seven swords combined!!!"

Xiao Chen commanded the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge floating in the sky to draw several arcs in the sky, and finally a sword light that accelerated a flame broke through Hongguang in the air.

"Sky Fire Sacred Judgment falls one by one!"

A great flaming sword broke through Hong Guang and brought seven swords to the ground heavily, smashing out a huge lava pit at the place where the two armies fought.

It was as powerful as a meteorite falling, and the armies on both sides were staggered due to the air waves brought about by the fall.

Only Fu Hua, Xiao Chen, and Taixu Seven Swords were the only ones who could barely stand still.

A few people from Taixu Seven Swords were still watching Sister Yae Sakura at home, but they couldn't bear the request of the two and brought Sister Yae Sakura to the battlefield.

Then they regretted it... nothing else.

It's just... In order to realize the trick Xiao Chen said, Fu Hua transferred their sabers, that's all.

But Xiao Chen, you're fine, what's the real deal!

Your Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment is strong!You are noble!You are amazing!You can't bear the suffering of sentient beings!But our weapons are not as strong as the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order!

All the weapons of the seven of us will be shattered!

Why are you young couples quarreling? The sacrifices are our weapons!


"You're lucky today."

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