"Do not."

The man pulled out the big sword stuck in the ground, turned and left.Where he was standing just now... the murderous intent and ice-coldness lingered for a long time.

"No matter what the cost..."

"Humanity will definitely defeat Honkai."

In the space of the stigmata, Kevin recalled that once again he raised the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in his hand, and swung that sword out before trying to explode the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge...

There was no reason why Siegfried couldn't do what Siegfried could do back then.

Thinking of this, Kevin continued to raise the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment in his consciousness.


After Otto went to the parallel world, Siegfried was released, and Siegfried was very confused just after he was released.

After being informed that Otto was no longer in this world, he also felt a little lost...

Obviously Otto was also the culprit who caused the separation of his wife and children, but after knowing that he left this world, he was still a little sad...

After leaving the organization that day, Siegfried and K-423 lived in seclusion for several years in some extremely cold place.Immersed in the pain of losing his daughter, Siegfried has a very indifferent attitude towards K-423, and has always been worried about Anti-Entropy who did not respond in time. To help K-423 suppress the Herrscher personality, including giving her an exclusive name.

Not long after, an accident made Siegfried see K-423's desire to protect others, so he recognized K-423, named K-423's daughter "Qiana", and taught her Kaslana. Home gun fighting.However, the peaceful days did not last long, and a heroic battle occurred shortly afterwards (K-423 went berserk, lightly disciplined, and killed Ragnar and all members of the charge team except Wuliang Tajiko ... Mihayou really has you), in this battle Siegfried once again released the giant sword form of the Heavenly Fire Sect.

After that, in the manga "Moon Shadow", Fu Hua met Siegfried, who broke his left arm, in the process of tracking down the stolen Herrscher Gem in Singapore. Siegfly explained to Fu Hua that Cocolia He gave Fu Hua the box that was used to store gems that can isolate the Houkai energy, and then disappeared again.But judging from Siegfried's words, he has been observing Kiyana (K423) in the dark, and has contacts with anti-entropy conservatives.

Without Xiao Chen,

Siegfried will fall into the stigmata space of the Kaslana family even later, and challenge the ancient consciousness "Kevin" in the stigmata in order to leave the stigmata space, which is just an image.In the challenges again and again, Siegfried's personality was constantly impacted, turned into fragments and scattered in the space of the stigmata, and finally was broken into pieces. He was sealed in the ice by "Kevin", constantly blaming himself for not being able to save him. Beloved wife and daughter.

Now knowing that his daughter is still alive, and the person he has been vigilant against has also died, he is now confused.

Originally, he wanted to see Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen also fell into a coma, and he didn't know what to do anymore.

He simply found the tomb that Teresa built for Otto first, and brought a few bottles of wine to the tomb for a few drinks.

Complain to 'dead' Otto.

"You bastard just died like this..."

"You left, what should I do with the resentment in my heart?"

It's a pity that no one edits the video for him now...

At this time, Otto in the parallel world sneezed.

"Ah owe one by one"


461 Sky and Opera

After Xiao Chen woke up, everyone began to move to the area where the next crew was located, Tianqiong City.

Tianqiong City is in Shenzhou, although it is not Xiao Chen's hometown, but he is still familiar with it.

Been here a few times before.

It's just that this time it's with everyone in the crew.

"The plot of Meteor in the Sky is mainly divided into two parts, the bright line and the dark line."

"The first part is the person looking for Kiyana."

"The second part is Kiyana's own inner struggle."

"Three months after the Queen's arrival, Kiyana wandered around Sky City accompanied by Fu Hua's consciousness. During the whole process, Kiyana resisted ignoring Fu Hua. At the same time, when Kiyana was distracted or fell into painful memories , the Herrscher personality Gecilin will gain the upper hand again."

"Qiana didn't dare to go to crowded places, and she didn't dare to stop, because it would only cause her pain. In such constant reincarnation, Fuhua's power is also weakening, and it is difficult to maintain the consciousness against Xilin .”

In this part of the game, as long as Qiyana participates in the battle, the energy of the Herrscher will increase, and if it is full of two grids, it will enter BE-complete rhythm and destruction will lead to the failure of the level.If it is not achieved, then in the game when faced with a large shield piercing, Sirin will take over the body again, Qiyana will fall into memory, and will be crazily brainwashed by Sirin, and Fu Hua will appear and interrupt again at critical moments.

"The next thing should be the first conversation between Kiyana and Fu Hua in three months. Fu Hua confessed that it was Yu Duchen's zero rated power that completely bound her consciousness to Kiyana. Kiyana vented My anger towards Fu Hua is the pain of being powerless towards fate, and Fu Hua also secretly decided that if everything is irreversible, the three of them will perish together."

The three people here naturally refer to Qiyana, Xilin and Fu Hua.

"Then Kiyana fell into memories again. This time was the first lesson of memories with Jizi, the first time to confess her heart, and the first actual battle. After waking up, there were a bunch of Houkai beasts around. After a fierce battle, Qi Yana wanted to end her life, this time Fu Hua arrived just in time."

Fu Hua and Qiyana in the conference room listened to Xiao Chen's narration. For them, it was very happy to hear Xiao Chen's voice so close.

"In consciousness, Fu Hua and Luhuana fought fiercely, and summoned Jizi of various forms to come to help the battle, defeated a group of beatings and beat up the Queen, and finally, Qiyana temporarily sealed Ritsu with her own consciousness. Under the radiance of the rising sun, in the ruins of Tianqiong City, the two who had let go of their previous suspicions went on a new journey together. They said one by one, "Teacher Ji Zi, I will not run away again. "This represents the growth of Kiyana, she is no longer for children."

In fact, when Xiao Chen was asleep, Qiyana did grow a little.

Poor Fu Hua, still the same.

"In fact, although Herrscher's personality was temporarily sealed, she did not give up, and has been stimulating the core to erode Qiyana's body. Unknowingly, Qiyana's body is gradually losing pain."

"After successfully sealing the Herrscher's personality, under the guidance of Fu Hua, Qiyana fought against the Honkai Beast and the dead soldiers in Tianqiong City. They came and went quickly, and few people really saw her face clearly. Witnessing the back was diagnosed as a hallucination. People will always fall asleep. In Qiyana's dream, Fu Hua used Yu Duchen to create an illusion to teach Qiyana the essence of Chinese martial arts, "Taixu Sword Qi"..."

"In the next month or so, although Qiyana has been appearing on the front line of the Houkai, the attack of the Houkai beast has not weakened at all. At the same time, she found that the red light on the dead man's body that seemed to be a stigmata seemed to hide an ulterior motive. Secret, after a series of analysis, the cause of the collapse was locked in Shencheng Medicine. At the same time, Rita was looking for the whereabouts of K-423 in Tianqiong City as an inspector. Under the guidance, it was determined that Qiyana was the cause of the collapse of Tianqiong City, and successfully found Qiyana by borrowing the black market intelligence network of Shencheng Medicine and Gray Snake."

At this time, Raven and Gray Snake, who were pulled over by Mebius, were quite confused, and it was the first time for them to participate in this kind of meeting...

Who would have thought that the strongest Herrscher in the world just wanted to make a scene.

"At this time, Qiyana has the strength to easily resist the arrest, and finally pointed out that Shencheng Medicine is the real mastermind behind the scenes, and handed over a piece of evidence to Rita. While Rita went to investigate the secrets of Shencheng Medicine, Qiyana Yana sneaked into it to investigate the information. During the period, she discovered the existence of the "World Snake" organization and the secrets of Fu Hua, as well as the terrifying experiment planned by Shencheng Medicine in Tianqiong City in order to complete the "Stigmata Project". When the raven plotted against her, she rushed to the scene and rescued Rita, temporarily escaping from the raven's pursuit."

"Qiana chose to chase after the Raven's convoy to get information from the Raven's mouth. However, the Raven possessed the poison mist antidote, which put Kiyana at an absolute disadvantage in the battle with the Raven in an instant, and was finally caught in the Shencheng Medical Laboratory In the laboratory, Qiyana tried to extract information from the jackal, and escaped forcibly after feeling that she could not get more information. However, due to the erosion of the three Herrscher cores in her body, she lost her sense of pain and was preparing to smash the experiment of the world snake. Had a touching farewell with Raiden Mei...and was thwarted by the raven again. Although the raven was defeated, there is not much time left before the experiment begins."

Jackal recently expressed his habit of being with Yae Miko.

"With the help of Fu Hua, Kiyana decided to completely liberate the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to save the city. Kiyana broke through the barriers of the World Snake, and finally came to the Honkai Energy Bomb. She was not afraid of Honkai The strong erosion of bad energy, in order to fulfill the promise with Teacher Jizi, she liberated the power of the Herrscher of the Sky that she had always feared, pushed the bomb into the sky, and saved the lives of countless people in Tianqiong City. But Qiyana also Therefore, I absorbed a huge amount of Houkai energy, and my physical condition has begun to deteriorate without knowing it."

Because Xiao Chen's body was restrained and unrestricted, it continued to grow, and if it collapsed and eroded, he grew up.

"Afterwards, Kiyana fell from a high altitude and was recovered by Yolandelle who came after receiving Rita's call for help. At this time, Raiden Mei also rushed to the place where Kiyana fell, but the difference in strength was huge, and Mei was helpless ... Kiyana had a nightmare, dreaming that Mei was calling herself, dreaming that she had destroyed Tianqiong City with her own hands... When she woke up, she found that she was imprisoned in the base of destiny, and was severely punished by Ulandal. Take care. Youlandelle promised that if you want to leave, you must defeat her yourself."

"Yurandal was fighting with her while arousing her fighting spirit. Qiyana felt that there would be no result in this fight, so she remembered Fu Hua's teaching in the dream, and used Taixu sword energy to prepare to fight with Youlan. Dale fights again, but Urandelle instead sends her to fight the quantum monsters that fell from the sky. Kiyana summons the Spear of the Archon and pierces the black hole in the sky. As the two return to base, the mech forces of the World Snake invade Kiyana took advantage of the chaos to escape from the Destiny Base."

"When the base personnel reported to Ulandal, Ulandal told them not to pursue and let Qiyana go. It's just a pity that they didn't let Kiyana know that pangasius doesn't need to pick spines."

Surprised, Qiyana planned to bypass the mecha troops and escape. When she turned her head, she saw the afterlife soldier she had seen in that dream—Kevin Kaslana. When Kevin saw Qiyana, he said nothing He took out Jie Mie and stabbed at Qiyana. Fu Hua stopped Kevin at the very moment and told Qiyana to run quickly. In the desert, Kiyana was exhausted. What Fu Hua and Youlandal said echoed in her mind Suddenly, she wanted to go back to Mei, and teleported back to the place where it all started—Changkong City."

By the way, the actor of Kevin is played by the memory of Kevin in Paradise.

"In Changkong City, Kiyana was further eroded by Houkai energy, which attracted the gathering of Benares and a large number of Houkai beasts. Kiyana passed out in Changkong City because of being eroded by Houkai energy, and was finally captured by Mei. Save. Tesla did a physical examination on Qiyana, but finally came to a very pessimistic conclusion—Qiana, only two months away."

"After waking up, Kiyana and Mei went to see the former Chiba Academy together, but they didn't go because of the flood. Along the way, Kiyana appeared in a state of confusion more than once. On the way back, Kiana Na used her kindness and Sirin's breath to contain Benares."

Beibeilong was ecstatic.

"Back on the battleship, taking advantage of Mei's absence, Kiana communicated with Einstein and Tesla, showing that she knew that her physical condition was very bad, and she was willing to cooperate, but when things became irreversible, she would absorb Changkong City. All Honkai powers, and please don't let her partners get involved: she knows that if she fails to become Sirin, her friends will protect her at all costs, so that some friends will die in her hands. However, this Mei Toki heard everything Kiana said just across the wall."

"Afterwards, Mei made a curry meal for Kiyana, and Kiyana devoured it, and said that the spiciness was just right. However, she had lost her sense of taste at this time, but she still pretended it was nothing serious. Little did she know, This time, Mei used sweet peppers."

"After seeing the changes in Changkong City and the gate of imaginary numbers in the sky, and recalling the experience of the base in North Africa, Kiyana decided to use the power of the herrscher of the sky to close the gate of imaginary numbers. Ride on Benares and fly into the air , was knocked into a coma by the tree of imaginary numbers-nihilism. After waking up, she found herself in Qianyu Academy, with Kevin beside her. Kevin said that Kiyana's body would improve and she would have more time. Then Mei landed in Qianyu Palm Garden, Qiyana can't believe that Mei in front of her will become like this, and she can't believe that Mei will join the World Snake."

"When Mei was about to leave, Kiyana blocked and fought with her. When she was at a disadvantage due to insufficient strength, she chose to use the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to continue the fierce battle with Mei. In the end, she lost to Mei because of the power gap. In the end, Kiana was defeated by Mei. After defeating the coma and falling from the sky, Mei reached out and grabbed Kiyana, just like Kiyana grabbed the arm of Mei who fell from the building. Mei placed Kiyana on the roof and left in a hurry. De Lisa and her team arrived later and took Kiyana away."

"A few days later, Tesla and Dr. Einstein checked Qiyana's body again. It turned out that when Mei reawakened as the Herrscher of Thunder, the conquest gem in Kiana's body had disappeared, and now Kiyana His body has turned from danger to safety. Everyone soon learned the news from Kiyana that Mei joined the World Snake. Everyone was surprised and saddened. Even for dinner this evening, except for Kiyana, almost everyone had no appetite. Qiyana once again showed a wolfish look, but everyone could see that she was trying to cheer herself up earlier..."

After explaining the plot, Xiao Chen spoke.

"This time the plot is mainly played until the part where Kiyana is arrested. It is still the old rule. In the new place, everyone has a few days to rest and disbands one by one."

Although everyone had had enough rest, they couldn't disobey what Xiao Chen said. They wanted to spend this time with Xiao Chen.

Because Xiao Chen's time is limited, everyone wants to sneak away, but no one can sneak away, because sneakers will be severely punished.

So everyone asked to see the opera performed by Eden.

Xiao Chen had no reason to refuse.


"[Act [-]: The Kingdom under the Nightcap] One by one"

Once upon a time there was a land of plenty

The people there have no worries about food and clothing, live in peace and harmony

But the king is old and dying

Death came to the bed and invited him to another country

"Wait a moment, please," said the king.

"I haven't had all the glory and prosperity I deserve"

"I built this land," he said.

"It was I who resisted the invasion of other races"

"It is I who build the happiness of the people and keep them away from illness and suffering!"

"Ah, that's right." One by one Death whispered.

"But this is not enough to open the way for you"

"The other side is a country of equality, and it does not look sideways because of high or low."

king is quiet

king is quiet

What is he thinking?There was a slight gleam in the old eyes.

"I understand." One by one the king said.

"But let me tell you one last time, I want to make a deal with you"

"But there is no harm in listening," said Death.

"Please forget my soul and never take it again"

"Why exchange?"

"My thousands of citizens, you may swing your sickle as you please"

"This body is so old, it's not worth your trouble"

"But our people are strong, and the soul is up to you"

Grim Reaper

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