Grim Reaper

The bone holding the sickle tapped slightly, as if weaving a distant destiny

"Then it's settled," said Death.

"I will no longer spy on your fate, and no one else can take your soul away"

The king is safe, watching the god of death leave

He rejoiced and ordered a national celebration

people drinking and having fun

The king puts on his nightcap and sleeps peacefully

The king puts on his nightcap and sleeps peacefully

Sleep peacefully in a dream... [Act [-]: Death's scythe roaring]

Oh look, whose child is that?

He wept loudly, but no one looked

Oh look, whose silver mirror is that

It used to shine beautifully, but now I only see ruins

Oh look, whose husband is that?

Once in the dream of a girl in spring, now buried in a chariot

War, Disease, Famine and Plague

King Nightcap sleeps, seven years have passed

He never woke up, dreaming a wonderful dream

He did not die, the country was ruled by no one

War, Disease, Famine and Plague

Reaper's scythe

War, Disease, Famine and Plague

Who can lead us to liberation?

[Act [-]: The Titmouse Comes with a Branch]

"He is no longer our king," said the people.

That's right!That's right!

"He is ashamed to be our king," said the people.

Mistake!That's right!

"But he made a deal with death, no one can take the head from under the nightcap"

That's right...that's right...

"Our valiant warriors were all slain, and no one could drag him from his throne"

That's right...that's right...

"chirp chirp, chirp chirp"

Where is the sound coming from?

"chirp chirp, chirp chirp"

who is singing

"chirp chirp, chirp chirp"

Whispers from the elves in the woods!

It is giving us hope!

"chirp chirp, chirp chirp"

But who can understand?Who can see through it?

O karma of fate!

When death traded with the king, it was there!

Oh, the tease of fate!

Its petite body escaped the eyes of death!

Oh, tricks of fate!

But it can't tell the secret!

People hold their breath and hold their voices, and people listen attentively.But they can never penetrate

"Puff puff, puff puff"

What is it this time?

"Puff puff, puff puff"

It's tits!It's a tit coming from a branch!

It flapped its wings and came with a pair of branches in its mouth!

The branches are round and dark, the branches of holly

The branch was just the right size, like...


Like the nostrils of a king!

"chirp chirp, chirp chirp"

There is a loophole in the transaction

"chirp chirp, chirp chirp"

No one can take the king

"chirp chirp, chirp chirp"

Unless it is the king himself!

No one understands its words

But people have penetrated the secret!

"Go forward! My friend! March to the palace!"

That's right!That's right!

"Let the branch of holly reach! Let the king suffocate!"

That's right!That's right!

"When he sees the god of death, he will be amazed!"

"Old friend, why did you break the contract?" the king would say.

"No, I don't." Death will return

"It was you who did not want to wake up from the pain of suffocation, and it was you who chose to die peacefully in a nightcap."

"No matter which country you are in, your destiny has its own destiny."

That's right!

"When the stars dim

Cups dry up

my king

And why do you want to stay in this desolate country?

To wait for that triumphant song to play

To find that truth to illuminate all that you can

to get all you can get

Combine the wealth and glory that the world desires in one body


"Gold" inscription one by one"

Xiao Chen had no interest in the opera itself, he fell asleep with Eden's singing, and the next round, the simulation began.

This time Xiao Chen simulated himself appearing in the last era...

It's just that among the information he didn't receive, the other self was also listening to Shakespeare's opera mocking destiny with Karen and Otto.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen invited Shakespeare to join the resistance organization as a propagandist of the resistance organization...


462 You Lan Dell's personal TV series

In the end, Shakespeare was attracted by the lines from "Hamlet" quoted by Xiao Chen.

"Even in a nutshell, I still claim to be the king of this infinite universe."

The meaning of this sentence is: don't get stuck in the situation, don't mess with the shape.Do not change due to external forces, and always stick to your own heart.

No matter what situation you are in, open your heart and be full of hope.

Don't underestimate yourself, even in adversity, you can achieve great things.It's like being in a husk, you are still in a universe, it's your own big world.

"How do you know this sentence?!"

"If you want to know, join our rebel against the Mandate of Heaven!"

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