Under Xiao Chen's persuasion, Shakespeare became the first member of the resistance organization.

Xiao Chen was very fond of William Shakespeare's ability, because she wrote all aspects of the human soul.Good and evil, love and hate, beauty and ugliness... In her works, she puts on the faces of men and women, walks on the stage of the world, and interprets all kinds of sorrows, joys and dreams.

In the collapsed world, the most well-known active period of the greatest writer in human history is England under the rule of Elizabeth I.At that time, Britain had just defeated the Spanish Armada, and the country was prosperous.Shakespeare, who had never received a higher education, disdained the vulgar troupe performances at that time, began to create various plays, and directed them himself.

Soon she stood out with her talent.From the princes and nobles to the common people, they all talked about Shakespeare's plays with great interest.This young girl poet with an out-of-the-way temperament became the topic of the whole country for a while.Her mind is like a bag of stories, filled with countless sparks of inspiration.One wonders if she has lived many lifetimes?Otherwise, how can we create these lifelike characters and write stories that seem to be seen in person?

People speculate that she is a long-lived vampire who has seen many turning points in history; some people say that she was lost in another world, wandering in the court of goblins and the banquet of the gods; others think that Shakespeare Not one person, but the co-signatures of many collective authors, even Shakespeare's life trajectory is a play by them.

With so many masks, which one is Shakespeare's true face?Maybe there is no so-called true face at all.Because she is both author and character; both director and actor; both muse and poet.For her, the world is a stage for her indulgence.

"The world is the stage, and all the crowns are actors."...--"Fulfillment of Wishes"

In the following plot, the captain of the submarine Caledonia comes from England in the 16th century—yes, during the period of Elizabeth I, which is consistent with the description in the main world.

Although the image is the same, this Shakespeare is not the same as the Shakespeare in the main world. She comes from a world where Roland is a man and there is no collapse.

In the plot, Bianca was invited to compete in close combat—Jing gained the upper hand, which shows that Shakespeare is still very effective in fighting.

At that time, Bianca was 13 years old on the surface, but in fact she was considered an ordinary girl including Kiana's age.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen also intends to let the current Youlandell play the role of Bianca, this figure... 13 years old?You call this 13 years old! ?

Of course, the age of 15 years old is also outrageous...

Xiao Chen called Youlandal over and began to tell the story.

"The story of Ulandale, at first, was that Rita gave the French mille-feuille after her training, and unfolded in the form of memories. On February 2012, 2, she and Rita explored a thing called "ether" in the Quantum Sea. The special structure of the “anchor point” (which can stabilize the “membrane” produced by the quantum sea into a “world bubble”) enters the “projection world” of the solar system closest to a certain anchor point in the quantum sea.”

"When Bianca Atagina was 12 years old, she entered the Quantum Ocean with her lieutenant Rita. At that time, they didn't know that this simple investigation commission would eventually turn into an adventure with an unknown future. During this mission, she gained stories, partners, and the name "Yurandal". It was also during this journey that she accommodated the responsibility and power of that world bubble with herself. Since then, Xingchen has been with this girl With her, dwelling within her, waiting for her call."

"When Bianca woke up from the hospital bed, the blond man in front of her—her "doctor in charge"—told a story to Bianca: a princess named Medea, who covered her hands with love for love. The story of blood, but was finally abandoned by the one she loved. At the time, she did not understand what Dr. Otto wanted to express, nor did she understand how these words related to herself. But time flies, and today has become an immortal As Captain Blade's Bianca recalls this conversation more than a decade ago, she begins to understand what the blond man meant—and the fact that "the moment" he calls is coming."

"When that time comes..." the man said to himself, "I hope you don't feel sorry for that princess."

"That was the first encounter between the girl Bianca and the Catholic Bishop."

"The journey at the age of 12 seems to have become a distant memory, and Youlandelle has only recently obtained a method of stabilizing this power from a forerunner. In her opinion, this star armor is like her own when she was a child. A letter written to the future, sent back to her at this moment after a long time. It reminds Ulandal at this moment that she is not fighting alone, she has a partner who needs to be protected, and her partner We are also guarding her, no matter in the past or now..."

"Is it recorded? This is the narration."

Xiao Chen spoke to the recording studio, and then continued to ask Youlandell about the plot.

"After entering the Quantum Sea, Rita and Rita were determined to eradicate the sea monster "Leviathan". With the help of Miguel Cervantes, they went out to sea with him and waited for "Leviathan" at the reef, but found that "Levi "Tan" has already been boarded by the Caledonia first, and the boatswain Leila Saida Hera invited the three to visit the Caledonia. After the meeting with the captain, Marianne William Shakespeare, he got to know the people on the ship. The partner met the pilot James Jimmy Watt on the ship, the steam engine, and the first mate "The Man in the Iron Mask" Schrödinger learned from Shakespeare that the two sides are in different worlds. Facing Shakespeare saves ammunition (the world has the ability to collapse Replenishment rate is extremely low) after the persuasion, the aggressive general asked to compete in close combat due to impulse. Rita also competed with the first mate "The Man in the Iron Mask", but they were both defeated because they were not proficient in fighting. They exchanged their goals with Shakespeare Rita relayed Bishop Otto's remarks to everyone. Afterwards, Schrödinger also supplemented what she knew about the setting of Quantum Sea."

"Bianca celebrated Rita's 17th birthday by taking the opportunity to rest in the Caledonia. While the two were flirting, Shakespeare notified them of their arrival in Gibraltar (Honkai can Barrier). In front of the Honkai energy barrier that can turn people into ashes, Shakespeare explained to Rita and Bianca the origin of the holy sword Urandale and how she tried to use Urandale to destroy the barrier but failed. The story that caused the holy sword to scatter. And explained to the group the real reason why she wanted Bianca and Rita: I hope Bianca has the ability to drive the holy sword to destroy the barrier.”

"The moment Bianca got the holy sword, she felt a strange scene. Just as Bianca, who hadn't recovered from the shock, was exchanging information about Roland with Shakespeare, a group of people discovered the drifting man. Fred (German ace pilot during World War I)."

"When settling him, Bianca mentioned that she was an orphan who survived the Great Crash, and was influenced by Ragnar, the captain of the Valkyrie Stormtrooper who came to be a volunteer in the orphanage, and later had a relationship with Himeko. After the exchange, I decided to become a Valkyrie. Afterwards, the group set off to Alexandria, and Rita cooked delicious food for everyone on the way.”

"After a group of people arrived in Alexandria, Bianca and Jimmy started to travel in the local area as partners. Jimmy first gave Bianca a look at the management of the local use of robots. When the two wanted to hire a tour guide robot, they happened to meet Thales, the director of the Institute of Metaphysics in the Alexandria Library. The two had a long and friendly philosophical exchange, and then Bianca successfully aroused Thales' interest, and asked her to take the two of them to enjoy a local tour guide service.”

In the following time, several people wandered around the city, during which Bianca learned about the "slave contract" system used in the city, and visited landmark buildings such as the Parliament and the Great Library. However In the library, they got separated from Jimmy, who was then taken away by a mysterious man. Bianca was furious and ordered Telles to use the resources at hand to find Jimmy. Telles had to take Bianca to the library Curator, in front of Michelangelo."

"The curator ordered the museum to be closed, and invited a private detective named Champollion, please remember this person. After searching the entire museum without any results, several people reasoned and came to the conclusion that Jimmy was killed by someone. Hidden in the robot, it was smuggled out of the museum. After that, Champollion recruited his assistant Neit, who has a keen sense of smell, to go to the Caledonia with Bianca and Rita to get Jimmy's scent. At the same time, Jimmy Waking up in a prison cell, I found the girl who kidnapped me—Alice, an artificial intelligence built by a doctor Faust."

"Alice explained to Jimmy her identity and the death of the maker "Doctor". She hoped that Jimmy could defend herself on behalf of the doctor. After the past, Jimmy still chooses to help Alice learn how to protect herself without hesitation. A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang. During the two people's maintenance, Alice told Jimmy a twisted version of the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. "

"By this time, Bianca and his team have tracked down a secret base hidden under a sulfur lake. Because the group doesn't have any protective gear, they can only wait for a while and let Innet go back to get the protective gear. In Inet After meeting Shelley and Michelangelo, Shakespeare and Schrödinger questioned the city's suspicious intelligent robots, and at the right time lead to the main plot of the gem of sanity."

"While Jimmy was chatting with Alice, Alice suddenly mentioned "a certain program" in a panic, and then fell into hibernation. At this moment, the robots in Alexandria started a riot. Alice explained to Jimmy her essence The intelligence is used as a weapon for information warfare, and the personality is just a by-product. Now the offensive system left by Dr. Faust has seized the opportunity to hack into all the robots in Alexandria, with the goal of completely destroying Alexandria."

"Flash back to 18 years ago, the young Faust was exiled because of the unethical experiment. On the eve of leaving the city, he and Shelley had a discussion on free will, human nature, objective existence and other topics. Jing said I will never give up exploring the question of "self."

"Back to the present, Shelley admitted the existence of rational crystals, and Schrödinger immediately conceived a plan to use the rational crystals to fight back. But in this case, she needs to directly operate the rational crystals. Shelley then took a group of people to the rocket launch center .At the same time, Bianca and his team have entered the base. Schrödinger also used his sanity crystals to access Alice's system in a timely manner, and deleted the attack program, resolving the crisis."

"When all was settled, Shakespeare proposed a punishment for the incident. The outcome of the trial was: Alice would take over the responsibility of controlling the robot, under the watchful eye of Jimmy who chose to live in Alexandria. 20 years. The crystallization of reason that was no longer needed was also sent back to Shakespeare, and gained self-awareness, and restored it into a sword-shaped flying object that claimed to be Xiaoyou."

"On the Caledonia, Champollion and Bianca, who took over the position of "first mate", forced Xiaoyou to ask why Xiaoyou claimed to have "nothing to do with humans". Xiaoyou used himself as a story of a prototype weapon It has been said. As a manufactured supercomputer, it is endowed with intelligence and energy, and it is expected to use its super computing power to carry out machine learning, so as to master the manipulation of microscopic particles to change the structure and physical properties of objects, thereby Achieve the goal of cutting any material. In the process of learning, Xiaoyou created another 5 sub-units by itself and finally successfully achieved the goal, but at this time it also felt bored and fell into a deep sleep because it lost its goal. It fell into the hands of Paladin Roland by mistake. Finally, it fell into the depths of the Quantum Sea."

"The next day, the Caledonia left the Mediterranean Sea and arrived at the supply area of ​​the Azores. Bianca and Rita were invited by the captain Shakespeare to carry out Faust's sea burial ceremony on a deserted island. After the ceremony , Shakespeare used an impassioned speech to list to the crew the tragedy that the entire continent was swallowed up after the "Emperor" arrived in Europe, and then announced the destination of the next voyage-the location of the next gem: the Yucatan Peninsula.

"Schrödinger Sauce appeared at the right time, holding the holy sword Ulandal, and explained to the crew that she made a jump after touching Ulandal at the bottom of the Quantum Sea, and reached the ether anchor world. Then Schrödinger showed the holy sword Ulandal The power of the African Star, which is in Shakespeare's personal collection, is borrowed to test the sword."

Xiao Chen opened his mouth to say a lot of plots, and then continued.

"The plot of Ulandal is relatively long. My suggestion is to make it into a TV series. I hope you can sign this contract."

"Of course no problem." Youlandelle said very readily.

After speaking, she thought of something and continued.

"Oh, by the way, did Rita sign the contract?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "Not yet."


Youlandelle said something very fortunate in his heart.

No one else has the plot of the TV series!only me!is my victory!

"Oh, but Shi Yuqiluo has already signed, and she will appear as an astronomer. The holder of the gem of love. Then use the ability of the gem of love to build herself into a perfect idol and decide to use the gem Temporarily loaned to the protagonist group to complete the task of cutting the European continent. By the way, it seems that the "borrowed" gem of love has not been returned."

Ulandell couldn't help but blush when he heard this sentence, and changed the subject and asked: "What is an astropath?"

"In fact, it is not the real astropath, but after merging with the alien creature "Nicholas", Nicholas fled into the world bubble with Shi Yuqiluo in order to avoid risks. In the boss battle to save the ether anchor world bubble, he completely liberated The form of "Nicholas" appeared as one of the members of the protagonist's four-person group. After the world bubble was successfully inverted into Bianca's body, it fell out of the world. But was rescued by the "Sugs" family of the same family as Nicholas, Become an honorary clansman. In Chapter 25, I met Ulandal, and with the help of Shuges, Ulandal established a connection with the holy sword Ulandal in his body."

The prototype of Shabu Nicholas is the evil god in the Cthulhu mythology created by the American novelist Howard Philip Lovecraft. He was born from the darkness produced by Azathoth, the source of all things. One, is also an outer god with a super reproductive knife.

The reason why Shabu was able to escape from death many times was because she was parasitized by unknown organisms that could repair and replace the damaged organs and tissues of the host with their own cells.After Shabu and Bella died together, an unknown creature that needed to rely on the host to maintain its growth parasitized on Kiro's body, and was named Nicholas by Kiro.

There have always been some weird aliens and people from different dimensions in Honkai.

For example, the aliens in Himeko's comics.

These characters are basically not mentioned in the plot of the game, but they occupy a part of the setting in the plot of the extra episode.

It can only be said that there is no need to understand the collapse of things. Maybe some aliens may be explained or linked in the star dome orbit in the future?


463 An Interesting Story With Yingjie

After finishing his day's work, Xiao Chen closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, his surroundings were replaced by a strange space.

It is somewhat similar to the architectural style of Paradise.

This is a world simulated by one's own strength, it's just a simulation, not the real world.

Xiao Chen called it Demon de Laplace (Demon de Laplace). This is a hypothesis of a certain mathematician. Suppose there is a demon. This "demon" knows the exact position and momentum of every atom in the universe, and can Use Newton's laws to show the entire process of cosmic events, past and future.The demon's name is Laplace's Demon.

Knowing the past, Xiao Chen only needs to roughly simulate it.

He had been simulating past situations while he was asleep.

After all, Xiao Chen can't just talk and do nothing if he promised Yingjie to complete the world they expected.

This time, he seemed to be chatting with an employee as Alicia's adjutant, and Qianjie's adjutant.

"...To sum up, Erwin, you, as a member of the support force, were "standing in the same place" as Qianjie at the time of the incident, right? "

This time it was a chat between the adjutants. Powerful fighters would usually arrange for adjutants to help with some work, and fight when necessary.

However, the situation of Qianjie is a bit special...

"That's right... But you should know what he said... Do you understand? He took off his mask... I dare not look directly at his face, I dare not even think about it... I can only Keeping your head down, watching his feet keep changing positions..."

"Really? To be honest, my boss is still very curious about the face under the mask of Qianjie, and I am actually very curious too."

Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said.

"I advise you to dispel this idea, ah... where did I just say? Oh, yes, he is not "walking" or "running"... I swear I never blinked, but I didn't see him at all How it moves from one location to another.All I could see were pieces of the Honkai Beast...and something else red...they scattered like snowflakes and landed on me...and his shoes. "

"Hangkai's corpse... He really isn't afraid of being infected even if he fights like this, it's just that he really isn't afraid." Xiao Chen shrugged and said, "It's really hard work for you."

"We have already learned about the body functions of Qianjie, so there is no need to repeat it." Another person said.

"So, that is to say, in your opinion, this matter is indeed a thousand calamities."

"Yes... No, I'm not sure... It's true that no one else was there at the time... But I couldn't see the whole picture at all."

"According to your statement and other evidence obtained from our investigation, it seems that other possibilities cannot be deduced." Another person said.

"No, I mean... the person who took off the mask... Is he really still a thousand kalpas?"

"...Ah, yes, I do know a lot about him... But it's just hearsay, you must not spread it."

"He still won't stop attacking after defeating the enemy?"

"Please, it's not worth talking about this kind of thing anymore, is it? Is there anyone who doesn't know his fighting style?"


"To tell you something interesting... Well, let me think about it... Oh, by the way, he was temporarily transferred to another base a while ago, and at that time, a friend of mine happened to be in charge of helping him carry his luggage. You would never have imagined that... more than half of his luggage is filled with all kinds of dolls! If it's someone else, that man with a temperament like a wild beast would still have this hobby..."

"Don't look down on dolls! Boys can also like dolls!"

After hearing this topic, Danzhu couldn't help but speak.

"That's right! Xiao!"

"Don't ask me..." Xiao Chen rolled his eyes and said.

"Last time I saw, isn't there a doll in your room?" Dan Zhu asked with some doubts.

"It's a gift from someone else, I can't throw it away, right? Just kill it." Xiao Chen shrugged.

"But...Erwin, are you sure this is true? I seem to have heard other versions of this story." Another person continued.

"Oh, you mean the one about the woodcarving? Someone found a lot of figurines carved out of wood in his room... but I guess he's not very good at craftsmanship, and every figurine's face is messed up. But Well... for someone like him who always fights on the battlefield, it's normal that he's not good at this kind of thing.

"So... this news actually came from you too? So which one is the real one?"

"Of course...it's all true. People, it's normal to have some changes in interest, right? You see, this carving knife is the evidence. It was my friend who picked it up when he was helping him move things...Hey! What are you doing? Well? Give it to me! Danzhu? Danzhu!"

"You come back to me!!!"

Xiao Chen looked at the two running and shook his head.


"...as a last gift in bad taste, boy."

"Really... because it's more important, I asked Eden for this mask."

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