In the original work, Destiny resisted the Houkai by sealing the Houkai beast and developing anti-Honkai drugs. On the other hand, it was secretly conducting research on the use of the Houkai, including some brutal experiments.Karen accidentally witnessed the kidnapping incident during the phantom thief activities, and followed the clues all the way to Victor's mansion, and learned the secret of Destiny's forbidden human body collapse energy experiment in the basement.Then Karen was defeated and arrested by Eleanor who heard the news.

Later, despite being quietly released under the cover of Otto, Kallen, who learned of the dark side of Destiny, was very disappointed with the organization, and at the same time made clear her goal of protection, so she decided to return to the headquarters of Destiny to snatch the Honkai energy box to stop the experiment continue.He confronted Eleanor head-on at the headquarters, and finally defeated Eleanor with the help of Otto, and escaped from the organization with the box under Otto's connivance.

In this life, with Xiao Chen and the fully open Void Man Zang, there is no need to use human beings for experiments, otherwise there may still be cracks in the relationship between Otto and Karen.

Karen's wish or dream is both simple and difficult.

Just to protect ordinary people and let them live a better life.

It sounds simple, but it is very difficult to do.

Otto's method actually requires hard work. As for the issue of safety, Xiao Chen can guarantee that he will not let Honkai destroy the world while he is alive.

But Xiao Chen felt that he would live a long, long time.

He can't live on this theory alone. When Karen and Otto die... what will he do?

Where is he going to stand?

Xiao Chen couldn't help thinking about this question...

After that, the Mandate of Heaven rebels also moved slowly. Otto's father, the current old bishop, also fell ill in bed due to his age and various pressures. The position of Mandate of Heaven was inherited by Otto's sister.

After Otto's sister came to the throne, Otto also left the Destiny.

There are folk rumors that Otto's sister forced Otto away, but in fact Otto left by himself, even if Otto didn't leave by himself, his sister would ask him to leave sooner or later.

It's just that I don't know if I will leave this world at that time.

Otto left the Mandate of Heaven to better command the rebel army.

One year after Otto left Fate, he returned to Fate headquarters in another form...

Only this time it was the identity of the leader of the rebel army.

Xiao Chen is a thug, and by the way, he also has the identity of the leader of the Chenxi Relief House.

The Morningside Almshouse was an organization established by Otto at the suggestion of Xiao Chen during the Black Death period, and it was considered a charity organization.

This organization was established during the Black Death, and treated many people, and also attracted many ordinary people.

It has grown rapidly in a short period of time. Although it is not as good as an organization like the Mandate of Heaven, it has a lot of prestige among the country and the people.

And secretly help the anti-destiny organization...

The nominal leader is Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen is more like a thug, a deterrent with him will not be detrimental to this organization.

Although he will also manage, but only minimally.The rest of the time is still handed over to the subordinates.

Kallen... As the spiritual belief of the anti-destiny army, Otto actually made up a god with reference to Kallen.

The basis of faith is the Judas Oath.

Judas can eliminate the Houkai, which was invented by Otto to be the power of a god.

A god was created based on this.

And Karen was chosen by Judah as a saint.

In a sense, Otto was right.

The power of the Herrscher of Restraint is indeed the power of a god, but this god and the Honkai God are the same god.

However, in a sense, New Destiny believes in the Herrscher of Restraint... In a sense, it is Xiao Chen from the main world.

On the surface, it is Karen who believes in it.

Kallen didn't know about it at first, but it was too late when she found out.

The Rebel Army has already taken shape, and it is useless to say that this god is wrong now.

Although Kallen was very reluctant, she still reluctantly accepted it.

Although Otto did not believe in Kallen as a god this time, other people believed in Kallen as a god.

This is something Xiao Chen did not expect.

Only the world is impermanent.

The large intestine wraps the small intestine.

The final advancement of the anti-destiny organization went smoothly. Under the joint pressure of Ao Tuo and Xiao Chen, the destiny basically fell.

The corrupt high-level officials of Tianming have basically been cleaned up.

Physically clean up.

It is certainly impossible to carry out such drastic reforms within the organization.

It is worth mentioning that Otto's father, the former bishop of Mandate of Heaven, died before the rebel army marched.

According to Kong Kong Wanzang, he lived for a while longer than in the previous world, and finally died of illness caused by overwork...

Otto, Xiao Chen, and Karen all attended his funeral.

The rebels overthrew the Mandate of Heaven also shortly after the death of the former bishop.

The new bishop's ass was overthrown before he could sit on the heat.

The ending is self-evident.

Even if she is Otto's sister is no exception.

After solving the matter of destiny, it will be the wedding of Otto and Kallen.

The New Catholic Bishop: Otto Apocalypse

New Destiny Daughter: Kallen Kaslana one by one

For the wedding of the two, Xiao Chen acted as the master of ceremonies or the priest.

Although Xiao Chen has never been a priest, but his identity is here, no one has any objection to him presiding over this wedding.

Rather, everyone hoped that Xiao Chen would preside over the wedding.

Although Otto's social rhetoric is mostly a disguise, but as a bishop, he has to do it. Besides, he also wants to give Karen a complete wedding. Not many friends, after learning about Otto's research, the kind-hearted Karen did not show any prejudice or fear; on the contrary, she expressed her understanding and praise for Otto's genius mind.

For Otto, this kind of recognition is something he has never received from others, and it is also a proof that Kallen is different.So this friendship escalated into Otto's one-way admiration for Kallen, and now this admiration finally bears fruit.

I saw Xiao Chen standing in front of the cross formed by Judas' oath, and said.

"Bridegroom, Otto Apocalypse, would you marry the bride Kallen Kaslana, be one with her before God, love her, comfort her, respect her, protect her, as you Love yourself as much. Whether she is sick or healthy, rich or poor, always be true to her till the end of the world.”

Otto: "I would."

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, turned his head to look at Karen, and said, "Bride Karen Kaslana, are you willing to marry the groom Otto Apocalypse as his wife and become one body with him before God? Love him, comfort him, honor him, protect him as you love yourself. Whether he is sick or healthy, rich or poor, remain true to him until the end of this world?"

Caroline: "I do."

"Then, please begin your oath, both of you."

I saw Otto kneeling on one knee.

"I, Otto Apocalypse, ask Kallen Kaslana, to be my wife, my partner in life and my only love."

"I will cherish our friendship and love you, now, in the future, and forever. I will trust you, respect you, laugh with you, cry with you. I will love you faithfully, no matter the future is good Good or bad, hard or happy, I will spend it with you. No matter what kind of life I am ready to face, I will always guard here. Just like I stretch out my hand for you to hold tightly, I will hold My life is in your hands."

Karen took Otto's hand and said: "I, Karen Kaslana, please Otto Apocalypse as my husband, my partner in life and my only love. I will cherish our Friendship, love you, now, in the future, and forever. I will trust you, respect you, I will laugh with you, cry with you. I will love you faithfully, whether the future is good or bad, yes Whether it is difficult or easy, I will spend it with you. No matter what kind of life I am ready to face, I will always guard here. Just like I stretch out my hand for you to hold tightly, I will give my life to you .”

The two said at the same time: "Sincerely beg God to let me not leave you, or let me follow you, because I will go wherever you go, and I will stay because you stay. The person you love will Be the one I love and your Lord will be mine. Where you die, I will be buried there with you, maybe the Lord asks me to do more, but no matter what happens, there will be you Live and die by your side."

Xiao Chen took out their rings and said: "In the name of God, I declare you as husband and wife. What God has joined together, man cannot separate!"

"Flowers one by one! Salute!"

Xiao Chen took out the Star of Eden and unfolded a bunch of flowers.

I'm afraid Sylvie didn't expect that the Star of Eden she made would attend the wedding one day.

In Xiao Chen's voice, Karen and Otto officially became husband and wife.

Karen and Otto, who were wearing wedding dresses at the banquet, found Xiao Chen who was on the balcony, and said, "I finally found you. Why did you come to such a place when I didn't see you just now?"


Xiao Chen, who had been fishing on the balcony for a long time, tilted his head, and said without paying too much attention: "Why did you two come? Forget it, you two came just in time. I haven't married you two yet." What can I give you two..."

Before Xiao Chen could finish speaking, Kallen said strangely: "A gift? Didn't you just give us a pair of lovebird necklaces?"

With that said, Karen took out the necklace around her neck and put it together with the necklace around Otto's neck.


Xiao Chen touched his pocket subconsciously, and said: "This is indeed something I want to give you, it's just... when did I give it away."

"Forget it, since it's in your hands, it doesn't matter."

Otto looked at Xiao Chen's blue eyes and was silent for a while. He still remembered that Xiao Chen's eyes were golden when he was giving gifts...

Like Xiao Chen, Karen didn't care too much, and said: "Don't just be dazed, the great cause of the Kaslana family will be entrusted to you, you have to work harder! Try to marry more!"

"Ah this."

After Otto and Kallen got married, New Destiny was on the right track.

From the previous religious organization on the bright side, it has become a religious organization that is secretly fighting against the destiny.

As for the relief of those who suffered from the Honkai Disaster, this task was entrusted to the shoulders of the Chenxi Relief House.

Two, one light and one dark.

On the surface, the almshouse is just a medical and charitable organization, and some things beyond the scope of the mission are all handed over to the destiny.

Such as collecting materials, Houkai beast, defense, etc...

Xiao Chen was also a little busy for a while.

But not long after, Xiao Chen handed over this position to Karen. With the efforts of Otto and Xiao Chen, Karen finally understood the operation of the poorhouse.

Only at this time... an accident happened!

Karen is pregnant with a girl, whom Otto names Theresa.

During Karen's pregnancy, Xiao Chen had no choice but to return to power and manage the poorhouse. When Teresa was born a full month later, Xiao Chen embarked on a journey to find Kevin. He needed to understand...


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