466 Kevin's last wish

After struggling for a while, Xiao Chen in this world still decided to release Kevin to make a deal.

With the Holy Judgment of Skyfire in his own hands, and Kevin lost most of his Houkai energy in the Quantum Sea.

Xiao Chen didn't think he would lose to Kevin.

This is his confidence to release Kevin.

If Kevin still intends to carry out the stigmata plan, he also has a way... that is to beat Kevin up so that he can't carry out the stigmata plan!

Before looking for Kevin, he even found Fu Hua once, practiced against her once, and got Fu Hua's approval.

Fu Hua said that although Xiao Chen's current strength is a bit weaker than Kevin's back then, if he faces Kevin who does not have the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge, he still has a great chance of winning.

This also gave Xiao Chen great confidence.

Then he went to find Kevin confidently. Before looking for Kevin, he also visited the sealed Chi You to absorb the Hoonkai energy in Chi You's body.

On the way to find Kevin, Xiao Chen absorbed many Honkai Beasts and stored them in the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment.

Not sure why he felt the need to do this...

Is it for a showdown with Kevin?

Xiao Chen didn't know.

But he vaguely felt that there seemed to be some other important reason.

This reason found the answer at the end.

After he released Kevin, Kevin also told him his plan, the plan to use the maximum power of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Tribunal to die with the Herrscher.

At first Xiao Chen didn't believe in Kevin's plan.

He thought it was Kevin's plan to trick him out of the hands of the Fire Lord.

Having said that, Kevin has no intention of fighting him on the surface, and he will not take the initiative to fight Kevin.

After all, the face of the ancestors still has to be given.

Did you just say you were going to hit me?

In the end, Xiao Chen did not return the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order to Kevin.

Kevin also understood Xiao Chen's vigilance, so he took the initiative to let Xiao Chen take care of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

And by su to monitor Kevin.

Su is naturally happy to complete this task.

Then time quickly came to modern times.

500 years passed quickly for Kevin, but it did take a long time for Xiao Chen.

He witnessed the death of his friend Otto and his sister Karen, and he hung the necklace of their relics around his neck, and continued to wander in this world...

Under the blessing of Heiyuan Baihua, the two survived for a long time.

But Heiyuan Baihua cannot make them live forever. If this is the case, Otto in another world will not keep changing his body. After getting a boundary, the two finally died of old age.

In fact, if it was Otto, changing the direction of his efforts would not mean that he couldn't find a way to keep the two of them alive.

But Karen said that it is better to use this time to benefit the people, so Otto did not conduct research, but chose to die of old age with his loved one.

The two died on the same day, Otto and Karen held hands, and left this world without any regrets under the watchful eyes of Teresa and Xiao Chen...

After Otto's death, Xiao Chen's memory in this world also woke up. He knew why he came to this world, and now his mission is completed...

All that's left is to complete the agreement with Kevin.

However, there is another problem. After receiving his blessing, Otto has a soul, and maybe there will be an afterlife.

If there is no Kallen in the next life, Otto may be very lonely, so Xiao Chen used his own power to make Kallen in this world have a soul...

Just when he wanted to do this, he found that Karen also had a soul, and he suddenly remembered that he had already made the necklace on the necklace that he himself had given them on the wedding day. hands and feet.

Among them is the power of the soul, as well as the restraint... or the power of fate obtained from Aponia.

If there is fate, these two people will meet again.

In the end, Xiao Chen Kaslana died at the hands of the Herrscher of the Last Edge while delaying Kevin's time with Kevin and the Herrscher of the Last End...

Of course, this is just a follow-up record.

Xiao Chen, the herrscher of thousands of people, in order to give Kevin enough time and the ability to release his skills, he used the blood of Shaniat all over his body to control the final herrscher, and finally dragged his own herrscher core to expose himself. It severely damaged the final test, and finally gave Kevin a chance to kill with one blow.

Of course, although the person is dead, all the memories have returned to the body.

The power of the Herrscher of Thousands has been digested...

I have spent so much time here, and I have spent a lot of time in reality.

First of all, Xiao Chen found out that Qiyana and the others were from the manga period, a few years behind the main line of the game.

When the events in the other world are over, it is legal to exclude a few, and it is too legal to exclude one (Fu Hua:?), the girls have grown up and reached the age where they can marry.

Prior to this, Xiao Chen also made progress in the plot after the meteor in the sky.

Kiyana's plot is basically finished.

Next is the story of Raiden Mei

Mei chased after the traces left by Kiana's fall, but when she reached the place where she fell, standing in front of her was Yolandal, the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny.Mei wants to save Kiyana from her, but there is a huge difference in strength, Mei can only watch her favorite Qiyana being taken away by Ulandal.

Mei hugged the same style of Reburn clothes that Kiyana left behind, recalling everything that had happened in the past few months, watching the original Kiyana getting farther and farther away from her, tears streaming down uncontrollably, feeling sorry for her own weakness and innocence. Help crying, the last one who said I can't do anything has gone crazy in the abyss... Successfully obtained the Herrscher password "I can't do anything".

"After detecting the Herrscher energy signal in Changkong City, Mei and Tesla went to the city where they met Kiana, and found the refugee sky and the shantytown where the refugees lived in the flooded ruins of Changkong City. "Nest". Mei and Tesla take care of Sora who passed out on the side of the road and cook and pick up things for the children in "Nest", hoping to get news about Kiana from the children. Unexpectedly, Mei and On the way back, Kong was attacked by Benares, but was saved by Raven."

"It was only then that Mei learned that the very kind teacher that Kong talked about was Raven. Mei and Raven clashed because of their completely different attitudes towards Kiyana, but was stopped by Kong. Mei then followed Raven to search for Kiana After defeating Benares with the raven, Mei started the final battle with the raven. Mei was at a disadvantage. In desperation, she chose to activate the power of thunder and lightning to draw with the raven, and finally succeeded in taking away Qiyana with the consent of the raven. .”

"After Kiyana woke up, Mei and her went to see the former Qianyu Academy, but they still couldn't go because of the flood. Afterwards, Mei and Einstein talked on the phone, and the latter told Mei about Kiana's situation. Unable to treat or even alleviate, and explain to Mei the next plan of anti-entropy for Qiyana. In the middle of the call, I paid a visit, because the children are moving, so I came to bid farewell to Mei, and expressed my gratitude to Mei and Tesla. "

"I met the raven when I was sent back to the "nest". The raven sent the children away first, then discussed Kiana's situation with Mei, and whispered to Mei that the world snake can save Kiana. If you want to save her, you can save her. Go to the appointment on time. Later, Mei hid at the door of the communication room, and shed tears of pain when she heard Kiyana's determination to die and her request not to involve her partner. Mei knew that she was not capable enough to protect Kiyana, so she chose to go to the appointment. Kevin told Mei throws an olive branch: At the cost of joining the world snake, she becomes the Herrscher of Thunder again to reduce the burden on Qiyana from the core of the Herrscher. Mei is determined to make a deal with the snake."

While escaping from the shanty town, I ran into Kiyana who was looking for Mei. Kiyana looked at the gate of imaginary numbers in the sky and wanted to close it with the power of the Herrscher of Space. I could see Kiana riding Benares into the air. Mei helplessly chased after the figure in the sky, and the memories of the past three years and three months emerged one by one. Then he saw Benares lying on the ground and was seriously injured , when I stepped forward to check, I fought hard with the imaginary wreckage-nihilism. Because the ability of the imaginary wreckage is too strong, Mei can't defeat it."

"When the wreckage was about to kill Mei, Benares blocked the final blow and died. Mei made up his mind to reach an agreement with the inner Herrscher personality, absorbed the energy of Changkong City, and finally became the Herrscher of Thunder, defeating the imaginary wreckage. Then he resurrected Benares' body as Kurikaro, making it his own family to fight for himself. After clearing the Quantum Shadow in Changkong City, he went to Qianyu Academy. Kiyana there couldn't believe what she was seeing Everything. Mei promised Kevin that she would join the World Snake, and then left."

"Qiana mobilized the power of the second herrsrscher to fight to the death. Because of the previous battle, Kiyana, who had exhausted her strength, was no match for Mei in the end. In short, Mei didn't want Qiyana to die, so she I want to leave, but Kiyana would rather die than let Mei go, but Mei doesn't want Kiyana to die, so she can only leave after beating Kiyana."

There's nothing wrong with the plot itself.

The problem is what happens next.

After joining the World Snake, Mei often conducts daily training by herself. One day, Mei, who had completed her daily training, was disturbed by a jackal. When the atmosphere between the two gradually became awkward, Raven eased the atmosphere in time.Raven explained to Mei: According to the observation results of the imaginary singularity, the next large-scale Honkai and its Herrschers will be born. Jackal explained to Mei that an important part of the stigmata plan is to control and collect all Herrschers, and then Jackal Show Mei the Underworld Staff used to capture Herrscher.

At this time, Ye Xiao conveyed the news of the collapse of the coral island to everyone.Mei goes to Coral Island with the Snakes of the World, and learns that Destiny will fight together as an ally.Mei and Raven then encounter Ulandal and Rita on Coral Island.When Rita Raven was crazy and yin and yang, Mei stopped the bickering between the two, and after the division of labor was clear, the two went to find Herrscher.In the process of looking for the Herrscher, he met Ye Xiao, and then successfully found the Herrscher, but was escaped by the Herrscher during the battle.Later, together with Raven Yexiao, they planned to use the stick of the underworld to capture the Herrscher, but they were plotted against by Yexiao and attacked by the stick of the underworld that should have been used on the Herrscher of Ice.After recovering his strength, he received the news of Night Owl's rebellion, and went to pursue the Herrscher of Ice, and met Ulandal on the way to pursue them together.When Mei is about to defeat the Herrscher of Ice, Ye Xiao protects her with her life. Ye Xiao's behavior reminds her of the scene of herself and Raven in Changkong City, and her heart begins to shake. Ye Xiao and Herrscher of Ice take this opportunity to escape successfully.

Mei, who missed the best opportunity, regretted it. At this time, Raven came to meet with the two. When talking about the next plan, Raven said that if he continued to plan, he needed to retreat and contact Jackal, but both Mei and Raven understood that if they retreated It will lengthen the battle line, even implicate Huberian, and then pull Qiyana into the battlefield. The two finally decided to continue chasing the Herrscher of Ice.Ulandal and Mei are responsible for the pursuit, and Raven follows Mei's suggestion to collect the fragments of the Wand of the Underworld.Before leaving, Ulandal warned Mei not to miss the opportunity again.During the pursuit, Mei left the combat form to condemn the parrot and created an electromagnetic shield to protect Ulandal from the Houkai energy leaked by the Herrscher of Ice.After chasing to the Valkyrie's defense line, I found the attacked Valkyrie team and Rita Rita who was unconscious: I couldn't beat Binglu because the old lady brought the wrong skin when she went out.Ulandal stayed behind and used the black abyss and white flowers to heal Rita and the team members, while Mei restarted the fighting state in the tunnel leaving the coral island to pursue the Herrscher of Ice.

In the process of chasing the Herrscher of Ice, Mei saw ice sculptures one after another. The ice sculptures carried the memories of Anna and Ye Xiao in the collapse. As she walked, Mei learned about everything that happened to them.In the end, Mei caught up with the Herrscher of Ice, and the Herrscher of Ice asked Mei to kill her himself, but Mei raised the knife and fell, but the Herrscher of Ice did not resist.Ye Xiao still wanted to protect the Herrscher of Ice, and expressed his determination to die to Mei, but the Herrscher of Ice ran away again and stabbed Ye Xiao to death.Mei liberated all her strength and blood volume of 999999 to fight the Herrscher of Ice again. In the end, Mei won and made the Herrscher of Ice incapacitated.But he noticed the abnormal reaction, and looked back to see Ye Xiao's Herrscher transformation, and a series of reactions produced by the fusion of the two Herrscher's cores, Mei hurriedly evacuated to the outside of the island.

After the successful evacuation, Mei watched what happened on Coral Island and was shocked.At this time, the dazed Raven came over and handed over the Huangquan stick that he had picked up to Mei.Because Mei was hit by the staff of the underworld, she learned the working principle and electromagnetic wavelength of the staff of the underworld, so Mei decided to use the power of the Herrscher of Thunder to create stronger electromagnetic wavelengths to interfere with the Herrscher and weaken her power.Then Ulandal came to fight with Mei.After a hard fight, Yai finally succeeded in killing the Herrscher of Falling Ice, and after having a profound conversation with Ye Xiao, he raised his sword and dropped it.After the incident, Mei recovered the two "alive" cores, and thought about the world and the people he cared about with Raven, and then went to the tombstones of Night Owl and Anna to commemorate the poor couple together with Ulandal .Afterwards, Mei and Raven reported the mission to Kevin, and suddenly the communication was interrupted...

The next plot is the plot of Yingjie.

The problem is that Xiao Chen plans to cancel the plot of Herrscher of the Stars.

In the plot of Herrscher of the Stars, when Ye Xiao was dying, he saw the scene of Anna who escaped from the collapse in Manila in 2015 and gave up saving his sister Chen Tianwen. I handed over my core to Anna Shaniat, who has become the Herrscher of Ice, hoping that she can "live instead of me".

Its ability is consistent with that of the Ninth Herrscher of the previous civilization, "The Herrscher of the Rock", both of which are gravity manipulations. Because it has little connection with rocks, the destiny codenamed it "The Herrscher of the Stars".

This plot basically has no proven influence on the main line, it may be in the later plot, but Xiao Chen doesn't know.

There are also two characters that are not perfect enough.

If you want to do it, it's best as a side story.

After all, it is worth mentioning that because of Xiao Chen's relationship, the linkage between the World Snake's Destiny is also very frequent.

Anna still ran into Ye Xiao, and the two got to know each other after going around.

The plot of Raiden Mei is only left with the plot of Qian Ren Ri Zhe and Paradise.

But the problem is that after the 1000-person Herrscher incident ended, Raiden Mei returned to the World Snake Headquarters to meet Kevin, and mentioned that she used the power of the Herrscher to collide with the puppet, and her consciousness was brought to the power of the Herrscher. the land of roots.

A boundless consciousness enveloped there, as if it wanted to pour something directly into Mei's brain, but this attempt was blocked by the excess electromagnetic waves overflowing from Mei's body.

Mei believes that if this is the consciousness of the Houkai, it will not be able to affect the Herrscher who is the apostle of the Houkai for this reason, and Kevin has something to hide from this generation of humans.Kevin thinks that Mei is qualified to seek answers, so he asks Mei Lei to meet Alicia.

After Mei entered the Paradise, Alicia introduced the situation of the Paradise of the Past, and for the first time mentioned the essence of the Paradise of the Past—a data space jointly constructed by the memories of thirteen heroes.

Alicia took Meibius to see Mebius. Although she fought Meibius in the name of a trial, Alicia obviously let Hai go.

After passing Alicia's "trial", Mei was finally able to meet Mebius, but passed out after being forcibly given the [Infinity] mark by Mebius.After Mei woke up, she returned to the hall of Paradise. At the same time, Mebius also appeared in the hall and planned to continue to engrave Meibius, but Alicia appeared in time to stop Mebius' move.

There is nothing to say about the plot of the Herrscher of Thousands of People—The Herrscher of Domination: Crowd.After seizing part of the powers of the Herrscher of Knowledge and the Herrscher of Reason in the plot, the gesture of gathering a thousand individual strengths has been killed so far.At present, except for a certain disgraceful Herrscher, he has been beaten violently by various means.

The problem is the plot after Paradise, Xiao Chen doesn't know, when he died in the previous life, Honkai III didn't give the plot of Honkai follow-up.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to know... Now he needs to give this story an ending.


467 The Story of Xier Bronya

After performing the story of the meteor in the sky, everyone moved to Changkong City.

If there is any problem now, it should be Bronya's growth speed. Although Bronya has not reached the speed of light development, she has grown a lot, and it is a bit abrupt in the plot...

What's more, there is also Bronya's personal plot, it can't be said that this body is still a child, right?

However, the power of the Herrscher of Death to control growth also solved this problem.

Before starting to shoot, Xiao Chen also planned to expand the plot of other people, such as Bronya and Xier.

The plot of Bronya is not too complicated. After the second collapse, the army adopted many orphans and trained them as young soldiers, such as... the Ural Silver Wolf who suddenly disappeared before. Legend has it that she once disguised as a prostitute and sneaked into the assassination target At home, they strangled their throats with silk stockings. Thirteen high-ranking officers have died by their hands, and the guards don't even know what happened.

After Bronya failed to assassinate Cocolia, she was adopted by him, where she met Seele Fleur and Xing Maer.In order to save Xier, I participated in the experiment of the x-10 laboratory. The broken thigh and 8% of the brain were eroded by the Honkai energy. Both legs were completely destroyed by the Honkai energy. The emotional circuit of the brain was burned. Ya's last gift was a mecha ability named Reloading Bunny 19c.

In February 2014, in order to activate the Herrscher power in Raiden Mei's body and save Xier who was trapped in the quantum state, Cocolia planned an artificial collapse in Qianyu Academy in Changkong City, and Bronya was in charge Take back the awakened Mei...but she was taken back by Mei, and finally he was treated as an undercover agent and arranged next to Leiden Mei.

In addition, Xier has a weak and quiet character in the plot, fears violence, and often sheds tears when she feels frightened.Possessing stigmata, he is born with extremely strong adaptability to the Houkai ability, and has shown a stronger ability to manipulate the Houkai ability than others.But because Xier, who has a gentle personality, is full of resistance and rejection of violence, she cannot exert her full power.Due to being in a state of restraint for a long time and being affected by the Houkai energy, Xier's spirit finally split into a weak and kind front personality and an aggressive inner personality...

This is the secret of the young Seele, who feels that there is a "shadow" living in her body.That shadow was like another self. Xier didn't know where she came from. It seemed that the "shadow" had been following her since she could remember. She didn't tell anyone this secret, including her favorite sister Bronya.

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