Xi'er grew up slowly, and the aura of the shadow became stronger and stronger.Sometimes, Seele would even see a dark figure that no one else could see.She was afraid, scared, but felt that the shadow in her heart was getting bigger and bigger, as if it was going to swallow her whole.

But for some reason, she sensed a trace of sadness and tenderness in that shadow.

Not long after that, Xier learned that the sleeper in her body had a power called "stigmata", but her inherently weak and kind personality made her unable to control this innate "gift".At that moment, Xier realized that another self was protecting her, suppressing that unknown force at every moment when she was about to lose control.She is like a real chicken, always accompanying Xi'er like a shadow.

That day, a voice sounded in Xier's mind...

The table personality calls Bronya sister Bronya

Li personality calls Bronya "sister"

Both personalities have a strong attachment to Bronya...

However, because of Xiao Chen's appearance, the object of attachment became Xiao Chen.

Back to the plot.

Among the three, Xing and Xier were the first to know each other, and both of them were adopted by Cocolia in their childhood.Xing's personality is more extroverted, completely opposite to the introverted and timid Xier.In addition, Xier in normal state is the type of "can't do anything" in the eyes of everyone, and the contrast with Xing who shows her talents is even more disparate.During the training in the orphanage, Xier performed mediocrely because she suppressed her own strength, and was repeatedly ridiculed by Xing.Although there are frictions from time to time, it can be understood that Xing is doing things unilaterally, but the relationship between the two can still reach a delicate balance.However, this balance was broken after Bronya entered the orphanage.See here for the source. From Chapter 23 of Honkai III, it can be seen that Honkai III follows the setting of the sea chapter, and in Miyoushe galgame "Xing·Birthday", it can be seen that Xier and Bronya were adopted first, which contradicts it The official setting of Collapse Academy 2.

Xi'er is training to manipulate the Houkai in the orphanage. From Xing's perspective, Xi'er, who has always been against her, suddenly has a more intimate playmate, and the friction between herself and her seems to be caused by the other party. Further neglected... This is a blow to Xing who has a strong self-esteem.Of course, Xier has "Sister Bronya", but she still hasn't changed anything, maybe it's something she can't accept.

Therefore, Xing's feelings for Xi'er are more complicated. This kind of relationship cannot be simply understood as "friend" or "hostility", but more mixed with approval and denial, envy and disdain, complacency and inferiority, contempt and unwillingness, etc. A combination of conflicting feelings.Xi'er, who was obviously weaker than herself, was valued by Bronya, but she had no status in Bronya's eyes.In the end, Xing directed the outlet of these contradictory feelings at what she believed to be the culprit of the current situation: Bronya.

In the end, Xing was jealous of the close relationship between Bronya and Seele and did something to hurt Bronya—why are you so close to that idiot, Bronya!

The stigmata on Xier's body were coveted by many organizations, and she was once kidnapped by mercenaries and taken away from the orphanage. Fortunately, she was rescued by Bronya who came alone and was not harmed.Xier was full of gratitude and respect for Bronya, and took this as an opportunity to form a friendship with Bronya and become a close friend.And the cruel and militant Li personality also had a strange emotional fog for Bronya because he witnessed the scene of Bronya's murder.However, when Bronya found Seele, Seele inside appeared behind Bronya.

Xier was afraid of calling herself a demon inside, which unexpectedly caused Bronya's misunderstanding, and she had to make a promise to Xier that she would "never hurt anyone again".Bronya did not fight back in order to fulfill the agreement with Xier, so she was pushed down from the stairs by Xing and caused a fracture.Xier, who witnessed the whole process from the side, was too timid to move.When Xier hid in the toy box and blamed herself, Bronya went to comfort the crying Xier regardless of her body.

Xier felt guilty and painful for her weakness that she witnessed the violence but did not step forward to stop it.Li's personality took advantage of the void to instigate Xi'er to take revenge on Xing and occupy Xi'er's spiritual body.Late that night, Xier sneaked into Xing's room and tortured her both physically and mentally, causing Xing's mental breakdown.

But at this time Xier discovered the information in Xing's hand.Knowing that Bronya and the ignored Uncle Xing were going to be sent to the X-10 experiment, she begged Cocolia to replace Bronya as the test subject with the stigmata that had been hidden all along as sufficient qualifications.

After the experiment started, Xier met her real personality in the illusion, which was the stigmata with eternal resentment towards Honkai.The stigmata changed into Xing, Cocolia, and Bronya successively, but Xier made her own awareness in order not to let Bronya accept the experiment, opened the toy box of the same style as Isaac, and finally saw the stigmata created The missing body "Bronya".But things backfired. After the short-term success of the experiment, Xier's body quickly quantized. In order to see Bronya again, Xier left the laboratory in the deep sea and rushed to the orphanage, but her body was completely quantized before meeting her. In the end, she only had time to pass on her hair accessories to Bronya.

After knowing the truth of the matter, Bronya forced her to die, and she did not hesitate to risk her life for the experiment.After the experiment started and passed the safety time limit, Bronya prevented the experiment from ending with her own will, she just wanted to be with Seele forever.But Seele at the quantum level didn't want Bronya to disappear with her like this, so she gave Bronya the power of "Rebuild" in the form of a reloading bunny and sent it back to the real world. On the other hand, he continued to stay in the Quantum Sea and waited for the moment when the agreement was fulfilled.

Finally - during the experiment in the summer of 2012, the girl named Bronya lost a lot of things.

Her legs were completely destroyed by the Hoonkai noi.Without the exoskeleton armor, you can't even move.

Part of her brain was burned.Since then, she has never felt joy or smiled.

And she lost the most important Xier...

Only this sadness, before meeting Xi'er again, I don't want to forget.

Until now, Bronya Zajcek still often thinks of a certain girl.

Reminds me of meeting a girl.

Reminds me of my childhood spent with girls.

Think of the girl's tears, and after that, the girl's warm smile.

Then Bronya would remember.

Every "once" she took for granted is already a "past" that she can never go back to.

This is the plot in the comics.

As for the Sea of ​​Quantum, Xiao Chen plans to refer to Honkai Academy 2 and make some changes with Xier's plot, combining the plots of Honkai 3 and Honkai 2.

For example, in the fantasy sea plot, Qiyana and her party strayed into the ruins of an anti-entropy laboratory and met Xier who was trapped in it.Bronya recognized this as her best friend in the orphanage two years ago, but Seele lost all memories of her separation from Bronya.Qiyana and others decided to take her away from the ruins of the laboratory, but they were stopped by phantoms that kept appearing in the ruins.But as the exploration deepened, Qiyana found a dusty experimental file deep in the ruins.

On January 2012, 1, a group of new orphans such as Xier were sent to the laboratory, and they were given the ability to master the Houkai energy and the ability to realize the space. On February 20st, the orphans were mentally rehabilitated, but 2 out of 1 orphans died. Their bodies and even the physical laws of the room were distorted. In March, only Seele entered the final stage of the experiment. The laws of physics in the entire laboratory were overwritten, and the experimental observers also saw various illusions, including the dead mother and the god of death.Recording is then interrupted.

To everyone's surprise, the file reveals that the subject who destroyed the entire lab 2 years ago was none other than Seele herself.At this time, Xier's body also began to mutate.It turned out that in the experiment two years ago, Seele went berserk and led to the collapse of the laboratory. She also entered the quantum level due to the influence of the experiment. The body changed from matter to probability cloud, which must rely on the strong impression of the observer. The entity is maintained, but the price is that the people who are observers will gradually die.

The kind-hearted Xier is unwilling to hurt others, but her strong desire to survive causes the inner personality in her to control her body.Li's personality sealed Xier's memory, and created the illusion of "Illusive Sea Secret Room" to start hunting people related to her.In the end, she set her goal on Bronya, who had the most memories with Seele.By killing Bronya, Xier can get her real body and return to this world.

Knowing the truth, Bronya burst into tears and chose to sacrifice herself to save Seele.But Seele's own consciousness refused to hurt her favorite Bronya, and regained control of her body.In the end, Xier expressed her wish to meet Bronya again and disappeared in the deep sea.

After a while, Kiyana and her team came to the same place to investigate the root of the Houkai Energy, and Bronya remembered the agreement between Zai and Xier.While the girls were talking, a huge wave swept them all into the sea.Bronya heard Xier's call and left the team, and met Xier as she wished, while Kiana and Mei were trapped in the ceremony by Li personality to besieged.

Mei realizes that Ricier's purpose is to kill Bronya, and uses Bronya's thoughts to fix Xier in the real space forever.Xier is about to leave, and Bronya also said that although she needs to fulfill the agreement with Qiyana and others, she must come back to find Xier.

At this time, Ricier appeared, accused Biao Xier of being too weak, and then took everyone into another space.Everyone followed the cries to find Xier, but unexpectedly, Rixier successfully cut Bronya.But before doing it, Ricier fell into confusion.At the moment when the chaos ended and Ricier was about to strike, Cocolia appeared and flicked the sickle, and gave Xier the power of the Tranquility Gem.Although the Gem of Tranquility gave Xier a short period of powerful power, due to the excessive increase, the quantization ability went berserk, the entire fantasy sea space collapsed, and Xier disappeared again.


This is the plot of Honkai Academy 2, Xiao Chen intends to use it as a reference to make this branch line closer to the main line.

Although there are many things that need to be changed, but before recommending the plot here, he just needs another direction.

For a long period of time after the main storyline of Honkai 3, Xier was trapped in the closed space of Quantum Sea alone.In order to confirm her own existence, and at the same time to pin her hopes, Xier began to write a diary, and recorded it in a blue diary that was buckled with a butterfly-shaped thread.Write down the good things you have experienced.Although Xier also doubted the significance of the records during this process, by chance, the captain saw the records in Xier's diary and talked with Xier, which gave Xier the motivation to continue recording.

Then one day the closed space suddenly opened, Xier took the opportunity to escape, but unexpectedly came to one of the world bubbles in the Quantum Sea, and was involved in endless reincarnation.It wasn't until Bronya entered the Quantum Sea because she was looking for the longing gem lost by Cocolia, and after Joachim's test came to the world bubble where Xier was, she was able to escape from reincarnation.At this time, Xier was lured by the "snake" and decided to give him the gem of desire to take her sister out of the Quantum Sea, but was stopped by Bronya who had already become a law, but the "snake" Kevin's strength is beyond Bronya's ability to deal with, so the core of the Herrsrscher of Reason was deprived by Kevin, and he went to the road of no return to revoke his driver's license. Ability to forcibly construct a body that is worthy of being you Yang crunches, and confronted the ancestor Kevin, and Kevin still left the sea of ​​quantum.Bronya wanted to take Xier to escape but was entangled by the Quantum Shadow. In desperation, she had to cut off the Quantum Shadow and let Xier leave.Then Xier punched open Quantum Sea with seven fists in extreme anger. Kevin: Is this the thing that has trapped me for so many years?And awakened the power of "twin life", fought hand in hand with Li personality, split all the quantum shadows with a sickle, and rescued Bronya.Later, I reunited with friends from the orphanage, except Xing, and left a beautiful figure in the sunset.

In the chapter of Thousand Lawrs, Xier's personality was bewitched by the dominant Herrscher, and she almost betrayed the Piao personality. To get rid of the burden in his heart, he has a further relationship with his personality and is even reluctant to scribble on his face.

Later, after Bronya constructed six Moonlight Thrones, she resonated with the Heiyuan White Flower and used the healing power of the "White Flower" to heal Bronya, but this action put a great burden on her personality. It seems that Hei Xi is dead The possibility of the law has increased, but who knows... According to the secrets of the manga "God's Key" and chapter 07 of the "Kanhai Chapter", it can be known that the personality of the stigmata is the "stigmata project" of Dr. Mei in the last era. A product whose purpose is to spread information about powerful anti-Honkai weapons to the future.

Xiao Chen also didn't see the plot behind it. It is extremely difficult to give the story an ending, of course, he can choose to shelve it. If he is really idle, he can also make the plot of Honkai Academy 2, but what Xiao Chen wants to do now is not These things……

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