"She said that she already knew Yae Sakura's thoughts, and she would use the trick of 'true feelings' to perform well." Xiao Chen, the person in charge, said so angrily.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen blinked and asked.

"Who knows? Maybe a ghost is on me?"

"Yae Sakura isn't a real person, how can she be a ghost?" Xiao Chen was a little puzzled while driving the car.

"That's what you said." The person in charge nodded in agreement, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his shoulders and said: "By the way, she said she has something to ask for you, but hasn't arrived yet?"

"No, I'm still on my way, and I'll arrive at the hotel in about a while."

"Oh, that's it, remember to buy me some wine when you come back!"

"Huh? Dare to order the director, you are quite brave! Is it white or beer? Or is it local rice wine?"

"Comrade, I'm talking about wine, not water, but vodka."


Xiao Chen said angrily that he turned the car and changed the direction. Ordinary stores don't have the kind of alcohol he wanted, so he had to make a special detour.



Yae Shenzi sensed that Xiao Chen's coordinates had changed and turned the car around. As for why she knew Xiao Chen's location?

Isn't it normal to have a GPS in your car?In addition, some monitors and bugs are also normal, right?

It's normal to want to know what the owner likes to play in the car, right?

It's a pity that the two girls got off the car too early, and it's a pity that she didn't monitor any information.

Yae Shenzi drove the car behind Xiao Chen, and suddenly found that there was a small tail behind Xiao Chen's car, so he changed his target to follow the small tail, and followed Xiao Chen all the way to a place to get off.

After Xiao Chen got off the car, that little tail also got off the car nearby, and the car also left, Yae Shenzi got out of the car with great interest and followed behind that little tail.

After seeing the latter's appearance, he whispered in surprise.


"No, that's not right." No matter what, Yae Miko was also a friend of Kage for 500 years. After knowing the existence of Raiden Mei, he immediately recognized the difference between the two, and guessed that this person was the youngest daughter of the year.

It's just that she doesn't seem to know Xiao Chen's appearance anymore, Shenzi can see a trace of fear, a trace of determination, and a trace of despair in her eyes...

Why is there such a look?

Even Yae Kamiko, who is both beautiful and wise, can't understand this kind of thing, but Mei Lei and Xiao Chen seem to be asking for something, she can see it.

This....seems to be exploitable.

Yae Kamiko smiled maliciously, and took the initiative to go over and patted Leiden Mei on the shoulder behind her, saying, "Hello?"


Raiden Mei was also taken aback when she was patted on the shoulder suddenly.

There was no one around here, her voice made Xiao Chen subconsciously look back, but fortunately Yae Shenzi quickly covered Lei Dian Mei's mouth and hid in the alley next to him.

"Huh? Illusion?"

Xiao Chen turned his head and continued to look for the shop in his memory.

Yae Shenzi covered Lei Dian Mei's mouth, and slowly let go after Xiao Chen walked away, and said, "Why are you yelling so loudly? I'm afraid he won't find out?"

Isn't that because you suddenly slapped me on the back!

Leiden Mei was a little upset but said politely on the surface: "I was just taken aback, what do you want from me?"

"This should be me asking you? If you are fine, why are you following the master?"

Yae Kamiko asked curiously.


Leiden Mei reacted quickly.

After all, Xiao Chen's image in her heart could no longer be evil.

Forcing a beautiful girl to call him master, he can definitely do this kind of thing!

Could it be that Kiyana has also been...!

Thinking of Qiyana begging for mercy from this person in order to save her, Leiden Mei's face darkened, and said: "I have nothing to say to you."

"Really? Then you don't care what your friend is like now?"

A smile appeared on Yae Kamito's face, and said.

"Qiana! How is Kiyana doing now?!"

I didn't know it before, but now I know it.

The smile on Yae Miko's face grew wider.

So the person she cares about is called Qiyana?

It should be the girl who got into trouble with Xiao Chen at the beginning, right?

Yae Shenzi has also investigated this matter, and she can guess a little about Xiao Chen's methods.

He will do some despicable things to get the cast together, but that's all, the next despicable thing will have to look at her...

"Let's find a place to have a good chat. I'm also very curious about the girl who just came in. Why don't we share information first?"


While the two were looking for a place to chat, Xiao Chen, who bought the wine, also drove back to the hotel, and was drinking with the person in charge in the room at this time.

"Ton, ton, hiccup, I said, Miss Bronya...is Miss (sister) going to be on vacation soon?"

Xiao Chen took a sip of the rice wine he bought casually, and said: "Well, it just so happens that the story of St. Freya College can also start, and she can come here for a trip during the holidays."

"By the way, why do you insist on Bronya going to school?"

"Didn't she want to play games?"

It's not because of you that she wants to make games!

The person in charge complained in his heart, then coughed a few times, hinting.

"That child should grow up to be a beautiful woman."

Xiao Chen nodded seriously when he heard the words, thinking of the big duck of the Hou Bengkaishu, and said: "Well, I guess the figure is not bad."

Is your kid enlightened or not?

"? By the way, you are not too young after filming, right? Don't you plan to start a family? Don't you want to change this IP into a game? Why don't you find a wife who can play games?"

"Leave this kind of thing to Bronya. As for the wife who can play games, how can there be such an unrealistic thing."

no more!Miss Bronya head!I can only help you so far!

I only hope that he will be enlightened in a few years!To be honest, I'd be quite scared if he was enlightened now!

The person in charge shook his head and continued drinking.

At this time, Xiao Chen was still thinking about the script. After the person in charge mentioned that Bronya grew up, he thought of another thing.

The post-Honkai book...do you want to try writing it now?

Ying's temperament is very close to Auntie's Mei with a little dressing up.


On the other side, Youlandelle, who was returning home, fell directly on the bed and rolled around.

She didn't expect that her biggest enemy was her best friend, but Rita only got close to Xiao Chen because of the mission, right?

Just as Ulandal was thinking this way, Rita suddenly called. Ulandal hesitated for a moment, but still answered.

Just when she thought Rita was going to tease her disguise, Rita suddenly spoke.

"Master Youlandell, I seem to... really like him."



? !

058-58 If you know how to fool people, fool more (please subscribe)

058-58 If you know how to fool people, fool more (please subscribe)

After using his newly acquired pet to disguise the gift he had just prepared today and give it to Xiao Chen, Yae Shenzi brought Leiden Mei to a coffee shop he often went to and asked.

"What do you drink? Black tea? Or coffee."

"I'm not in the mood for a drink right now."

Yae Miko and Raiden Mei walked into a coffee shop, and the former asked the latter.

"Then I'll just order you a cup of black tea."

After getting the answer, Yae Miko ordered two cups of black tea, and the two made it to a corner of the coffee shop.

I saw Yae Shenzi took a sip of black tea, looked at Leiden Mei in front of him, and said, "Tell me about your friend."

Although I almost guessed it, Yae Kamiko muttered in his heart.

"The thing is like this..." Lei Dian Mei hesitated for a while, and she talked about her encounter with Xiao Chen, Qiyana's suspicious appearance after she came back, Qiyana's attitude towards Xiao Chen, and her own guesses Said it all.

"That's it." Hearing the words, Yae Shenzi said in an affirmative tone, "Then your friend must have reached some kind of deal with him."

Although with Xiao Chen's temperament, it should be just an ordinary actor's contract.

"Is that really the case!"

Leiden Mei said with some grief.

"I understand his temperament. With his character, when he meets a suitable target (actor), no matter what method he uses, he will find a way to get it (get the crew). You also said earlier that your friend can't beat Xiao Chen at all, right? ? He probably pretended to be injured by your friend, so as to blackmail your friend into signing something like a contract of sale (a contract for several years)." Yae Miko analyzed similarly.

Although what she said was all the truth, the meaning changed in Leiden Mei's ears, and she said in a tone that was a little tearful.

"Why did Kiyana do this..."

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