"Probably to protect you." Yae Kamiko continued, saying: "After all, if she is locked up, his next target will be you. In fact, after agreeing to Kiyana, he did not bother you. Isn't it?"

After all, before he came to you, Ying appeared.

"Then how can I save her?!" Mei Lei asked what she was most worried about.

"It's too late now." Yae Kamito said, shaking his head with a regretful expression.

"I know! But even if it's just to help her bear a little bit... I also hope..." Lei Dian Mei lowered her head and said sadly.

When she saw Qiyana's appearance, she already knew that the former Qiyana would never come back.

She has long been aware of this.

But she can't just watch Kiyana sacrifice for herself!

Even if Qiyana can't come back, she is willing to stay with Qiyana, at least to help her bear a little... (fill in the blank)

"Ah, please don't get me wrong, that's not what I meant when I said it was too late. Your friend just came in, unlike someone like me who can't go back. Although she has been murdered by Xiao Chen, but There is help."

Yae Kamiko saw Raiden Mei's realization and felt that it was almost a test. Now that he knew that the other party had no bottom line, the next negotiation would be much easier.

That's why she changed her style of painting and said that Qiyana was still saved, so that giving Raiden Mei a little motivation would make her more obedient and at the same time confuse her eyes.

If she said that Kiyana was hopeless, Raiden Mei chose to fall with Kiyana, only to find that Kiyana was not there!

Isn't that a car overturned?This is not allowed!

She must be convinced that Qiyana can still be saved.

This way she is motivated and the lie can continue.

"Really? Is Kiyana still alive?" Lei Dian Mei asked in surprise.

"Yes, she has been educated at least a little bit, not to the extent that I can't do without Xiao Chen."

"You..." Raiden Mei looked at Yae Kamiko and said with some doubts that she seemed to be fine.

"Don't look at how I touch people now, he used to treat me like a pet."

Because it's a pet...

"(In fox form) he often takes me to various places to go shopping, but now he has lost interest in me."

Lei Dian Mei's face turned slightly pale when he heard this, and asked, "Then why didn't you leave him?"

"This person is not only perverted, but also has a serious desire to control. He will never let others touch the things he has used, and will definitely keep them by his side. Your friend is also the same. Even if he loses interest in her, he will keep her Put it by your side, probably working for him just like me."

Xiao Chen: "Ah, sorry——"

"Since this is the case, I want to save Qiyana too!" Leiden Mei said in a firm tone.

"Unfortunately, you are too late." Yae Kamiko looked at Leiden Mei and shook his head again, and said.

After all, the film crew already has shadows, and there is no room for Mei anymore. With Xiao Chen's personality, if Mei Lei applied for him again, he would most likely refuse.

However, how did she let Raiden Mei go?

It happened that she couldn't think of how to attack Ying!

Isn't the opportunity just here?

"What do you mean I'm too late?" Lei Dian Mei asked with some doubts.

"You want to sacrifice yourself in exchange for your friend?" Yae Kamiko glanced at Raiden Mei and asked.

Leiden Mei nodded, the former sighed, and said: "I also said before, as long as it is what he likes, he can get nothing. If it was before, you would take the initiative to come forward and he might replace Qiyana This tiresome toy."

"But there's already a replacement for you, so there's no need for you—"

"What does my substitute mean?" Raiden Mei asked with a frown.

"Do you think this person looks like you?" Yae Miko took out a photo of Lei Movie and said.

"How come..." Lei Dian Mei said in surprise when she saw the photo of Lei Movie.

"It's not plastic surgery or face changing, as long as he wants, it's not difficult to find someone who looks like you, this is his strength!"

"Now he has this woman named Lei Movie by his side, and he doesn't need you anymore. You can't get anything from him now, and he doesn't even have the slightest interest in you. After all, there is no one in a display cabinet. Two identical exhibits are required.”

"How could it be...!" Leiden Mei's face completely revealed a desperate expression.

She is determined to sacrifice with Qiyana!I didn't expect that she didn't even have the qualifications to sacrifice now!

I really have nothing...

Just when Raiden Mei was about to continue to log in to her account, Yae Shenzi directly disconnected her from the Internet, said.

"However, don't be too desperate, I have a way."

"Although there is no need for two identical exhibits in an exhibition cabinet, what if those two exhibits are originally a pair?"

Raiden Mei had a misunderstanding in the first place, and she was dizzy and lost her ability to judge after being fooled by Yae Miko, so she could only be led by the nose by Yae Miko.

Xiao Chen still doesn't know that he has been blackmailed by Yae Shenzi in secret, like a perverted underworld boss who has no bottom line, doing all kinds of evil and omnipotent.

Raiden Mei grew up in this country and really believed Yae Shenzi's nonsense.

But the Herrscher Mei in her heart is still sober, she knows what kind of person Xiao Chen was when he was a child.

That is simply the role of a little angel!

My Xiao Chen wouldn't do that kind of thing!

So in the process of listening to Yae Shenzi's narration, the whole person has such an expression.

It is impossible for my Xiao Chen to do such a thing!


Listening - again!

This kind of thing seems to be good...

Ruhua Mei knew that Yae Shenzi was lying, but she originally hoped that the main body and Xiao Chen would have a relationship, so she didn't mean to expose Yae Shenzi.

He even gave Yae Shenzi a thumbs up in his heart.

Will fool people to fool a little more!


On the other hand, Xiao Chen returned to his room after drinking and chatting with the person in charge for a while, and was going to work a little overtime to write the script of Hou Bengkai.

At this time, he had completely forgotten about the arrival of Yae Shenzi.

Turn on your computer and prepare to find out the script of the post-Honkai book tonight.

It's just that as soon as he moved the computer to the table, he discovered that there was a suspicious bottle on the table at some point, and an envelope with a lip print was pressed under the bottle.

In Xiao Chen's memory, the only person who can do this kind of thing is Yae Shenzi.

He took a quick look at the envelope on the table, and it was nothing more than saying that he was not here, so he left first. The bottle on the table was a condolence gift she bought casually, not something that can be eaten with confidence.

Xiao Chen opened the box under the trend of curiosity, put his nose near the bottle and smelled it, a sweet smell came out from the box, it should be something like candy.

He casually pulled out a candy from the box and put it in the palm of his hand.

It was a crystal-like purple candy. He held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. For some reason, he always had the urge to swallow it in one gulp.

"Since you need to use your brain, it's good to add a little sugar."

Xiao Chen muttered to himself and put the 'candy' in his mouth. What made him feel puzzled was that the candy seemed to disappear shortly after he put it in his mouth.

Not too sweet or too bland, it tastes great.

It's just that when he eats the second candy, it's gone - the beginning feeling.

Xiao Chen didn't care too much about it, he just took it as a fresh one.

After he ate the candy, a pink figure slowly poked his head out from behind the TV, moved secretly where Xiao Chen could not see, and finally got out of the window and disappeared into the dusk.

On the other side, the confrontation between Rita and Orandelle has just begun...

059-59 Youlandale, you are no longer a child, it's time to learn how to rob men! (Second update!

059-59 Youlandale, you are no longer a child, it's time to learn how to rob men! (Second update!

"Master Youlandell, I seem to... really like him."


"Who do you really like? It can't be that Herrscher? Rita, stop joking, is it because I haven't contacted you in the past few days, making you angry? I'll see you another day! Don't say such things Already." Youlandelle said with a forced smile on his face.

"Master Youlandell, are you still going to continue pretending? Or would it be better for me to call you Master Cecilia?" Rita said.

"...I'm sorry, Rita." Ulandal apologized to Rita very honestly, and then continued: "But I will not back down on this matter!"

So far she had used helping Rita as an excuse to hide her vague feelings.

Now this excuse is gone, although her feelings are still ambiguous, what is certain now is that she does not want Xiao Chen to be snatched away so soon!

"Very well, this is the Lord Youlandell I know, and I plan to compete fairly with you, Lord Youlandell." Rita smiled and nodded.

"Did you call just to tell me this?" Youlandell said with pouted lips.

"Of course not. It's the first time I have someone I like. Of course I want to share it with my good friends."


Did you come here on purpose to find fault?

"Although he has become a rival in love, Lord Youlandell is still a good friend. The relationship between us will not change, will it?"

"Hmph! Say it first! It was I who fell in love with him first!" Ulandelle said with a bit of itchy teeth.

"Love doesn't come first, then come first, my lovely Lord Youlandell, you can't-be a child all the time." Rita shook her head and said.

For the bishop, no matter who is with Xiao Chen, it doesn't matter how many people there are, and there are so many women beside Xiao Chen.

Lord Youlandell really has no sense of crisis.

If she said that, with her rigid personality, she might be very passive in the future.

Even when others have hit base, she is still waiting for news at home.

What kind of golden retriever is this?

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