Still with Xiao Chen!He has no reason!

Um!Teresa comforted herself in her heart.

At this time, Walter Yang also came over, intending to have a chance encounter with Xiao Chen, let's get acquainted first.

But before he completely turned the corner, a blond figure appeared in his field of vision.

Otto? ? ! ! !

How could he appear here?Didn't you say he's not here today?Could it be that he came here for Teresa?


Walter Yang turned his attention instantly, leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, comforting himself silently in his heart.It doesn't matter, anyway, I have done so many disguises over the years!He wasn't sure that was me either!I dare to act so blatantly in front of Theresa!Not bad for Otto!Just don't let him see anything!


Don't panic!

He was not the only one who panicked at the same time, after Otto and Fu Hua finished talking about the situation, the three of them had already caught up with Yae Shenzi, said.

"I'm sorry, I chatted with my former friend for a while. My friend is a student who just came to this school today. The school should have received a notice, right?"

When Otto said this, although he was in Wuliangta Jizi, Teresa who was on Xiao Chen's back clearly felt that it was Otto who was questioning herself, and quickly buried her head on Xiao Chen's back like an ostrich Same.

Why is grandpa here?

Still in this state was seen by grandpa!

"Eh..." Facing Bishop Otto's questioning, Wuliangta Jizi glanced at Theresa on Xiao Chen's back with some reproach, and said, "Maybe it's the notification that just arrived today, and I haven't had time to deal with it yet. This What's your name, classmate?"

"My name is Fu Hua." Fu Hua cupped his hands subconsciously.

Xiao Chen turned his head to look at the person in charge, and said, "What did you say before? How are you doing if you can find an actor? Drink the water of life, right?"

"...give me a month of sick leave, thank you."

The person in charge looked at Fu Hua's face, and it was exactly the same as the one described in Xiao Chen's script, with gray hair, flat chest, and a righteous body, which fit well with the warriors of the Celestial Dynasty in his stereotyped influence.

Is there really such a person in this world?And it just happened to happen today!They just arrived today!She also just entered school today!This is outrageous!He even suspected that Xiao Chen deliberately played him with Fu Hua!

"It's better to punish you for working overtime for a month."

Xiao Chen whispered to the person in charge.

"Are you human?"

The person in charge widened his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Okay! You've won this time! Do you think you're playing me! You found this actor a long time ago just to make me work overtime? That's why you did it on purpose Say."

"Would you believe me when I said that I didn't know anything beforehand?" Xiao Chen shrugged, scratched his head in embarrassment and said.

He just thought that if it was a parallel world, then Fu Hua would also come to study here, but he didn't expect it to be today.

"I don't believe it! You must be playing me, otherwise I brought such a coincidence!" The person in charge took a few steps back, and suddenly thought of something: "I know! Do you want to wait until we get to a certain location next time?" , the second actor who plays Walter will jump out! Isn’t that so!”

"How is it possible..." Just as Xiao Chen was about to say something, a figure suddenly appeared in the corridor. After seeing everyone, he greeted everyone in surprise, and said, "Everyone is the crew that the head of the academy said, right? My name is Walter, and I am from this academy." My history teacher, please give me more advice."

The person in charge looked at Xiao Chen: "And you said you weren't playing me?"

Xiao Chen: "? o_o..."

076-76 Does Otto want to train the next bishop?

76 Does Otto want to train the next bishop?

"And you said you weren't playing me!"

The person in charge said with a look like we are good friends and you lied to me like this.

"Um, do you believe me when I say it's just a coincidence?"

Xiao Chen also said in embarrassment.

He guessed that Walter was working here, but thinking that he came so punctually, it seemed as if he was deliberately waiting for them here, so it was no wonder that the person in charge had such a misunderstanding.

"I believe you! You are a bad guy!" The person in charge was about to say something when the phone rang suddenly, Xiao Chen still tried to explain something, but the former waved his hand, connected the phone, and said: "Hi ?”

Bronya's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"where are you now?"

The person in charge scratched his head and said, "I'm watching the set with the director."

"I'm back from vacation, come and pick me up."

Bronya had actually mixed into this city with Anti Entropy a long time ago, but Xiao Chen was not in a hurry about it, she needed a safe excuse to really come back.

"Don't you need a director?" asked the person in charge.

"Don't tell him that I have come back, I want to surprise him." Bronya whispered.

In fact, she has been monitoring Xiao Chen's side since the morning, but when there is Otto, there is too much interference from the destiny here.

Einstein hoped that Bronya could enter the school to assist Walter.

"Well, okay, I see, then I'll come back soon." The person in charge nodded and said.

Because the two basically communicated in Russian, few people present could understand it.

Otto also noticed the situation here and didn't pay much attention to it. When Xiao Chen turned around to talk to the person in charge, his realization kept falling on Theresa who was behind Xiao Chen.

As if she could feel Otto's gaze, Theresa tried her best to curl herself into a ball on Xiao Chen's back.

Seeing Teresa like this, Qiyana couldn't help but poked Teresa's side face with some doubts. She didn't understand that she was so arrogant just now, why was she so cowardly?

After Wuliangta Jizi saw Walter, it was as if he had seen a savior, and said, "Mr. Walter, this is a Fu Hua student who just joined the academy today. These are the teams I mentioned before who came to the academy for filming." , this is the director - Xiao Chen."

Although she was not as afraid of Otto as Theresa was, she was naturally a little guilty when Otto was questioned by the Bishop of Destiny, who beat her up many times.

It's just that she didn't understand why Otto appeared here?And it still looks like it's helping Xiao Chen.

What has Xiao Chen done all these years?

Why would the bishop of destiny go to work under him?

What's wrong with this world?

Could it be that the bishop wanted to train Xiao Chen to be the next bishop of destiny?

Wuliangta Jizi was taken aback by this idea, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no other possibility besides this...

Then if I get on good terms with Xiao Chen, won't I become the bishop's wife?

Not to mention Wuliangta Jizi's unrealistic fantasy.

If Xiao Chen proposes to tell all the plots, then it is not impossible for Otto to abdicate from the Catholic Church now.

Anyway, he didn't want to be a bishop for a long time.

Now he cares more about Theresa on Xiao Chen's back.

He didn't care if Theresa was fishing at work. Otto's permission for Theresa to start school almost tacitly allowed her to fish and provide for the elderly.

She cares more about Theresa's attitude towards Xiao Chen than Teresa's not doing her job properly!

Even if Teresa was really snatched away by Xiao Chen and fell in love with Xiao Chen, he wouldn't be like this now!

Theresa!She's never been this close to me before!

This made him feel like his grandfather's position was taken away by Xiao Chen.

Obviously, Teresa, you haven't acted like a baby with grandpa and me!

You are almost twice as old as Xiao Chen!Actually!Actually!

Woooooo~!Grandpa, I am so sad!

On the other side, Yae Kako was also affected. The moment Yae Sakura saw Theresa, Yae Sakura's soul kept feeding back two words to Yae Kako...

"Karen, Kallen, Kallen, my Kallen..."

Although the main controller of this body is Yae Kamiko, Yae Sakura's disease-like appearance will also affect Yae Kamiko's state.

Kallen!Kallen's!You are enough!Hello!

You are a miko!Not a dirty girl!Not a slut either!Let me be normal!

Now she has to think about whether to let Ying make a doll according to Kallen's appearance, and if Yae Sakura falls ill, she can use the doll to comfort her a little.

As for Lei Movie, who was observing the situation in the school at this time, for her, a local girl who had never been to school, everything in school was very new to her.

She had only seen such a scene in light novels, but she never thought that one day she would be able to visit the real school.

Especially now that Qiyana has left her to bother Theresa, she feels very relaxed now, the only regret is that her sister did not follow.

On the other hand, when Wuliangta Jizi introduced Fu Hua to Walter, Walter also expressed his experience with Fu Hua's appearance. As Walter, who once teamed up with Fu Hua to fight the Second Herrscher, knew Fu Hua's strength.

According to the previous information, he also knew that Ulandal and Rita were also in this city, and now this city of Changkong has assembled the strongest combat power that Destiny has.

He almost thought that the other party was here to catch him!

However, he also noticed that Fu Hua's gaze was always on Xiao Chen.

Even if you want to do something, you have to do it to Xiao Chen. If such a situation really happens, he might be able to help Xiao Chen, and let Xiao Chen join the anti-entropy logically.

It's a pity that Walter still doesn't know that Xiao Chen has integrated the core of the Herrscher of Corrosion. If he knew, he would probably have full blood pressure like Fu Hua.

After all, the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion also has effects on machinery, and it is not good news for his anti-entropy.

Just as Walter saw it, Fu Hua had been secretly observing Xiao Chen, examining what kind of person the Herrscher of Restraint was in this century.

When the situation was a little stiff, the person in charge also finished answering Bronya's phone call, turned his head and said to Xiao Chen: "Something happened to the crew, I'll go there first."

Since Bronya said to keep it secret, he naturally wanted to find an excuse.

"What is it?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is something wrong with the preparation of some props. I'll go over and have a look first, and I'll be right back!"

The person in charge hurriedly drove the van away after he left. After he left, everyone's eyes basically focused on Xiao Chen. The latter also noticed this and blinked, saying.

"Why are you all looking at me? Go in and talk?"

077-77 My name is Walter, I am an ordinary teacher

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