77 My name is Walter, I am an ordinary teacher

"Why are you all looking at me? Go in and talk?"

Xiao Chen felt that he was being watched like a cook, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Otto was the first to react, looked away from Teresa and looked at Himiko Wuliangta again, and said, "I didn't expect the 'principal' here to be such a beautiful one." Girl, someone accidentally got mesmerized."

When Otto said this, he specially emphasized the three words in the academy.

Xiao Chen didn't notice Otto's gaze, thinking that he was really looking at Wuliangta Jizi, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at Wuliangta Jizi again, but the latter looked indifferent and waved his hands wryly.

I can't help being a little puzzled. If you look at the usual situation, Wuliangta Jizi can only say a few words when he sees a handsome guy of Otto's level. Why is he like this now...

Oh, I see, I'm afraid I misunderstood, right?

I'm the real love, right?

Hey, there is no way, this is the most troublesome aspect of being popular.

Ji Zi: I hate teething.

When Xiao Chen was feeling emotional in his heart, Walter came over and stretched out his hand to Xiao Chen and said, "Hi, my name is Walter Yang, I am a history teacher, I usually like to exercise, and I also know something about making movies. I am very happy to meet you as a great director this time."

"Hello, my name is Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen also stretched out his hand to shake Walter, and said, "It's just that you are interested. I have a role that suits you very well. Do you want to try it? Even if it's just Listen to it, too."

Walter was worried that he couldn't get involved with Xiao Chen. Since the other party spoke first, he naturally agreed with a smile on his face, and said, "Really? Then I'm really honored! Please be sure Let me hear."

Otto also saw Walter at this time, and he really felt that Walter looked familiar, and he should have seen it somewhere.

However, as Walter said before, since he became the leader of anti-entropy, he has been pretending.

Before the second collapse, Otto wasn't even sure whether the first agent Herrscher was dead, it was just some speculation.

Seeing Walter now, he didn't have much reaction.

After all, this place is his destiny after all, it is impossible for Teresa to find out that a Herrscher has sneaked into the academy...

Ah, no, Otto looked at the few people present.

Now there are two herrschers, and a pseudo-herrscher has sneaked into the academy.

Otto's eyes wandered back and forth between Xiao Chen, Qiyana, and Yae Kamito.

At this time, Teresa was still lying on the body of the Herrscher of Restraint...

Then put it another way!

Teresa has met the First Herrscher anyway, so she shouldn't let him be a teacher in school so blatantly!

Um!Grandpa believes in you!Theresa!So can you let Grandpa carry it too!

"My name is Fu Hua. I heard that the director is also from China? I don't know if I'm lucky enough to watch it together."

"Of course no problem! I remember that the principal's office here is quite big! Everyone is welcome to go in and listen to me talk about the plot!" Xiao Chen was worried about how to invite Fu Hua, but he didn't expect that the other party would come to him first, it would be really easy too much!

Everyone walked into the principal's office of St. Freya College in a boisterous manner.

Headed by Xiao Chen, Theresa was on the back, and Yae Kamiko and Wuliangta Himeko were on both sides of him. I don't know if it was intentional or a coincidence. Otto and Walter walked side by side, and the atmosphere in the middle was inexplicable. strangeness.

Compared with the later take-off, it is a little easier. Of course, this ease is only for Qiyana.

Not too friendly for the other two.

One of them was Lei Movie who was harassed by Qiyana.

The other one is not Fu Hua, but the personality of Xilin in Qiyana's body.

Because she is too familiar with this lineup, the traitor is in the front, and Fu Hua who cut off her connection with God is in the back.

Behind Xiao Chen's back was Teresa who had killed him once.

This lineup really made her panic.

Although I don't want to admit it.

Even if she wakes up once here, she will probably be beaten back.

This hatred!I got it!

Anyway, it is impossible for Qiyana to wake up today!

Let you go today!Don't think that you have won!

Everyone came to Theresa's principal's office in a strange atmosphere.

When he arrived at the office, Xiao Chen sat on the sofa very naturally, and placed Teresa next to the dolls and comics.

Teresa felt that she was put down by Xiao Chen, there was no cover in front of her, and she grabbed a Homu doll to block in front of her, observing the surrounding situation from the corner of her eye.

After seeing Otto's half-smile expression, he turned his head away.

On the contrary, Wuliangta Jizi stood still and hesitated.

If there was only Teresa, it would be fine for her to pretend to be the principal, but now that Otto is here, the boss of the entire Destiny is here, and she is sitting on the main seat... Is this still appropriate?

Wuliangta Jizi looked at Otto who was sitting next to Xiao Chen and asked tentatively, "Why don't you sit there?"

Otto glanced at Wuliangta Jizi, with a forced smile on his face, he said, "You are the principal of the school now, what should I do?"

Wuliangta Jizi sat on the main seat with a nervous smile on his face.

Ask me what to do!

What if Xiao Chen realizes that something is wrong!

Just when Otto was thinking this, Xiao Chen patted Otto's shoulder when he saw this, and said, "Why don't you pay attention, she obviously wants to be by my side!"

Otto: ? ? ?

As expected of you.

If you are narcissistic, I will obey you.

"Then I go?" Otto asked this question.

"That's absolutely unnecessary." Xiao Chen shook his head, he didn't think he would suddenly be raped by Wuliang Tajizi while he was talking.

After finishing speaking, he looked around the crowd again, and said: "Although I have introduced myself before, I believe that there are still many of you who don't know each other, so I suggest that you all introduce yourself. First, my name is Xiao Chen, and I am an ordinary director."

do not know?

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

Who doesn't know who?

Those present were Lei Movie, a visitor from another world, and Qiyana, a stupid and cute person who didn't know who was present.

Others... I can only say that everyone knows the basics, okay?

This is the only way to introduce myself

Otto: I am a Catholic.

Walter: I am the anti-entropy leader.

Lei Movie: My Rice Wife Thor.

Of course, it is impossible for Xiao Chen to introduce it like this among them.

I only heard Otto introduce himself with a smile.

"My name is Otto, Otto Apocalypse, and I used to be an ordinary priest."

Walter Yang coughed lightly, and said, "My name is Walter Yang, and I am an ordinary history teacher."

078-78 This is what Otto does!What does it have to do with me, an ordinary priest!

78 That's what Otto does!What does it have to do with me, an ordinary priest!

"My name is Otto, Otto Apocalypse, and I used to be an ordinary priest."

"My name is Walter Young, and I am an ordinary history teacher."

This makes both of you ordinary!

The people present who knew the identities of the two complained frantically in their hearts.

After the two introduced their identities, Wuliang Tajizi, who appeared to be the oldest here, said, "Ahem, cough, my name is Wuliang Tajizi, and I am the dean of St. Freya College. Please give me your advice." .”

"Yae Shenzi, runs a light novel company called Yaetang in Changkong City, please give me more advice." Yae Shenzi stood beside Xiao Chen, pressing his elbows on the back of the sofa, and showed his face in front of Xiao Chen without hesitation. own figure.Xiao Chen only needs to turn his head lightly, and he can see the two circular arcs next to him, as well as the fragrance that oozes his nostrils.

hateful!Obviously just a coquettish fox!

However, why are Yaedo's novels somewhat similar to some of the novels he read in his previous life?

Xiao Chen suddenly thought of the few light novels he had read, which were basically similar to some of the novels he had read in his previous life, so he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Of course, he didn't know that the novel he wrote, who once wanted to be a copywriter, was remembered by a certain pet, and finally became the key to a certain little fox's company.

Xiao Chen himself was discovered by a film crew early on and embarked on the road of no return to acting. In the end, he did not become Wen Chao Gong, but became a glorious manga and game film director!

Seeing this, Wuliangta Jizi also kept his eyes on Yae Shenzi, and thought to himself.

This guy is a near enemy!Must pay attention!

"If you are introducing yourself based on your age, I think I should be the next one." Fu Hua pushed his glasses and said.

Thunder God Lei Xing glanced at Fu Hua with some disdain, and thought to himself.

If it is ranked by age!Everyone sitting here is a younger brother!

Fu Hua naturally didn't know what Lei Yingying was thinking in her heart, she just stood up and cupped her fists, and said: "My servant, Fu Hua, I used to study in a college in Shenzhou. I have learned some martial arts since elementary school. Please give me some advice."

"Me, me, me! Let me come next!" Kiyana, who was the only one present who didn't know the truth, jumped up and said, "My name is Kiyana Kaslana! My dream is to protect the one I love!"

Looking at Kiyana's expression, Yae Miko secretly thought a little funny in his heart.

This little guy still doesn't know that his beloved has fallen into my clutches... If Mei Lei and her master are together, I really wonder what expression she will show.

The owner of such a stupid child doesn't know if he likes it or not...how about letting the owner put it away?After all, I'm not some kind of devil, I can't see the two fateful mandarin ducks being separated, why don't they go into the pot together!

However, it is impossible for the master to like someone who is unfaithful to him.

If the master accepts them, the two of them have to really like Xiao Chen.

She still needs to think of a way to do this, a little sign has appeared on Leiden Mei's side, from now on, she just needs to keep relying on Xiao Chen.

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