"I... know, if the request is not too much, I will agree to you." Yae Sakura nodded in her heart and said.

There was a smile on Yae Miko's face, as long as Yae Sakura loosened on this side, she would have a way to loosen her other parts even more!

"Since that's the case, you'll have to explain things about Xiao Chen to Teresa later. Now I'll talk to Qiyana first."

She felt that it was necessary to explain the situation to Teresa, so as not to cause any trouble in the future.

Otto called Wuliangta Jizi out just to explain things, so as to avoid accidents during the next acting.It's just that although he can call Wuliangta Jizi, he has no reason to call Theresa, so she can only explain to Theresa.

"No, I understand." Yae Sakura nodded and said.

"So good! I'll play Kallen's fantasy for you for an hour when I go home today." Yae Kamito said with a smile.


"When have I ever lied to you in a place like this?"

Although the game ended with herself as the boss, it was the only thing that made her feel Kallen's existence... definitely not because the game was too fun!Absolutely not!

Facing the sudden intrusion into Teresa on the other side, Bronya showed a somewhat displeased expression. Unlike Xiao Chen, she knew Teresa's real age.

After seeing Teresa's reaction like this, although she really wanted to shout: Why is the [-]-year-old man pretending to be a virgin!

But she is an obedient child!He would not do such a thing that troubled Xiao Chen.

Of course, even though she didn't want to, she moved a little bit, freeing up one of Xiao Chen's legs, and Teresa took advantage of the opportunity to sit on it.

Now Xiao Chen has Bronya on his left leg and De Lisa on his right leg. The scene of the two lolitas was very harmonious for a time.

It's just that Qiyana's heart is not so harmonious.

After being teased by Yae Miko like this.

She thought Yae Kamiko was going to say something, but the other party first hugged Teresa and then sat here again.

This made Qiyana anxious!

Don't talk, pretend to be a master?

You should say something!

Chapter 089-89 The Herrscher of Constraint is a Good Man![-] god sons

Chapter 89 The Herrscher of Constraint is a Good Man![-] god sons

When Kiyana was burning with anxiety, Yae Kamito... finally spoke after educating Yae Sakura: "Ahem! Sorry to keep you waiting, I communicated with the other me in my heart just now, and now never mind."

Although Qiyana is an idiot, she can also hear the meaning of Yae Shenzi's words, and asked quickly: "You mean the other self in your heart? Are you also a Herrscher?"

"My situation is a little different from yours. Although I have a Herrscher core in my body, I am not an official Herrscher." Yae Kamito said slowly.

"Not an official Herrscher? What does that mean?" Kiyana asked curiously, frowning.

"I only have the core and Houkai power, but I don't have the power of the Herrscher." This Yae Shenzi said truthfully.

Although her core was also cheated from Yae Sakura.

However, another self-saying is to deliberately induce Qiyana, causing her to misunderstand.

"Is there any difference if there is power?" Kiyana kept asking like a curious baby.

"Without power, it will be much weaker than ordinary Herrschers, but it is still a threat to human beings." Yae Shenzi explained, and at the same time said in a painful voice: "Even at this time, the body in my body The other one still rebels against myself every now and then! Trying to take control of this body!"

Kiyana's face changed when she heard the words, and she looked at Yae Kamito with concern, and asked, "Then how do you suppress your Herrscher personality? Surely there is a special method! Can you teach me!"

How to suppress?IQ suppression, you may not be able to learn this.

Yae Kamiko grumbled in his heart, which naturally cannot be said to Kiyana.

Seeing this, Yae Sakura, who was in the heart of Yae Shenzi, snorted coldly and said: "Pretend, you continue to pretend, and I will watch you pretend!"

Yae Shenzi raised his eyebrows in his heart and asked: "Then you say you resisted or not!"

Yae Sakura learned a little bit from Yae Shenko, and suddenly said with a bit of yin and yang: "How dare I resist you."

Yae Kamito heard the words and said unhurriedly: "Today's one-hour game has been reduced to half an hour."

When Yae Sakura heard the words, she immediately changed her words: "Resist! Resist! I resisted, can't I!"

Yae Shenzi nodded with satisfaction in her heart, and said: "Well, I have nothing good about me but honesty! Treat people with success! I took your Herrscher core and I have to help you! You saw other people showing affection with Karen before. I'm upset, don't you feel that way now? You don't want Amber to be cheated! In the end, did you find out that she wasn't cheated at all!"

Yae Sakura complained: "Ghost knows that person is you!!! Amber was not deceived by a bad woman! The person who was deceived was me!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I don’t want to be bullied to death by you!”

Seeing that Yae Miko was silent for so long, Qiyana thought that Yae Miko didn't want to tell her the method, and then said in a more serious tone: "Please tell me the method! I am willing to do anything! I can do anything. eat!"

Faced with Kiyana's sincere question this time, Yae Miko couldn't care less about comforting Yae Sakura.

When she heard Qiyana say that she can bear hardships and is willing to do anything, she showed a tricky expression on her face, and said: "Actually, it's not difficult, you should have heard the law of restraint just now." Is the word 'or'?"

"Yeah! I heard it! And then?" Kiyana asked a little puzzled.

"With the power of the Herrscher of Restraint, you can suppress the Houkai energy in your body, and you can also suppress the personality of the Herrscher in your own body." Yae Shenzi said with a smile.

"Then do you know where the Herrscher of Restraint is? And what about the Herrscher of Restraint? Wouldn't he destroy the world?" Kiyana asked curiously.

"The Herrscher of Restraint in this era is a very kind and caring person. He is a person who awakened as a Herrscher because of the death of a small animal. And after becoming a Herrscher, he The first person to be restrained is himself. He restrained his own strength, restrained the Houkai energy in his body."

"Use yourself to fight against your own power every day, and at the same time, your consciousness is constantly fighting against the collapse. Use your own power to restrain yourself, let him understand the concept of restraint better, and his power will become stronger. Finally, one day the power can't be controlled Yes, he also turned his own power into a weakened divine enchantment covering the entire continent to weaken the Houkai energy, making it difficult for the Houkai beast to pose a threat to humans."

What Yae Miko said this time is completely true.

After Xiao Chen opened the enchantment, the threat of the Honkai Beasts to humans gradually decreased. Destiny used more ordinary weapons to deal with these Honkai Beasts, instead of sacrificing the life of the Valkyries. Straight up.

Of course, this is only within this range.

In other places, there are Valkyries fighting against Honkai.

Regardless of potential threats, Xiao Chen's actions are indeed beneficial to the entire human race and destiny.

After Qiyana heard the description of Yae Shenzi, a very majestic, compassionate, and virgin-like figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

For a moment, he was full of respect for the Herrscher of Restraint, and asked with a curious and adoring voice: "Who is the Herrscher of Restraint? Where is it? Can I meet him?"

"You've seen him."

There was a never-before-seen smile on Yae Miko's face, even Kage who had known her for many years was taken aback by seeing Yae Miko's gentle smile.

"Have I met him? When?" Kiyana tilted her head and asked in confusion after hearing Yae Sakura's answer.

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you." Yae Shenzi's silent gaze turned to Xiao Chen.

After Qiyana saw Xiao Chen, she fell into a state of extreme bewilderment.

The majesty of Yangguan, compassionate to the world, just like the Virgin?

Is that word here related to Xiao Chen?

Back then, he flopped and sent me to the police station!

Love small animals?Loving?Restrain yourself?

Are you talking about the same person as Xiao Chen? !

Qiyana first showed a questioning expression, then reacted and recalled what Xiao Chen said before.

The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage!

This sentence still inspires Qiyana now!

A person who can say such a thing should, probably, almost... not be a bad person, right?

090-90 Otto: I didn’t have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person

90 Otto: I had no choice before, but now I want to be a good person

Compared with Xiao Chen's peaceful atmosphere.

The atmosphere on Otto and Walter's side can be described as tense.

Wuliangta Jizi can feel Walter's rejection of Otto in the middle. Although Otto's performance is calm, he has been guarding against Walter.

Only the person in charge who was following a few people and really wanted to get things looked calm, and could only say that sometimes ignorance is indeed a kind of happiness.

Originally a few people came out to talk and really didn't need the help of the person in charge, but since the person in charge of the Xiao Chen Education City tool man who was carrying things, he went out to help very naturally.

After all, there were not many men present, and Xiao Chen basically didn't work normally, and now he was with Bronya again.

Even if it was for Bronya to give them more time to get along, the person in charge felt that he should work harder.

The only thing he was puzzled about was that there were so many things in the van driven by Otto?

Just as he was thinking this way, Otto snapped his fingers lightly, and a piece of feather fluttered down. The person in charge felt that his eyes went dark and he passed out.

Walter caught the person in charge in time to prevent him from falling directly, and said, "Have you finally couldn't help showing the fox's tail?"

"What you said, I don't look like a leader who pretends all the time. I never said that I am not the bishop of destiny."

Otto spread his hands and said innocently.

"Do you dare to say this in front of Xiao Chen?" Walter raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Ah." After hearing this question, Otto showed an embarrassing expression for a moment, then coughed lightly, and said, "I was indeed a priest before I became a bishop. Herrscher of Reason, I I'm not lying. Besides, who said that the bishop of destiny can't make movies? Can't I pursue my dream?"

"Do you still remember the dreams of how many people you have destroyed so far!" Walter said angrily.

"But I have also guarded and realized the dreams of many people, haven't I?" Otto spread his hands and said indifferently.

"Enough! You asked me to come out! You don't want me to judge your merits and demerits?" Walter asked, suppressing the anger in his heart and stopping the meaningless debate.

"Naturally." Otto spread his hands and said, "This is not a place to talk, let's talk in another place."

As he said that, Otto looked at Walter's hand behind the person in charge, and said, "However, before that, can you throw away the weapon in your hand?"

"Weapon? What are you talking about? Are you thinking too much?" Walter looked at Otto with a puzzled expression on his face, and asked, "Is there something hidden behind you?"

Otto's complexion twitched, he took out an ear pick from behind, and said, "I made an ear pick out of Void and Wanzang to dig out my ears, can't I?"

He really wanted to make a weapon, but halfway through the simulation with Void Manzang, he found that he could only make such a big thing.

"Aren't you afraid to take a layer of paint off your soul steel?" Walter mocked.

"What about you? Show me something in your hand!" Otto asked mercilessly.

"My nails are a little longer! It's not too much to use a nail clipper to trim my nails!" Walter took out the nail clipper behind him and said.

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