This is the most lethal weapon he can make with his abilities at this stage!

Although it is possible to make an ordinary knife with the amount used to make nail clippers, how can ordinary knives hurt Otto Soul Steel's body.

The two small blades of this nail clipper are made of soul steel.

If you really want to fight!It can also lose a layer of iron from Otto!

Senior Walter Joyce in the sky!This is my hymn to courage!Please look at me!

Wuliangta Jizi looked at the anti-entropy leader, and the leader of Tianming, each holding an ear pick, and the other holding a nail clipper, looking vigilant against each other.

I suddenly feel that this world will end sooner or later...

Of course Otto and Walter wanted to make some more intimidating weapons, but under Xiao Chen's domain, they could only do so much with their own strength.

Otto's hypnosis just now still used the genuine Yu Duchen, but under Xiao Chen's suppression, Yu Duchen was fine for ordinary people, but now it is difficult to take effect on Herrscher or some people who are too resistant to Houkai.Unless Fu Hua came in person, and Otto also simulated the power of Yu Duchen, the two of them should be able to play a little role together.

After confronting each other for a while, Otto spoke first: "Give me a chance."

Walter asked back: "How can I give you a chance."

"I didn't have a choice before, now I want to be a good person."

"Okay, go tell Xiao Chen and see if he tells you to be a good person."

"That is to let me die! But you don't even want to live!"

"Tsk, that's enough, Bishop Otto, can't we have a real showdown?"

"Let's go, let's go to the studio and have a chat, and set up the studio by the way, otherwise we won't prepare anything..." Otto paused for a while before saying, "You don't want the earth to stop spinning, do you?"

Walter showed a solemn expression when he heard the words.

Regarding the stop of the earth's rotation, there are actually many theories. For example, it will lead to the disappearance of the earth's magnetic field, and all the equipment related to the magnetic field on the earth will stop working. Tens of thousands of kilometers, and after the Earth's magnetic field disappears, a large number of cosmic rays and radiation will "take advantage of the void" and directly irradiate a large number of organisms on the earth, greatly increasing the genetic mutation probability and cancer risk of the organisms, causing unbearable damage to the organisms. Reversed damage.

Of course, there is another saying that before the radiation invades, stop the rotation, and the inertia will make the atmosphere continue to move and rotate.Then it rubs against the surface of the ground, producing super strong winds and heat that can devour everything.At that moment, human beings will fly away from the earth at a speed of 1400 kilometers per hour; the super strong wind will instantly flatten everything on the earth; and the huge waves will instantly submerge most of the land.

So far, it is estimated that only the destructive power of the final Yanli can be compared with it.

This is a scene that no one wants to see.

In desperation, Walter could only temporarily abandon his prejudices to see what Otto had to say...

On the other side, Qiyana was still looking Xiao Chen up and down, and tried to find the majestic Yangguan, compassionate, like the Holy Mother described by Yae Shenzi in him.

It's just that no matter how she thinks, she can't connect these words with Xiao Chen.

However, even if Xiao Chen is really a despicable villain, as long as he can suppress the Herrscher personality in her, then she will be very happy.

Just how to do it?

Kiana asked the question.

Yae Shenzi quickly gave an answer.

"It's better to get in touch with him more."

"How to contact?"

"Negative distance."

091-91 looks good!Pretty solid!

91 is in good shape!Pretty solid!

"What should I do to ask him to suppress the Herrscher personality in my body?" Qiyana glanced at Xiao Chen, and said in a very serious tone.

"Actually, you don't need to do anything special, you just need to get in touch with him more." Yae Miko gave Chia's answer with a smile.

"Is it enough just to touch it? It's that simple?" Kiyana asked in disbelief when she heard the words.

"Of course ordinary contact is not good enough. The best way of contact...of course is negative distance contact one by one."

Yae Kamiko quietly leaned close to Kiyana's ear without saying a word. After hearing the negative distance contact in her heart, Kiyana's face instantly turned red.And Yae Kamito seemed to have expected this kind of reaction from Kiyana, put his hand on Kiyana's thigh, and said: "Oh, you have a good figure, quite strong."


Kiyana's body trembled slightly and she let out a small scream, and at the same time she heard Yae Kamiko say in her heart: "Don't react so much, it's a good thing I was prepared to put my hand on your thigh. Otherwise you Suddenly blushing like this, Xiao Chen will become suspicious."

Sure enough, after Kiyana screamed softly, Xiao Chen turned his gaze to see Yae Miko, the female hooligan, put her hand on Kiyana's thigh, and stopped her: "Don't bully the newcomer too much. "

"Okay~" Yae Miko agreed with a smile, and at the same time moved his hand away from Kiyana's thigh.

Lei Movie watched what happened silently. Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she could see that Yae Shenzi was planning something bad against Qiyana...

This is really...

Very good!

You also think she looks like Tianli and can't stand it anymore, right?

Then let me vent my anger on my sister!

I always thought you had forgotten the kindness you once had!I didn't expect you to remember it!Whoooo!I am really touched!

Yae Shenzi:?


Yae Shenzi didn't notice Lei Movie's gaze, but Fu Hua on the other side saw that Yae Shenzi was communicating with Qiyana with consciousness.

No matter how she has used Yu Duchen for so long, she can still see this, but it is a pity that Yu Duchen is not by her side now, otherwise she would still be able to listen to what Yae Shenzi said to Qiyana .

She also suspects that this humanoid Honkai beast is planning something bad, but she has no way to see from now that the purpose of the Eightfold Seed should not be Xiao Chen's awakening, otherwise Xiao Chen will really become a perfect body if he just says a few words The Herrscher of Constraint.

Thinking of such a scene, Fu Hua's body couldn't help trembling, no matter what, Xiao Chen couldn't wake up!Absolutely not!

"Don't bully the rookies too much."

After hearing Xiao Chen's attention to the scene here.

Kiyana quickly apologized to Yae Miko in her heart, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Yae Kamito didn't mind at all and replied with a smile in his heart: "So, don't look at him like this, in fact, he loves his subordinates very much."

Of course, when it's time for his subordinates to work, he will never be soft-hearted.

"It's okay, as long as you don't react like this suddenly. I don't think you blushed suddenly. I can't explain it if I don't do anything. If there is more talk next time, I can only throw a few words on the ground." It's a small toy." Yae Shenzi said with a smile.

"do not!"

From her tone, Qiyana could tell that she was serious!

"Let's continue talking about the previous matter! You said that contact with Xiao Chen... at a negative distance can suppress the Herrscher personality in my body! Is this true?" Qiyana asked in her heart.

It's just that there is no reaction on the face.

Negative distance contact, she remembered what Siegfried told her before!That outspoken daddy!Unexpectedly, this kind of knowledge will come in handy at this time.

Seeing the effect of his threat, Yae Shenzi nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Of course, I don't need to explain that Xiao Chen is the Herrscher of Restraint, right?"

"Yeah." Kiyana nodded.

"Every cell in his body contains a powerful Houkai energy and the concept of restraint. Usually, as long as he is around him, the Houkai energy will be extremely restricted, and Herrscher can only exert one percent of his strength. "Yae Miko slowly explained to Kiyana.

"Does that mean that as long as I stay by his side, even if my other self comes out, she won't be able to destroy the world?" Kiyana asked a little wiser this time.

It's just that after hearing Qiyana ask this question, the Sirin personality in her almost burst out laughing.

"Of course not." Yae Shenzi shook his head and said, "Your body is the Herrscher of Space, and with only one percent of its power, the Herrscher of Space can quickly pull away from Xiao Chen." distance."

"After teleporting away from Xiao Chen's barrier range several times in a row, the Herrscher of the Sky can run to the moon without being affected by Xiao Chen's barrier. And drop meteorites directly to the earth. If the Herrscher of the Sky is used For the teleportation meteorite, Herrscher's power is only used for teleportation, and the meteorite itself just falls with gravity, and will not be affected by Xiao Chen's enchantment. How much damage and impact this will cause to human beings depends on Don't I need to say more?"

After hearing Yae Miko's explanation, Sirin in Kiana's body clicked her tongue very cooperatively, obviously she had really thought about it.

Kiyana's face became serious when she heard Sirin's tongue-clicking sound. If this is the case, then the moment her Herrscher personality awakens, if no one can stop her, then the earth and the people she wants to protect will be in danger. up.

It is not enough to simply limit the performance of Houkai.

While Kiana was thinking about this question, Yae Miko continued to speak: "Besides, have you ever thought about another question, Herrschers will be attracted to each other."

"What do you mean?" Kiyana asked with a frown.

"Have you not understood yet? I mean, the Herrscher personality in your body must also know Xiao Chen's identity. Even if she doesn't send it away, but tell Xiao Chen's identity in front of Xiao Chen, you Do you know what disaster a fully awakened Herrscher of Binding will bring?"

Xiao Chen is in a state of incomplete awakening, as long as you are not hostile, then he is indeed completely harmless.

But no one dared to bet whether Xiao Chen's real awakening would really be on the side of the collapse, and the existence of the fully awakened Herrscher of Restraint itself was a huge threat.

Especially after Xiao Chen finished that dangerous speech.

Walter thought a lot on the way, and after coming to the emergency room of Destiny with Otto, he threw the person in charge on the chair next to him, leaning against the wall and asking.

"Now can we talk about Xiao Chen? And what is your reason for assisting him? Can you tell me together?"

092-92 The Herrscher of Reason Doesn't Know Mechanics is Just Like the Herrscher of Thunder Can't Cook

92 The Herrscher of Reason Doesn't Know Mechanics Just Like the Herrscher of Thunder Can't Cook

"Now we can talk about Xiao Chen, right? And tell me the reason why you assisted him?" Walter leaned against the wall of the emergency room and looked at Otto who was preparing the room with a sullen face. ,road.

"You have the time to say this, why don't you come and help me prepare together." Otto said, casting a deep look at Walter by the wall.

"This is an instrument of your destiny. We have anti-entropy and we don't have a Valkyrie. It's not used at all. I don't know how to play with it. Is it normal?" Walter spread his hands.

In fact, he was secretly mocking how many Valkyries Otto had killed.

"How funny? The Herrscher of Reason doesn't understand machinery? It's as funny as the Herrscher of Thunder doesn't know how to cook." Otto looked at Walter spreading his hands and said innocently: "Oh? My friend! I I mean! For God's sake, let's be honest with each other, shall we?"


Isn't your analogy a bit strange?

Isn't the Herrscher of Thunder best at lightning?Why cooking?Besides, isn't the Herrscher of Thunder sitting in the same room with Xiao Chen?

Walter still thinks that the Raiden in the room is Mei Raiden.

Otto didn't find out about this. Of course, even if Otto found out, he probably wouldn't say anything. He would just silently watch Walter embarrass himself.

"You know the philosophy of the Herrscher of Reason. We don't believe in gods, and we won't bow our heads to gods. And...if you're using that damn translation accent! I'll smash your ass made of soul steel with my shoes !" Walter threatened, lifting his shoes.

"My friend, it's fine if you don't come to help, but isn't it too much to ask us to share information unilaterally?" Otto said, still sorting out the equipment in the emergency room.

"Then you don't want the help of anti-entropy." Walter said.

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