I saw Xiao Chen raised the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in his hand, aiming at Qiyana's chest.

Sirin wanted to control Qiyana's body, but she couldn't do anything because of the suppression of the hair band, so she could only watch helplessly as the red crystals shot from the gun hit Qiyana's body...

103-103 Otto: I am sending a message to my good friend

103 Otto: I am sending a message to my good friend

"Boom --!!!"

Red crystals spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and Kiana's pupils shrank suddenly, and she didn't expect that something would actually shoot out from the gun.

If you look carefully, isn't that Dad's Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment?

The Herrscher who cared too much about his body actually ignored this point.

What a careless...

Is it possible that my own will stop here?

The red bullet burned through a small hole in Qiyana's right chest, and the bullet hit Qiyana's body as planned, and Kiyana took a slight step back.

She subconsciously covered her chest, blood seeped out from the blood bag on her chest, she lowered her head with an incredulous expression on her face...

When she looked at her chest, she found... There was no wound on her chest? ? ?

How is this going?Didn't I get shot?

When Qiyana was puzzled, Xiao Chen continued to read his lines while still holding his gun, and said.

"I'm sorry, Kiyana, your body has been completely eroded by Houkai energy. Before you turn into a monster and start destroying the world, I must destroy you..."

"Crack one one!!!"

The person in charge's voice brought the two of them back to reality.

Xiao Chen saw that Qiyana hadn't made any 'mistakes' in the process of acting, he was very relieved and heaved a sigh of relief, secretly thinking in his heart.

Kiyana, maybe she really has a talent for acting.

After hearing the click, Qiyana subconsciously looked down at the position of her chest.

Although the chest area had been stained red by the blood pack, there was nothing catchy on the skin. She reached out and touched her chest, and there was nothing.

Could it be my own illusion just now?She obviously felt that something had hit her, didn't she?

Just as she was dazed, Xiao Chen came over and handed Qiyana a bottle of water, and said: "Here, you performed well this time, keep up the good work."

"Oh? Thank you..." Kiyana subconsciously took a sip from the water bottle.

Xiao Chen looked at her with a strange reaction, he thought that Qiyana would get carried away because of her exaggeration.

I didn't expect her to be so calm.

If it was the real Kiyana, she would definitely get carried away, right?

Xiao Chen thought about it and shook his head again, secretly thinking in his heart.

What am I thinking?Kiyana is not the real Kiyana (k423).

Here is a matter of course that the two parallel worlds of the collapse have changed.

Xiao Chen naturally didn't know that Qiyana felt that she had gone through a ghost gate, so she was extraordinarily honest now...

After confirming that she was fine, Qiyana also relaxed a little bit, but still did not forget the previous feeling, besides, Xiao Chen was holding the real Heavenly Fire Sacred Order in his hand, why was she fine?

At that moment, Qiyana asked with some doubts: "Director, what happened to the fire just now? I thought I was really hit."

"It is said to be some kind of fluorescent chemical substance, which will slowly dissipate in the air and will not cause any harm if it touches the human body."

Saying that, Xiao Chen shot the palm of his hand with the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge.

"Boom one by one!!!"

A ball of fire spewed out towards Xiao Chen's hand, and when it was about to hit Xiao Chen's palm, it turned into a wave of air and gently blew on Xiao Chen's hand.

"Are you all right?" Xiao Chen showed his palm to Qiyana, and said, "I tried this on myself before using it, how could I aim my unreliable prop at my actor."

"Oh? It's really all right!" Qiyana looked at Xiao Chen's hands and said in surprise, while secretly thinking in her heart.

Could it be that I really made a mistake?

What Xiao Chen held in his hand was the fake Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment?

"Idiot! He is the Herrscher of Restraint! The attacks of the other Herrschers or the God's Key are of course useless!"

Qiyana's stupidity made the personality of Sirin in her heart really unbearable, so she spoke directly in her heart.

Walter actually noticed what was going on here, but he didn't expect that Otto would actually bring the real Heavenly Fire Sacred Order over.

What is that guy trying to do?are you crazy?

Although he really wanted to rush in and beat up Otto, but now Xiao Chen was still by his side, so he could only silently watch the development of the matter.

Qiyana also heard the voice of Herrscher's personality, and she couldn't help replying in her heart with some doubts: "I wouldn't believe you! If it was the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order! Then why am I fine?"

Sirin pouted and said, "That weapon is the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, but the thing contained in the Skyfire Sacred Order is the core of the Herrscher of Flame. This is my thing, so naturally it can't hurt me. It was absorbed by me before it entered your body."

"???" Kiyana put out a few question marks as soon as she heard the words, and said, "Then why did that guy return the Herrscher core to you?"

"How do I know." Sirin shrugged her shoulders and said, "However, she seems to have been expecting me to awaken, otherwise she wouldn't have..."

"What was it at the beginning? Why didn't you say it? Who is he? Who put the core of the Herrscher into the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment! You said it!"

Now Qiyana doesn't know the Bishop of Destiny at all, so she can't imagine that all these things are good things done by Otto.

"Hmph! I don't want to come out now and be suppressed by this strange hair ornament! Don't think that you will win! Sooner or later, I will take back everything that belongs to me! Even your body is mine! Here You must protect your little life before."

After Sirin finished speaking, she dived again.

Qiyana could only stare blankly, there was nothing he could do about it, Xiao Chen looked at the dazed Qiyana and patted her on the forehead, and said, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh, I was just in a daze for a while, it's okay!" Kiyana shook her head and said.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Chen reached out and touched Qiyana's forehead, and said with some concern: "If there is something, you must speak up."

"It's okay! I'm really okay!" Qiyana felt the palm on her forehead take a hurried step back, and waved her hand quickly.road.

"Really, as long as it's okay." Xiao Chen nodded, and said: "Then you go to the emergency room and play the next scene with Ji Zi. You can rest today after this part is over."

"Oh, good! Then I'll go!" Kiyana waved her hands and hurried into the infirmary. Xiao Chen looked at her back and shook his head, and then saw Otto walking out with a smile on his face , I couldn't help asking curiously: "What's the matter? What happened? You seem to be very happy?"

"It's nothing. I sent a message to my friend just now. I shared a video with him. I believe he will be excited after watching it."

On the other side, in the cell where Siegfried the Destiny was imprisoned, Amber walked slowly to the cell with a tablet...

104-104 Otto let me bring you a message, as long as you...

104 Otto asked me to bring you a message, as long as you...

"What video? Is it interesting? Let me be healthy too?" Xiao Chen came over and said.

"It's nothing, I just sent Amber a video of the scene, and she is also very concerned about the situation at the scene." Otto put his phone back and said.

"Oh?" Xiao Chen lost interest after hearing this, but still asked, "How is Amber recently?"

After playing Kallen, Amber naturally had nothing to do and returned to Destiny to continue some secretary work.

Although the person in charge of Destiny has disappeared...

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Otto in the next plot, he just wanted to see Theresa this time, and make sure that Xiao Chen's affairs will not go wrong.

Who knew that Teresa was not only snatched away by Xiao Chen, but the Herrscher of Reason also appeared in the destiny under his jurisdiction.

For Walter, he still cherishes his talent very much.

You said, if you want to join, just join in aboveboard!It's not that I don't agree!

Didn't I kill his father, Elias Nokian Vetanen, for some reason?

Although he lost his father!But he still has me!I can completely guide his growth instead of his father!

If Walter cooperates, he doesn't need to resurrect any Herrscher of the Void.

However, now it seems that Xiao Chen is the most suitable candidate, and he is indeed my Otto's favorite friend!

"Amber is fine now, she found a suitable job in this city." Otto waved his hand and said.

"Actually, she can also stay on the set to help out a little. I don't mind. Rather, I hope she stays."


Why are you so good?

Say it again!

An artificial robot girl can be put on the agenda!

Yoreha No. [-] Type B, or the artificial angel Icarus?Which one do you like!We can discuss it!

"Although I don't know what you are thinking, but I think you are overthinking." Xiao Chen seemed to see through Otto's expectant eyes, and said, "I just hope that she can stay and help, there is no other meaning."

"Huh? Don't you like girls like Amber? What a pity."

Otto spread his hands with regret, and then suddenly realized.

Oh no, why should I be sorry?Isn't liking Amber the same as liking Kallen?Then don't I have an extra love rival?Why should I feel sorry for having one more underestimated enemy?

Otto began to struggle in his heart.

"Actually, I want Amber to stay for other reasons." Xiao Chen looked at Otto's expression and said, "Although there is no plot of Karen recently... or in a long distance after that, she actually Amber can comeo."

"Hiss—why is it a bit weird for me to say that?" Xiao Chen explained again, and said, "Amber is the bionic human made by Otto based on Kallen's body, machine girl, you should understand what I mean Bar?"

"Hmm." Otto nodded upon hearing that, and said.

I did it after all... Of course I understand.

When he answered Xiao Chen's question inadvertently, the latter seemed not to speak easily.

"And how could Otto's final curtain call be without Kallen."


Even though he was operating Soul Steel's body now, he still felt his heart beating violently.

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