Kallen -

These seem to be two words printed on the soul.

Can I see Karen at the end?Or do you mean that you have a chance to save Kallen?Now that Xiao Chen has spoken!There must be a chance!

Xiao Chen's words directly ignited Otto's hope.

He forcibly suppressed his restless heart. After all, he has waited for 500 years, and he is not short of the past few years when all the scripts have been filmed.

While the two were chatting, Kiyana and Wuliangta Jizi also finished filming the rest of the plot.

The correct sequence of this plot is that Kiyana dreamed that Wuliangta Jizi became a dead man, got up from the bed and bit Kiyana.

Kiyana fled to the corridor because she was unwilling to face such a situation, and then was stopped by Siegfried in the dream and shot in the chest, and then Kiyana who woke up from the dream hit Walter's jaw.

"Oh, yes." Xiao Chen looked at Qiyana who came out of the emergency room, and said, "Is this story over?"

"Of course it's easy if I'm here!" Qiyana said with a victory gesture to Xiao Chen.

"Then trouble you to sit on this chair with your head down and pretend to be asleep. Get up as soon as I tell you."

"Huh? No problem! I'm good at this!"

Although Qiyana was puzzled, she still sat down on the chair and lowered her head.

Xiao Chen made another gesture to Walter and he came over, Walter naturally did not dare to resist Xiao Chen's order, and immediately walked in front of Qiyana.

After finishing these, Xiao Chen hid behind the unmanned camera and said, "Get up!"

Kiyana got up and hit Walter's chin with her head.

At this time, Walter seemed to be put on by a Pavanti, touched his chin with his hand, and said, "It hurts!!!"

"Lines!" Xiao Chen reminded from the side.

"Student Kiyana? What's wrong with you, are you having nightmares?" Walter recited the lines subconsciously.

Xiao Chen directed Qiyana to continue to act, said.

"Honkai Magic! Kiyana is serving dinner! Retreat! Run!"

Under Xiao Chen's command, Qiyana ran out of the range of the camera without saying a word, and Xiao Chen yelled.


Kiyana turned back and touched her unharmed head, turned around and apologized to Walter, saying, "I'm sorry, I tried too hard just now."

Walter shook his head to indicate that he was fine, Xiao Chen came over and patted Walter's shoulder, and said: "It's hard work, you go down and rest too, do you need me to provide you with some ointment for bruises?"

"No need, this is nothing at all, director, you should rest earlier." Walter said, resisting the pain in his jaw.

"En." Xiao Chen nodded, Walter touched his chin and walked in the opposite direction. After passing through a corridor, the phone rang very punctually.

Walter picked up the phone, and Einstein's rational voice came from the phone.

"How is it? Is the contact with the Herrscher of Restraint considered a success? I saw Otto also went in. You shouldn't be exposed, right?"

"Hiss—" Walter touched his chin and was embarrassed to say that he was exposed from the beginning, so he could only resist the pain in his chin and said, "You may not believe it when you say it, but I am under the law of restraint." escaped from the attack of the Herrscher of the Sky and the Herrscher of the Sky."

Einstein: "???"

Is the situation already this grim?

On the other side, in the cell of Destiny, Siegfried looked at Amber angrily, and said, "What are you doing here today? Are you sending a message to your bishop?"

Amber hesitated a little while looking at Siegfried, and said in a cautious voice: "Master Bishop asked me to show you a video."

105-105 Siegfried: What kind of human suffering is this?

105 Siegfried: What kind of human suffering is this?

In the corridor of St. Freya College, Walter spoke to the other side of the phone.

"You may not believe it, but I escaped under the attack of the Herrscher of Restraint and the Herrscher of the Void."

After hearing this answer, Einstein first showed a shocked expression, and then asked with some doubts: "Is the situation already so severe?"

"No, I was just joking, but it is true in a sense." Walter looked out the window and said.

"Oh." Einstein replied casually.

"You don't seem very surprised." Walter said with some regret.

"Have you heard the story about the wolf coming?" Einstein said, "Children's mischief is almost enough, so what is the situation?"

"My identity has been exposed." Walter became serious when he heard the words, and said.

"Oh? Did the bishop find anything?" Einstein asked curiously.

"No, when I met Otto, he shouldn't have directly suspected me. It was the Herrscher of Restraint who revealed my identity...or rather, he didn't know it was my identity." Walter thought in his head language is organized.


Einstein slowly put out a question mark and said, "What do you mean? Has the Herrscher of Restraint surrendered to the destiny?"

"No, to be correct, it should be that Destiny has surrendered to the Herrscher of Restraint." Walter said.


Einstein was even more puzzled.

Shouldn't the purpose of Mandate of Heaven be against Honkai?How could he easily surrender to the Herrscher of Restraint?

Is Otto flattened?

"Then what do you mean he didn't know your identity, or did he tell you?"

Einstein keenly discovered the meaning of Walter's words and asked.

"This...you know that the Herrscher of Constraint is a director, and he is still making a movie right now?"

Before Walter could answer this time, Einstein reacted and said, "You mean, your identity was mentioned in the movie made by Xiao Chen?"

After all, this is the old line of anti-entropy.

When Anti-Entropy was first established, they had no funds, so they planned to make a movie, slightly adapted the story of Walter's battle with Otto and made it into a movie.

The wonderful plot coupled with the explosive special effects movie was a big success.

After all, the robots used in the movies made by Anti-Entropy are all real things, and the special effects of the abilities of the Herrscher of Reason are completely performed on the spot, and they don’t even need post-processing to highlight the fact that they are real and save money.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Otto not blocking the release of the movie...

"That's right." Walter nodded.

Einstein clasped his chin with one hand and analyzed after hearing Walter's admission.

"I didn't expect that someone would follow the practice of anti-entropy and make a movie of what happened in the past, but why would he know this information? Could it be Bronya... No, I don't know about the fact that you are the leader of anti-entropy. I didn't tell Bronya, she couldn't investigate this matter with her own means... Could it be because of the induction between the Herrschers? But you are not now..."

Walter shook his head when he heard this, and explained: "Although his approach is similar to ours, there is one big difference. We made the movie when we knew everything was true, but he didn't. He It is his imagination to think that everything is illusory, so he made a movie of what has happened and what will happen."

Only then did Einstein realize that his thinking just now had fallen into several misunderstandings.

One is that Xiao Chen knows about the existence of Honkai, and the other is that the movie Xiao Chen made happened in the past.

Walter's words cleared up the misunderstanding in her thinking, allowing him to react quickly, and said: "You mean that he is unconsciously and unaware of the collapse, and is interpreting the future of this world in the form of a movie?"

"Yes, and the possibility of the future is highly reliable. I'm pretty sure this wasn't Otto's conspiracy, otherwise he wouldn't have been played around by the Herrscher of Restraint, and I'm also pretty sure that Otto wasn't just acting." Val Features nodded, said.

"...This is really interesting." Einstein took out a lollipop and put it in his mouth, and said, "If that's the case, I really want to meet this Herrscher of Restraint."

"Then you will have a chance soon." Walter said.

"Soon?" Einstein was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, and said, "Since it's the future, it's not surprising that I will appear on stage, so I also want to be an actor in this crew?"

"So it is from universal reason."

"Okay, I know about this matter. However, I am curious as to what capacity you sold me to the Herrscher of Restraint?"

"Little aunt..." Walter hesitated and said.

"Can't you make me look younger?" Einstein said with black lines all over his head, and then asked curiously: "By the way, back to the original topic, what do you think the law of restraint is? What kind of person?"

"As a human being, he behaves like an ordinary person. But as a Herrscher, he is definitely the most dangerous Herrscher, bar none." Walter said in a serious tone: "When I asked When setting the abilities of various Herrschers in the movie, he said this - the ability of the Herrscher of Restraint is very interesting, if this ability is used to eliminate the rotation of the earth, the earth can be easily destroyed."


"By the way, don't think about crusading him. He has swallowed the erosion core left over from the last era. Don't talk about the problem of being unable to fight, even if you really pay the price to destroy him, wait for us in the end It is only the end of civilization being wiped out."

Constraint and erosion?Is this the best way to destroy the world that the great cleverness came up with?

Einstein understood the meaning of Walter's words in an instant, and then said: "You wait for me to call Tesla. Since you are going to be filming, you should also need her?"

"It's too troublesome, let's move the Ark meeting room together."

"it is good."


"Master Bishop asked me to show you a video."

"What the hell is Otto up to? If you have any tricks, hurry up! I, Siegfried, won't be considered a man if I yell!" Siegfried said with a look that he would rather die than surrender.

Amber didn't say anything but just silently clicked the play button.

By the way, Otto felt that it was not enough for Qiyana to call Xiao Chen's father.

The effect of this is not very good, so Xiao Chen specially edited the appearance of Xiao Chen dating You Landale before.

So in Siegfried's view, this scene is like this...

Xiao Chen take my gun!Date a woman who looks like Cecilia!And hit my child!What human suffering is this!

106-106 Siegfried: Herrscher of Constraints, I will fight you!

106 Siegfried: Herrscher of Constraints, I'm Fighting With You!

"Jiwotou, why did you ask me to pack so many things? Even the ark used by the anti-entropy for the meeting has been moved here. Where is this going? Are you trying to pack up and run away?"

On the anti-entropy spaceship, Tesla was sorting out what Einstein wanted, while scratching his head and complaining to Einstein, said.

"Escape? If you can escape, this may be a good plan." Einstein nodded his approval of his friend's teasing, and said.

After hearing about the Herrscher of Binding, she felt that the earth was too dangerous.

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