Just when Qiyana closed her eyes and was about to face her next fate.

Xiao Chen also just walked in at this time, and looked at Teresa who rushed over with a puzzled expression, and said, "What's the big deal?"

Seeing Xiao Chen who opened the door, Teresa stiffened for a moment, then rushed up to Xiao Chen, and said, "Brother, I miss you so much!"

Kiana:? ? ?

saved!Long live Xiao Chen!

Otto: ? ? ?

I came here to see Siegfried suffer... Ah, no, it was to motivate Siegfried to be better, why did I see this scene?

What did I do wrong to deserve this?

Teresa, you don't even want to call me grandpa.

But you are willing to call a person who has no blood relationship brother, and love will disappear, right?

Sigh... Wait, it seems that Teresa and I have no blood relationship?That's all right...

122-122 Otto: Don't even think about Siegfried!

122 Otto: Don't even think about Siegfried feeling better!

"Big what?"

As soon as Xiao Chen entered the door, he seemed to hear Qiyana calling Aunt Teresa. The moment he opened the door, he saw Teresa standing in front of the door. He didn't realize what happened for a while.

"Big brother, I miss you so much!"

Teresa was afraid that Xiao Chen would find out that she really wanted to pounce on Xiao Chen, and said in a coquettish voice.

Seeing this, the person in charge came over and explained to Xiao Chen: "We are practicing vocalization. After all, Qiyana wants to call such a young child a big aunt. It will be a bit embarrassing emotionally, so I let her get used to this in advance. name."

"Oh, so that's the case." Xiao Chen nodded, just like he asked Qiyana to call him father before.Even a professional actor would inevitably laugh at this kind of thing, let alone an amateur actor like Qiyana.

At that moment, he touched the heads of Qiyana and Teresa respectively, and said, "It's hard work for you two, you have to get along well."


Teresa subconsciously lowered her head and agreed.

Kiyana also lowered her head with a sigh of relief in her heart.

The two showed shy expressions at the same time, glanced their heads aside very synchronously, and let Xiao Chen's fingers stroke their hair.

These Ottos are naturally also recorded in it.

It's just that although Siegfried's damage was not small, it also caused a lot of damage to himself...

Forget it, I'm not happy, and Siegfried won't be happy either!

"Director, why are you here? Aren't you in charge of the shooting of the Ark today?"

Otto stepped forward and asked.

"Oh? There's something going on over there. I'll let them chat with each other for a while, so I ran over to see what's going on here. How are you preparing?"

"Qiana can already call me auntie without any psychological burden!" Teresa puffed up her chest when she heard this, looked at Qiyana and said, "Don't you think so! Kiyana!"

"Yes!" Kiyana subconsciously agreed.

Then I saw Xiao Chen knelt down and touched Theresa's head, and taught: "In normal times, I still have to call her sister Qiyana, and I can't take advantage of others just because of acting, do you understand?"

"Yes, I was wrong..." Teresa admitted her mistake very simply in front of Xiao Chen, and said.

That attitude looked at Otto with a burst of envy, and secretly thought in his heart.

It would be great if Teresa had this attitude towards me anytime.

"It's not an apology to me." Xiao Chen said as he stepped aside and pulled Qiyana closer.

Theresa saw the embarrassed expression on Qiyana's face, just when she was hesitant to speak, Qiyana came over and hugged her shoulder, and said to Xiao Chen: "Don't worry! Director, I have already I'm familiar with Teresa! The joke just now is nothing at all! Isn't it! Aunt Teresa?"

"Woooooo! Kiyana!"

Kiyana!I really didn't hurt you in vain!

Hiss—I don’t seem to have hurt you.

Forget it, if you really awakened as a Herrscher, I'll beat you back lightly.

Teresa said gratefully in her heart.

"It's as long as you two have a good relationship." Xiao Chen showed a gratified smile, and said: "Okay, as long as your progress here is smooth, if there is nothing else, I should go back and see how they are..."


On the other side, Yae Kamito looked at the hesitation of several people and said.

"Time is running out, please make a decision early, I can only wait for you until tonight, if you still have no answer, I can only acquiesce that you have given up the chance to resurrect the first agent of the Herrscher."

Walter Yang shook his head upon seeing this, and said, "No need, I've already made a decision. Please revive Mr. Walter Joyce."

Yae Kamiko looked at Walter Yang and said, "Let's just say that, I can guarantee that Walter Joyce will be resurrected. But in the process of taking out the core of Herrscher and pulling Joyce out , I cannot guarantee that your body will not be affected at all."

"Hey! Are you just talking about this now!" Tesla said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's okay, I have this awareness." Walter Yang stretched out a hand to stop Tesla who wanted to continue, and said: "My body died once when my body collapsed for the second time. Now my body is pineapple pineapple (broken)! There is no way to exert the full power of the Herrscher of Reason. If there is any emergency, a broken Herrscher of Reason will not be of much help. Why don't you use me This broken body is replaced by a hero's return."

"But..." Tesla still wanted to say something, but this time he was indeed interrupted by Einstein.

"Calm down, Tesla, if you follow the Yaeko's theory, even if Yang's body can't bear it, she can strip Yang's consciousness and board it on an object, and live with a spare body like Joyce... Or simply create a body of soul steel like a certain bishop. The worst will not happen, am I right? Miss Yae Miko?"

Einstein and Yae Miko looked at each other and asked sharply.

"That's right, as expected of Dr. Einstein, your head can turn fast. Unlike a certain red-haired and irritable double ponytail, if your hairstyle is not used as a handle, I advise you to change to a smarter hairstyle. It seems that you are too naive and you are a big man, are you still going to continue to pretend to be tender?" Yae Miko said, and taunted Tesla while driving casually.

"You..." Tesla was about to explode, but he endured the thought that the two Walters would be handed over to her in a while.

"Then it's decided, I'll leave it to you after the show is over." Walter nodded and said.


On the other side, the jackal just arrived in Changkong City on the plane arranged by World Snake.

Just arrived on this land.

The jackal feels that this place is more silent than other places. Although there is a huge amount of Houkai energy, this huge amount of Houkai energy is like scattered water droplets, constantly trying to condense but being dissipated and evaporated again and again.

She looked at the sky and murmured.

"Cocolia really didn't lie to me, there really is something wrong here."

As she said that, she glanced at her phone, and she told Cocolia that she had arrived, but the other party didn't come out to greet her.

Really are……

Just as she was thinking this way, a short girl with black hair came over and asked, "Excuse me, are you Dr. Jackal? I am Ji Lin, a researcher under Cocolia, and I was ordered to welcome you here. "

"Children? Forget it, hurry up and take me to Cocolia! I really can't stay in this place for a minute!"


123-123 The most dangerous and infatuated scientist of this century

123 The most dangerous and infatuated scientist of this century

"Cocolia also sent a child to pick me up."

While looking at Ji Lin who was walking ahead, the jackal thought to himself.

"However, there seems to be something different about this child, and he is very suitable as a guinea pig for my experiment. If possible, I can ask Cocolia to bring this child over."

While the jackal was secretly plotting in his heart, Ji Lin was also secretly looking at the jackal in his heart.After she was rescued by Ulandal, she temporarily joined the team of the Immortal Blade and became a Valkyrie.

It's just that this still can't change her desire to die.

As soon as she joined the Undying Blade team, she went on to capture the jackal.

She had heard that this man called the Jackal was a very dangerous scientist, though she did not know what a scientist was.But since she is said to be very dangerous, then she should be very strong, right?

Although it seems to be full of flaws, but because there are too many flaws, she doesn't know where to start. Is this the legendary back to basics!

Being able to die under this master's hand is also a wish fulfilled!

However, she also joined the Immortal Blade team anyway.

She has to do something that her teammates should do. No matter how strong the enemy is, she must at least severely injure the opponent to create the conditions for her teammates to win!

"This way, please."

Under the leadership of Ji Lin, the jackal walked to an empty warehouse.

"This is where Cocolia is hiding? It's really chilling enough, so where is she?" The jackal asked, looking at the surrounding goods.

"Cocolia won't be here anymore." Ji Lin turned around to look directly at the jackal, and at the same time put on a fighting stance and said fiercely.

"Oh?" Jackal looked at Ji Lin with a very confident smile and began to analyze.

"The communication was cut off. One person led me to this kind of place, and my other subordinates also lost contact. It seems that I was betrayed by Cocolia. But, you should be the Valkyrie of destiny, right? Could it be Cocolia? Did you take refuge in the fate? Or, are you a traitor arranged by the anti-entropy in the fate? Or was Cocolia caught by the fate? The people of the destiny blackmailed Cocolia? No matter, how to say, only sending a little girl over Don’t you underestimate me as a jackal?”

If other people in the world hear it, they will definitely complain about you. Aren’t you a scientific researcher? Where does this confidence come from?

"Then! Please enlighten me!" Ji Lin didn't dare to be careless when he saw the jackal covered in flaws, and tried six points of strength to test the jackal.

Jackal saw a surprised expression on the face of Ji Lin who sent the message, and said, "Wait a minute!"

Ji Lin had no memory of speaking to the jackal at all, and directly slapped the jackal in the abdomen. With one move, the jackal flew upside down, vomited blood, and fell to the ground.

"You should wait for me to finish..."

After saying this, the jackal fell to the ground.


Ji Lin slowly made a few question marks.

I thought to myself, didn't you say that this scientist is a very dangerous person?Why so weak?I solved it all at once?

I still want to be beaten to death by her, but this is the end?

That's it?That's it! ! !

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