Ji Lin knelt down to check the jackal's injuries. If she hadn't modified herself a little, she would have died by now.

However, this injury did not kill him on the spot, and he would probably die soon if no medical treatment was given.

But the order of the mission is to capture alive...

Just as Ji Lin was thinking about this question, the communicator next to her ear rang, and Rita's voice came from the communicator.

"Hello? Ji Lin, can you hear me? We've already cleaned up the trash outside. How's the situation over there?"

Considering that the jackal must know the S-level Valkyrie of Destiny, and the A-level Valkyrie probably also knows it, so the reception work was taught to Ji Lin, who is a newcomer.

They are responsible for cleaning up these miscellaneous fish outside.

"The target has been silent, and there is only one breath left... Please come and treat the captain quickly, otherwise she may die in a while." Ji Lin said helplessly.

"? Didn't I want you to capture him alive? Why did you hit him so hard?" Rita said speechlessly when she heard Ji Lin's return.

"Didn't you say that the target of arrest this time is a very dangerous scientist? Although I don't know what a scientist is, since she is a very dangerous person, she should be very strong, right? But why is she so ungrateful?" Ji Lin didn't say what he wanted to think about, said.

"Okay...it's my fault this time, I didn't explain clearly to you. Lord Youlandell has already gone to your side, as for the Bishop, I will report to you."

"Bishop? I heard that he is also a scientist. Now he is fighting against the leader of Honkai. What kind of person is he?" Ji Lin asked curiously.

"He is the most dangerous and infatuated scientist of this century..."

Rita thought for a while and gave this answer.


After finishing the communication with Ji Lin, Rita dialed Otto's number and said, "Report to the Bishop, the Jackal, the cadre of the World Snake, has been captured. Do you have any instructions?"

"Well, well done. Arrange the Jackal in a nearby prison, separate from Siegfried and don't put them in the same prison." Otto nodded and instructed.

"I see, my lord bishop."

After Rita reported the situation to Otto, she began to act according to his instructions, while Otto looked at Yae Miko behind him and asked, "Have you negotiated with Anti-Entropy?"

"Well, they promised to resurrect Walter, and they will continue to assist us in the future."

Yae Kamiko walked from the door behind Otto and said.

"Resurrect Walter Joyce...it would be great if you could resurrect Kallen." Otto said under the lights behind the scenes.

"To be precise, my method is not resurrection, but to attach the consciousness of existence to the object." Yae Kamiko shrugged and said.

"I know." Otto said in a flat voice, and then asked, "Can I watch this process?"

"You? You murderer? Is this appropriate?" Yae Kamito asked in surprise, "Aren't you afraid that he will punch you after his resurrection?"

"If beating this soul steel's body can relieve him." Otto shrugged indifferently, and said with some regret: "I just want to see my friends, you know? At the beginning, I was still with the first agent Herrscher. I had a lot of conversations with him about the relationship between pen pals, about Honkai, about... Kallen."

"It's just you talking to yourself unilaterally, isn't it? Xiao Chen is probably the only person in the world who can accompany you to chat about Karen's affairs."


ps: The great inventor has gone all the way.

ps: Although I will not stop when I should persecute you, thank you for your company all the way, goodbye, Otto.

ps: I will give Otto a more complete ending in this book. Although I bid farewell to Otto in the plot, the great inventor in this book will continue to accompany us.

124-124 Walter: No one understands technology better than me

124 Walter: No one understands technology better than me

After inspecting the situation there, Xiao Chen returned to the basement of St. Freya College, stopped in front of the meeting room of the ark, and knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom—"

"Please come in."

Walter's very natural answer came from the room.

"Are you finished talking?"

I don't know why when he came to this ark, Xiao Chen always had the feeling that he was an outsider. After getting Walter's response, he poked his head out of the door and asked.

"It's over! Director, come in quickly!" Walter invited Xiao Chen in, and said.

"Ahem! Then, Mr. Walter, please help me. This is a simple operation method of the drone. You should understand it a little bit."

?Let the Herrscher of Reason understand machinery, worthy of you!

Walter complained in his heart, then patted himself on the chest and said, "Don't worry! No one knows mechanics better than me!"

"Really? I didn't expect Mr. Walter to have such a hobby as a history teacher." Xiao Chen said with some surprise: "Then leave it to you."

"Yeah." Walter nodded.

In fact, Walter didn't need to operate it at all. After all, the people who actually operate it are the people of destiny. He only needs to make simple adjustments to the unmanned camera.

Of course, what Xiao Chen gave him can also operate drones.

It's just that he is usually responsible for switching on and off drones and small signal towers, and handling... In fact, he can't be blamed. After all, this is the most cutting-edge technology of destiny. As an ordinary person, he can only turn it off.

"Thank you, director, for giving us the time to reminisce about the past." Einstein nodded his thanks to Xiao Chen.

"It's okay, I'm not an unreasonable person, besides, I was the one who interrupted your vacation time to help me film." Xiao Chen said a little embarrassed.

After all, he didn't even sign a contract with them, and he was too embarrassed to order them around.

"If you have any financial needs, you can also bring them up, and I will give you a satisfactory price."

Anyway, the money was paid by the investors behind the scenes (Otto paid).

"Well, let's talk about the contract later. To be honest, acting is also my interest, and I once participated in the shooting of a movie." Einstein said with a smile.

After the matter of Walter Joyce was finalized, she also relaxed a lot.

"Oh? Really? I didn't expect to find help from people in the industry. This is really a surprise."

"I have only participated in one movie, and I still have a gap with a professional like you, the director."

"Stop flattering each other, the two of you, let's start the show quickly! You've wasted a lot of time!" Tesla said, looking at the two who were courteous to each other.

Although she had said this and said that before, it was obvious that she was also looking forward to the resurrection of Walter Joyce.


I hope that the next thing will not cause any psychological shadow on her.

"It's true." Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, let's start quickly?"

He looked around and the dummy used for camouflage had already been placed. This side was supposed to be blacked out to keep it mysterious, as long as it looked like a human figure.


"Where did Son of God go?" Xiao Chen looked around and asked with some doubts.

"Miss Yae Miko went out to find you, didn't you meet on the road?" Einstein asked.

"No, maybe I just missed it."

After all, there is not only one route between the basement and the dormitory. It is normal for two people to take different routes one after the other and not meet each other.

"Do you need me to call her back?" Walter Young asked.

"Forget it, it's fine for her to watch over there." Xiao Chen waved his hand and said, "Let's start filming. Before we start, I want to ask everyone, have you read the script?"

"Well, Yang sent it to me yesterday." Einstein, Tesla and others nodded and said.

"What about the lines?"

Xiao Chen looked at Tesla and Cocolia, after all, they were the only ones who had lines today.

"It's nothing compared to me reciting formulas." Tesla said with a confident look.

"Of course I have written down all your orders." Cocolia nodded and said.

"Then let's get ready to start. Please come to your seats." Xiao Chen directed.

According to Xiao Chen's request, everyone stood in their usual positions. This efficiency and tacit understanding made Xiao Chen wonder if they secretly rehearsed when he left?Are the assistants all so voluptuous now?

Xiao Chen turned his head and glanced at Walter, he nodded and took out the boardwalk.


With the sound of Xiao Chen falling, the beating board sounded.

Walter Yang activated the unmanned camera for manipulation.

Cocolia stood on the high platform wearing a dark green military uniform, and said, "Everyone, according to my information, the Third Herrscher is currently being imprisoned in St. Freya College. Now is the last time to take back the Third Herrscher." Good timing! Then I will introduce the content of the plan to recapture the Third Herrscher..."

"Wait a minute...!" Before Cocolia could finish her sentence, Tesla, who was standing slightly below Cocolia, interrupted her statement: "The lord said it before! All the plans about Herrscher ! It must be approved by him! Has the leader approved this plan?"

Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he saw Tesla's acting skills, he didn't expect her to act so well, it was completely like showing his true feelings.

Her voice was also very loud, without stage fright at all. It seemed that her usual self-confidence was not a bluff.


There is no problem with the lines, and the actions just now are also qualified.

But there is a difficulty in the next plot.

That is to simulate the gravity environment.

To be precise, it is a simulated anti-gravity environment.

To be honest, this is very troublesome to perform.

After all, if it is something that actually existed, there can be a reference.

But no one has ever experienced the multi-gravity environment. Can she really simulate that feeling?

Xiao Chen was slightly worried.

The plot is still going on.

"If you're talking about the leader, isn't he right next to me?" Cocolia put her hand in front of the clone, and at the same time gave Walter Yang a wink, said.

Walter took out the amulet that Yae Miko had given him before leaving.

This is a prop that allows Xiao Chen to display part of his strength under the enchantment of divine grace. In order to show a truth, he did not tell Einstein and Tesla in advance.

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