"We are the Herrschers of Reason! Is it possible that we should succumb and collapse!"


After the voice came out, everyone fell into silence.

Then 30 people imagined Xiao Chen's strength, and they all said that Xiao Chen and the others couldn't afford to mess with them!

Although the Herrscher of Reason will not succumb to the collapse!

But Xiao Chen is also fighting against Honkai in his own way!Be our companions!How can this be called surrendering to the collapse!

We are here to help our fellows!

After careful consideration by 30 people, it was unanimously decided to set Xiao Chen as the most important person in the Herrscher of Knowledge!

As for how important it is, it's up to her to understand it!

After all, Xiao Chen is indeed very important to her. The Honkai energy originally provided by Honkai is now provided by Xiao Chen alone.

Although it was without his knowledge... But without Xiao Chen, there might be no Herrscher of Knowledge!

In this way, the Herrscher of Knowledge was born.

On the other hand, because of Fu Hua's excessive use of Yu Duchen's theory, his consciousness temporarily fell into a coma, but he was only instinctively manipulating Yu Duchen.

After the Herrscher of Knowledge went online, he immediately took control of Fu Hua's body.

After a moment of doubt, she had a recognition of herself...

I?I'm... Who's here?

right!My name is Fu Hua, and I am a warrior from the last era, an immortal from China, a Valkyrie from Heaven, and a warrior who fights against Honkai!

My most important person is Xiao Chen!

Wait, isn't Xiao Chen a Herrscher?Why is it my most important person!Does he seem to be of any help to me?But I can't seem to remember...

hateful!It must be that Yu Duchen used too much and consumed my memory!

Although I remembered everything, I only forgot the memories with the most important person!

Damn Yu Duchen!

"Concentrate! Joyce's consciousness is about to be separated!"

Yae Kamiko's voice brought the newly born awareness of the Law of Consciousness back to his senses, and said impatiently.

"I see!"

I remember that I was saving the Herrscher of Reason just now, right?He lost consciousness in an instant!Almost failed!

However, why does it feel that after waking up this time, the control over Yu Duchen has become much easier?

Sure enough, it was because I consumed the memory of Xiao Chen and I!hateful!

"Joyce, come out!" Zhibao shouted.

Separating Joyce's consciousness from 30 people also pulled Einstein's consciousness back.

"Put that consciousness into the pseudo-core I gave you before!"

After hearing the voice of Yae Shenzi, Zhibao gently put Joyce's consciousness into Yae Shenzi's preparation core with a wave of his hand.

After doing all this, she sat down on the chair behind her as if she had exhausted her strength.

It's just that everyone's attention was focused on Joyce, and no one noticed that Fu Hua's appearance was wrong.

After turning Joyce's consciousness to the pseudo-core, Walter Yang finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

Tesla helped him up, and Ulandal treated him.

Yae Kamito held a false core, and a Herrscher of Reason core asked, "Are you going to put this Herrscher of Reason core on Walter Joyce? Or on Walter Young?"

"Give that back to Joyce! Yang can no longer bear the power of the Herrscher's core!" Tesla said while supporting Walter.

"Okay, I respect your choice." Yae Kamito nodded and placed the two cores on the body in front of her at the same time, the pseudo-core on the brain, and Herrscher of Reason's core on the chest.

After doing all this, Yae Shenzi wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Okay, he should be able to wake up when his consciousness stabilizes. You can watch him here, and we won't bother you." "

Saying that, Yae Kamito got up and was about to leave.

Sitting beside Joyce's bed, Einstein turned to Yae Miko and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Yae Shenzi responded with a smile, and said: "If you want to thank, thank Xiao Chen, after all, everything can be successful with him."

"I will remember this favor." Einstein nodded, turned around and said to Fu Hua, "Thank you too, Fu Hua."

"You're welcome!" Zhibao patted his chest and said, "This little thing is nothing."


Although everyone felt that something was wrong, no one had discovered the key problem yet.

"By the way, where is the Houkai storage device I gave you?" Yae Shenzi suddenly looked at Fu Hua and asked, thinking of something.

"Oh? You mean this? It seems that the Honkai energy in it has been used up!" Zhibao said, throwing the Honkai storage.

"What!" Yae Kamito took the crystal with a shocked expression and instantly felt that he had lost a lot.

Seeing this, Otto smiled helplessly and thought about whether to remind Yae Kamito that Anti-Entropy also has a lot of Houkai reactors somewhere that can make up for her loss...

Just as he was thinking this, Einstein suddenly said: "Bishop Otto, although I won't forgive you for what you did before, thank you for your help this time..."

A complex smile appeared on Otto's face when he heard Einstein's thanks, and said.

"Let's hope we don't stand on opposite sides again, Doctor."

129-129 Strange Knowledge Added, Siegfried: Open

129 The strange knowledge of treasures has been added, Siegfried: Open the pendulum

When Einstein was taking care of Walter Joyce, the resurrection point, Xiao Chen was still filming in the underground training ground of St. Freya College.

When Yae Miko returned to the dormitory of St. Freya College, she saw Raiden Mei lying on the sofa and reading light novels with an uneasy expression on her face.

Leiden Mei, who was originally serious and ladylike, was not used to doing this kind of thing, so Xiao Chen and Qiyana were in the same room together again.

(The serious Mei can't sit still, which proves that Lei Movie is not serious!)

Although she knew it was filming, she didn't know what it was filming!

Kiyana has fallen!Xiao Chen is such a ghost again!How could this keep her from panicking!

Yae Kamiko yawned and looked at the restless Raiden Mei and said, "If you care about their affairs so much, go and have a look."

"But will I disturb them if I go to find them now?" Lei Dian Mei asked hesitantly.

Wouldn't it be great if we ran into some embarrassing scene!

"Are you going to see Xiao Chen?" Zhibao on the other side heard the conversation between the two and came in, said something curiously, and then said excitedly: "I will go together too!"


Yae Shenzi glanced at Shibao with some doubts, wondering why Fu Hua was so active today.

Although she usually has Xiao Chen secretly watching, why does she seem so active this time?Still looking happy?Could it be that she finally discovered Xiao Chen's charm?

When Walter Joyce was resurrected just now, Yae Shenzi consumed too much. Although they were all prepared materials, borrowing Xiao Chen's power would still bring her a burden. will feel tired...

This fatigue is mental fatigue. She yawned at the moment, and said to Yae Sakura in her heart: "You go with them, I want to rest for a while. By the way, I feel that there is something wrong with Fu Hua, you Be careful and wake me up if something happens."

Saying that, Yae Kamito fell into a deep sleep.

Yae Sakura temporarily took over the body and said, "Then let's go together."


Zhibao glanced at Yae Sakura and asked, "Where is the person who spoke just now? Did she go to rest?"

? !

Yae Sakura asked in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

"Huh? It's fine if you don't want to admit it." Zhibao glanced at Yaeying, and said: "Compared to this! Take me to Xiao Chen's side!"

(The tadpole has found its mother, yes)

"Oh, good..." Yae Sakura was slightly relieved seeing that Shibao didn't mean to expose her, then turned to look at Leiden Mei and asked, "Are you going?"


Mei Lei struggled a little inwardly, and finally decided to go and see what Qiyana and Xiao Chen looked like now.

Even if Qiyana has fallen, she will always guard her side!

Before the three could go out, Otto immediately followed after hearing that they were going to see how Xiao Chen and Qiyana got along.

Although he had asked Theresa to take a good video, how could Otto miss such a good opportunity!

Siegfried, wait for me!I'll update it right away!


On the other side, in St. Freya's training room, Teresa manipulated the computer and watched Siegfried played by Xiao Chen walk slowly to the training platform. This was the first time she saw Siegfried played by Xiao Chen, and she suddenly felt He complained in his heart: "How could Siegfried be so handsome!"

As she spoke, she muttered a few more words, and said with some doubts: "But then again, why is the enemy most feared by Kiana's subconscious mind is Siegfried?"

She suddenly thought of something in the middle of her speech, and said: "She must have had a hard time this year, right? I don't know what happened to the real Qiyana, and grandpa didn't let me see her, and didn't let me tell Qiyana Geoff, oh..."

On the other side of the film, Xiao Chen stood in front of Qiyana with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in his hand, and said.

"Qiana, let me be your opponent in this final battle,"

As he said that, he made a nostalgic expression and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you, maybe four years?"

"Dad!" Qiyana no longer feels repulsed by being called Xiao Chen's dad.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that Leiden Mei had just walked outside the door when she yelled this sentence...

Dad? ? ?

Are you playing this kind of play while I'm away? !

wrong!wrong!Maybe it's just a line for acting!I can't think about it!

"I... I have been looking for you!"

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