look!This line is very normal!

Before Mei Lei could breathe a sigh of relief, Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, spoke in a very unclely manner.

"Didn't I show up? I haven't seen you for four years. Have your breasts gotten bigger? Let Dad confirm..."

(This is how the official comic lines are written... Siegfried, what a ghost you are in your daughter's eyes!)

When Raiden Mei heard this line outside the door, his body instantly petrified, and his whole face turned red instantly.

Ahhhhh! ! !He said so!How could this be acting!In reality, that father would say such a thing!This must be some strange play!

How perverted that must be!You can't open it like a joke!

(Siegfried: Oh no——)

On the other side, Shibao, who had just been born and arrived not long ago, heard this sentence and began to think seriously.

Is there such a way of getting along between father and daughter?

Want to confirm the growth of your daughter after many years?

I see!learnt!

Although it has nothing to do with me!But strange knowledge increases too!

Then Zhibao looked down at himself again...

This is really a sad story.

Otto on the other side knew what was going on after watching this episode, so he suppressed the smile in his heart and told the drone to record this episode from multiple angles.

Yae Kamiko, who was watching the three from behind, looked at the state of the three and complained in his heart.

Is there a normal person in here?


"Ah owe one by one ah owe—"

"Ah, thanks—"

Under the stigmata of the Kaslana family, Siegfried sneezed several times in succession, and said, "My daughter must be missing me."


"Where did you get this self-confidence? Is it possible that he didn't think about you as a father?" The stigmata space complained, and then asked: "You don't fight anymore?"

"Stop fighting! You are so strong, what can I do!"

Siegfried lay on the snow and swayed directly.

"Every time I find a little feeling, you suddenly strengthen! How can I fight!"

Seeing Siegfried looking bad, the Stigmata Space shook his head helplessly and asked.

"What if I give you your Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment?"

130-130 Siegfried: Kevin, you don't care!The stigmata space has betrayed!

130 Siegfried: Kevin, you don't care!The stigmata space has betrayed!

"Every time I find a little feeling, you suddenly strengthen! How can I fight!"

"What if I give you your Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment?"

Seeing that Siegfried wanted to play a rogue, the Stigmata Space suddenly asked.

"Really?" A flash of hope flashed in front of Siegfried's eyes, and then he calmed down quickly, and said, "If you don't fight, don't fight! So what if I can use the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment? The Honkai Energy has no effect on you. Didn't you hang the hammer?"

"You can actually understand this? Are you really Siegfried?" Stigmata said in surprise.

"What do you mean by that!" Siegfried said a little annoyed.

"It's nothing, I just think that pigs can grow up too." Spatial consciousness shrugged helplessly.

"Alas! What do you mean!!" Siegfried became even more upset.

"What do I mean? Don't even pigs understand this?" Stigmata Space said seriously.

"Who are you calling a pig!"

Siegfried is unwilling.

Spatial consciousness spread out its hands upon hearing this, and said, "The Kaslana family has been integrated into the blood of the Honkai Beast, and they are pigs. It's okay for me to say that, just take it as me praising you from the beginning."

"So you are scolding me in the last sentence?" Siegfried was a little speechless by the statement of spatial awareness, but he still complained.

"Whatever you think." Space consciousness said indifferently ╮(╯_╰)╭.

Siegfried looked at the space consciousness's attitude of how you can hate me, itching teeth, but there was nothing he could do about it, then suddenly thought of something, and said: "You are not the stigmata consciousness of the Kaslana family. Is it? Are you scolding yourself when you say that?"

"What does the matter about his Kaslana family have to do with my Xiao Chen?"


Life discount!Can even space consciousness be betrayed these days?

Kevin, you don't care!

You don't care about the stigmata space of the Kaslana family, you have to take someone else's last name!

It's not that Kevin doesn't want to care about it. Originally, when he was wandering in the quantum sea, he would still look at the stigmata space from time to time.

But since Zieg flew in and summoned Xiao Chen, he found that the spatial consciousness was no longer under his control.

As the founder of the stigmata, he can't even enter the stigmata space now.

This immediately knocked him out of his mind. He has never encountered such a situation in his life of more than 5 years.

Couldn't even find a reason.

Kevin himself wondered why his stigmata space was out of his constraints, but he is now in the quantum sea, and there is no way to confirm the situation outside.

The whole person can only stare blankly in the Quantum Sea, unable to do anything.

(Raiden Mei: It was detected that the account was logged in abnormally in the Quantum Sea service area.)

If Kevin knew that Siegfried had polluted the Kaslana family's stigmata space, he would probably be heartbroken to find him out and hang him up.

"Take a step back, I am the management consciousness of the stigmata space, and the members of your Kaslana family are pigs, so I am also the pig officer who raises pigs." The stigmata space plausibly said.

Obviously he no longer regards himself as the property of the Kaslana family.

As he said that, he thought of something and said, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot when you interrupted me just now."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and under Siegfried's puzzled gaze, a large sword burning with flame appeared in the hand of the Stigmata Space.

"Sky Fire Sacred Judgment—"

Siegfried looked at the great sword in the hands of Stigmata Space, and said.

"Skyfire out of its sheath!"

Skyfire Unsheathing is the most famous move of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge, and it is also the most destructive move in the normal state. This rated power can also be used in the catastrophe state.The two guns are combined into one big sword, which completely releases the energy in the core of the Herrscher of Flame, reproducing a full blow from the Herrscher, and the high temperature that erupts from it can instantly vaporize the emperor-level Honkai Beast.However, except for Kevin who has the Pavanti gene and is not afraid of high temperatures, and Siegfried who has the protagonist's aura, all users of the Kaslana family who released this rated power will die together with the Houkai beast.In the past 500 years, 23 warriors of the Kaslana family died in the indiscriminate attacks of the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire.Kallen's father was one of them.

"You are not from the Kaslana family, why can you use the skyfire to unsheath?!" Siegfried said in surprise.

"You really don't think of me as a member of the Kaslana family?" Stigmata Space complained and said.

"Uh! Didn't you become a human being first?" Siegfried pointed at the stigmata space and said.

"Okay, maybe I'm not from the Kaslana family." Stigmata waved his hand, and suddenly changed his style of painting and said: "But Xiao Chen is."

"When did he become a member of the Kaslana family? Could it be that there are members of the Kaslana family in him?" Siegfried asked a little puzzled.

"As long as he marries your daughter, isn't he a member of the Kaslana family?"

The stigmata space is a matter of course.

"You are sick! You are looking for death!" Hearing this, Siegfried rushed towards the stigmata space again, and then was shot by the stigmata space with the sky fire holy judge to fly a distance of tens of meters.

Stigmata looked at Siegfried who was lying on the ground slowly walking over, and said, "Oh, it seems that you still haven't let go."

"Of course! No father in the world can watch his daughter being bullied and remain indifferent!" Siegfried got up from the ground and said, wiping the blood on his nose.

"It's really your style." Stigmata Space nodded and said, "But how can you confirm that your daughter was bullied by you? You only see a few fragments, which don't represent anything at all. You You are still as reckless as before, and you can't see the situation clearly. Haven't you noticed that since I appeared, your consciousness fragments have never peeled off?"

The words of the stigmata's spatial awareness brought Ziegfei back to his senses.

Just like what he said, since Xiao Chen appeared, there has been no peeling off of his consciousness.

When Siegfried was stunned, the stigmata space asked: "By the way, do you feel that when I shoot you with the Heavenly Fire Saint Judge, it is different from when you use it yourself?"

"It hurts more when you shoot?"

Hearing Siegfried's answer, the Stigmata Space shook his head helplessly, and said, "You are really insanely slow, so you can only experience it again."

As he said that, he raised the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment in his hand, then felt something, and said, "This is considered to be for Qiyana."


At the same time, at the training ground of St. Freya Academy.

Qiyana punched Xiao Chen.

"What a joke! Four years ago you ran away without saying anything! I ran around the world looking for you! I have already thought about it! When I see you, I must teach you a lesson Meal!"

131-131 Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment: Kevin, I'm not familiar with you, don't contact me, I'm afraid Xiao Chen might misunderstand.

131 Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment: Kevin, I don't know you well, don't contact me, I'm afraid Xiao Chen will misunderstand.

"What a joke! Four years ago you ran away without saying anything! I ran all over the world looking for you! I've thought about it a long time ago! I must teach you a lesson when I see you Meal!"

Xiao Chen was hit on the chin with an uppercut by Qiyana, and at the same time, his mind automatically filled out the familiar lines.

"Four years! Four full years! Do you know how I spent these four years?"

Me and Mei (Xiao Chen) are so happy together!At this time, Xiao Chen still didn't know that Qiyana was plotting against him.

"bang one by one"

Qiyana's punch seemed to be fast, but in fact it didn't use much strength, and it didn't hurt or itch for Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen thought that Qiyana would take the opportunity to retaliate against him for cheating him in the bureau, but she didn't expect her to show mercy.

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