enterprise she...

Could it be that she hasn't told Bai Yi what she thinks?


They thought that Bai Yi initiated the vote this time? Thinking to themselves, everyone's expressions were slightly subtle.

That is to say...

They have already decided to let Bai Yi be their commander.

However, Bai Yi still doesn't know anything?

Woohoo, Tianshou!

They have already identified the commander, and they are ready to call themselves the commander's wife.

As a result, doesn't the commander know about this?

This made them a little uneasy.

You know, with Bai Yi Xianyu's character, plus he also has the ability to stop time.

Even if Bai Yi refused to be the commander of Bai Ying, they wouldn't be surprised!

Looking at the crowd.

Businesses are also feeling a little confused.

Oh yes.

She patronized and considered the opinion of their White Eagle Ship Lady.

In the end, Bai Yi's thoughts were ignored...

Enterprise pursed its lips.

A little bit of self-blame.

However, let's be honest.

It can't be her fault either.

White Eagle has come into contact with many humans so far.

And the vast majority are high-level humans.

Say without hesitation.

If they send a signal to these people that they decide to become their mother-in-law.

It's too late for these humans to laugh.

How could you refuse?

It is also for this reason that when the company first started, it only considered the opinions of their White Eagles.

It was a default that Bai Yi would agree to become their commander.


At this moment, she also reacted.

You know, Bai Yi's character is very salty.

Most human pursuits are not attractive to Bai Yi either.

The so-called wealth and social status may not compare to the big fish Bai Yi caught...

He is such a character.


Even if Bai Yi refused, they wouldn't be surprised.

and so……

What if Bai Yi refuses?

Thinking to myself, the company also became a little nervous.

Don't tell anyone else.

Even she herself now believes that Bai Yi is her commander.

If Bai Yi refuses, then she probably doesn't know what to do...

York City: ""

Seeing that even the company was getting nervous, she was a little dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, with Master Bai Yi's character, as long as it is our wish, he will definitely not refuse~"

Hearing York City's comfort, Enterprise nodded.

Then his eyes fell on Saratoga.

Noticing her gaze, everyone also looked at Saratoga.

Little Gaga: "~?"

Why are you all staring at lovely Sister Sara?

Enterprise smiled.

"Old man, I'll leave this to you~"

Little Gaga: "??"

"Invite our "commander" here~"

Little Gaga: "???"

So, here she is...

Recalling the reason why she came to look for Bai Yi, Xiao Jiajia looked at Bai Yi's back.

Do you like White Hawk so much...?


She also likes Bai Yi the most~ she pursed her lips.

With a little jiojio wrapped in black silk rompers, she smiled like a flower and jumped up and down to catch up with Bai Yi.

The Baiying Port area is not very big.

Not to mention small.

After walking for about ten minutes (by Qian De), Bai Yi, Lafite, and little Jiajia came to Baiying's banquet hall leisurely.

Before going in, I saw the ladies of the royal ship headed by Queen Elizabeth, coming out of the banquet hall.

"Hmm, common people?"

Seeing Bai Yi, Queen Elizabeth gently waved the scepter inlaid with the crown.

Looking at that posture, it seemed that he wanted to lightly tap his head with a scepter.

However, after glancing at the girls on the Royal Ship behind her, she abruptly stopped her movements.

"Gui'an, Mr. Bai Yi~"

Beside Elizabeth, Belfast saluted slightly.

"Miss Belfast?"

Looking at Belfast, Bai Yi was slightly puzzled.

He always felt that Belfast looked at him strangely.


Is it an illusion?

He touched his chin.

It seems that it is not an illusion, right?


Chapter 109 The Tsundere Queen~

Just when Bai Yi was puzzled.

Belfast was also quietly watching him.

After a period of buffering, Belfast has gradually come to a conclusion.

That is, Bai Yi.

Big problem!

An ordinary person can make the company seriously consider whether to become the other party's wife?


Absolutely impossible!

not to mention…

An ordinary person, able to lead Lafite and the Unicorn to capture the Purifiers staying behind the Siren fleet?

Do not make jokes!

After all, if Bai Yi is really just an ordinary person, Lafite and Unicorn want to break through the obstacles of the Sirens and capture the Purifiers sitting in the rear of the Siren fleet.

This has been very difficult.

Not to mention, you have to bring a human being who has no power to restrain a chicken!

Isn't this adding difficulty to yourself in vain?

Based on this idea, Belfast believes that Bai Yi must have played a vital role in capturing the Purifiers!

This also made Belfast more and more curious about Bai Yi.

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